Freedom or Death - Markus Sabo Gabriel - E-Book

Freedom or Death E-Book

Markus Sabo Gabriel



This book covers the planned destruction of the Patriot Movement in the United States and the main reasons that caused it. The author will demonstrate how easy it was for the Plutocrats to divert this vital patriotic reactionary movement against communism into nationalism and even national socialism. By supplying demagogues and counter intelligence, to take it over. It contains furthermore a perspective on the Crown-Virus that started in 2020 and how mankind should face the threat of the new age, the Era of Technocracy. The reader will learn that the few very important concepts in this book are enough to shake the foundation of the corrupted establishment of this world. Its solidity is founded on images and illusions.

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Seitenzahl: 168

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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Markus Sabo Gabriel – Freedom or Death The Destruction of the Patriot Movement

At the Edge of Time

I The Destruction of the Patriot Movement

Patriotic Destruction

Irish Heartbeat

Counter Intelligence

Shock Troops


Micro Shock Troops

The Trump Trumpet

Deep Snowy Paranoia

Labyrinthine Dogmatrix

The Jones O' Brien Complex


II The Idiocy of the Unjust

The Idiocy of the Unjust

Now, Then and the Fiction

Vaccination and Food are Weapons

III Freedom or Death at the Edge of Time

Before the Edge of Time

Morals of Mankind

Reversion of Marxism

Four Pillars

The Nefilim

Be like Water and Fire Walkers

The Dreams of the past and the other Kingdom

At the Edge of Time

Through all the ages, the enslavement of mankind, the truth was carried, like a subtle wind slipping through the holes of tyranny. This wind of revelation survived and after millennia metamorphoses into a heavy storm blasting the call for freedom.

Human history has been so far an endless tragedy full of myth, smoke and mirrors. And every generation failed to comprehend the mistakes of its past generation and continued, following the same patterns, that led to misery and wrongfulness.

By means of destruction and consolidation the hidden hand that formed all this chaos and confusion, managed to manipulate us closer and closer towards an interlocked worldwide machination that works clockwise. The nightmare of the old sages and folk sayings, even the words of the witness of the end-times as written in the bible, is played out right in front of our eyes. The Deceiver of mankind comes with a smokescreen of proportions and in a fashion and perfect planning which is breath taking. Measures that could only be concocted in the wickedness of the worst of evil minds, or the one all absorbing minister of malediction. For this force of true evil is not here to make any concessions, it is all around us and all absorbing. And we all will have to face it, whether conscious of it or not. Whether we are awake or asleep. The time for making a decision has come, there are two choices freedom or death. Nothing in between is offered, for the legions of death are in the total and freedom is just a choice.

However there was this storm in the background of souls and the unknown of the subconscious collective mind of mankind, which prepared the legacy for all those that went before us and tried to go against this end. Time after time and age after age, there have been uprisings against this system of mortification. But the heroes were buried like falling trees that leave no sound nor trace. Indeed very few survived the telling of time and even those that survived all the covering, are just dim reminders of the dreams of the past, an endless story of victories that were fought for unrighteousness over the just and righteous.

For all of you that are without courage for the fact that we seem to be outnumbered and the enemy might be in a better position or planning, let it be said that their dealings can be calculated but our intuition and genius cannot possibly be foreseen.

At the edge of time. We are here now in the present. But are we aware of all what happened, its reasons, its ramifications? How did we get to this point? For if we were, we would act different and there would be another tune of world history right now.

Over centuries Britania was prepared to be the center for the New Age to come. So the Scottsman Hammer by the name of William Wallace, could only be a very inconvenient obstacle in the minds and hearts of the past rulers, they were determined to raise the sails of future generations. This far back goes this planned conquest of what our generation now is to be witness. A unification and isolation of Scotland in a patriotic way would have been shattering or at least would have produced vast difficulties, for the ambitions of the cabal.

In the times of Napoleon and with his punishment of exile, which was to be seen as an act of “mercy” by the elite that dominates this world until today, by the name of Britania; the decisive crossroad was passed for the western world. People that pretend to be generous and of a character of fair play, when behind the scenes this very elite has made the decisions that paved our ground. But like a banker its all just a suite they wear, to pretend to be something which they clearly are not. But the crossroad was crossed with the end of Bonaparte or even during his reign, the west undertook the path to abolish the old system of rulership by an upgraded system of concealed rulership. Where the crowns and titles were to be switched by the impressions of a new deal for freedom, by actors in ties and suits. This move and revolution, or planned evolution was finished with the fall of Adolf Hitler. After WW II a complete new world was to be formed, after the destruction of this bold undertaking.

And most of the kings were in the end just pawns in the hands of the masters of destruction, and chao et ordo. And every leader that came to the scene who knew that it was Britania who ruled for so long the destiny of the world, especially in France had to be replaced. For the Frenchmen have always been suspicious not without justification of that very British elite.

My inspiration for this work is, that it is needed right now and in the near future, to lay a foundation, for the right decisions and actions to be made, by all those that are in hope for a better future and salvation. And also are willing to work towards freedom and salvation.

