Kiss - Joseph P Hradisky Jr - E-Book

Kiss E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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The Kiss   The touching of two lips, between two people, can tell each all they will ever need to know about each one – herein lies the truth for which neither can deny – it is either right or it is not – no grey area of confusion – life may contain so much to keep each one apart but when the first kiss occurs then there is nothing which can – not even time - keep them apart

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Joseph P Hradisky Jr


I dedicate this book to my first kiss, Terri, for we are solidly heading past our first 25 years, of marriage, into the rest of eternity of being intertwined in our hearts, our souls, and our bodies – we are together again as it has always been meant to beBookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich











A Love Novelette



By Joseph P Hradisky Jr




The Kiss


The touching of two lips, between two people, can tell each all they will ever need to know about each one – herein lies the truth for which neither can deny – it is either right or it is not – no grey area of confusion – life may contain so much to keep each one apart but when the first kiss occurs then there is nothing which can – not even time - keep them apart



I dedicate this book to my first kiss, Terri, for we are solidly heading past our first 25 years, of marriage, into the rest of eternity of being intertwined in our hearts, our souls, and our bodies – we are together again as it has always been meant to be



This is a work of fiction – any resemblance to persons living, or dead, is purely coincidental



This is the property of Joseph P Hradisky Jr – all rights reserved



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The Mage - Ithaca Saga Book 1


The Fighter - Ithaca Saga Book2


Dragons of South Hill Parts 1 and 2



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