Goreaphobia - Joseph P Hradisky Jr - E-Book

Goreaphobia E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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  • Herausgeber: BookRix
  • Kategorie: Erotik
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019

This book is about taking something simple, and beautiful, to an extreme. Falling to the depths of darkness, horror, and evil which knows no bounds or what is reality and what is fantasy. May you never fall into a vile pit as this.

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Joseph P Hradisky Jr


A Kenny and Sheila Adams / Blood Feast Saga

This book is dedicated to my family. I am nothing without my wife, Terri, and my two sons, Alec and Ian. May your life be filled with lots of hugs and kissesBookRix GmbH & Co. KG81371 Munich











A Kenny and Sheila Adams / Blood Feast Saga






By Joseph P Hradisky Jr









Lust and blood lust are never far apart. It is sometimes easy to go from one to the other without seeing the horror for which it is.

This is the property of Joseph P Hradisky Jr. All rights reserved.



The characters portrayed in this story do not resemble any persons living or dead, especially dead




This book is dedicated to my family. I am nothing without my wife, Terri, and my two sons, Alec and Ian.



May your life be filled with lots of hugs and kisses







Three people stood facing each other in the middle of an old run down barn somewhere in South Lansing, New York. Other than small piles of hay there was nothing in the building. The first man – tall, sandy blond hair, skin almost pale as a cadaver – carefully studies the other two. The second man – short, squat, dwarflike in stature had vibrant red hair, deep purple wrap around glasses with very dark lenses, his skin had a weird green tinge to it which was no different from the only woman – he looked at the first man before smiling at the woman. The woman was of medium build, she too had vibrant red hair, her eyes shone out in gold flecked radiance, she also had purple wrap around glasses as well as the green tint to her skin. They all were also completely naked.


Suddenly the woman ran for the pale skinned man to wrap her deep purple lips around his. No sooner than they were connected then her tongue was deep into his mouth as her hands grabbed hold of his hard cock. This she began to stroke as hard as she could. The green skinned man moved in behind the woman, spread her as cheeks, then slammed his cock deep into her brown door. He then took hold of her hips so he could slam her backside as hard as he could.


The woman bent over to swallow the pale man’s cock. For several minutes she controlled her head bobbing and the speed with which she sucked on the hard shaft. Then she let him take over. The pale skinned man began to slam his hard rod into her mouth as hard, and as fast, as he could. He was about to do something when a scream ripped from his mouth.


Blood began to spurt all over the front of the woman as she bit the pale man’s cock off. It took only a few seconds for her to chew and swallow the fresh meat before she wrapped her mouth around the nub that was left. She did this so she could drink in the blood that was squirting out. The pale man tried to get away from them but found he was held tightly as though he were in some kind of vice.


All the while she was drinking the blood the green man kept pounding her ass as hard as he could. He could feel himself getting close to an orgasm so he reached, over the back of the woman, to grab hold of the pale man’s neck. Abruptly he pulled him close enough so the green man could sink his teeth into the pale man’s throat. A sickening ripping sound was heard as the green man ripped out the pale man’s throat. Yet, unlike the woman, he started to spit the flesh out but stopped. He tapped her on the shoulder so when she looked up he bent over to slide the hot flesh into her mouth. Several seconds passed as they frenched before he broke the kiss. Quickly he returned to what was left of the throat so he could drink in the hot, sticky, liquid pumping from the torn vein. The taste of hot, warm, blood was enough to push him over the edge.


The woman sighed in happiness as she felt the hot cum splatter deep into her ass. Leaving the fountain, of blood, she turned around to take the green man’s cock into her mouth so she could catch the last of his cum. As soon as she had it all she went back to drink what little blood was still flowing out of the dying pale man’s nub.


