Pre-Astronautics versus Science - Ryan Elbwood - E-Book

Pre-Astronautics versus Science E-Book

Ryan Elbwood

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"Pre-Astronautics versus Science" allows a daring look through a state-of-the-art lens at archaeological finds and modern theories. This book is an invitation to think beyond the textbook and explore the hidden chapters of our history. It is for the curious, the skeptics, and the visionaries – for all who are ready to delve into the mysteries of our existence. Step into another world where the inexplicable meets the quest for truth, and the paths of facts and speculation cross. As Horst Kaltenhauser said: "Speculation is the spark that ignites the fire of research." Join us on an exciting journey and discover a world full of fascinating possibilities.

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ISBN: 978-3-981172-4-2-3


Some Graphics That Appear After the Introduction in This Book Are By: Ryan Elbwood (2024)


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Table of Contents:

Pages 5 to 8


Book Title:

Pages 1 to 2


ISBN and Copyright Information:

Pages 3 to 4


Foreword and Introduction:

Pages 9 to 24


Chapter 1

Ancient Flying Machines and Aviation:

Pages 25 to 64


Chapter 2

Extraterrestrial Influences on Ancient Structures:

Pages 65 to 102


Chapter 3

Unexplained Artifacts:

Pages 103 to 120


Chapter 4

Ancient Texts and Legends:

Pages 121 to 128


Chapter 5

Human Ancestry and Genetics:

Pages 129 to 134


Chapter 6

Cosmic Symbolism and Iconography:

Pages 135 to 146

Chapter 7

Ancient Engineering:

Pages 147 to 202


Chapter 8

Mythological and Religious Connections:

Pages 203 to 222


Chapter 9

Modern UFO Sightings and Encounters:

Pages 223 to 232


Chapter 10

Ancient High Technologies:

Pages 233 to 240


Chapter 11

Unexplained Phenomena and Artifacts:

Pages 241 to 250


Chapter 12

Cosmic Wars and Conflicts:

Pages 251 to 264


Chapter 13

Lost Worlds and Cities:

Pages 265 to 274


Chapter 14

Historical and Cultural Traditions:

Pages 275 to 294


Chapter 15

Ancient Energy Sources:

Pages 295 to 302

Chapter 16

Ancient Astronomy and Astrology:

Pages 303 to 314


Chapter 17

Interstellar Messages, Myths, and Mysterious "Coincidences":

Pages 315 to 336


Chapter 18

Connection Between Modern UFO Sightings and Pre-Astronautic Theories:

Pages 337 to 358


Chapter 19

Influence on Pop Culture:

Pages 359 to 362


Chapter 20

Summary and More:

Pages 363 to 390


Chapter 21

Now I Will Reveal Myself and Then Continue:

Pages 391 to 402


Chapter 22

The Catch in Graham Hancock's "Lost Civilization Theory":

Pages 403 to 408


Chapter 23

Göbekli Tepe, the Anunnaki, Sumerians, Own Hypotheses, and Much More:

Pages 409 to 446


Image Directory of the Book Appendix:

All Numbered Images from Wikimedia with Copyright and Source Information

Pages 447 to 456


Source Directory:

Chapters 1 to 20

Pages 457 to 494


Other Books by the Author:

Pages 495 to 498


Section for Personal Notes:

Pages 499 to 500



"Pre-Astronautics versus Science" allows for a daring look through a high-tech lens at archaeological mysteries and modern theories. This book is an invitation to think beyond the textbook and explore the hidden chapters of our history. It is for the curious, the skeptics, and the visionaries – for all who are ready to delve into the enigmas of our existence. Step into another world where the inexplicable meets the quest for truth, and the paths of facts and speculation intersect.


Ernestin Mc Babraham






















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Introduction and Historical Overview:

A Journey through the History of Pre-Astronautics:













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It was a time of wonder and speculation when humanity began not only to observe the sky but also to question it. The history of pre-astronautics is a fascinating journey through time, seeking answers to some of the greatest mysteries of our existence. I warmly invite you to join me in exploring and discovering this unknown land with passionate enthusiasm and appropriate caution, step by step. Let's go!

The Beginnings:

Literary Speculations and Early Theories:

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, authors began to speculate about the existence of ancient civilizations such as Atlantis, Lemuria, or Mu, which were attributed with advanced technology. These ideas, along with other transmitted texts from epics, legends, myths, religious books, and so on, laid the foundation for pre-astronautics.











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Charles Fort: The Collector of the Unexplained

In 1919, Charles Fort collected unexplained phenomena in his book "The Book of the Damned" and speculated that humanity was under the control of extraterrestrials. His work inspired many who came after him.

