Grandmother Elisabeth at the blue house - Leone Gabriele Rotini - E-Book

Grandmother Elisabeth at the blue house E-Book

Leone Gabriele Rotini

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The book "GRANDMA ELISABETH A CASA AZZURRA" opens up to the reader a world very close to English, Italian and civilized families throughout the world, namely the one relating to Rest Homes for the so-called SELF-SUFFICIENT people of the third age, but who often use a walker cart. There are aspects of daily life, friendships and relationships between them, with the Sisters who manage Casa Azzurra, as well as with doctors, civil workers and family members. The latter are fundamental for their physical and mental health with their affection and their visits, which have an effect comparable to that obtained with medical therapies and with good material, physical and spiritual assistance. It reflects the English, Italian and other nations of the world society, because the people hosted are mostly women, who live longer than men. Foreigners such as NONNA ELISABETH are also starting to be present, a sign that Italian society is increasingly international and multiracial.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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Chapter 1. Transfer Grandma ELISABETH to Casa Azzurra.

Chapter 2. Daily life of Grandma ELISABETH and the other grandmothers at Casa Azzurra.

Chapter 3. -The Sisters of Casa Azzurra.

Chapter 4. The Casa Azzurra Operators.

Chapter 5. The Guests/Characters of Casa Azzurra.

Chapter 6. The Casa Azzurra Parties.


Leone Gabriele Rotini



Il Libro fa' parte della Collana ideata e scritta dall'Autore Rotini Leone Gabriele dal titolo "VITA DEI NONNI E DELLE NONNE NELLA CASA DI RIPOSO PER PERSONE AUTOSUFFICIENTI E NON AUTOSUFFICIENTI" di cui il primo libro è "IL NONNO AL RECLUSORIO".

Tale Collana fa' parte integrale del Copyright e nessun libro in qualunque lingua al mondo può essere prodotto e stampato con i contenuti a cui fa riferimento la NOTA riportata senza l'Autorizzazione scritta da parte dall'Autore.

This work is published directly by the Author through the Youcanprint self-publishing platform and the Author holds all rights to it exclusively, no part of this book may be reproduced without the prior written consent of the Author.


Title | Grandmother Elisabeth at the blue house

Author | Leone Gabriele Rotini

ISBN | 9791221490893

© 2023 – All rights reserved to the Author

This work is published directly by the Author through the Youcanprint self-publishing platform and the Author holds all rights to it exclusively. No part of this book can therefore be reproduced without the prior consent of the Author.


Via Marco Biagi 6 - 73100 Lecce

[email protected]

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Chapter 1.Transfer Grandma ELISABETH to Casa Azzurra.

My grandson Alex, ten years old, one day when he came to Marina di Pisa to visit me at Casa Azzurra, a facility for self-sufficient people, met Grandma ELISABETH and was struck by her friendliness and communication skills, so much so that she kissed and caressed as if he were his grandson, a male grandson he never had, so in the end he said to me: "Grandfather, why don't you write a book about grandmother ELISABETH who seems to me to be the ideal grandmother that all grandchildren dream of having and so you can tell how you live in this community of almost all grandmothers." Such a beautiful wish expressed by a ten year old boy towards a grandmother he had just met filled me with joy and I couldn't help but fulfill his wish. Furthermore, I decided to write this book also for pedagogical and social reasons, as well as as a testimony of the life of a grandmother of English origin in the Italian retirement home, of her behavior towards a child she had just met, of her relationships in a community of almost all grandmothers, a few grandfathers, some young ladies, some bachelors, some elderly couples present only in the summer months, all guests of Casa Azzurra, a retirement home for SELF-SUFFICIENT people representative of all the others in Italy. The aim is also to make society aware of the reality of retirement homes, in which above all the many grandmothers and few grandfathers of every Italian are present and the importance of the closeness and affection of family members which appears to be one of the most important to their physical and mental health, and is equal to good material, health and spiritual assistance.

