Logically Vol. I - The great lies about medicine, energy, politics, religion and more - gaia straus - E-Book

Logically Vol. I - The great lies about medicine, energy, politics, religion and more E-Book

gaia straus

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Questa raccolta si occupa dell'inganno che le persone ignare sono costrette a sperimentare in tutti i campi in cui è coinvolto il denaro e spiega il modo in cui viene attuato l'inganno. Il primo volume della raccolta, relativo alla medicina, elenca le numerose terapie esistenti per la cura reale di quasi tutte le malattie, anche quelle che "Pharmacine" non può curare (cancro, epatite, sclerosi multipla, ecc.). Ci sono diversi riferimenti a pratiche e medici, quasi sconosciuti al pubblico, che sono molto validi e possono facilmente fare ciò che la medicina allopatica non è in grado di fare: cioè, ristabilire l'equilibrio naturale del corpo e riguadagnare la salute. Trattamenti di personaggi storici come Arnold Erhet, Rudolf Breuss, Max Gerson, Catherine Kousmine, Hulda Regehr Clark e molti altri vengono attentamente esaminati e spiegati. L'autore tratta allo stesso tempo l'inganno energetico e, soprattutto, l'enorme inganno sull'UFO (che rivela la verità) che sarà curato nei seguenti volumi. Ricorda che: "Se è vero che le religioni sono l'oppio dei popoli, è altrettanto vero che l'ignoranza e l'ingenuità del popolo sono la cocaina dei ricchi e dei potenti".

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Table of Contents




Max Gerson


Cancer… An Ever-Increasing Business

The Forbidden Cures

Food, fasting and illness

Medical Evidence

Colloidal Silver


Bacteriophages or Phages





Gaia Straus


The great lies about medicine, energy, politics, religion and more


LOGICALLY Vol. I Pharmacine

Gaia Straus


Copyright © 2018 by Gaia Straus. All Rights Reserved.

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ISBN | 9788831612234


Via Marco Biagi 6, 73100 Lecce


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Hello Hope


What’s more beloved of you sweet Hope?

You who hold the primacy of love

and the secret keys of every heart.


You are the dearest sensation,

And the greatest source of courage and inspiration

to face life’s daily consternation.


You trust, you force, you wait for tomorrow!

You’re shelter in the storm and a shining window’s light.

Often concealing your precious gifts,

you rise at our side and never let us go.


Even forced to an only tiny thread

Like the steel, you become resistant.

Though reduced to a dim little light,

You rise imperious like the morning sun,

because you are the divine come to life.


If love can cause a flower to bloom,

that flower of hope is just love.

Hope is love that never dies.


Written by my father and dedicated to my father


Note to the Readers


The author of this volume does not seek fame. For this reason, she has decided to maintain anonymity through a pseudonym.

Regarding the content of this book, every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is complete and accurate. However, neither the author nor the publisher wants to provide professional advice or services for the reader. The ideas and suggestions contained in this book are not intended to replace the advice of the doctor; therefore, medical supervision is recommended for any activity, procedure, or suggestion present in this volume, which may affect the health of each person. As a result, readers assume full responsibility for their actions in relation to their physical and health security, and the author and publisher cannot be held responsible for any injury or damage allegedly resulting from any information or suggestions reported in this book. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. It is strongly recommended to rely on professional guidance, especially for those suffering from serious diseases. If you do thorough research, you will be able to find holistic doctors willing to cure you.

This being a self-published book, we ask for help to spread it, in the belief that only the alliance of good can defeat the dark powers.

Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid.




I thank my dear friend, Che, a companion in this still unknown adventure. I thank him with every bit of strength I have in my body, in the awareness that without him, this work would not have been possible. He gave me strength when I was missing it, he consoled me in moments of discouragement, he encouraged me in moments of doubt and uncertainty, and he infused me with strength and determination, guiding me to the final publication of this fantastic work. I thank the Nature for having given birth to such a wonderful creature.


Thank you!



I dedicate this volume to Ig., Eternal friend and brother in life.