By this time the pale man was laying on the ground. In the last seconds, before he died, the woman covered his face with her cum streaming cunt. And then he was dead. But the two left did not stop. She rode the dead man’s face as he rammed his cock into her mouth as well as her blood-covered breast. He did this for awhile before taking hold of her breasts. These he licked all the blood off while sucking on her hard nipples. Then he bit her hard enough to send her over the edge. She screamed the thrill of her orgasm as her hot cum filled the dead man’s mouth. As soon as she stopped cumming she got up so the man could bend over to suck her cum from the dead man’s mouth. As he did she sucked his cock into her mouth so he was nice, and hard, again.


The woman lay on top of the corpse as the man moved in place. When he was where he wanted to be he drove his hard shaft deeply into her hot, sopping wet, pussy. Though, once he was all the way in, he didn’t move as he grabbed hold of her breast. Specifically her hard nipples. These he pinched very hard to send another orgasm racing through her body. As soon as she came back to earth the man really began to ram himself into her. He knew both, in the morning, were going to be very bruised from this but neither one cared. The only thing which mattered was cumming. Then, and only then, would they enjoy the rest of their feast.


Most men, with the speed and hardness, of his pounding her cunt would have cum. Not him. He held it for as long as possible. Then, when he could feel she too was close, did he allow his orgasm to wash over them. His hot cum pumped deeply into her as her hot juices flowed heavily over his hard cock. This lasted for a couple of minutes before they collapsed into each other’s arms. Then fell asleep.


Two hours later they awoke with a ravenous hunger. He got off her. She got off the dead man. He started with the head as the woman started at the feet. By the time they were full they had met pretty much at the middle. By this time there was nothing but bones left of the body. The man kissed the woman before cleaning up their mess. Going to the middle, of the barn, the man pulled open a wooden door in the floor. Under this was a very large pit. Quickly he threw the carcass into the pit before turning to the woman.


“The pit is almost full.” The man admired the naked woman for a moment before going on. “Looks like we will have to find another place to have our fun in.”


All the woman did was nod her head before walking over to the man to shove her breasts into his awaiting mouth. As soon as he bit down she was gone.







Kenny Adams looked at the crime scene. An extended, ranch style house u-shaped with red brick roof and purple stucco for the walls. The windows were the new style tinted so anyone inside could see out but you could not see in. Eliminating the need for cumbersome drapes. And still he waited. When he had joined the police force there was the occasional bad ones. But he could deal with that. Nor was it the bodies which made it difficult. It was all the gore at some of them. Now, just recently, there was way too much of it. This was the twelfth similar crime scene in the last five weeks. Something bad was happening yet no one could figure out, much less catch, who was behind it.


As Kenny looked at the house a woman came out the front door. “Will you get your sweet ass in here before I come out there and drag it in.”


Kenny, for a split second, thought about leaving but knew she would just chase him down. “Coming Sheila.”


As he walked to the door he thought about the twenty years they had been married. The last ten with both of them on the force. In the beginning they had been given lots of grief over them teaming up but this soon disappeared. Their partnership soon became a phenomenon. There was nothing they could not accomplish. Soon the crime rate had taken a nasty nose dive due to their effectiveness. But now, suddenly, there was a crime rampage going on with no clue to who or why.


As he entered the building he hit a wall of smell. Cloying. Dark. Then he saw them. In the living room there had to be at least ten bodies. By the decorations there had to be a birthday party going on. What really caught his attention was the bodies were mostly, if not completely, eaten. Not so for the cake sitting in the middle of the coffee table. Carefully he followed a definitive trail to the kitchen. Here too the bodies, 6, had been eaten but not the platters of food on the large island. Room by room he followed the path of the attackers until he was back in the living room.


Sheila waited there for him. “I figure there had to be at least twenty intruders. You?”


Sheila nodded. “It’s what I got. Now you should see the really bad part.”


“This isn’t the bad?” Kenny looked around to see if he had missed anything.


Sheila brought out a blue light, as the lights went out, to shine on the area around the bodies. Kenny almost lost what little he had had for lunch. All around the entire room, as well as all over the corpses, was evidence of male, or female, ejaculation. His first thought was the idea there was no lack of DNA evidence to be had. “What the fuck?”