The Soviet Visionaries: Interplanetary Contacts

In the 1920s, Soviet space pioneers Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and Nikolai Rynin engaged with the idea of interplanetary contacts in the past. Their thoughts were far ahead of their time.


The 1950s and 1960s: UFOs and Early Researchers

With the worldwide attention that UFOs attracted, several scientists, journalists, and authors engaged with the theory of ancient astronauts. Among them were mathematician Matest M. Agrest, journalists and authors Peter Kolosimo and Louis Pauwels, science fiction author Robert Charroux, ufologist and author W. Raymond Drake, as well as the versatile chemist, alchemist, occultist, spy, journalist, and non-fiction author Jacques Bergier.


Mr. von Däniken: The Great Popularizer

In the late 1960s, Mr. von Däniken appeared on the scene and, according to some readers, argued scientifically. According to critics, he aimed to provide evidence that humans were of a rather primitive nature and that they were significantly influenced by extraterrestrials. However, those who read his books carefully noticed that Mr. von Däniken made almost no assertions but predominantly asked whether it could have been this way or that.

I do not want to leave unmentioned at this point that Mr. von Däniken already inspired me with his statement that his first thoughts in this direction were those of a philosophically and theologically interested person who asked himself a comparable question like the following:


Who and What Are the Angels in the Bible?




















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Many other people and I asked ourselves very similar questions and sought answers.

Mr. von Däniken has done great and very impressive research on a global scale and has addressed many exciting topics that fascinated and still inspire me today!


Important Legal Information:

The name "Mr. von Däniken" is a registered trademark. In this book, I am not using Mr. von Däniken in the capacity of a trademark, but rather referring to the physically existing person who is an important part of the ancient astronaut history. Mr. von Däniken neither knows me nor this book at the time of its creation. Whether he will become aware of it afterwards, I cannot predict. Thus, it has no personal connection with me.

I am a huge fan of Mr. von Däniken and love all his works, as well as his infectious enthusiasm and the energy he exudes.


Mr. von Däniken, if you ever read this book: "Thank you very much for your truly great life's work, of which you can be very proud and which not only inspired me to delve deeply into the subject!"


Zecharia Sitchin: The Theorist of the Anunnaki

After the idea of ancient astronauts became popular through the works of Mr. von Däniken, the late Zecharia Sitchin further contributed to the discussion with his own research and publications.

In his books, he made remarkable claims. He said the Anunnaki were an extraterrestrial race from the planet Nibiru.

This race supposedly created humanity as labor slaves.

With this, he gave the theory a new dimension. Sitchin's interpretations of the Sumerian cuneiform texts were controversial. They led to discussions about the origins of human civilization.

The possibility of extraterrestrial influences in the past was also discussed.

For me, Sitchin is one of the great zeitgeists of this exciting era, which is not yet over.


Other Colleagues Whom I Greatly Appreciate:

Linda Moulton Howe, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, David H. Childress, William Henry, Dr. Bill Birnes, and many others have fascinated and captivated me with their work over the years.


These individuals have significantly shaped and advanced the global discussion on ancient astronauts and ufology in modern times through their efforts.


Their works have helped maintain interest in this topicand inspire new generations of readers and researchers.

























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The Scientific Perspective:

Skepticism and Criticism:

The academically institutionalized natural and social sciences reject the central hypotheses of ancient astronaut theory, as these cannot be substantiated through comprehensive scientific examination according to the faculties.


Critics emphasize that the written expositions of ancient astronaut theorists do not appear plausible and may contain possible falsifications, misinterpretations, source distortions, and pure speculations.

Another accusation is the unscientific approach of many ancient astronaut theorists, which does not rely on the three steps of the scientific method.


These steps are: Hypothesis -> Analysis -> Synthesis

Other methods are not accepted by the majority of the scientific community.


In this book, the perspectives and expositions of the majority of ancient astronaut theorists and scientists are presented. You can form your own judgment on which party is more likely to be correct on which topic or which perspective you find most appealing.


For it is by no means the case that the sciences are automatically correct in all statements, and this does not only apply to the criticisms against ancient astronaut theory.


It is well known that sciences today still largely rely on theories, hypotheses, theses, postulates, and pure assertions. It is also known that many scientific statements have not yet been verified.

Currently (2024), the 97-year-old claim that there was once a Big Bang is coming to an end. The reason for this is that images from the state-of-the-art James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) provide compelling evidence that the assumption of a Big Bang scenario is no longer tenable. Although some scientists still try to save the Big Bang as a serious idea, there are increasing voices presenting well-founded counterarguments that completely undermine the already fragile foundation of the Big Bang idea.


