Bill and Tracy - Joseph P Hradisky Jr - E-Book

Bill and Tracy E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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This is a series of books on love, relationships, and the idea that you don't always have to chase after what you want in life. There are times when it finds you. There are three sets of people in life. First are the white caps. People who are always on the move. Always doing something. Next are the backwaters. People who have no intention of going anywhere or doing anything. The third are the drifters. These are people who know what they want, where they are going, and what they need to do to get there. But it is all done in its own time. Like a piece of wood lazily floating down a stream.

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Joseph P Hradisky Jr

Bill and Tracy

The Drifter Series – Book 2

I dedicate this to my wife, Terri, and to all those who never stop trying to find what they want to do in life.BookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich

Bill and Tracy

Bill and Tracy



The Drifter Series – Book 2



By Joseph P Hradisky Jr









 This is a series of books on love, relationships, and the idea that you don’t always have to chase after what you want in life. There are times when it finds you.









I dedicate this to my wife, Terri, and to all those who never stop trying to find what they want to do in life.









It is so much fun discovering what you can do that you thought you never could.









There are three sets of people in life. First are the white caps. People who are always on the move. Always doing something. Next are the backwaters. People who have no intention of going anywhere or doing anything.









May you all drift your way to success.









Look for this book, paperback version, at






Tracy pulled into the ancient parking lot between the railroad bridge and the car bridge at Salmon Creek in Myers, New York. Turning off the headlights Tracy let her eyes adjust to the night. For a moment she was disappointed with the amount of light coming from a nearly full moon. Only for a moment before she got out of the car. If someone saw her so be it. It had been a long time since she took a midnight swim in the crick. A naked swim in the crick. At least for a short period of time she would be completely free. Completely free.


Tracy made her way down the path to the rocky creek bed. At the water she took two steps in to feel the temperature of the water. It was perfect. Not too cold but not warmer then good bath water. Smiling she moved back onto the shore where she let her terrycloth robe fall to the ground. Stepping out of her sandals she made her way back into the water. By the time her breasts were floating she could feel her body unwinding from the long week she had just gone through. The only good part of the week was when she got a call from Amanda to have some healthy, free for all sex to get over her fiancé who just dumped her for another woman.