Grandfather Oliver at the Verdiana house - Leone Gabriele Rotini - E-Book

Grandfather Oliver at the Verdiana house E-Book

Leone Gabriele Rotini

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IL libro "NONNO OLIVER A CASA VERDIANA" apre al lettore un mondo molto vicino alle famiglie Inglesi, Italiane e di tutto il mondo civile, cioè quello relativo alle Case di Riposo per persone della terza età cosiddette AUTOSUFFICIENTI,ma che spesso per muoversi utlizzano un carrello deambulatore. Sono presenti aspetti della vita quotidiana, delle amicizie e delle relazioni tra loro, con le Suore che gestiscono Casa Verdiana, con i medici, gli operatori civili e i loro famigliari. Quest'ultimi sono fondamentali per la loro salute fisica e mentale, perché con il loro affetto e le loro visite hanno l'effetto paragonabile a quello ottenuto con le terapie mediche e con una buona assistenza materiale, fisica e spirituale. Riflette la società Inglese, Italiana e di altre nazioni del mondo, perché le persone ospitate sono per la maggior parte donne, che vivono più a lungo degli uomini. Iniziano ad essere presenti anche stranieri come NONNO OLIVER, segno che la società italiana è sempre più internazionale e multirazziale.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023

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Chapter 1. Transfer of Grandpa OLIVER to Casa Verdiana.

Chapter 2. The structure of Casa Verdiana.

Chapter 3. The Sisters of Casa Verdiana.

Chapter 4. The Operators of Casa Verdiana.

Chapter 5. Daily life of grandfather OLIVER and the other Guests of Casa Verdiana.

Chapter 6. The Guests/Characters of Casa Verdiana from the 1 to the 25.

Chapter 7. Casa Verdiana Celebrations.

Chapter 8. The Guests/Characters of Casa Verdiana from the 26 to the 55.

Chapter 9. The Vaccinations of Casa Verdiana.

Leone Gabriele Rotini

Grandfather Oliver at the Verdiana House.

Life of an english grandfather in an italian retirement home.

Il Libro fa' parte della Collana ideata e scritta dall'Autore Rotini Leone Gabriele dal titolo "VITA DEI NONNI E DELLE NONNE NELLA CASA DI RIPOSO PER PERSONE AUTOSUFFICIENTI E NON AUTOSUFFICIENTI" di cui il primo libro è "IL NONNO AL RECLUSORIO".

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This work is published directly by the Author through the Youcanprint self-publishing platform and the Author holds all rights to it exclusively, no part of this book may be reproduced without the prior written consent of the Author.

Title | Grandfather Oliver at the Verdiana House

Author | Leone Gabriele Rotini

ISBN | 9791221491944

© 2023 – All rights reserved to the Author


Via Marco Biagi 6 - 73100 Lecce

[email protected]

Made by human

Chapter 1.Transfer of Grandpa OLIVER to Casa Verdiana.