If the JWST data are correct, for which there are currently no doubts, the current cosmology will collapse in my opinion, and new ideas can come to the forefront.


For example, the Alfvén-Klein cosmology (plasma cosmology), developed by Hannes Alfvén and Oskar Klein in the 1960s and 1970s, or the ens-thesis by Chris Wolker, published in 2008 and expanded in 2015 and 2018. Both theories do not assume a Big Bang. The ens-thesis also offers a completely independent approach in many respects, which has so far harmonized perfectly with all JWST observations.


Additionally, there are many books that deal with scientific misjudgments that were presented as truths at the time of their hypothesizing. This also applies to the thin claim of the Big Bang, which has been supported by many scientists for over 97 years since its first publication in 1927 and is still supported by many despite new facts. Those who thought differently were often ridiculed, reprimanded, and/or even ostracized, and there have been scientists who recognized many problems and errors in the Big Bang claim from the beginning until now without interruption.

It was the Belgian theologian and physicist Georges Lemaître who, in 1927, proposed the idea of an extremely dense and hot beginning of the universe.


He referred to this state as the "primeval atom" or "cosmic egg."

Given the limited knowledge at that time, this may be forgiven.


However, many further discoveries have since been made, which could have been interpreted quite differently than they were by science.


From the scientific side, almost everything was interpreted in such a way that it could be more or less poorly reconciled with the Big Bang idea. For example, the three-Kelvin radiation in the microwave range, which was labeled as proof of the Big Bang.

Other scientists found alternative explanations for this that do not require a Big Bang as the cause. Especially when one does not assume a Big Bang as the temporal beginning of the universe, but rather an eternally existing and dynamic universe, in which the radiation had the opportunity to spread almost isotropically without a time constraint, several very simple possibilities arise. This is exactly how it is presented and elaborated in the ens-thesis.


The scientific side, however, made no effort over many decades to explain the universe in any other way than through a Big Bang.


It seemed as if a large part of the scientists had suddenly become democratic, and only what the majority thought and expressed was valid.

Politically, this may work more or less well in some cases, but for a healthy global scientific operation, it is an absolute no-go!

The British philosopher, mathematician, critic of religion, and logician Bertrand Arthur William Russell once formulated the following statement:












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"Even if everyone is of the same opinion, everyone can be wrong."


Due to all these facts, it is clearly evident that one should not accept what scientists say or write as correct without verification.


Is the Church better than the sciences in terms of the consistency of its conveyed content?


In Short:

Belief is not knowledge, and knowledge does not necessarily have to be the truth, and even the truth can be interpreted differently in many cases when viewed subjectively.


What about ancient astronaut theory itself? Are the statements of ancient astronaut theory definitively true and irrefutable?


I Would Answer It This Way:

Many ancient astronaut theorists are very clever and work with a legal trick!


When listening to documentaries and lectures on the subject, please pay close attention and note exactly what is being firmly asserted when reading reports and books.


You will notice that something is only firmly asserted if it is either written down somewhere in ancient traditions or has similarly strong evidence as sources of information. Everything else is almost always questioned.


I know of very few slip-ups where an ancient astronaut theorist accidentally asserted something without questioning it, which was not very well substantiated.

It is a significant difference to say: "In the past, there were definitely aliens on Earth, and they demonstrably influenced humanity!"


Or Whether It Is Phrased Like This:

• "Is it possible that the Indian epic Mahabharata hints at the early visit of aliens who created and influenced humans?"


• "Were various ancient Egyptian structures created with the involvement of extraterrestrials?"


• "Are the ancient gigantic stone monuments based on alien technology?"

• "Doesn't much seem to suggest that we had visits from various extraterrestrials on Earth in the distant past?"


You surely understand by now what I am getting at.

Those who ask questions or make open statements do not have to justify assertions.


How stable the evidence of the critics is regarding their statements that ancient astronaut theory is wrong, and how stable the indications or even proofs of the ancient astronaut theorists are for their questioned assumptions, you can judge in this book. At the very end, you will also learn my personal opinion on this and beyond.

In this work, many places, monuments, artifacts, traditions, and so on are examined several times from very different thematic perspectives.


Through these thematic repetitions, you will not only memorize the respective terms, but you will also recognize that the ancient astronaut topic represents a logically woven net that possesses an astonishing consistency! Besides some known "small wonders," there are also some new fascinating pieces of information that amazed me when I learned about them and examined them more closely.


