Part Two – The Madness - Joseph P Hradisky Jr - E-Book

Part Two – The Madness E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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This is part two in the series where we find John Tom trying to stop the upcoming war for the earth realm. The big problem here is his friend Anthony Simon, now a king, has betrayed the trust of the people. John has heard rumors of this only to find they are true when he comes home. He tries to persuade King Simon to give up the madness and go back to what he had been in the beginning. King Simon refuses and John has to deal with him in a very hard manner. Yet he has not been able to stop the events leading to the next war. In order to figure a way to defeat the demon invaders he has to put himself into isolation. This ends in the next book, Part Three - The Journey.

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Joseph P Hradisky Jr

Part Two – The Madness

I Am No Hero Series Part 2

I dedicate this to my loving wife, Terri.BookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich

Part Two – The Madness

Part Two – The Madness

I Am No Hero Series

By Joseph P Hradisky Jr

This book is dedicated to my family and to all those who cannot keep from doing what is right no matter what the circumstances are.

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

This is the property of Joseph P Hradisky Jr – all rights are reserved

Look for Part Three – The Journey now available on Amazon and stay tuned for Part Four – Demons and Angels, Part Five – The Hidden Truths, and finally Part Six – The Final Confrontation

Here are my other books

The Mage - Ithaca Saga Book 1

The Fighter - Ithaca Saga Book2

Dragons of South Hill Parts 1 and 2

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Demon in the Mist Books 1 - 4

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A Collection of Short Stories 1 and 2

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The Killing Fields

Secession of Cali



One Year Later


I had just finished leveling off the hill top when the rain started. Since the end of the battle, to stop the next demon invasion, I had decided to raise the hilltop. I used a whole lot of magic to bring enough soil to raise it almost two hundred feet. This now allowed me to have a clear view, of the surrounding area, for almost twenty miles. Especially in the winter when all the leaves have fallen off the trees. In the summer it would be a little harder but there were other measures I used to keep tabs on the paths to the house. I was expecting company so I decided to check in on Terri who was taking care of our first born. My shift was coming up anyways and I really needed to see how she was doing. Terri was pregnant with our second but it would not be the last. We decided four, give or take, was a good number.


As I turned I spoke. “I know you are a first born, Derran, but did you really think I didn’t know you were here?”


As I looked at him/her Derran smiled at me. “No, but the more I try with you the better I get at it.”


This brought a smile to my face. “So are you staying out of trouble?”


It was a mute question for I had been hearing rumors. Derran did look a little ragged to say the least. “No. There seems to be a growing rebellion, again, against you humans as well as all the first born. Something, or someone, is riling them up. So far I have not found the source but it feels there is a demon, human, connection.”


“Have you spoken to Sebastian?” I asked him as we walked up to the house.


“Not yet. He seems to be just as busy trying to figure out what is inciting the demon king to try to attack this realm again.” Derran looked at the outside, of the house, before we went in. “You really have a way with building things.”


“Derran,” Terri hugged him/her while trying to balance our daughter, Isabella, on her left hip while still trying to breast feed. In fact Terri was completely topless so she could switch quickly from one side to the other. She always started with the right breast first. “Has been way too long since we saw you last.”


Derran smiled as he / she kissed her, on the lips, back as Terri handed Isabella over to me. By this time I had my shirt off, my nipples sanitized, so that Isabella could start feeding off my right breast. It is a sweet thing to be a mage for this allowed me to help out feeding our children so Terri didn’t have to do it all herself. So loved the task. I did have to smile with the look Derran gave me. “What?”


“The ‘what?’ is that you seem to be so well at home with that. As if it were the most enjoyable thing you could be doing.” Derran said.


“It is.” I told him as I settled Isabella on my hip. “Peg, and Peter, should be along soon…”


“Does he?” Derran asked.


“Does he what?” Peter said as he came into the house. He was holding their first born, Samantha, on his hip as he was breast feeding her.


Derran smiled. “Apparently he does.”


We all laughed at Peter’s expense till Peg whispered in his ear what we were talking about. Then he laughed with us. “Why wouldn’t I? In fact all men should have the ability to do this. Creates a stronger bond between everyone. As if there really needed to be a stronger bond.


“You just like having your nipples sucked on when I am too busy to do it.” Peg said as she kissed Derran, then hugged Terri and me. “Don’t let him fool you on that.”


“Well…there is that too.” Peter smiled as he heard more footsteps entering the house.


The head of the wolf clans, Tamarin, came through the door followed by Stacey and Richard. It was good to see them all again but I did have one overriding question which I knew could not wait. But, before asking, I looked over to Terri to see if she agreed or not. When she nodded to go ahead I did. “Tamarin Deepsoul…”


At the sound of her full name Tamarin came to a quick halt. For a minute she did not look at me but at the door. As if trying to decide if she should stay or leave. Then, with a sigh, she finally looked up at me. “Ask.”


“Has Swift Like The Wind come home yet?” I asked her. This was important for I felt very responsible for their separation despite the fact it would have occurred regardless of me.