Happy reading to everyone!







hough the title would suggest a book about medicine, this is more one about the deception we come across in any social field where money is involved. The book examines what is behind the circulation of money and how the powerful means of the mighty leadership of the world can bend the people to their will.

In a bumpy journey like the one the author decided to follow, logic is the most powerful tool used to instill doubt in those who, although they have never heard of alternatives to traditional medicine, prefer it in the absence of something else. Each statement is thus put to the test of a rationality that does not allow any contradiction. The author highlights the deception that exists at the base of certain statements, both in the medical field and in other fields where there are clear economic interests.

A number of curative methods that are often unknown to most people are explained to the public, starting with the Gerson therapy, which basically aims to detoxify and rebalance the body. Only in this way can it heal from almost all diseases, even the incurable ones. The Gerson natural hospital already exists in Mexico and it would be enough to introduce impartial external observers who could honestly certify their therapies.

For those who refuse to accept the validity of natural cures, this can be the right opportunity to confront ideas different from their own. At worst, one might decide not to follow this path, but with the awareness that there is another way that, who knows, they could choose to take the different path another time. Better to have an extra choice and follow the advice of the author. Though it bears repetition: inquire and get informed! The author also invites the readers not to trust the mantra of the traditional medicine, i.e.: it is not scientifically proven!

Finally, here is a sentence that sums up the meaning of this work: “If it is true that religions are the opium of the peoples, it is equally true that the ignorance and naiveté of the people are the cocaine of the rich and powerful.”

According to the author, we would then be watching an obvious conspiracy to keep away natural, real, curing therapies from the people for the sake of money and power.





Give man a mask and he will tell the truth.

Oscar Wilde




elcome to the world of Gaia! A place where there is no personal interest and where people try to be good, despite their differences. No one takes advantage of the other, and if one does, he/she regrets it right away.

In my world, everybody supports each other and tries to reach the truth through all means. Everyone tries one’s best to pursue this goal and he/she is ready to retreat and apologize when necessary.

In this reality, all nuances of facts and personal characteristics can be represented with the utmost cordiality and without excessive animosity. One can underline the tougher aspects of each person’s character because one can take advantage of these criticisms. In fact, if the criticism is right, we try to correct that aspect that will allow us to improve more. If we believe it is wrong, then we will not consider this criticism, instead thanking those who have pronounced it.

I want to stress, therefore, in advance, that I do not intend to offend any person mentioned in the book or any category of person. I respect these categories because they represent important vocational aspects of the human being. However, what must be said, must be said.

References to categories or characters present in this volume, therefore, do not exist in any way to undermine the feelings of any of them or hurt somebody’s feelings.

For that reason, I believe the good side of the medical class must in no way feel hurt, and above all, my words are solely intended to act as a stimulus to verify the work of their colleagues who think differently than the official doctrine. I believe that medicine men have forgotten, or have been induced to forget, the Hippocratic oath that prescribes to verify and respect other colleagues’ studies, opinions, and effective cures.

Some concepts are intentionally repeated because, as taught by the popular saying, repeating does good, and also because there is a certain logic that you will discover in this book.





The problem does not come from things we do not know but from those that we believe are true and are not.

Mark Twain



his book is the result of the awareness of living in a false world where man is regularly deceived by a cohesive minority of his fellow men. I feel, therefore, the moral obligation to declare my truth, because, as Charles P’eguy said: “He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth (or he thinks he knows it) makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers.”

The purpose of the first volume of Logically is, therefore, to unveil, by following a logical path, the great lies that are presented to us in the field of medicine. This happens through constant and repetitive reiteration of lies perpetually repeated by public figures. Through mass media, subjected to their will, and mainly managed by the powerful of the world, they are condemning millions of victims of cancer and other diseases throughout the world, although there are valid natural cures for healing from these and many other diseases considered incurable by traditional medicine.