This world is full of wonders. It is a wonderful world.


Let Yourself Be Surprised:














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The Present: Ongoing Fascination:

The criticisms from the church and scientific community do not put an end to ancient astronaut theory for the reasons described. Quite the opposite! Ancient astronaut theory remains a fascinating field for many people to this day, continuing to influence pop culture and proudly looking at a constant influx of new enthusiasts. The search for extraterrestrial influences in our past is a testament to our tireless quest for knowledge and our willingness to think outside the box. Sometimes we have succeeded, but it has not always been pleasant what we found there.















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Chapter 1

Ancient Flying Machines and Aviation:
















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Humanity has always gazed at the sky in wonder, pondering what might exist beyond the clouds. This curiosity is reflected in many ancient writings that speak of flying machines and aviation. In this chapter, we will explore the various ancient texts that contain references to such flying devices and examine the interpretations of ancient astronaut theory regarding these traditions. The scientific perspective will also be presented in contrast.


Vimanas in Ancient Indian Texts:





















These 4 images are from: Microsoft Copilot 2024, with the help of Dall-E 3 OpenAI.

They depict various Vimanas as described in Indian texts.


The Vimanas are perhaps the most well-known examples of ancient flying machines described in several old Indian texts, including the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, and the Vaimanika Shastra. These texts describe Vimanas as flying palaces or chariots controlled by gods or highly advanced beings. The descriptions range from simple flying chariots to complex structures with multiple levels and a variety of functions, including weapons and advanced technology.


In the Mahabharata, Vimanas are mentioned as divine vehicles capable of traveling great distances and even journeying to other worlds. The Ramayana describes the Vimana of Ravana, the king of Lanka, as an impressive flying device that had the ability to become invisible and combat enemies with energy projectiles.


The Vaimanika Shastra, a text allegedly written by Bharadvaja, goes even further, offering detailed descriptions of the construction, propulsion, and control of Vimanas. This text, which claims to originate from a much older source, has been cited by ancient astronaut theorists as evidence that ancient civilizations may have had contact with advanced technologies or even extraterrestrial visitors. 


The Flying Carpets of Persian Mythology:
















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Flying carpets are another fascinating element of ancient aviation that appear in Persian mythology and later in the tales from One Thousand and One Nights. These carpets were said to be able to carry their owner through the air and were often depicted as symbols of power and freedom.


Interpretations of Ancient Astronaut Theory and Science:

Proponents of ancient astronaut theory interpret these traditions as possible indications of ancient encounters with extraterrestrial civilizations or the possession of technologies resembling our modern understanding of aviation. They argue that the detailed descriptions of Vimanas and other flying devices in these ancient texts cannot simply be products of imagination but must be based on real experiences or observations.


However, these interpretations are not without controversy, as many scientists point out that such texts should be understood metaphorically or symbolically and not as historical records of actual events. Nevertheless, there is no evidence to support the claims of these scientists either.


Many Indian scholars regard the respective books as true traditions. This also applies to the traditions of other countries and their scribes and historians.


The Abydos Helicopter Relief:












Authors and Sources – Image No. 1 in the Image Directory of the Book AppendixIn In Egypt, the so-called "Abydos Helicopter Relief" has caused a stir. It is located in the Temple of Seti I in Abydos and shows hieroglyphs that some interpret as depictions of a helicopter, airplane, submarine, and tank.


Some ancient astronaut theorists see this as possible evidence of ancient flight technology or even the influence of extraterrestrial visitors with the possibility of time travel.


Archaeologists and other critics, on the other hand, argue that it is a random overlay of older and newer hieroglyphs caused by erosion and restoration work. If this were true, what resulted would indeed be a remarkable coincidence.


The Nazca Lines:















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The famous Nazca Lines in Peru are another enigma often associated with ancient astronaut theory. These massive geoglyphs, which can only be fully recognized from the air, depict various animals and symbols. Created between 500 BC and 500 AD by the Nazca culture, the lines cover an area of nearly 500 square kilometers and include straight lines, geometric shapes, and complex figures such as a hummingbird, spider, and monkey.

Some ancient astronaut theorists speculate that the lines served as runways for extraterrestrial spacecraft or as a form of communication with these visitors. However, most scholars believe the lines had religious or astronomical purposes, possibly related to water rituals or as part of a calendar system.

The Bird of Saqqara:









Authors and Sources – Image No. 2 in the Image Directory of the Book Appendix


This object was discovered during the excavation of a tomb in Saqqara, Egypt. It is often referred to as the "Saqqara Bird," has wings, and resembles modern airplanes in its shape. While some researchers interpret it as a toy or cult object, proponents of the ancient astronaut theory see it as a model of an aircraft that could be based on a real prototype.


