Maze - Harold Dean James - E-Book

Maze E-Book

Harold Dean James

9,49 €

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Maze is about pleasure planet far in the future circling a blue sun. It is the story of a few people and a family traveling there, their adventures and misadventures. Because of Maze's blue sun, it is more favorable for people of color to spend time there. However, it is discovered that there is a shape-shifting creature consuming some of the visitors and the authorities are baffled as to how to contain it. An indigenous creature relegated to a specific area, enlists the help of a space exploring woman (Candra) and a man from the GBI, (Brian Bicks)(Galactic Bureau of Investigation to track down the killer but no one is sure if the indigenous creature is killing the visitors or the shape shifter. Also, there is a concern by the governing authority on how much money will be lost because of the killings.

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