Therefore, I have a reasonable and logific1 certainty that we can recover from almost all tumors and I do realize the impotence of the. In fact, it is obvious that pharmaceutical lobbies will not allow any treatment either than pharmaceutical ones. That is why, my conscience can no longer tolerate this death toll, which enriches only a few powerful ones. Above all, I cannot tolerate the deception that is at its core. This book does not provide scientific information. It only proves the absolutely logical deception that underlies modern medicine and its inherent bigotry.

I therefore want to lead you through a logical path that will show you how the so-called experts often do not know what they say and do not have the faintest idea of what logic is, nor how to apply it.

Tired of lies, bigotry, biased and one-sided and comfortable judgments, I decided, through a logical path, to unveil my logific truth while being as impartial and objective as possible. I have taken into account that the experience, propensities, and attitudes of a person influences their perception of reality and truth. You should consider, therefore, that even my truth could be susceptible to partiality.

For these reasons, I believe it is necessary to specify the attitudes and the orientations of those who express opinions, especially when one is about to write on subjects that could arouse the suspicion of personal interest, partiality, or sectarianism. I find it correct to explain that opinions can sometimes seem far-fetched to those without a clear view of the picture of the deception perpetrated by a few, influential characters towards the overall of naive and unarmed subjects.

Furthermore, I believe it is morally binding to state that I have no specific competence in the medical, political, religious, or scientific fields, since the opposite could be thought of from the topics discussed.

As far as the medical field is concerned, the reader will easily notice my inclination towards methods that use what Nature spontaneously provides us. Therefore, my preference for natural cures can be easily guessed. My approach in the medical field is of a holistic nature rather than a partial one, even though I do not refuse in advance allopathic or surgical treatments that, in some cases, can save and do save lives. In other cases, however, a particular cure may be suitable for one person but not for another.

In the evaluation for a medical treatment, many factors should be considered: inherited genes, the karmic seeds transported in this life, the experiences gained, the psychological aspects of personality and, not least, lifestyle and eating habits. It is well known that some diseases are established through a psychosomatic nature and that the psyche can have a decisive influence on the onset but also on the treatment of a disease. Over two millennia ago, Plato said: “One should never try to cure the body without the soul.”

It’s important to clarify that, at the time of writing, I do not know any of the people mentioned in this volume. I have not suffered traumatic family grief due to tumors or malpractice. So, my deductions are free of personal anger.

Concerning politics, I have no preconceived ideas and I have no parties to which I am loyal. Also, I have no personal relationships with any politician. As far as I am concerned, a seat on the left, on the right, or in the center of the Parliament has the same value, and I believe that the traditional political parties might have run their course. In fact, political ideologies, as well as religions, lend themselves very much to human manipulation. In the name of Jesus, who preached turning the other cheek, cruelties like the Crusades or the Inquisition were committed.

In the name of Allah, terrible brutalities are still committed which, I am sure, have nothing to do with true religion or with the divine aspect of human beings within us. However, since Islam can be associated with prophetic religion, there may have been some interference in the transmission, even though I believe more in the manipulations of man.

Even some Buddhist monks have incredibly put aside nonviolence in suicide episodes, setting themselves on fire. It must be said that few human beings could tolerate what they do in Tibet. However, for those who follow this path of non-violence, taking one’s own life, even if in protest, it cannot be justifiable though suffering what they suffer.

Fundamentally, the God of Jesus and the God of Muhammad is the same Entity, as well as the Om of the Buddha. Any religion cannot conceive violence towards other living beings. It is therefore evident that religions are misinterpreted by human beings because they cannot logically preach the killing of other human beings.

In the name of Marx – who certainly did not imagine that kind of communism – an authoritarian political regime was built, perhaps even worse than the pure dictatorial ones.

According to my vision, it is a paradox in terms to classify the current forms of government as democracies. They should rather be called olicracy (government of a few), somehow between democracy (government of peoples) and oligarchy (authority of a few). Evidently, the term democracy has been deliberately used to give the people the illusion of being able to choose. In fact, I believe that democracy is something that has been established to keep the population quiet by providing us with the illusion that we can decide, while it is not.

Dazzling on the subject is Mark Twain’s aphorism, expressed more than a century ago: “If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” Today nothing has changed even though it seems that everything has.