The Saqqara Bird is an artifact made of sycamore wood, discovered in 1898 and estimated to date back to around 200 BCE. It has a wingspan of 18 cm and weighs 39.12 g. The artifact is currently housed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Some researchers, such as the Egyptian physician Khalil Messiha, speculated that it could be a model of an ancient glider. However, this theory has been largely dismissed by mainstream science, as the object cannot fly stably without a horizontal stabilizer.


The Heavenly Chariots of the Old Testament:















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In the biblical scriptures, particularly in the Book of Ezekiel, there is mention of a "heavenly chariot" described with living creatures and wheels that can move in all directions. These depictions have led to interpretations that align with ancient astronaut theories, suggesting that these descriptions could be actual encounters with extraterrestrial vehicles.

Here Are Three More Well-Known Ascensions from the Bible:

1. The Ascension of Jesus Christ: After his resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days with his disciples. Then he was taken up to heaven before their eyes and disappeared into a cloud. This ascension is described in the Book of Acts.

2. The Ascension of Elijah: The prophet Elijah was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire with horses. This happened before the eyes of his successor Elisha and is described in the Second Book of Kings.

3. The Translation of Enoch: Enoch is described in the Bible as a man who walked with God. He was taken by God without experiencing death. This ascension is mentioned in the Book of Genesis.

The Tulli Papyrus: A Document Full of Mysteries
















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The artistic interpretation of a papyrus.


The Tulli Papyrus, an Egyptian text that allegedly reports fire circles in the sky, is often cited as evidence of ancient UFO sightings. The papyrus is dated to the time of Pharaoh Thutmose III, who reigned from approximately 1479 to 1425 BC. The text is said to have been recorded in the annals of the "House of Life," a kind of library and research center in ancient Egypt. The story of the Tulli Papyrus begins in 1933 when Alberto Tulli, the curator of the Egyptian section of the Vatican Museums, came across a strange papyrus in an antique shop in Cairo. Unable to acquire the original, Tulli made a copy, which later passed into the possession of his brother after his death. The original papyrus has since been lost. The copy of the Tulli Papyrus describes an event in which "fire circles" or "flying discs" were observed in the sky. These objects were said to shine brighter than the sun and extend over all four corners of the sky. It is reported that fish and other marine animals fell from the sky, a phenomenon unknown since the founding of Egypt. The Pharaoh is said to have offered incense to appease the gods and ordered the event to be recorded forever in the House of Life.




















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Several proponents of the ancient astronaut theory see this account as evidence of extraterrestrial influences in antiquity. The descriptions in the papyrus resemble modern reports of UFOs, leading to speculation about their possible extraterrestrial origin.

Did the Maya Have Flight Technology or Did They See It?























Author and Source Information – Image No. 5 in the Image Directory of the Book Appendix

The sarcophagus lid of Palenque, which covers the tomb of the Maya ruler K'inich Janaab' Pakal, is a fascinating artifact that intrigues both archaeologists and proponents of the ancient astronaut theory. The lid features a complex depiction often interpreted as a shamanic journey to the underworld. The central figure, presumably Pakal himself, is shown in a pose that some compare to an astronaut in a spaceship. Proponents of the ancient astronaut theory see this depiction as evidence of extraterrestrial visits in the past and speculate that the Maya might have been replicating something they had previously seen.



















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However, the scientific community interprets the scene on the sarcophagus lid differently. Archaeologists see symbolic elements deeply rooted in Maya mythology in the depiction.


The so-called "flames" beneath/behind the figure are interpreted as the roots of the World Tree, reaching down into the mythical underworld of the Maya, known as Xibalbá. This interpretation is further supported by the discovery of an underground water tunnel beneath the Temple of the Inscriptions, where the sarcophagus lid was found. The tunnel could have served as a symbolic path to the underworld, guiding the deceased on their journey to the afterlife.


The inscriptions and symbols on the sarcophagus lid and the associated artifacts, such as stone ear plugs found in the tomb, support this interpretation. They speak of Pakal leading the dead into the underworld by immersing them in water, where they can be received. These interpretations are consistent with other pre-Columbian groups that built similar water tunnel systems under their temples, also interpreted as entrances to the mythical underworld.


Overall, archaeologists do not see the sarcophagus lid of Palenque as a depiction of an astronaut, but rather as a metaphorical representation of the ruler immersing himself in the spiritual world of the Maya, taking on the central role of mediator between worlds. This interpretation is based on a deep understanding of Maya culture, their religion, and their symbolism, expressed in the inscriptions and artworks of this ancient civilization.


