Captured Incest: Taboo NC BDSM Erotica - Richard Dempsey - E-Book

Captured Incest: Taboo NC BDSM Erotica E-Book

Richard Dempsey

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

God! she screamed mentally to herself. Why wasn't she as frightened as she was a few moments ago? Surely it wasn't possible that she could actually enjoy this degrading situation with this total stranger! But... wait a minute! Hadn't she read somewhere that it was impossible to resist sexual stimulation if there were no other choices available? In other words, since she couldn't close her legs or escape Buck's vise-like grip, her feminine organs, the organs designed to deliver the utmost in sensual pleasure were being subjected to the most effective and arousing stimulation possible: close and heated contact with the blood-filled cock of a fully aroused male!

Could she resist?

Yes! Yes! Mary told herself. She would resist! She must resist! It was wicked! After all, she was practically being raped!
But... another voice deep from within the deep layers of her repressed psyche was calling out to her with quite a different message...

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Captured Incest

Richard Dempsey

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents



















While not consciously bragging of her well-endowed body, silken smooth hair flowed with a sensual radiance over her perfectly hewn shoulders, over the round, ripe, juicy mounds of her melonish breasts, exposed only the blood-red peaks of her exquisite nipples. The curve of her wasp-waist curved gracefully inwards, setting off the flaring femininity of her hips to irresistible advantage. The dark, alluring vee of her naked pubis glistened in clean perfection and her long, tan tapering legs set off her body perfectly.

Mary's mother was on the east coast, visiting relatives, and Ed had decided that the summer would be a perfect time to go rafting on the wild and rural Black Snake River in Idaho. Within a few hours, Mary, her father, and her twenty-two year old brother, Sam, would leave their comfortable suburban home in California and journey into a wild, strange, and foreign environment.

In the garage, Ed Stevens was busy making last-minute preparations for the rugged trip, and presently, he had inflated his wood-lined raft to check for holes.

Ed had taken great pains to prepare for a trip, which he had correctly guessed would be a rough and rugged excursion for three people who had been used to living the "good life."

Ed had invested in the most expensive outdoor equipment, from three-hundred dollar down-filled sleeping bags to the wide-track tires on his winch-equipped four-wheel drive vehicle. His intention was to camp out each night along the river bank. He had made arrangements to have his jeep stored at a small town down river and driven to the most turbulent section of the rapids by a company which specialized in transporting rafters from one place to another. Outside of this brief contact with humanity, Mary, Ed, and Sam would be on their own.

Ed Stevens was in good shape for his age. His swarthy, rugged looks gave him a virile, youthful appearance, and many people mistook him for a man half his age. As he took the raft outside to water it down with the garden hose, he glanced upwards to the second story window of Mary's bedroom. His eyes popped wide open in amazement as he beheld the unguarded and totally naked body of his unprotected daughter as she stood before the mirror!

For an instant, he beheld the gorgeously appointed body of the unclothed female, not as the body of his daughter, but as the body of a woman, a total object of sexual desire!

Never in his life had Ed ever guessed that such lovely swells and curves lay beneath Mary's clothes, and he felt a strange, aching desire pulse through his testicles as Mary turned to reveal the deep, fleshy cleft of her naked buttocks!

Mary turned towards the window, and, as she glanced down on the lawn, she was amazed to see her father staring straight at her! For a moment, she saw a look on her father' face she had never seen before; it was a strange, leering look, a look of a man who was gazing upon a sexual irresistible female!

Ed suddenly caught hold of himself, as he suddenly realized that Mary had caught his gaze, and instantly turned to the water spigot, as though he had not beheld the forbidden sight of his naked daughter.

Mary quickly drew the drapes and tried to analyze what had just happened; her own father had gazed upon her naked body! The thing which concerned her the most, which preyed most on her mind was that look in his eyes! But there was nothing to be done about it now. Mary decided that the best way to handle the situation at present was to simply proceed as though nothing had happened. It was one of those awkward human situations where perhaps silence was the best answer. The best thing to do was to forget about it, after all, maybe she was over-reacting a little bit; maybe she had just imagined that look in her father's eye; maybe he didn't even see her at all. The best thing to do now was to get ready to have a good time on the rafting trip.


Mary's brother, Sam was a strapping, blonde-haired young man with a body like a Greek god. He greeted the bright morning light streaming through his window with squinting eyes; he had stayed out very late last night, and had just a little too much to drink. Sam suddenly remembered that he had to leave today on the rafting trip and staggered groggily to his bathroom to shave.

Mary had gotten dressed and hurried swiftly down stairs as she heard the doorbell ring.

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