Still in the political sphere, I sympathize with parties such as the 5 Star Movement in Italy or the Podemos in Spain because they can represent the beginnings of new forms of truly democratic government and not only olicracies aimed at hiding the interests of politicians, implicit in their own election.

As a matter of fact, if these popular movements were to take root, one could witness the establishment of the first forms of direct democracy that, though imperfect, could become the least unjust form of government that human beings could choose. These political realities want to clearly distance themselves from the rampant corruption in all ideologies and, with different grades, in all the countries around the world. Even more fair would be the political-social management by wise men who would manage the public sphere in a manner, indeed, wiser. This last aspect could still be incomprehensible and perhaps unacceptable by the impure man who would try in every way and with every dirty weapon to fight the sages. The story of Gandhi, who was not allowed to finish his natural life cycle, is proof of this.

These new bastions of the new age politics (5 stars movement in Italy and Podemos in Spain) could greatly contribute to thinning out the fog of deception perpetrated by most politicians in the political landscape of all nations. There might be, however, some rare exception with some North European countries, where the social aspect is well developed, and to a few other countries at a global level that suffer the globalization of deception.

In fact, I believe the deception in politics is a weapon widely used and it is therefore very difficult to fight this attitude by those who do not use the same weapons. The political institutions of all the major democracies submit to the methodical use of deception and disinformation2 (itself a form of deception) that leads to a quarrelsome, arrogant, and inconclusive political environment. This or that branch of the Parliament tends to perpetuate and justify its choices without never questioning whether this or that provision is really good for the population and not just an advantage for one or the other political party.

The aim of the average politician is to stay in office for as long as possible in order to do his own business and for this reason he is willing to please sectors of society that can give him/her the widest possible consensus. Of course, there might also be a minority who would like to do the right things in a real vocational manner and no modern democratic country is exempt from this scourge.

I also believe the internet can be an instrument to balance the gap between the deceivers and the deceived. In fact, it can be manipulated with more difficulty and there is no monopoly of the media (as is the case today with television and the press) considering that the web is accessible to a large portion of the population.

As far as religions are concerned, I believe in their equanimity (or uselessness, in the modern age). I believe that they were born essentially to give answers to man, in particular to the questions: Who am I? Where do I come from? So essentially, the reason for life of the human being is the conscious or unconscious search for the truth, the where do I go? The difficulties, the disappointments, the pains that every human being encounters in his/her life inextricably direct one to the truth, which one day will unveil itself to most men/women, as it is also handed down by many religions, if not all, with different terminologies.

Thus, it is essentially the search for truth, consciously or unconsciously; it is the only reason for the life of the human being. A search for the truth that can be effectively conducted through any religion or even without any belief. Indeed, religion, if understood in a bigoted and hypocritical manner, could be misleading. Finally, I think all faiths, but above all Christian and Muslim, lend themselves to obvious manipulations and misrepresentations (less present, generally, in Eastern religions) that, for those who are not serious researchers, could be misleading.

Finally, I must add that I have not given particular attention to the meticulousness of details relating to events and episodes mentioned in this paper, since I do not consider them binding for the purpose of this text, which is to open the mind and reveal the deception.

This first volume of Logically will be dedicated solely to the logical-medical field. I will then, hopefully, publish a second volume with all, or part, of the remaining chapters related to energy, politics, religion and more.




Truth is a queen who has her eternal throne in heaven, and her seat of empire in the heart of God.

Jacques Bénigne Bossuet



ogic will make you free! In addition to the truth of course ... or perhaps, I hope, one can be a precursor to the other.

Who knows if the logical path will ever make us reach the knowledge about truth. Let’s reason about it: in the end, what is logic?3 The dictionary provides an exhaustive explanation. But logical is also a term widely used in everyday conversations, so it can be said that logic - if used effectively - can turn into an important logific tool that can unveil the truth on many aspects of our life. Perhaps, in our case, it would be more appropriate to talk about inference4 or deductive logic. In fact, while the truth is only for a select few, logic can be used (and has been over the centuries) by a larger number of people with a marked intellect. Undoubtedly, it does not open the doors of absolute truth (the one of Jesus, of the Buddha, and of a small number of enlightened individuals, so to speak), but it greatly helps to dissolve the mists of ignorance.

