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Jesus went to Nazareth, where he had been educated; and it entered, according to the his usual, of Saturday in the synagogue and he got up to read. The roll of the prophet Isaia was given him; opened it found it the passage. Then it rolled the volume, it delivered it to the attendant and he sat.The brief passage of the Gospel of Luca delineates the correct liturgical practice through which to draw near to the Sacred Writing according to the Jews. A representation that reveals elements and role of the synagogue in relationship to the teachings of Jesus, gone however lost in the routine and in the memory of the Christian churches.A rediscovery and a proposal of renewal of the Christian religion on the base of the Jewish roots, for to find again herself through the gestures accomplished by his founder.
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2015
Editions Youcanprint
Title | Christ and the synagogue
Author | Cinzia Randazzo
ISBN | 9788891180469
© All the rights reserved to the author
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Editions Youcanprint
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1. The synagogue, image of our local churches: place of the cult «of Saturday» and not of market
1.1 The role of the synagogue in the Jewish tradition
1.2 Elements that founds the cult of the synagogue in the texts of the ancient Testament
1.3 The cult of the synagogue for the Jewish teachers
2. The role of the synagogue in the tradition of the new Testament
2.1 The teachings of Jesus
2.2 The new cult «of Saturday» in the synagogue, image of our local churches
2.3 Formality and liturgical elements of the synagogue
Bibliography essential
What was it in origin the synagogue, what was to the times of Jesus and thing has become today? The volume crosses again and it investigates the historical-cultural process that it takes start from the first synagogues, understood as place of reunion of devoted people to the prayer, created herself after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, and it reaches the construction of fit buildings to these meetings of type religious. Through a liturgy of the synagogue made of recital and oral transmission, attentively described inside the text, the chosen people of God submits himself to the commandments and to the divine will for to have in change a material prosperity.
It is really the synagogue to as place of liberation to be chosen therefore from every evil, in how much it is there that the horizontal dimension of the new cult of the Saturday fully realizes herself. The synagogue becomes a place of physical and spiritual salvation, reason for which has been founded, and are really the words of the Gospel to remember it to us in the moment in which the child of God chases the merchants from the temple, understood as house of prayer and teaching and not of slanders, of frivolities and of sin. The churches are called therefore from Jesus to be living images of the synagogue through the guide of the priestly figure. It is the figure of Aronne, broadly developed in the volume, to be central for the edification of the new priests, whose permanent consecration to God has the purpose to guard the sanctuary, to teach the Sacred Writing and to offer sacrifices, "living every day the cult of Saturday or the pleasant spiritual cult to God."
The priest so it becomes image of that eternal relationship of love that his Child consumed before of the creation of the world (Saturday primordial) and also of total donation to God (Saturday soteriological), fully realizing his cult of the Saturday. In such way the priest anticipates on the earth the Saturday of the salvation, what it will consume itself at the end of the world, when the men will eternally contemplate the wonders of God. To a different perception of the synagogue in the Christian churches it places itself side by side a liturgy dissimilar kind in the respects of the sacredness of the biblical text, elements that determine difficulty in the relationships with the Hebrews. The priest's subjection to the Sacred Writings is underlined by a series of shrewdness and attitudes on the model than is described in the Gospels. It is the same Jesus, though Child of God, to receive the Word of the Father of the sacred text from an attendant, a reading that happens through the rolls of the Law and in language aramaica. In the Christian churches the sacredness of the Writings seems to have come less in front of the direct approach of the priest to a book that lies on the lectern, to the mercy of everybody and of the degradation, and of a reading and a sermon in Italian language.
The reintroduction of the roll, of the language Aramaic for to read and to preach the word of God, of musical tools present in the Jewish synagogues to the time of Jesus, over that of other tools and shrewdness to the reading actions to physically safeguard the sacred text, it is in the proposal of the volume. The objective is not alone that of to reapproach itself to the Jewish brothers but also of to recover the true Christian roots of the origins, or rather the ancestral roots Jewish, so that to make the liturgy the most possible contemporary to its environment of origin. A proposal that is not able to encounter herself with the practice of the priesthood today and with the liturgical elements and the formalities predisposed by the Council Vatican I and II. A challenge of certain to the system and an opportunity of thickness of comparison and debate for the individualization of passages of renewal in the liturgical environment.
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