Everyday Prayers for Everyday People - Stephen W. Hiemstra - E-Book

Everyday Prayers for Everyday People E-Book

Stephen W. Hiemstra

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God’s mercy carries us day in and day out. His love comes to us everyday through simple things—unexpected beauty in a garbage heap; encouragement from a stranger; sunshine bursting through a thunder-shower. Is it any wonder that the Apostle Paul admonishes us to pray without ceasing? (1 Thes 5:17) In doing so, we model what was first modeled to us. Prayer might be called the language of the heart. Yet, because emotion and thinking are inseparable in the biblical tradition, our heart’s language is both highly emotive and deeply theological. And because our identity is in Christ, our heart’s language is also both immanent and transcendent. The Holy Spirit is both the author and recipient of our prayers. Even ordinary prayers can do extra-ordinary things. This book, Everyday Prayers for Everyday People, assembles 99 weekly prayers composed from September 2016 through September 2018 by author, Stephen W. Hiemstra. These prayers have been organized into a dozen topics: presence and protection, faith, church, Sabbath rest, adoration, healing, holidays, strength, family, intercession, seasons, and lamentations. The single longest topic is holidays with fourteen prayers. Hear the words; walk the steps; experience the joy! Author Stephen W. Hiemstra (MDiv, PhD) is a slave of Christ, husband, father, volunteer pastor, author, and speaker. He lives with Maryam, his wife of 30+ years, in Centreville, VA and they have three grown children. The cover shows an image of Threadpainting; “Sisters” (2005) by Sharron Deacon Begg of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Other books by author include: A Christian Guide to Spirituality Una Guía Cristiana a la Espiritualidad My Travel Through Life Oraciones Prayers Life in Tension Prayers of a Life in Tension Called Along the Way Spiritual Trilogy Visit T2Pneuma.com for more details.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2018

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Other Works by Author



1. Presence

2. Against Entropy

3. Disappointment

4. Full Presence

5. Praying for Fruit


6. Steady Hand

7. Prayer Journey

8. Discernment

9. Cloudy Days

10. Potter

11. A Risk Manager's Prayer

12. Faith

13. Prosper Faith

14. Dialogue

15. Love

16. Today

17. Transcendence

18. Forgiveness


19. Baptism

20. Faith of the Newly Baptized

21. Confessional

22. Stewardship

23. Reconciliation

24. Passion for Missions

25. Collect for a God Who Listens

26. New Churches

27. Evangelists

28. Beginning and Ending

29. Unity

30. Prayers of the People


31. Rest

32. Congruity

33. Thanks for Restoration

34. Quiet Times

35. Peace

36. Shalom

37. Self-Care


38. Holy Spirit

39. Memories

40. All Forgiving Lord

41. Praise

42. Giving Thanks

43. Adoration


44. Healing from Sin

45. Healing

46. Casting Out Dark Shadows

47. Healing, Comfort, and Deliverance

48. Co-Dependent


49. New Year's 2017

50. Lent

51. Lent 2018

52. Church Workers at Easter

53. Easter

54. Moms

55. Mother's Day 2018

56. Father's Day

57. Thanksgiving

58. Evangelists

59. Advent 2016

60. Advent 2017

61. Christmas 2016

62. Christmas 2017


63. Family

64. Family 2017

65. Kids

66. Elderly Parents


67. Election 2016

68. Innocent Students

69. Silent People

70. Teachers

71. Persecution

72. Authors

73. Comfort for Those Alone

74. Those in Peril

75. Memory Impaired

76. Traveling Mercies


77. Open Doors

78. January

79. Tulips

80. Spring

81. Summer

82. When Daylight Fades

83. Attentiveness

84. Autumn

85. Winter

86. Stillness of Winter


87. Covering Prayer

88. When We are Alone

89. Dimmer Lights

90. Grief

91. Cooler Weather


92. Workouts

93. Thanks for Quiet Days

94. Doldrums

95. Solitude

96. Relief

97. Strength

98. Vindication

99. Living Water





Start of Content




Stephen W. Hiemstra

Other Works by Author

A Christian Guide to Spirituality

Una Guía Cristiana a la Espiritualidad



Life in Tension

Prayers of a Life in Tension

Called Along the Way

Spiritual Trilogy




Copyright © 2018 Stephen W. Hiemstra.