By now the summer was coming to an end with the month of September and grandfather OLIVER, a guest of Casa Verderio, a structure for NON SELF-SUFFICIENT people was about to move, given the improvements in his physical and mental conditions in a Rest Home for SELF-SUFFICIENT people. Thus the daughter Susy communicated to Beatrice, director of Casa Verderio, the decision to transfer her father, also because he refused the assistance of a caregiver and her numerous professional commitments as an architect prevented her from following him personally. Thus she began to look for a rest home for self-sufficient people by visiting some of its facilities type near Florence, city of residence. Among those visited, she identified the solution to a problem that became more and more pressing every day in Casa Verdiana and therefore, repeating the visit to the structure, she was convinced that it represented the best possible solution. It was located on a hill, overlooking Florence and with a large garden in the rear part of the building, it had a single place, immediately available, with a single room including an internal bathroom. The management of the retirement home was entrusted to a well- known congregation of nuns and the references were excellent. They had large internal spaces, a dining room, a daytime living room with a fifty-inch television of the latest generation which allowed, among other things, direct connections with the major national and European Marian sanctuaries, and there was an internal chapel where on Sundays the priest of the nearby parish came to celebrate mass. The kitchen was managed by the nuns themselves, therefore of good quality, and health care was entrusted to two family doctors, Doctor Dante and Doctor Beatrice, to the superior, Sister Lucia and to the nurse, Sister Elisa, and the latter living in the structure it guaranteed 24 hours a day of nursing assistance, and to two external operators qualified women Oss, who cleaned and sanitized all the rooms and common areas. The elderly guests could reach a maximum of thirty units and had to be self-sufficient, even using the walking trolley. The two family doctors looked after all the guests of Casa Verdiana and once a week, in the morning, they made themselves available for medical visits and prescriptions. Casa Verdiana also had exercise bikes and treadmills for the guests' physical activity, which the nun nurse further subjected to group gymnastics every day in the meeting room on the ground floor. The rooms were all located on the first floor and could be reached with a comfortable and large lift, which was able to accommodate stretchers for the hospital assistance of the grannies. I say grannies because there were only five men around! Based on this information, references, organization and assistance, Susy spoke with her father OLIVER who convinced him to go and live at Casa Verdiana. The monthly fee was certainly not cheap but not expensive either, not within everyone's reach but sustainable. The fee included all services, including washing linen and supply of liquid hand soap, bottle of foam for the obligatory shower every week, toothpaste, mouthwash, toothbrush and hair shampoo. Once a month, Casa Verdiana brought in a hairdresser and a pedicure for the needs of all guests, naturally for a fee but limited. So one Sunday morning two years ago Susy went to Casa Verderio where an operator helped grandfather OLIVER to pack, to greet all the other operators, the manageress, and put the suitcases in the car Susy made her father get in car on the seat next to her and left to reach Casa Verdiana, after having already had the opportunity to thank and greet Doctor Verderio on Friday for the excellent results obtained with her father and to inform him of the decision taken. After about an hour they arrived at Casa Verdiana and were welcomed by the superior/directress Sister Lucia with much warmth and humanity, so much so that the grandfather immediately felt at ease with her and put a lot of trust in her . They went up together to the room overlooking the garden, all tidy and clean, with a single bed, bedside table, lamp, chest of drawers, wardrobe, a nice armchair located in front of the chest of drawers on which there was a latest generation television with remote control. The bathroom was inside the room and had a shower with a retractable seat, which allowed it to be done even when seated, two support supports, one of which was a handle type and the other linear and one meter long. The toilet also allowed you to wash your private parts, as it had a nearby water tap with an extension provided with a special flow regulator jet. The safety of the use of the bathroom, Sister Lucia said, is a fundamental point for the elderly of Casa Verdiana, and of course those who do not feel safe have an operator to help them during the shower. The towel change for the face was provided every three days and the one for the shower every time after use, while the sheets and pillowcases were changed every fifteen days. With all these details, together with the measures of safety and daily cleaning and sanitizing rules, Susy left her father OLIVER, after hugs and kisses, at Casa Verdiana in the hands of Sister Lucia, the other nuns and the operators. First, however, an operator arranged to arrange all the clothes, suits, jackets, sweaters, shirts and various garments in the wardrobe, in the dresser and nightstand drawers. Grandfather OLIVER therefore lived for more than a year and a half in Casa Verdiana, he got used to the schedules, rhythms and life of the structure, with its long corridors full of paintings hung on the walls donated by unknown and famous painters, actively participating to group gymnastics in the meeting room on the ground floor, to walks in the garden full of olive trees, flower beds with green lawns and flowers. Furthermore, grandfather OLIVER deepened his spirituality by participating in the Sunday mass celebrated by Don Filippo, but only to listen to the homily because he is of the Anglican faith and at the weekly inter-denominational prayer organized by the superior Sister Lucia, together with Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Evangelical, Islamic grandmothers. He fully enjoyed all the culinary specialties prepared by the cook Sister Benedetta, her desserts as well as the good coffee made with the moka pot. But his severe pollen allergy problems that began to afflict him in the spring- summer period, in addition to his other ailments, forced him, on the advice of Doctor Beatrice, to leave Casa Verdiana, where every day he could look at the city of Florence, which he has always loved, where he lived his life after marrying a Florentine named Anna. In fact, after her mother's death, her daughter Susy had to transfer her father OLIVER to Casa Verderio, a nursing home for NON SELF-SUFFICIENT people located on the hills of the province of Florence, where he had been a guest for about a year, recovering in good physical and mental condition. Subsequently, her daughter transferred him to Casa Verdiana, a rest home for SELF-SUFFICIENT people, located on the Florentine hills overlooking Florence and beyond, where she remained a guest for more than a year and a half. Subsequently, on the advice of the doctor of Casa Verdiana, Beatrice, had to transfer her again two months ago due to her strong pollen allergy which had struck her at Casa Azzurra, a structure always for SELF-SUFFICIENT people located on the sea in Marina di Pisa, where luckily her allergy disappeared due to the absence of pollen in the air. I had met grandfather OLIVER at Casa Verderio, a structure for Non Self- sufficient people where he had just arrived, while I was about to leave it to move to Casa Azzurra. Subsequently, grandfather OLIVER called me to say hello and hear how I was in the new structure by the sea, and he appreciated what I had told him. So his daughter Susy, given the need to transfer her father to live on the sea, as advised by Sister Lucia, the director of Casa Verdiana, contacted Sister Pensa, the director of Casa Azzurra, asking her for the availability of a place for her father and setting a date for a visit to the structure. So, since she was fully satisfied with both the location and the services offered and the quality of life of the guests, she came to believe that for her father OLIVER it was the place to live to solve her health problems . He talked about it with his father but he did not want to leave Casa Verdiana because, he had made friends with all the other grandmothers, she liked living in that environment, he could see Florence, the city he loved and which allowed him to often receive visits from his granddaughter Anna and of the same daughter Susy. With great patience, his daughter reminded him that the reasons behind his transfer were only for health reasons as Doctor Beatrice, seeing that he had very serious allergy problems in the spring-summer period, had advised him to move to a rest home on the sea where he could solve his health problems. Furthermore, Susy, she promised him that every two weeks she would go to visit him in Marina di Pisa. He shared his daughter's opinions and about two months ago, after informing the director of Casa Verdiana, Sister Lucia, OLIVER accompanied by his daughter Susy arrived at Casa Azzurra and so we met again after more than a year and a half, and his stories have allowed me to write this book. We barely mention Casa Verderio, a high quality structure for Non Self- sufficient individuals, but we only speak of Casa Verdiana, a high quality structure for Self-sufficient individuals near Florence and which welcomed grandfather OLIVER as a guest for more than a year and half before his new transfer to Casa Azzurra, on the sea of Marina di Pisa, but only for health reasons and on the advice of the doctor. The opportunity to write, for now, only about grandfather OLIVER's experience at Casa Verdiana is given by the fact that he moved to Casa Azzurra recently, about two months, and had the time to tell me only about his stay at Casa Verdiana, but later he promised me that he will also tell me about his experience as a Non Self-sufficient person at Casa Verderio, where he was a guest for about a year and which will be described in the next book. Certainly grandfather OLIVER has sympathy and friendship towards me to tell me about his life, with a more difficult period in Casa Verderio and more serene in Casa Verdiana. Pushing me to write the book about an English grandfather in a structure for self-sufficient people such as Casa Verdiana are also pedagogical, social and testimonial reasons, aimed at making today's society aware of the reality of Italian Rest Homes that host grandfathers and grandmothers of foreign origin, but used to living in Italy, in a particular and difficult moment of their life.