Let’s consider, for example, the theory of the sphericity of the earth which, to be fully accepted, had to see the birth of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). He demonstrated, not only logically but also empirically (thanks to the contribution of the telescope), that the Copernican heliocentric theory was not a geometrical hypothesis but a physical reality. For this reason, he was persecuted by the illogical ecclesiastical power of his time.

This theory determined that the Earth could only be spherical, as already theorized logically by Pythagoras and a long line of scholars after him. It was already a logical notion in those times. Astronomy (at the time of Galileo) was an art already known for millennia. The stars were observed since antiquity; the Egyptians, the Greeks, and the Romans later studied and observed the stars and it was clear and logical that these were of a spherical nature. So, it was already logical at that time that the Earth had to be spherical too.

Yet this simple logical deduction, affirmed by Pythagoras even before the coming of Christ, could not yet be digested until the time of Galileo. Not even the circumnavigation of the Earth (1519-1525) was enough to settle any possible doubt about its sphericity. However, with an absolutely incontrovertible logical theorem, Pythagoras had already affirmed, logically, that the Earth was of a spherical nature, probably following the principle that if the other stars are spherical and if the Earth is a star, then it must necessarily be spherical.

A disarming logic! However, it took about two millennia before everyone was sure and convinced of the sphericity of the Earth. In fact, only with the discovery of Oceania in 1770 were all doubts about it cleared.

I compare that to when a seed is planted and then the seedling is born. Even if one does not know the scientific processes that lead to the birth of the seedling, it could be stated, logically (thus making it a logific truth), that seedlings are born from the seeds. With the same method, one could state a long series of other logific truths. Once the logific certainty has been ascertained (i.e., from a specific reasoning) a very large number of logific truths can be ascertained logically.

These truths will not, therefore, necessarily need a scientific certainty (prerogative of the powerful and the experts) in order to be verified. As an example, I remember that in an apparent international scandal, I immediately identified the disinformation hoax using this method of deductive logic.

I’ll explain the episode. One day, The Times recounted the news about Emergency (a humanitarian hospital) in the international media. The article reported that, according to the Afghan authorities, three Emergency doctors plotted to kill a local governor.

The news was illogical but it was believed from the first moments around the world. When I heard it, I immediately thought that might have been just a joke and that The Times could not have published that news. Within a few hours, the news became more detailed and accurate and it appeared clear that The Times had really (quoting Afghan officials) disclosed this news, later rebounded all over the world, gaining international media attention.

For me it was immediately clear that the news, logically, even if not yet fully supported by a specific logific process, could not be real. It had to be logically a hoax; there had to be something behind it. Over the course of a long month, during which I attempted to understand what actually happened, the attention was always held high by the media on the issue and was clearly perceived (illogically) by the public that the Emergency doctors had, somehow, committed a serious crime, even if denied, in all ways, by the very top of the organization. Inevitably, as a result of this news, or rather, of this great lie, Emergency was forced to evacuate and, sometime later, an armed intervention of the coalition heavily bombed the places where the non-profit organization was present.

What was logical to me right away (i.e., the news could not be true) was revealed after about a month, when media attention was over and no one gave any more importance to what happened after. In that case, it was a logical and obvious case of disinformation probably perpetrated by the Afghan government in association with other allies - an intelligence operation, in essence. What is strange in this story is the involvement of the Times who either was an accomplice or was guilty of superficiality. What initially was only a logical deduction then turned into a logific proof.

After the armed intervention, some newspapers reported that the doctors of Emergency were not involved in any crime. The goal, however, by that time, had already been reached (keep away humanitarian organizations to facilitate bombing the places). Nevertheless, the chronicle of our days is dotted with these stories: disinformation and lies are regularly used to make it seem true what it is not, and this happens in every area: politics, energy, medicine, etc. The news is edited by those who manipulate the power to destroy an annoying opponent, a product, a food, to promote their interests, etc.

