Invasion - A Joseph Hollister Novel - Joseph P Hradisky Jr - E-Book

Invasion - A Joseph Hollister Novel E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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This is the first book in The Rise of the Earth Federation in which the earth is being invaded by the Nekkar. The Nekkar are a warrior race who want to take over the whole universe. So far no race has been able to stand against them. Their biggest mistake - they hae never met a human.

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Joseph P Hradisky Jr

Invasion - A Joseph Hollister Novel

Book One of the ‘Rise of the Earth Federation’

This book, and all my books, are dedicated to my loving wife and wonderful family. It is also dedicated to all those who serve, peace is the only goal of a true warrior. Yet they all know that until all the warmongers are gone there will be no rest. Nor is this just about those who use weapons but is also about all those who, in the corporate world, do the same with the point of a pen. They too will do anything to rule the world while not caring how many bodies they have to step on to do it.BookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich






A Joseph Hollister Novel



Book One of the ‘Rise of the Earth Federation’






By Joseph P Hradisky Jr


This is a work of fiction, the characters have no resemblance to persons living or dead.


The places, on the other hand, are real and can be found on the shores of Cayuga Lake.


This story, and all it contains, is the property of Joseph P Hradisky Jr.


All rights reserved.


I hope you enjoy the story, thank you for reading it.


I dedicate this book to my family, friends, and all those who support our freedoms. May we all stand together as one.
















July 4th, 2020




I stood at the bow of the lead house boat as small waves rocked it on their way to the distant shore of Stewart Park. A hot sun tried to overcome the coolness of the ten mile per hour wind blowing from the north. This caused the trees, along the shore, to rustle loud enough I could hear it this far away. Below the trees was an army, made of humans as well as the Nekkarians invaders who controlled them. Yet, not all of them, were controlled by the aliens. Just as many were human co-conspirators who were supposedly to rule the planet when the invaders moved onto the next target. I wanted them more than the aliens, already I had one pair I had captured just after the invasion had started.


Yes, I had gotten lucky with this, but it wasn’t the only piece of luck. Another was the Nekkarian who had tried to take my body over. The attempt failed for one, but this alien did not like what his leader was doing with their conquest of the universe. Now, instead of being enemies, we were friends with more in common than not. Showing two alien cultures could become friends.


Now, as I stared at the enemy, all I could think about was how many were going to die over the next several days. I was hoping none would, based on my plan, but knew this would never happen. I went over, in my mind, the plan for the coming battle. Step one stood before me for I had sent word I was going to launch the counter attack on the Stewart Park beach. All intentional to make the enemy leader wonder why I had told them the landing point. I knew the more this contaminated their minds the more careless they would be. The next part of the deception was making them wait, I did this by thinking back to when it all started.

April 12, 2020



It was a perfect day to skip work to go fishing. Somehow, I managed to talk my wife, Terri, into going with me. Both sons, Alec and Ian, heard we were not going to work decided to tag along with us. This turned out to be both good and bad. The bad part was the idea where we were going, split rock near Mile Point on Cayuga Lake, had a lot of places where no one could see you. As soon as Terri said she would go I had other things on my mind than fishing. Besides it was my birthday and I was turning 60.


We arrived at split rock just after 6 in the morning. I wanted to actually fish the early feeding time, so we would have something to eat later on. I was counting on the perch to be biting. About 6:15 I hadn't gotten a single hit which was really strange. There had been many a time when I would be getting so many I had to throw the smaller ones back. At this point I could feel the hairs, on the back of my neck, stand on end. Looking quickly around, into the morning sky, I was beginning to feel there was something wrong.


"What's wrong?" Terri asked as she came to stand next to me.


I shrugged for I had no clue at the moment. She was about to ask again when I put my hand up to stop her. "Can you hear that?"


"Hear what?"


"That's exactly it, there is nothing to be heard." This is what my feelings were trying to tell my brain. I couldn't hear any sounds. No birds, insects, bugs, or any other animal sound this far from people would have allowed. "It's too quiet."


Carefully I set my pole down to look around more carefully. That was when I saw hundreds of birds flying north away from Ithaca and the southern shore. What made the scene so bizarre was no noise came from such a large amount of them. Nor was it just one kind but all that lived in the area. "Odd."


Ian had joined us right then. "Why are they so quiet?"


"I think that if they make sound it will bring something bad to them." I looked around for cover, any cover, but didn't find what I wanted. "Whatever is coming it will be from that end of the lake."


"How do you get that?" Alec asked me.


"It's like a tsunami, the animals know something bad is going to happen. The direction they are fleeing from is a good starting point for whatever they are afraid of." I certainly didn't like what I was seeing but it wouldn't be as bad as what came next.


A bright flash of light caught my eye in an area south of the city. "Hold onto something tight and brace yourselves." I yelled out just before the strange light hit the center of Ithaca.


If we had been standing, or even not holding tight to something, we would have been knocked to the ground. As it was none of us went unscathed. A quick checked showed no injuries I would need to worry about. This allowed me to look down the lake to the city. What I saw scared the shit out of me. A dark, grayish, cloud was racing toward us. The color didn't bother me but the vibration I was getting from it did.