August was about to start and grandmaELISABETH, after spending almost a year at Casa Verderio, a retirement home for NON SELF-SUFFICIENT people, due to respiratory problems due to Covid 19 and knee surgery which compromised walking, he had now recovered a good physical condition and started walking again , albeit with the help of a walking trolley. This result, certainly unexpected, was due to the medical assistance received from the Florentine geriatrician Doctor Verderio, manager and owner of the facility, together with his team of nurses, OSS and OSA operators, physiotherapists and collaborators in the various services. So my son Henry, knowing that I was moving from Casa Verderio to Casa Azzurra, a residence for SELF-SUFFICIENT people located on the sea in Marina di Pisa, asked me to provide them to him kindly the telephone number of the superior Sister Pensa of Casa Azzurra, because he also wanted to move his mother. In fact, grandmother ELISABETH had recovered a good physical condition and therefore her son Henry wanted it transfer it to Casa Azzurra, both to reduce the costs of his stay in the retirement home but above all to allow him to live in an environment as close as possible to normal daily life, with less rigid rules and with the company of less problematic guests. So he, while I had already moved to Casa Azzurra, telephoned Sister Pensa asking her for the availability of a place for his mother, and having obtained confirmation of a free room, he organized a visit to the structure to personally check the location, the services offered, the quality of life of the guests. So after his visit to Marina di Pisa, which had fully satisfied him, he organized his grandmother's transferELISABETH who was also happy to join me because she had sympathy and friendship towards me. Henry then went to Casa Verderio and communicated to the director Beatrice his intention to transfer his mother to a facility for self-sufficient people, and then after a few days he organized the transfer of grandmother ELISABETH to Casa Azzurra. So one Thursday morning Henry took his car, went to Casa Verderio and here, helped by an operator, he prepared grandmother ELISABETH's luggage, made her say goodbye to all the operators present, made her get into the car, where in the meantime they were his luggage was loaded, and he took the road to reach Marina di Pisa. A few days earlier he had also had the opportunity to greet and thank the doctor Verderio for the excellent work done for his mother ELISABETH, allowing her to recover a physical form suitable for transfer to a facility for self-sufficient people like Casa Azzurra. At the time of her departure, grandmother ELISABETH was a little emotional, because she was leaving behind so many people who had been her life companions for about a year and who had looked after her with professionalism, humanity and affection. Luckily, driving along the road with many curves helped her because she had to hold on to the door handle, being careful not to distract her son who was driving. After a few hours of travel they arrived in Marina di Pisa and upon entering through the rear gate ELISABETH had the opportunity to see Casa Azzurra. Having parked the car in the reserved area, you observed a truly imposing structure about one hundred meters long and fifty meters wide, with three floors in the rear part and two floors above the basement in the front part overlooking the sea. Two large terraces on the sides and a large garden with parking in the rear area completed Blue House. Having entered the building and taken the elevator to the first floor, Henry and his mother arrived at the management where they were greeted by the director/superior Sister Pensa with a welcome greeting. Once the final details relating to the payment of the monthly fee and the type of services included in it were defined, they were accompanied by Sister Pensa to the assigned sea view room including an internal bathroom, located on the second floor. Having placed the clothes and other clothing in the wardrobe and in the available drawers, Henry said goodbye to his mother, clearly moved, and then took his car and returned to his home in Florence. Meanwhile grandmother ELISABETH, tired from the journey, remained in her room to rest. At 7.30 pm she went down to the ground floor for dinner, using her walking trolley and having reached the dining room she left the trolley in the corridor, slowly reaching her place at the table, which was indicated to her by Sister Braccino, maitre I took the opportunity to greet her and welcome her and she thanked me, also on behalf of her son Henry, for my courtesy in providing her with the telephone number of Casa Azzurra.

After a brief initial prayer by the superior Sister Pensa, the trolleys arrived with the tureens containing the first course of minestrone, which was served to the approximately fifty guests present in the room, almost all women and very few men. The atmosphere in the room was quite serene and among the people there was a dense exchange of opinions on the quality of the food and the beautiful weather that had characterized the day. The dinner came to a conclusion with the arrival of the second course based on parmesan cheese with a side salad mixed and fruit with slices of yellow melon. All the guests left the room in a noisy atmosphere and most of the guests returned to their room, using the lift, to prepare for the night with the help of an operator. However, those who did not need the help of an operator to go to bed went into the garden to get some scented air from the many flowers present or sat down in friendly company in front of the sea to enjoy the sunset and the holidaymakers walking as did grandmother ELISABETH who willingly started talking to some of them isn't it who have lived at Casa Azzurra for longer to be told about the quality of life, the quality of the food and more. Having received all positive responses, she appeared satisfied and continued to converse amiably with me too, recalling periods of her youth and above all of her life in Florence with her beloved husband Giulio. Later, when the sun had already set, some nuns arrived with their superior Sister Pensa, who joined the group. sitting on the seafront and three nuns went to a nearby bathroom to bathe their legs in sea water up to their knees. Around 10.30 pm the superior Sister Pensa invited all the guests to return and closed the entrance door. Each guest reached their room to independently prepare for the night.

Chapter 2.Daily life of Grandma ELISABETH and the other grandmothers at Casa Azzurra.