Another of the many hoaxes was unveiled by Current TV, which found other US news networks at doctored footage of a protest of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez. It seemed that thousands and thousands of people protested against his policy. Only through the investigation of Current TV was it discovered later that there was only a small number of people (about 50) really protesting. Evidently, everything had been artfully framed to de-legitimize Chavez (and I would add that perhaps the demonstrators might had been paid).

You could list countless similar episodes, but who knows what is true and what is not? Very often, however, using logic, one can determine the logifical5 truth, even if, unfortunately, it is not always the case. In fact, we need to have additional information to be able to undermine the disinformation project through the logical achievement of realizing one truth from another.

I have always wondered why governments around the globe have always denied UFO sightings trying to ridicule them. To a logical mind (with a minimum of information) it is more than obvious that they are here and must have had contacts with government forces, somehow. So why deny it? I have naively thought, up to now, that the governments might have been worried about the reaction of the people, so they might be protecting us. However, having more pieces of information, I realized that I could not be more wrong. Most of the Governments (allied together with obscure pacts) might be the evil and would take advantage of the fact that other non terrestrial civilizations cannot disobey cosmic laws (as free will6). So they are keeping on doing evil things to our mother Earth (and to the people) that they couldn’t do with the presence of our non terrestrial brothers (oil exploitation, nuclear experiments and use, chemical poisoning of the earth and of the body, etc.). They do not care and think, wrongly, that Nature will not turn against humans if terribly offended like it is now. Nature acts the same way as the body does when offended: it first tries to warn us, starting with minor acute illnesses and then with chronic ones that might turn into cancer. That is what we might be doing with our Mother Earth, causing cancer and activating the karma universal law which might turn into an Earth’s disaster will destroy our civilization, the way we know it (as already happened) or another deluge. I will develop this, more than logical theory, in the second volume of Logically.

Unfortunately, in many instances, it is not so easy to identify the big lie. The writer has adopted a simple trick: accepting the news with the benefit of the doubt and, where there is a manifest interest (pharmacy, food, energy, politics, private interest), I strongly doubt it and try to find possible weaknesses. Furthermore, I no longer believe what I see. Newsletters and newspapers only serve to see the fact and not what’s behind it.

What strongly contributed to my use of logic, concerning news from polluted sources (practically all), was the memory of a phrase heard in a television program. In fact, that day I heard: “the bigger a lie is the more effective it will be, especially if it is repeated often.” I clearly remember to have associated this wonderful truth to a wise man. I hypothesized it could be a wise statesman like Gandhi. When the presenter unveiled who was the author of that – until then beautiful and wise sentence – I was so surprised, but also ashamed. It took me a moment to recover from the shock. It was none other than the murderer and manipulator, Adolf Hitler.

Hitler might have taken advantage of what Gustave Le Bon said in his book Psychology of the Crowd and had studied, applied, and meticulously repeated his theories: any lie, if repeated frequently, will gradually turn into truth. The book was a solid reference point for all the greatest dictators (Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, etc.) and is, in all probability, still used by the great modern olicratian manipulators who also use the experiences of these evil genes to support their actions.

Unfortunately, the damage unconsciously done by Le Bon is comparable only to that done by Marx with the only differences that his writings are still applied (consciously or involuntarily) in modern societies while Marx was almost forgotten. Against Le Bon’s will, his theories have contributed to produce regimes that have caused millions of victims. Hitler would have tried to perpetuate his terrible crimes anyway, but perhaps he would have been less effective.

When I think about this phrase (to which Hitler, candidly, often referred) that he also published in his writings and which is now engraved in my mind, I think of Big Mafia (as someone has nicknamed Big Pharma) making some simple associations.

Of course I do wish that my logical deductions contained in this volume may never be confirmed, thus not turning into history. Hitler denied the existence of concentration camps, the deportation and extermination of Jews, Gypsies, etc. Basically, the German society of the time (as well as other Western societies) could not exactly perceive what was behind it, at least not at the beginning. Perhaps someone less conditioned could imagine something more, similarly to what happens now with the pharmaceutical industry.