So I will try to formulate the many ideas that come into my mind into something that is more than powerful.

It shall be a manifestation for what was written into the stars and has no words to be mentioned properly; much more than an uprising, rebellion or revolution. But a last stand against everything that went wrong forever.

Ignorance killed the truth, Ignorance murdered truth throughout the time, so much happened but the ignorance of the people still remains and kills everything, it is truly the root of all evil with respect to the knowledge of Plato.

How much attention is given to babies and we were given when we were kids? But as we grew up, we became less and less important. We have become a wheel in a corrupt structure. Just to serve and fulfill our own supposed destruction. We are doing it by consenting to be nothing and worthless, and ignorant. When just like when we were born, we are still unique and powerful, we are giving our power into a vacuum to be absorbed, into some miraculous power-vacuum, which absorbs society. But everyone counts and every single voice does so. Every thought and action can be put into a wide ocean for the benefit of all, without being forced to do so. And everything in the world is done to prevent you the individual, to be unique and worthy and self-confident, that would be the end of main-stream corruption.

We live in the “Victimized Society”, but we have been living in such forever and ever. We are supposed to put our sacrifice onto the altar to be burnt by furious psychopaths, that long for nothing more than for the lust of torturing and suppressing the people.

And just in the same way an automation is used, people get used as automation, by the elite, which is full of such characters, who in a natural order of things would be subjected to being sorted out and rightfully being ignored by the people.

The self proclaimed friends of mankind organized into fraternal orders, can state that their goal is really:

“We believe in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man!”

“We take good men and make them better men.”

False statements made by members of the order of the Eastern Star, belongings of Astarte and her principles and not of their supposed fellow-humans, which they pledge to serve. It is all but a show for those that are subjected into such circles to be corrupted and for those outside that might be dazzled by just looking with interest, into such carefully from the outside into the inside hidden circles. Your getting the point.

For everything that needs to be done in the dark is to be condemned by the outsiders, so they better not know of it. It is all just “Royal Faggotry”, all their proceedings and the costumes they put on.

After much talk about the so called “Illuminati” and their secrets, it has become a fashion, that stars are shown, who allegedly expose this construct of which is little known, but really just take it and distort it into all directions. Those that are part of that organ had to act because, more and more information about that secret formation comes into light. One good example is the comedian Jim Carrey. But its not a comic anymore if you misinform and mislead people in the way this character does. It is clearly made to disable the mind. He takes a serious topic and leads it into fake and pseudo-notions, for dummies these thoughts, appear to be intelligent, but for the awake it is ridiculous and absolutely disgusting. It does not lead to any information that the mind could absorb to learn from it. He makes a big joke of a serious question and darkens it with false notions. Remember the song “Light in me” by Burnell K. Herring Jr., the guy represents those in power and into the face of the uninformed listener he preaches the gospel of the sinners. Everything that was forbidden by our Lord and Savior. An instinct of enlightened predators, that are really drinking blood and are cannibalistic.

Because in the kingdom of the BEEqueen, you have to take a side either you are a bee or a drone, there is nothing in between, not all along the so called watchtower, not in our time not in any age. Bureaucracies and officers have replaced the old buffers of the knights in older times.

Just similar to India with its caste-system, we are living in the west in a society that is dominated by the caste. The only way to rise to an upper caste is to compromise to corruption or adapt to chaos and conformity. Their is a big difference between being a part of the Astor aka Astarte dynasty or been born into a slum, or entering a country as immigrant.

Because those that live in mansions, and have people subjected underneath them, that do all the work and supply them with all they need, have a complete different worldview and look downwards towards the rest of humankind, who are to them really just “peoples”, or clearly spoken nothing. There is an absolute class-system established in the west, and those above the average, are completely excluded from the rest of society. And this kind of people will never stand up for the masses, because that would endanger their own positions of privilege.

The muses very often portray it in this way: the world is dominated by evil forces and wicked spirits, that control people, who then are enslaving others and drain out their blood. But in the dark there is the existence, of secret and benevolent orders, that are working to protect the small man and woman. What they do is twisting reality into a mirror world of illusions and opposites.

This system of absolute delusion and corruption is only protected, because of the massive ignorance of the majority. It helped to build a shield, behind all evil can be hidden, remember the words of Eric Blair alias George Orwell, “Ignorance is Strength”, that is the slogan for the crowd. And confronted with the truth, there is no possibility anymore for arguing about critical topics. The democratic Anathema of confronting controversy is dead and buried. But the vital ingredient for a democratic society. So the real truth is now buried by slogans and brands. The word Illuminati is replaced by Deep State. Confronting the fact that the earth cannot be possibly measured as by the Freemason Copernicus, is termed with the stupid word Flatearth. Visualizing the horrible picture of the middle ages, and the topic is dead by the second. We cannot look into the holy bible and find the answer, written down by men guided by God himself. The very God who created the earth should have known how to give that knowledge to his people. The Illumination process of the 18th century ended in the enslavement of the Massmind of humanity into a Borg like. Alan Watt said roughly, as if knowing the truth would make them guilty of something. Without the ignorance of the people, this system could be attacked from every sight and be destroyed like paperwork.