All rights reserved. With the exception of short excerpts used in articles and critical review, no part of this work may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in any form whatsoever, printed or electronic, without prior written permission of the publisher.

T2Pneuma Publishers LLC

P.O. Box 230564, Centreville, Virginia 20120


Names: Hiemstra, Stephen W., author.

Title: Everyday prayers for everyday people / Stephen W. Hiemstra.

Description: Centreville, VA: T2Pneuma Publishers LLC, 2018.

Identifiers: 978-1942199595 (ePub) | LCCN 2018910348

Subjects: LCSH: Prayers. | Christian life. | BISAC: RELIGION /

Christian Life / Prayer

Classification: LCC BV245 .H52 2018 |DDC 242.8–dc23

Edited by Reid Satterfield.

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, Copyright © 2000; 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Gratefully acknowledge permission to use the following:

Prayers blogged (http://www.T2Pneuma.net)

from September 2016 through September 2018.

Threadpainting; “Sisters” (2005) by Sharron Deacon Begg of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.


Cover design by SWH


1. Presence

Heavenly Father,

We praise you for your quiet presence—

sustaining all creation and

nurturing it with your love.

Though darkness surrounds us and

the fear of death overwhelms us,

you cover us with the blood of Christ—

your hedge of everlasting protection.

Cover our sin when our judgment lapses

and we cannot admit our transgressions,

even to ourselves.


you are the Almighty One—

you do not share our weaknesses and

we can rely in your goodness,

even when we walk alone down dark paths.

In the power of your Holy Spirit,

grant us strength to model

your presence and goodness

to those around us.

In Jesus' precious name, Amen


2. Against Entropy

Most Merciful Father,

I praise you

for your unchanging character,

your immutability in the face of erosion, pain, and death—

for your love conquers all,

from the sting of war

to the impurity of common dust

that brings disease, biting insects, and filth.

I confess

that I pale in the presence of even tiny obstacles and

fear is my constant companion.

Forgive my timidity and cowardliness,

as strength fails me.

In the power of your Holy Spirt,

instill in me your wisdom and

strength to face the day

that I might minister to those around me and

find the courage to live the life that you intended.

In Jesus precious name, Amen.


3. Disappointment

Heavenly Father, Beloved Son, Spirit of Truth,

All praise and honor be unto you,

Lord of my coming and going,

the one whom I can truly trust.

I confess that some days my heart is broken and

none but you will do—

for my sins are too numerous and

my trust in others is too fleeting for my heart to bear.

Thank you for giving me a new day and

for bearing me up

so that I can face new trials and

know that you are closer than my beating heart.

Be my North Star once again.

In the power of your Holy Spirit,

grant me strength for the day,

grace for those I meet, and


In Jesus precious name, Amen.


4. Full Presence

Almighty, Ever-present Father,

I praise you for your constant presence in my life.

For neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers,

nor things present nor things to come,

nor powers, nor height nor depth,

nor anything else in all creation,

will be able to separate me from your love

through Jesus Christ. (Rom 8:38–39)

But I confess that I have trouble being fully present

in the lives of the people around me—

too often I am tired, distracted, and inattentive,

not reflecting your example.

Nevertheless, I give thanks

that you are patient with me and

speak gently to me even when I stray.

In the power of your Holy Spirit,

teach me once again what I must do and

grant me the strength to do it.

May your grace shine through me and

may I experience the peace

that passes all understanding. (Phil 4:7)

In Jesus' precious name, Amen.


5. Praying for Fruit

Almighty Father, Beloved Son, Ever-Present Spirit,

I praise you

for your model of a life well-lived

in your son, our savior, Jesus Christ.

May his example remain ever-present before my eyes,

his voice ever-sounding in my ears, and

the touch of his hand ever-warming my shoulder.

I confess

that I am too easily seduced

by the works of the flesh—

“sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality,

idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy,

fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions,

envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these.”

(Gal 5:19-21)

They are continuously before my eyes in the media and

I am slow to turn my head in revulsion—

forgive my sloth.

I give thanks

that you are a God of

second, third, and fourth chances—

may I soon stop trying your patience.

I ask Lord,

kindle in me the fruits of your spirit—

“love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness, [and] self-control” (Gal 5:22-23)

that I might inherit your kingdom and

walk in your ways

all the days of my life.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.