The debates about whether those who see an astronaut in the depiction are experiencing pareidolia or whether the archaeologists and/or linguists have misinterpreted something will likely continue.


Personally, I know of other Maya depictions that look very similar to the sarcophagus lid but without the central figure. Therefore, I assume for myself that my brain is playing a trick on me and that I might be interpreting something into the sarcophagus lid that the stonemason did not intend to depict.


The Quimbaya Artifacts:








Author and Source Information – Image No. 3 in the Image Directory of the Book Appendix


The former Quimbaya culture from present-day Colombia produced small gold objects that resemble airplanes. These objects have clearly detectable aerodynamic shapes, which some researchers scaled up and tested to examine their flight capabilities. Modern technologies such as 3D printing and laser cutting were used to analyze the structure and aerodynamics of these models. The fact is that these models already possess excellent hovering and gliding abilities without a motor, and with a built-in motor and a standard remote control, they are superbly flight-capable!


Although these finds are fascinating and indeed look like airplanes, there is no conclusive evidence that the Quimbaya actually had the technology to build or use such aircraft.


However, some proponents of the ancient astronaut theory believe that the Quimbaya were merely replicating in small what they had seen in large.


The scientific community generally views these artifacts as symbolic or ritual objects, possibly representing birds, insects, or mythological beings. Since these objects do not resemble known birds or insects and the assumed mythological beings are a baseless claim, the statements of the corresponding scientists regarding these artifacts seem far-fetched. However, the successful flight tests have also led engineers and other technically skilled people to believe that the interpretation of the ancient astronaut theorists is better substantiated.


The Flying Machines of the Hopi Indians










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The artistic interpretation of Kachinas on flying shields.


The Hopi, known as the westernmost group of the Pueblo peoples, have their home in northeastern Arizona, located in the southwestern part of the USA. The majority of the Hopi community belongs to the Hopi Tribe of Arizona. Their reservation, covering an area of 12,600 square kilometers, is now surrounded by the Navajo Nation Reservation, near the colorful desert.


This people have traditions that speak of a vast continent called Kásskara, which is said to have been located in the Pacific and from which the Kachinas (foreign beings) came. These Kachinas are said to have traveled on flying shields and taught the Hopi in various areas of life. They brought the Hopi important ways of living, including various ceremonies intended to bring rain and fertility. They helped people deal with their daily problems and introduced new methods, such as agriculture and administration.


They also taught the Hopi children using colorful wooden dolls as teaching aids to convey the significance and teachings of the Kachinas. Even today, the Kachinas, who disappeared at some point and said they would return, still play a central role in the spiritual and cultural life of the Hopi.


In contemporary Hopi life, Kachinas are highly sought-after objects of Native American craftsmanship and represent the connection to spiritual teachings and traditions. The Kachina dolls, also known as Tihu, are always very colorful and non-human in appearance.

spiritual and cultural life of the Hopi. In contemporary Hopi life, Kachinas are highly sought-after objects of Native American craftsmanship and represent the connection to spiritual teachings and traditions. The Kachina dolls, also known as Tihu, are always very colorful and non-human in appearance.






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The depiction is an artistic interpretation of Kachina dolls.


The scientific community tends to approach this topic with caution, as it delves deeply into the traditional worldview of this people.


Some proponents of the ancient astronaut theory see the Kachinas as beings not from this world who helped the Hopi achieve better living conditions. Some also believe that there was a continent called Kásskara and that the Kachinas were advanced beings who lived there.
















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Exciting Events in Chinese History:

In the annals of Chinese history, there are fascinating accounts of unexplained celestial phenomena that have sparked people's imaginations for centuries. Here are two such accounts that remain mysterious to this day.



The Wisdom Lamps of Master Hsu Yun (1884):

The Buddhist master Hsu Yun, an influential teacher of the 19th and 20th centuries, reported a strange experience in 1884. During his stay at Da-luo Peak in China, he observed "wisdom lamps," luminous objects in the sky that seemed to be otherworldly. These objects split into several balls of different sizes and flew through the sky with an awe-inspiring presence.













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The Report on the "Chi yan teng kong" Incident:

In 1892, during the Qing Dynasty, a remarkable event was documented in China that continues to spark discussions and speculations to this day. The incident is known as "Chi yan teng kong," which translates to "red flame rises." This phenomenon was captured in a painting by Wu You-ru (吳友如), which is considered the first graphical account of a UFO incident in China. The following image, however, is an artistic interpretation by an AI of this incident.