“I believe it is what they were doing in between feasting.” Sheila’s voice had an odd edge to it. As if it wasn’t bad enough to find these people all dead but, at the same time, tarnish such a beautiful act of love. She was about to say more when she walked over to a wall to punch a hole into it. The sound was so loud it brought several patrol officers into the house to see what had happened.


Kenny waved them off before going over to hug her. It was either that or run out the door and puke. Hugging was much better. He also knew if it wasn’t for her he would not be able to handle all the gore in the house. Maybe one day he might. As he let her go something caught his attention. Turning to see what it was he saw a white cloth with a green stain on it. Carefully he looked around the room again. Then went through the entire house again. When he got back he went over to the white kitchen towel with the green stain.


As he looked at it Sheila came to stand next to him. “What?”


“Not sure.” Kenny handed her the towel. “I first saw this first. Then I went through the house to find the same stain in every room. It looks like some kind of skin dye, paint, something. Smell it.”


Sheila raised the towel to her nose and inhaled. “Sour Apple.”


“Yep. Which means what ever it is it is edible.” Kenny began to smile.


Sheila looked at him long before asking. “What?”


“We have a lead now. If we go back to the other crime scenes I bet we will find the same green stain in each one.”


“And how is that a lead?”


“How many places you know who sell green edible skin paint?”


Sheila shook her head. “None.”


“Which means when we do find such a place we will be able to get a list of everyone who has purchased a large quantity of it.”


Sheila was about to say something when a patrolman walked up to join them. “Ma’am, Sir, I know of only two places.”


Kenny looked at the patrolman. “How’s that?”


“My wife likes cherry mixed with chocolate. Kinda like a cherry cordial on me. I love the taste of lemon on her.” The patrolman was blushing but Kenny had to admire the guts it took for him to tell them such intimate details. “You can either check ‘The Skin Emporium for Tattoos and Adult Toys’ down on State and Cayuga Streets. Then there is the Fleshaholics in the middle of the commons. We go to both and there are a lot of people who do too.”


“Interesting…” Kenny said as he thought it over for a moment. “When is the slowest day and time for them?”


“The Emporium is always slow between 9 and 10 on Tuesdays. It’s when I go because I don’t like a crowded place to shop. The other is slow on Wednesdays from 2 pm to 3 pm.”


Kenny looked at his watch. The tiny calendar said it was Wednesday but it was almost 5 pm. He didn’t like the idea of waiting on the lead but he knew it would not be good if they went when they could not maintain control of the area. “Alright then. Officer…” Kenny looked at the man’s badge. “Officer Reynolds I want you to take up a patrol post, along with a trusted back up, for the Emporium. Also pick out two more you trust and assign them to the one on the commons. If anyone has an issue just refer him or her to me and continue your assignment. I will take care of any problems. Any questions?”


Patrolman Reynolds shook his head no just before leaving. Sheila touched her husbands shoulder. “What are we going to do in the meantime?”


Kenny didn’t hesitate in answering. “We are going to go back to every crime scene to take another look. Especially for the green stains. Then, if there is still time, we will go over all the pics to see if there is anything else we missed for some reason or another.”


The two left heading to the first crime scene unaware of eyes watching them. Or at least they appeared to be unaware.







Monday morning found Sheila, and Kenny, looking over the abundant pics of all the crime scenes. As they had figured there was green stain at everyone. Then it occurred to Sheila to isolate sections to see what was revealed. What they found was ghastly. Upon closer look they could make out shapes. Human shapes. Most were of arms, legs, thighs, etc. But a few were of breasts with definitive nipple marks at the center of each one. A couple had them guessing until a woman patrolperson said it looked like the shape of a woman’s pussy lips. A few others were in the shape of a man’s penis or ball sack. What really made it unreal was the number of different patterns.