Currently, the Pharmaceutical industry could be compared to the Hitler period in which deportations occurred and where the German society was blind and had full confidence in their leader and perhaps imagined, too naively and guiltily, that only a little cleaning was going on. Imagine what power a big lie has, repeated often by those we trust. Hitler based his whole Nazi postulate on this big lies, often repeated, that even the so-called western democracies could not imagine what was behind.

At the moment, Big Pharma is fooling a large number of professionals who should be faithful to the Hippocratic oath. These physicians would be justified only until they realize they could too be deceived (similarly to what it might have been for most of the German people who, unable to see it, could not imagine the extermination and the magnitude of the same). Also terror and fear, of course, played an important role. Even many Nazi officers had to be blind as many modern-day doctors who wear gowns as if they were wearing uniforms and obey the orders of the supreme leader.

I feel the need to explain this association with Nazi officers before going ahead, to avoid being misunderstood. First of all, we must identify ourselves with the historical period and consider that the Nazi officers, then, were not seen by public opinion as criminals but as respectable public officials. They obeyed orders, which they believed to be right, given by a charismatic leader appreciated by the German people, and of whom the real mad and criminal potentials were not yet known. Essentially, they obeyed the doctrine imposed and assimilated naturally as if it was really the only possible truth.

Only a few enlightened subjects, Einstein among them (as a victim), had fully understood Hitler’s criminal mind. The majority of Germans were inebriated by his charisma and, above all, by his lies. Even within the democratic powers, there were doubts about the potential criminal folly of Hitler and many did not consider him so dangerous, before it was clearly evident what was his terrible purpose. Only at the end of the war was its absurd criminal delirium completely clear.

Only the very high-ranking Nazi officers can be rightly called criminals. The other Nazi officers were nothing more than mere executors of orders that they considered correct, similarly to thousands of today’s doctors who follow protocols that they believe are right because are given by the authority.

In the same way, most of the people were deceived by Hitler’s incessantly repeated lies. This “undefined mass that provides simple, intuitive and changeable answers” (as defined by Hitler himself) was immersed in the big lie and easily convinced by this lie repeated to the obsession. It is clear and obvious that today’s Orthodox doctors might also be only victims who are themselves deceived. It is equally true, however, that they become unaware executioners of other innocent victims in a vicious circle where only Big Mafia and its associates gain. They might be victims and perpetrator and might also be victims of their cognitive ignorance7 that prevents them from seeing what was clear for Hippocrates, Paracelsus, Ehret, Gerson, Kousmine, and many others.

They still have responsibilities for how they behave, however. Maybe these doctors forgot they have taken an oath, an oath that is a binding for their profession. As a matter of fact, even if they would not know precisely what substance they put in the patient’s glass, they would still be responsible for their actions and omissions. So, the following examples about chemotherapy will be absolutely fitting. The great oncologists who have not verified and who do not verify that the therapies of other so-called alternative or holistic doctors are really ineffective violate this oath. They could then be compared to Nazi officers who perform wrong orders (trusting the institutions) turning, therefore, themselves in unconscious agents of unnecessary massacres. This apparently strong statement will be clear following my logical path and my logifical proofs.

The compromising of doctors would also be accomplished through sumptuous conferences in dream locations, obviously organized by Big Mafia. They might have the sole purpose of retaining the members of medical institutions (but not only) of each nation and, as a marginal activity, to let them learn about pharmaceutical and instrumental products and innovations. As a matter of fact, medical institutions are constantly and massively financed by pharmaceutical firms. How could they be unbiased?

Doctors and institutions should not accept economic favors from Big Mafia, just as politicians should not accept economic and personal favors from other public figures. If a cancer research institute receives lots of money from Big Mafia, do you really think it will be in the position to opt for other, non-pharmaceutical treatments? They should independently pay the cost of the congresses and of studies to avoid of being bought by Big Mafia. It is evidence that medical universities had to surrender to Big Mafiadue to the Great Depression. In the days of Gerson (1881-1959), all the journalists (except one) were bought with a simple and sumptuous banquet, in order not to have his national treatment plan approved. In fact, this would have cut short the business of pharmaceutical institutions, Big Pharma, with FDA/EMA/EFSA, GMC,8 state health institutions, and their political and non-political allies (which I will, from now onwards, call Pharmacine).