Microsoft Copilot 2024, with the help of Dall-E 3 OpenAI – Artistic Representation


The painting depicts a scene near the Confucius Temple in Nanjing, where crowds of people are observing an unusual "fireball" in the sky, located in the upper right corner of the painting. The exact date of the incident is the 28th day of the 9th month in the 18th year of Emperor Guangxu's reign, calculated according to the traditional Chinese calendar. Wu You-ru also noted the time of the event on the painting, which was 8 PM.


The depiction in the painting shows how people reacted to the phenomenon and provides insight into the perception of unexplained celestial events at that time. Although modern interpretations tend to classify such events as UFO sightings, it is important to note that the historical contexts and understanding of astronomy and atmospheric phenomena were different at that time.


Some proponents of the ancient astronaut theory suspect that these accounts are sightings of unidentified flying objects from long ago. Most of them think of technological flying objects from an advanced terrestrial or extraterrestrial species of that era.


A large part of the scientific community generally regards these and similar accounts as astronomical observations that could not be satisfactorily classified at the time and were therefore compared to familiar everyday objects, which is how they got their names.




Now follow recorded flight experiments and fantasies from Chinese history that were clearly of human origin and, in my opinion, very noteworthy:

In a time when the world was still full of mysteries and the sky was considered the realm of the gods, the people of ancient China reached for the stars.

Their legends and myths tell of bold inventors and visionary rulers whose dreams of flying pushed the boundaries of the imaginable.

I am a great fan of these stories and am very pleased to introduce them to you at this point.

Emperor Shun's Flying Apparatus:

- The Dream of Flight





















Microsoft Copilot 2024, with the help of Dall-E 3 OpenAI

An artistic interpretation of the tradition.


Over four millennia ago, Emperor Shun ruled, a sovereign of wisdom and kindness who placed the well-being of his people above all else. It is said that he possessed a mysterious flying apparatus that could carry him into the skies. The chronicles of that time have been lost, but legend has it that this apparatus was made from rare materials and designed by the brightest minds in the realm. It is rumored that the emperor floated over mountains and valleys, showing his subjects that even the sky is no limit for the human spirit.

Ki Kung Shis Flugmaschine:

- Das verbotene Artefakt




















Microsoft Copilot 2024, with the help of Dall-E 3 OpenAI

An artistic interpretation of the following text.


In the era of the great Emperor Cheng Tang, there lived Ki Kung Shi, a gifted craftsman whose skills caught the emperor's attention. Ki Kung Shi constructed a flying machine so powerful that it threatened to disrupt the order of heaven and earth. Fearing the consequences, the emperor had the artifact destroyed. However, the story of Ki Kung Shi's invention survived and inspired generations of scientists and dreamers who reached for the stars.


Wan Hoo's Rocket Chair:

- The Rise and Fall of a Pioneer





















Microsoft Copilot 2024, with the help of Dall-E 3 OpenAI

An artistic interpretation of the following text.


In the 15th century, Wan Hoo, a brave scholar, attempted the impossible. He built a chair equipped with dozens of rockets, hoping to reach the sky. With a loud bang, he launched into the air, surrounded by smoke and fire. Legend has it that he never returned, and thus his fate remains a mystery. Wan Hoo's story is a symbol of the insatiable thirst for knowledge and the quest to break the bonds of the earth.


Chuang Tzu's Astral Journey:




















Microsoft Copilot 2024, with the help of Dall-E 3 OpenAI

An artistic interpretation of the following text.


A Philosopher Between Worlds:

Chuang Tzu, a thinker and poet, spoke of a journey that took him far beyond the boundaries of the known world. His words paint the picture of an astral odyssey that brought him to places no mortal had ever seen before. Whether his stories are true or not remains an intriguing mystery to this day. Some think they were purely flights of fancy. Others suspect contact with another world, beyond usual human perception in unknown dimensions. Some, however, believe that Chuang Tzu had the rare gift of remote viewing and actually saw something that existed elsewhere within our dimension.

These stories are more than just legends; they are a window into the soul of a civilization that saw the sky not just as a limit, but as a goal. They speak of the boundless curiosity and inventiveness that form the heart of Chinese culture.


The following are some traditions from Japan that I find appropriate and fascinating:

The Mystery of the Utsuro-bune:

- Encounters at the Edge of the World













Utsuro-bune von Nagahashi Matajirou (Artist) - Nagahashi Matajirou: Ume-no-chiri (1844), Gemeinfrei (Public Domain)



In the early morning hours of the 19th century, when the sea was calm and the sky was clear, an incident occurred on the coast of Japan that challenged the limits of human understanding.


