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In the present paper the author deals with the mystery of the Logos' release first on the timeless and then on the temporal level.Starting from an analytical reading of the apocryphal and patristic texts of the first four centuries, the author illustrates the traits concerning the modalities, through which the Logos first emerges from the Father's and then from Mary's, thus detecting the relative effects that if they produce it.
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2017
I. Approach modal: the traits relating to the exit of the Logos and their relationship
1.1. For will of the Father and of the Son
1.1.1. Dimension non temporal
1.1.2. Dimension temporal
1.2. For potency divine: the motive of the light
1.2.1. Dimension non temporal
1.2.2. Dimension temporal: the light ethereal
1.3. For emission
1.4. For expression
1.5. For emanation
1.6. For production and procession
1.7. For unction
1.8. As the dew
1.9. As the rain
1.10. As earth arid
1.11. Through the childbirth before the pains
1.12. The purity of the Mary's body
1.12.1. From the Mary's body
1.12.2. Through the bridegroom. Joseph
1.12.3. Through the Holy Spirit's action
1.13. The silence cosmic
II. Dimension effective: the traits relating to the result of the exit of the Logos and their relationship
2.1. The integrity ontological of the Fathers.
2.2. The mediation in the creation
2.3. The singularity and the propagation of the light divine
2.4. The birth of the Verb as the sin's suppression
2.5. The birth of the Verb as the purity
2.6. The birth of the Verb as the eternity of the descendants
2.7. The birth of the Verb as the elevation human
2.8. Integrity of the Spirit, of the Mary and of the Logos
2.9. The form human of the Verb: the integrity
Identity of the relationship between the modalities non temporal and temporal and among the relating effects.
Youcanprint Self-Publishing
Title | The "exit" of the Logos: modalities and effects in the patristic texts of the first 4 centuries a.C.. Identity of the relationship between the modalities non temporal and temporal and among the relating effects.
Author | Cinzia Randazzo
ISBN | 9788892659827
Prima edizione digitale: 2017
© Tutti i diritti riservati all’Autore
Youcanprint Self-Publishing
Via Roma 73 - 73039 Tricase (LE)
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This new study by Cinzia Randazzo gives a good systematic introduction into the relation between the various ways, the fathers have conceptualized the generation of the Logos and the birth of Jesus. In the past, both topics were often dealt with separately, as the first fell into the Trinitarian debate (or that of the relation between Father and Son), while the second was discussed in the light of the Christological controversies. As the junction of the two topics through the centuries is a vast area of research, it is one of the achievements of this study to have given the research community an entry into it.
London 6-11-2014
Prof. Markus Vinzent,King’s College London.
This contribution is born out of the fact that the studies done in field patristic on the thematic of the Logos and on the person of Jesus orbit in the first case more on the notions relating to the entity of the Logos and to his characteristics,1 while in the second case on the sense theological-salvific of the coming of Jesus and of his death,2 as well as on that one eschatological and anagogical.3 Six studies interesting, where the authors are about to grasp the relationship that subsists between the exit of the Logos in the sense non temporal and the exit of the Logos in the sense temporal, are those ones of DALEY, of XIA, of SPOERL, of BATHRELLOS, of YARNOLD and of BEBIS4 according to whom such relationship stays in the concept of the indivisibility and of the inseparability. From such studies we set out to give a further contribution about the thematic of the relationship between the begetting of the Logos and the birth of Jesus always in field patristic, limitedly to the arc of time of the first 4 centuries of the Christian era, non excluding the references to the literature apocryphal New Testamentary and to some texts gnostic christian.
From such premise, the present study proposes, through an analysis of the texts relating to Mary and to Christ in the first four centuries of the Christian era, to illustrate, from a side, the modalities that permit to the Logos to distinguish oneself from the Father - trying to specify the relationship that exists between the action of the begetting and the formalities that implicate such relationship - and, from the other, the effects that gush from such relationship.
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