Hiroshima - Richard von Lenzano - E-Book

Hiroshima E-Book


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A text that creates tension and whose precise descriptions shock the reader immersed in a brutal event not to be forgotten.
The chronological narrative which deliberately depicts the moments until the bomb was dropped and the cruel consequences for the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
consequences difficult to endure. One thinks to feel the devastating heat, like a hellfire…the pain, the suffering of the people.
Have you forgotten everything?
A question that that should touch, shake and remind us, because the cloak of fogetting often covers history, if we don’t learn from the past, mistakes will be repeated.
Even today the world powers think of new weapons which can destroy mankind and the earth.
Let us hope that they will never be used.

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Have you already forgotten everything?

Dedication First of all, I would like to thank Peter Holst, who reviewed my original text. I am thankful for the translation of the German text into English, Maria Roesch accomplished this. I don't want to forget Gerda Greschke-Begemann, who has always supported me on many questions. I would also like to thank my family, because they fully supported me and kept my back free. The book is dedicated to all the individuals who are still living today and suffering from the aftermath of the massacre, those who have lost relatives and above all in memory of those, who were literally atomized when both bombs were dropped and no one could say goodbye. I bow to all these people in deep humility.BookRix GmbH & Co. KG81371 Munich







"Have you already forgotten everything"?





















Why have I written this text?




One night in 1982 I was on night duty at a police station in Schleswig-Holstein. The policeman on duty was allowed to watch TV, if there was nothing else to do. I remember it was about 11 pm when there were some documentary films about the bomb droppings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This subject fascinated me in a terrible way.

I ran into the guard room, fetched paper and pencil and wrote down my impressions about the photos and films I had seen: original takings of American and Japanese productions. The pencil flew over the paper. I did nothing else than write, scarcely looked down in order not to miss anything of the takings. The result: about 30 pages of text which I pinned at a board.

During the next months I went on pursuing the subject, I bought specialist literature, magazines and books (cost 300,00 DM).Then I took a big board and tried to show the facts in tables in order to get a clear summery. I needed many little cards. Then I began to sort all facts in a chronological way.



My plan: I wanted to show what had happened


a) on earth b) in the air (sky)


At that time I thought it would be best to have the text read by two persons:one voice should read what had happened in the plane (neutral scenes), the other read what had happened on earth. These were my ideas and plans. Anyway, the „drama“ was finished after 10 months. I wanted to publish it at the 40th anniversary of the bomb dropping.

I had my text corrected, then a high school teacher did the copy-editing. I got the addresses of foreign embassies in Germany, Europe and some addresses of German and international politicians. I copied the texts at my expense. I think I at least needed 300 stamps. The reaction was so ridiculous that I nearly cried. What a dreamer I was!° Shouldn’t I have anticipated?


The country's premier Schleswig-Holstein at that time Dr. U. Barschel, expressed his personal thanks and asked me to go on working that way. The Bavarian government told me that their premier Strauß had often made statements concerning the subject matter and added three editions of their newspaper „Bayernkurier“ I wondered why there was no reaction from any embassy.



First, this was depressing, but in the long run I came to terms being ignored by politicians. Once they have our votes we don’t matter any longer, it seems to me.



But I went on distributing the text: there were readings in schools, circles and associations – even in Bavaria.