Chapter 2.The structure of Casa Verdiana.

Casa Verdiana, being located on the Florentine hills, enjoyed a splendid view of Florence and beyond. The structure has already been described a little but in this chapter I will complete all aspects of it. It has the shape of a seven and is spread over two floors with two lifts connecting the ground floor to the first floor, one of which is large for all guests and for emergency services, and a smaller one for service, used by the nuns and staff. The ground floor has a bright entrance on the street, with a suitable lane that breaks down the barriers and also allows the entrance to walking trolleys and rescue stretchers. It has a large entrance hall and on both sides a central corridor develops along the entire structure measuring forty- five meters which is repeated verbatim on the second floor. An interview room, an executive office, an infirmary room, a large dining room facing onto the corridor and capable of accommodating thirty diners divided over ten tables. There is a well-equipped kitchen, with a fume extractor that works during food preparation, a pantry room and a cold room. There is also a warehouse, a service bathroom with a separate room for dressing the operators and housing trolleys used for cleaning and sanitizing the rooms and common areas. The part accessible to guests is completed by a laundry room with three mega washing machines, a wardrobe room with an ironing area equipped with two ironing surfaces with two steam irons, a large meeting room capable of accommodating upholstered armchairs, divided into two rows , more than thirty guests and furnished with a TV stand on which stands a latest generation 50-inch smart TV, with Internet connection, and two tables for daily card games. All along the corridor are upholstered chairs where guests sometimes longer to talk to relatives during visiting hours if the interview room is busy. A large chapel for religious functions completes the part reserved for guests. On the walls along the corridor there are paintings donated to Casa Verdiana by various artists, some unknown, others famous and honestly, every time you walk through it, it seems to be in an art gallery. Finally, there are two stationary bikes and two treadmills for the physical exercise of those who want and can do it. All the rest of the ground floor is reserved for the nuns for their rooms, bedrooms, dining room, living room. Taking the lift you go up to the first floor where you are greeted by a large atrium which leads to the central corridor divided into two parts and overlooked on both sides by thirty single rooms reserved for guests plus two service bathrooms and a room with wardrobes containing spare linen for the beds and towels for the bathroom, face and bidet. Along the sides of the corridor are four groups of three upholstered chairs in which guests sometimes stop to talk. On the walls of the corridor there are other hanging paintings donated to Casa Verdiana but none by famous artists. There are two stationary bikes for exercise. The rooms are not very spacious but offer adequate and safe space for the movement of elderly subjects. Then all the rooms are equipped with a fire smoke detector, a large window overlooking the street or the garden, prints of Florence, including streets, historic buildings, statues, squares, churches, stretches of the Arno, and they all have the internal bathroom is equipped with an extractor fan. The decor is similar for all the rooms, but with some small differences in the furniture, as sometimes at the request of the guest there is a padded chair and a desk for writing, in the type of armchair and television. At the end of both sides of the corridor there are two open rooms with table, chairs, armchairs, TV cabinet, able to facilitate coexistence, exchange and socialization between guests, even with card games or common viewing of details televised events. The first floor has an emergency exit which allows access to an external staircase which reaches the ground floor. A unique peculiarity is represented by the presence of loudspeakers, both in the corridor on the ground floor and on the first floor, which play symphonic music all day long at a low volume which helps to instill serenity in the guests, who appreciate and thank the superior Sister Lucia for this who got the idea. The garden of Casa Verdiana is truly splendid, made up of seven flowerbeds full of green lawn, flowers, green plants, olive trees and hedges that surround each flowerbed. It is frequented all year round by guests, who benefit from the view of everything that is greenery and some flowers. Furthermore, in the summer two gazebos are set up which are the destination, in the morning and in the late afternoon, both for guests alone and in the company of visiting relatives or friends. Another peculiarity is represented by the presence of a pool of water in which they live goldfish and a cage with two cute green parrots that collects more spectators than the tank with fish.

