Gentle Giant of the Glen - Joseph P Hradisky Jr - E-Book

Gentle Giant of the Glen E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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This is a short story related to the Ithaca Saga taking place in Montour Falls and Watkins Glen, New York. It is about the finding, and recruiting, of a hero to join the fight against the demon invasion. The gentle giant, and his future wife, are two more important pieces to the quest army being formed by the mage Jonathan Tanner Thomas aka Jon Tom. Each person who joins the quest army makes it stronger and one step closer to winning the war.

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Joseph P Hradisky Jr

Gentle Giant of the Glen

I dedicate this book to my wonderful family. I am so blessed to be a part of their lives.BookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich

Gentle Giant of the Glen



Gentle Giant of the Glen






By Joseph P Hradisky Jr













I dedicate this book to my wonderful family. I am so blessed to be a part of their lives.



This is a short story related to the Ithaca Saga taking place in Montour Falls and Watkins Glen, New York.


All characters, like all my books unless other wise stated, are fictional and have no resemblance to persons living or dead.


I hope you enjoy this book and let others know about it



The day had started out on a bad note as Linda West looked at the morning sky and all the redness it held. Out loud she repeated a very old rhyme. "Red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning."


She didn't believe in old wives tales, and such, but knew very well this was one not to believe in. Or pay attention to. With the chaotic way the world had changed, the weather was even harder to predict. Storms, worse than ever, had a nasty way of sneaking up on you. So she paid attention to the sky whenever she was out and about. Today she was on her way to get some food at the market. Even though there had been a lot of destruction, by an unknown enemy, life was trying to get back to normal. And, unlike what happened to Ithaca, Seneca Lake had gone down in depth. Or the land around the southern end had risen up. Leaving the majority of Watkins Glen still standing. The shifting of the earth hadn't done much damage as well. What little had been destroyed was not enough to hurt the boat traffic, on the lake, but enough to make it all look so much different. The docks had been modified to the lower water level and even extended in places where it was necessary.


Linda lived up in the hills of Montour Falls on Fitzpatrick Hill Road. The nice part of being so far away from it all was nothing, nor anyone, wanted to bother the few remaining residents. None of them had anything of value to take. Even the dark forces; that had arrived after the merge, as it was called, had left them alone. Mostly for the same reason. It would take too much effort, and cost too much money, to take over a bunch of worthless land. So the people here quickly learned not to bother anyone and were left alone. Occasionally, like today, there was a need to go down to the valley to trade for goods they did not, or could not, make. Today it was Linda's turn to make the trip. Once more she looked at the sky before heading down the road. At the next house, no longer occupied but used as a stable, she harnessed up the sad little pony, to the wagon, they used to carry the supplies. Even though the horse looked to be sad shape it was only in looks. Otherwise the horse was very strong. Dependable. So far no one was the wiser or they would have lost it months ago.


Linda had just reached the stable when another neighbor, her best friend Adam Post, met her there. "I need to find some medicine for my niece Cindy, could I join you on the way to the market?"


Linda didn't know why he was asking but certainly didn't mind the company on what was usually a boring trip. Even with the way the morning sky was looking it still would be a very long trip. One of the things they had discovered early on was the idea the trips should be made with less than 3 people. Any more than that and the group was either attacked, and killed, or questioned for hours. "It will be fun to have some company for a change."


The two quickly got the horse strapped to the cart. Here was another lesson they had learned the hard way. The first cart, and horse, they had been in great shape with all the real gear normally used. As soon as they had started down route 14, heading to Watkins Glen, they were attacked. Two, of the eight, who had gone with the wagon had died. The rest were scattered in all directions to be later rejoined back at the stables. Since the great loss the residents, of Fitzpatrick Hill Road, made sure to make everything to look as shabby as possible. So far the trick was working.