Global Ranking of the Publishing Industry 2017 - Ruediger Wischenbart - E-Book

Global Ranking of the Publishing Industry 2017 E-Book

Ruediger Wischenbart

239,99 €

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The Global Ranking of the Publishing Industry 2017 The Global Ranking 2017 lists a total of 52 publishing groups with a combined revenue of 53,535mEUR and includes company profiles of all listed enterprises, with key data and descriptions of their main activities and recent company developments, a table summarizing revenue, and an analysis about key trends and developments in the international publishing industry. The report which has been updated every year since 2007, currently represents 50 companies, each of which reports revenues from publishing of over 150mEUR (or 200mUSD). In an overview of the leading publishing ventures worldwide, this study is listing consumer (or trade) publishers together with educational and professional (plus scientific, technical, and medical, STM) publishers, mostly based on their revenue in fiscal 2016. This ranking is based on 2016 revenue data for each company gathered from the best information available. This information has come from official company reports or has been directly provided by the companies in this study; if neither was possible, information has been retrieved from official company data registries. The ranking has been established in euros, and data reported in other currencies have been converted at the exchange rates of December 30, 2016. The Global Ranking of the Publishing Industry is an initiative copyrighted by Livres Hebdo (France) and has been co-published Bookdao (PR China), The Bookseller (United Kingdom), buchreport (Germany), PublishNews (Brazil), and Publishers' Weekly (United States of America). It has been researched by Ruediger Wischenbart Content and Consulting. © by Livres Hebdo 2017

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