“There had to be at least 20 people at each crime scene. I am guessing a fifty / fifty split.” Kenny was disgusted with the info but, at the same time, was clearly happy with the info. What had started out as going nowhere quick was becoming a pattern of useful information they could now follow. “I have heard of adult orgies but not like this.”


“I take it we are going to put on our play hats and go fishing?” Sheila almost beamed at her words.


For good reason too. A few years back they had wanted to spice up their lives with new friends. The regular groups were nothing less than boring. No fun of any kind to be had. Then they decided to cross the line into adult swinging. Then the real fun began. Not only did they find new friends but also expanded their skills in the sexual department. Even now they still got together with the ones they had formed a close friendship with. Either together or whenever they had some free time to play separately. It didn’t matter, it was all good. Making their relationship that much stronger.


“When was the last time you saw Ted?”


Sheila thought for a moment. “About a week ago today. Why?”


“I think he will be a great place to start.” Kenny said.


“How’s that?” Sheila asked.


“He is the one who formed their group. I am thinking he may know other groups and who might be the ones to start them.” Kenny kissed Sheila. “While you are doing that I will catch up with Samantha to see what she can tell me.”


“You mean in between her screams of ‘I’m cumming’, right?” She said with a smile.


“Absolutely. It’s the best way of getting information out of her. Maybe you can get Ted to meet us at her place and we can interrogate the two of them at the same time. What do you think?”


Sheila kissed him before answering. “I think you are a wonderful man.”







Paula Sunshine, and David Reagan, were enjoying the party. It was the first one, after deciding to swing, they had made it to. The place was the old 1840 barn on Route 13 just south of Newfield, New York. The swingers group had raised money to buy, then rebuild, the structure. Now there were three stories of wide-open space. There were no beds but lots of plush rugs and throw pillows. Paula smiled at David as he slowly entered her. They had been dating for about a year when they decided it was time. Next month they were going to be married. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have found someone like him.


David leaned over to kiss her before returning to the breasts, of two women, as they took turns playing with Paula’s clit. For a moment longer she watched him enjoying four nipples before taking hold of the two cocks she had been working on earlier. She loved the taste of sour apple.


The party had started out with around 20 couples when another 20, all with green skin paint, joined them. Since the idea ‘the more the merrier’ was a good rule on these occasions no one questioned what they were doing there. Everyone seemed to enjoy the sour apple taste they had on their bodies. Several people even asked where they could get the stuff. Each one was told that at the end of the night, before they all went home, they would tell them where to get the paint.


David especially liked the woman’s nipples, which had the sour apple taste. He loved breasts to begin with and this made them so much better. He knew as soon as they could they would find the place to see what other flavors they could find. The sour apple was good but he knew she really liked wild berry while he truly enjoyed raspberry. But his mind could not keep any train of thought going as he was treated to a new breast, nipple, every few minutes. Or at least it was what he thought it should be. Not the nagging idea, in the back of his head, he felt as if he were getting high on something. The kind of high which left you feeling all warm, and fuzzy, but very lethargic.


For some reason, as she sucked on two new cocks, Paula looked up at the clock on the wall in her line of vision. If she was looking at it right they had been fucking for almost two hours now. Didn’t seem like that. But then again she was having way too much fun to really notice anything other than the cocks in her mouth, or her pussy, or her ass. Occasionally her pussy would be filled with someone’s mouth. At first it had been only men. Then a woman had come over to taste of her down there. When Paula didn’t say no it opened up the way for several more women to suck on her juicy lips and hard nub of a clit. Nor did it matter for the number, and intensity, of her orgasms from the sweet attention.


David was roaming around the second floor, always in sight of Paula, when he had four woman catch up with him. They started out by kissing him all over his face, down his neck, chest, stomach, to finally reach his hardening cock. He couldn’t believe all four were taking turns sucking on his cock, balls, inner thighs, and where ever they could get their mouths to. When they stood up again he had eight breasts in his face with eight nipples to suck on. All of which had the really sweet taste of sour apple.