The Hippocratic oath binds physicians to exercise medicine in the best way for the patient’s health, verifying the effectiveness of the methods proposed by other colleagues, not hiding behind the non-scientifically proven hoax. Why do so many doctors fail to verify that the half-century studies of one of their best colleagues are not really ineffective? And those who verify it realize it’s true! And for this reason, they are persecuted.

The cure for tumors already exists! Even though hiding a cure could not be an accusation, according to the law, it should be for the conscience of some superficial, obtuse, and gullible doctors who believe the tales of Big Mafia. Doctors should not nurture sympathies and orientations, but they should test and experiment in an absolute independent spirit, but this is not the case. The doctors are slaves (without chains) of Big Mafia.

However, from the moment the awareness of the possible deception is perceived, then the evil that dwells in the souls of the chiefs of Pharmacine would also shift to those of every single Hippocratic juror who should ascertain the truth to save his soul from uncertain destinies.

As a matter of fact, nowadays doctors try to fight the diseases by fully trusting what they are told by Big Mafia through the implementation of new drugs that take away symptoms but do not cure. Evidently, they never asked themselves: but will it be true? Probably because no one could hypothesize such a barbaric reality. Those scrupulous doctors who ponder it go towards an unhappy ending (I will tell some of their stories later on).

The big lie today might be: cancer is an incurable disease, and the evil dictator is Pharmacine. If this hypothesis had a foundation of truth, Pharmacine would be committing the greatest genocide in the history of humanity. In fact, deaths from cancer (within the past years) are in the hundreds of millions, far more than those caused by Hitler.

Only in 2012,9 mortality related to tumors was 8.2 million. Multiply it for the next fifty years and add more (because the cases of cancer will multiply) and you will have a number higher than that of the North American population. Consider also the deaths due to tumors that have already happened so far and you will have an exhaustive picture of what goes around a big lie. In addition, the unfortunate prediction that one in three people will get cancer over the course of their lives is already outdated by new statistics that predict their onset (United Kingdom statistics), in one in two people.10 We are doing to our body exactly what we are doing to our mother Earth, Gaia. We are offending Her with any possible mean and She tries to warn us with a cold first (hurricanes), then with other chronic diseases (increase in volcano’s eruptions, earthquakes, etc.) to end with the cancer (global cataclysm) that might cause sudden billions of death toll and the loss of our human-god identity but rest and regeneration for Her. She would find, at last, the cure for Her disease, elimination of human kind.

It should however be said, to be fair, that one must die of something and that, since the average life expectancy has lengthened, it is natural that some deaths may also occur from cancer pathologies (I would be more interested in the diagnosis statistics) of a tumor within 50/60 years of age. Nevertheless, all that is inherent to cancer pathology would seem to be decisively the business of the present and of the future.

If you consider that the global GDP is about 70 trillion dollars and the turnover of Big Pharma is about 1 trillion dollars, you can well imagine what moves around the drug business. Cancer, of course, is quantifiable in about 2/3 of Big Pharma’s turnover. Vaccines move only a few billion dollars and it is foreseen to reach 100 Billion by 2020 from 5 billion from only a decade ago. I cannot hide from you that I myself have difficulty imagining a trillion dollars.

With the current pace of growth, it could be assumed that Big Mafia will soon become the world’s first economic superpower, in terms of GDP, even surpassing the United States, where it generates a large part of its profits.

Finally, the whole work, and in particular this volume, also wants to be a vademecum of possible alternatives for those who, like me, no longer believe in the moral and material integrity of most institutions, including medical ones that are either corrupted or deceived. This volume, therefore, is designed to be a reference to the true medical science, to be able to discover therapies that can really make us feel better and that are carefully hidden and/or forbidden.