Chapter 3.The Sisters of Casa Verdiana.

The Sisters of Casa Verdiana are the pivot of the organization of the Rest Home and they have everything and everyone on their shoulders and only the two external operators lend a hand in cleaning, sanitizing the rooms and common areas and they also help guests who need it, to get dressed in the morning, go to bed in the evening and have the obligatory weekly shower. The nuns are lucky because Sandra and Giulia, the two external operators of Casa Verdiana, never miss a day from work and, being single, live their profession as a service to others. In any case, the nuns are women like all the others and sometimes their different characters lead them to lively discussions which, however, immediately return as soon as they are before the Lord in the chapel for a few moments of adoration or prayer, but the vow of obedience definitively solves the residual problems and the organization of Casa Verdiana works.

-Sister Lucia.

The superior/directress Sister Lucia is a nun with vast human, social, organizational and spiritual experience. She looks like a tall woman, normal build, blue eyes, slightly elongated face, thin lips, well-groomed hands and a smile always on her lips. She was on a mission in Africa for ten years and returned to Italy five years ago. Among other things, she has a degree in Psychology, but she has never practiced because the Lord called her, as soon as she graduated, and she replied Yes. He has a great influence, human and spiritual, over all the nuns and grannies of Casa Verdiana. He never raises his voice and sometimes his eyes are enough to speak. He cares about his nuns and grannies as if they were his daughters Kindness of mind and heart can be seen in every gesture of affection, consolation and service towards her daughters and grandmothers whom she calls each by the name they prefer. She has the gift of hospitality because she has an extraordinary sensitivity capable to make the grandmothers who enter Casa Verdiana or who already live there perceive a love and affection that makes them feel better than at home. This happened with grandfather OLIVER but also with all the much grandmothers and some "rare" grandfathers. In fact they all have a serene face and when they see Sister Lucia they always smile and visually show their joy. You also respect guests who profess other religions and at Casa Verdiana there are several. In fact there is a Chinese Buddhist grandmother, an Indian Hindu grandmother, an Egyptian Islamic grandmother, a Japanese Buddhist grandmother, a German Protestant grandmother, an American grandmother of Evangelical religion, an English grandmother of the Anglican religion, a Turkish Islamic grandmother. every month Sister Lucia organizes an interfaith prayer between the grannies of the Christian religion and the grannies of all other religions present at Casa Verdiana. The prayer lasts two hours and in addition to reading passages from the Gospel, passages concerning other religions are read and all the participating grannies also make spontaneous prayers. It must be recognized that this type of community prayer creates a climate of peace, respect and esteem among the grannies and towards the nuns. The superior does not serve during meals, but she always opens them with a prayer which is sometimes an Our Father, sometimes a Hail Mary or a Glory Be. Instead, she fully manages breakfast in the morning, serving all the grannies with milk, coffee, biscuits, tea and chocolate on winter Sundays and holidays and she immediately sends a nun to check if any grannies do not show up for breakfast. She leads the afternoon Rosary which takes place after the snack. She willingly stops to talk with everyone, but especially with those who need more affection or to be consoled because of some problem. She also takes care of the spiritual life of the other nuns, organizing three-hour afternoon retreats, inviting priests prepared in the knowledge of the gospel and with a profound spirituality. At the end of these brief spiritual retreats in the chapel, the sisters have a brighter and more serene face. Finally, once every two months she organizes meetings with the relatives of the guests to report to them the human, health and spiritual situation of all the guests of Casa Verdiana and, if necessary, listen to suggestions or considerations from the relatives.

-Sister Benedetta.