And so we will face the ending of the quest of the Masons to rebuild the temple of Solomon. Face Jerusalem and the destruction surrounding this event will usher in the end of times.


I The Destruction of the Patriot Movement


Patriotic Destruction

The cabal was able to prevail over so long from generation to generation, for one reason is that every uprising was shattered at their hands.

The biggest uprising against the goal to establish a system of worldwide everlasting Communism, was without any doubt the Patriot Movement. America the only country in the world and a lot of Patriots still owning firearms. The nation with the most researchers, teachers, authors, talk radio hosts on this subject. It produced a lot of documentation regarding the goals of the cabal. And it all started already before the killing of John F. Kennedy, with groups established such as the John Birch Society.

It has become a lesson for some of us, but all that are willing to maintain their freedom in times of hardcore despotism and arbitrary rules, should also understand this.

The cabal has always been at least one step ahead of us, and everything which could disrupt their plans, was already calculated precisely into the future back when the first fissures appeared, after WW II with quiet extraordinary authors who were exposing the hypocrisy of the “Fabian-System”. The death of Kennedy at their hands who stated at his inauguration, that his work would be the freedom of the people, not democracy. That execution did manifest, that there is a cabal at work at the highest echelons of power.

How was the Patriot Movement destroyed or fragmented? Their horses in this race were a complete and very sophisticated network of Counter Intelligence Actors, the paranoia built up around the Edward Snowden revelation, talk radio was purged and there came a Trump into their hands, a nice Trumpet to deceive the so called patriots. If they really were made of patriotic blood, they would have never fallen for this cheap character. After a few months it was clear that it all was just an act. He had the better campaign rhetoric written. Some of you might think this guy is a douche bag, then looking back into confusion that is your future.

Before we continue with this example of how the Patriot movement got temporary disabled, because it is not buried yet. I want to define the term patriot and its true meaning.

The word Patriot comes from the Greek word patera – the father and there is the word patrida – the homeland. A patriot stands for his ancestry, the land his fathers lived and died for, the family and his people that make up the “Patrida”. It is a proud word and has always been a high morale value, because if you have no freedom on your own ground, you have nothing and you are going to be nothing, because everything will be taken from you. Your freedoms, your rights, your belongings and family. This is what every freedom loving archetype has lived and died for from Moses to Leonidas, and from Wallace to Kennedy.

The destruction of the Patriot movement could be most likely brought about, by the fact that it will be shattered into a fraction of Trumpers who follow the Pipe Piping and the real patriots.

All who follow Trump are nothing more than nationalists. We have to separate a nationalist from the patriot. A patriot is a person who reacts only to threats, he does not threaten others or endanger other people. A patriot is reactionary. But a nationalist is much more an “Actionary”, he takes actions, he was previously agitated or deceived by a demagogue. The portrait of a patriot was demonstrated now lets portray the nationalist.

All nations have been build on the grounds that elite figures set borders on the chess board of politics, were previously folks were living on the land of their ancestors. The family became a tribe and the tribe was afterwards ruled by a king or chosen of the people. The watchmen and builders of societies took that and created nation-states, which is not something that came into being naturally. No, it was created, crafted artificially with coat of arms, flags, banners, national-hymns, football teams and so forth. The tribes became kingdoms, the kingdoms nations and the nations will become unified continents, and finally a world-state. The new world order taken step by step as proclaimed by the older Bush.

Patriotism is natural, nationalism is artificially made, and can be used by demagogues to be transformed into national-socialism – Nazism, everyone should know that. Thus Trump could be brought in to establish a National-Socialistic state on the grounds of the United States, which then would be destroyed just in the way Nazi-Germany was destroyed. And finally they would say look what your nationalistic sentiments brought you, lets abolish all nation-states in favor of a communist world state, and all will live in equality and prosper under slavery. That is one possible Scenario for the future.

For now we know that the cabal took another path they moved towards Biden, meaning Communism, the final goal. The charade around the change in the naval-office was done to agitate towards a civil war of the left against the right. It will be difficult to convince the left to move to the righteous. But we should at least try to reconcile those that were dazzled by the Trump with the real patriots. A nationalist stands on a ground of deception, but he has a ground underneath his feet which is an artificial nation (the revolution was betrayed by the Nation State – the Union Jack), the leftists have nothing on which they stand; because socialism as state system, was from the very day it originated in the mind of Plato just a tool for the powerful. It has never been about brotherly love, justice and equality. But to the ignorant its like mothers milk, they have succumbed to it.

The same applies to the different churches that have been established into a church network. The churches just like the nation-state surround the christian with a building that is throned by a watchtower of the watchers, there are crosses of deception, olibanum, and clothed priests, that preach mostly the gospel of sheepherders. Its a network of artificial institutions, and institutions that have influence are ruled by the dark one, the one that wanted to deceive the son of man in the desert, and he showed our lord that he was in control of every institution on earth. So why would it change after 2000 years? Did the endless wars and suffering end? What are their fruits? What have they accomplished? The churches and the priest. Do they teach the bible as it is supposed? Have they been representing Christ in a positive