Fishermen and villagers witnessed an unusual sight: a mysterious object, later known as the "Utsuro-bune," drifted ashore.


The Utsuro-bune, a round, boat-like vessel, was unlike anything the locals had ever seen. Its surface was smooth and shiny, almost as if it were made of a material other than the wood or metal known to the people. The structure of the object was complex, with windows or hatches along its sides and strange symbols engraved on its surface.


As the villagers approached, they discovered an even greater surprise: a woman of extraordinary beauty sitting inside the vessel. Her clothing was exquisite and unlike any local fabrics, and her language was incomprehensible to the listeners. She held a mysterious box that she refused to give to anyone.


The story of the Utsuro-bune has raised many questions. Was this strange vessel a lost ship from an unknown civilization? Or could it be a hint of an ancient encounter with visitors from another star?


The ancient astronaut theory offers a fascinating perspective on such events, considering the possibility that our ancestors were visited by extraterrestrial intelligences.


To this day, the Utsuro-bune remains a mystery, shrouded in the mists of time. Yet the tales live on, fueling the imagination of those who believe we live in a universe full of wonders and undiscovered stories.


The Utsuro-bune stands as a symbol of this boundless curiosity and the quest for answers that may one day lead us to the stars.

































Microsoft Copilot 2024, with the help of Dall-E 3 OpenAI

A modern artistic interpretation of the story.


• The Sky Guardians of Japan




















Microsoft Copilot 2024, with the help of Dall-E 3 OpenAI

An artistic interpretation of the following text.


In the mist-covered mountains of Japan, where the boundary between the world of humans and spirits blurs, the Tengu watch over the ancient forests. These mystical beings, half human, half bird, are the guardians of nature and masters of the wind. With their long noses and red faces, they are an imposing presence that commands respect and awe.


Legends tell that the Tengu possess supernatural powers and can glide through the air as lightly as a leaf in the wind. They are known for teaching brave warriors the martial arts, but also for punishing those who display arrogance. In old stories, they are often depicted as tricksters who confuse people with their tricks and magic.






















Microsoft Copilot 2024, with the help of Dall-E 3 OpenAI

An artistic interpretation of the following text.


One day, a young samurai, in search of wisdom and strength, ventured into the mountains to meet the Tengu. He encountered one of them, who revealed to him the secrets of swordsmanship and strategy. The samurai returned as a master of his craft and became a legend that still lives on in the songs and stories of Japan.


The Tengu remain a staple of Japanese folklore, a symbol of the power of nature and the unfathomable mysteries that lie beyond human understanding.






















Microsoft Copilot 2024, with the help of Dall-E 3 OpenAI


Kaguya-hime: The Moon Princess






















Microsoft Copilot 2024, with the help of Dall-E 3 OpenAI

An artistic interpretation of the following text.



In the annals of Japanese myths, the story of Kaguya-hime, the Moon Princess, stands as one of the most touching and mysterious tales. It is said that she descended from the sky in a glowing bamboo capsule, found by an old bamboo cutter who had no children. Kaguya-hime grew into a woman of unparalleled beauty, whose radiance brightened the heart of every beholder.


Many nobles and even the emperor himself sought her favor, but Kaguya-hime rejected every suitor. She carried a deep melancholy within her, for her soul belonged to the heavens. When the time came, she returned to her true home, accompanied by a celestial entourage that came from the depths of the moon to fetch her.


The story of Kaguya-hime is a reminder of the infinite vastness of the universe and the possibility that there are civilizations out there that surpass our imagination. It leaves a message of longing and the connection between heaven and earth, deeply rooted in Japanese culture. Kaguya-hime, the Moon Princess, remains an eternal mystery that touches the hearts of people and inspires them to reach for the stars.


The Interpretation of Ancient Astronaut Theory:

For proponents of the ancient astronaut theory, these depictions and legends are not just simple myths or artistic representations but could point to actual events and technologies that existed in the past. They argue that such precise and detailed descriptions in ancient texts and artifacts cannot simply be ignored or dismissed as mere mythology.


However, the scientific community remains skeptical and emphasizes the need to substantiate such interpretations with solid evidence. They point out that many of these "evidences" can also have natural or cultural explanations that have nothing to do with extraterrestrial visitors.


The Flying Machines of Leonardo da Vinci:





















Microsoft Copilot 2024, with the help of Dall-E 3 OpenAI

The artistic interpretation of a flying device similar to those of da Vinci.