Colonel Colonel - Joseph P Hradisky Jr - E-Book

Colonel Colonel E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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Whether it is a sport, or the work place, or where ever there is a time when you have to meet your opponent at the same level they are playing. If they are following the rules then you play fair. But if they are not following the rules then you need to go to their level and make them aware you are so much better, still, then they will ever be. No matter how dark.   Welcome to the dark side.

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Joseph P Hradisky Jr

Colonel Colonel

Wired for Peace - Book 4

I dedicate this book to all those who have made it their task to not only fight the bullies but make them go crying to their mommy.BookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich

Colonel Colonel

Colonel Colonel







Wired for Peace

Book 4



By Joseph P Hradisky Jr

Whether it is a sport, or the work place, or where ever there is a time when you have to meet your opponent at the same level they are playing. If they are following the rules then you play fair. But if they are not following the rules then you need to go to their level and make them aware you are so much better, still, then they will ever be. No matter how dark.


Welcome to the dark side.

I dedicate this book to all those who have made it their task to not only fight the bullies but make them go crying to their mommy.



This is a work of fiction. None of the characters resemble any persons living or dead.



This is the property of Joseph P Hradisky Jr – all rights reserved


Here are my other books


The Mage - Ithaca Saga Book 1


The Fighter - Ithaca Saga Book2


Dragons of South Hill Parts 1 and 2



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