Dorian White - Joseph P Hradisky Jr - E-Book

Dorian White E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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When everyone else is turning away it is time for someone to stop. And the time is now.   A true warrior does not want war. Yet they know it is their job to defend those who can't, or won't, from those who would enslave all. Peace is never free but is bought with blood and sacrifice.   Here are my other books The Mage - Ithaca Saga Book 1 The Fighter - Ithaca Saga Book2 Dragons of South Hill Parts 1 and 2

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Joseph P Hradisky Jr

Dorian White

No More Turning Away

Joseph P Hradisky Jr grew up in Lansing, NY and attended Lansing High School. Graduating in 1979 he then went on to serve 4 years in the U S Air Force. Currently he resides in Montour Falls, New York and is married to Teresa (Simpson) Hradisky. They have two sons, Alec and Ian. Joseph attended, and graduated from, Ithaca College with a Bachelors Degree in Accounting along with a minor in writing. [email protected] GmbH & Co. KG81371 Munich

Dorian White


Dorian White



No More Turning Away











Wired For Peace Series – Book 5





By Joseph P Hradisky Jr








When everyone else is turning away it is time for someone to stop. And the time is now.




I am not perfect so my translations will not be either. But I am brave enough to try. If you would like to help make it better please contact me at [email protected] – Thank You for your support.




This book is dedicated to my wife – she fills my days with lots of hugs, kisses, and nibbles.




This is a work of fiction. None of the characters resemble persons living or dead



All rights reserved.



This book is sole property of Joseph P Hradisky Jr





A true warrior does not want war. Much as a Fireman does not want a fire. Yet they know it is their job to defend those who can’t, or won’t, from those who would enslave all. Peace is never free but is bought with blood and sacrifice.