6,99 €
Storybuds is a collection of pictures and short stories with different subjects ranging from fantasy to sci-fi and from fairytale to ghost stories to discover and grow. Storybuds ist eine Sammlung von Bildern und Geschichtsknospen aus ganz verschiedenen Themenbereichen wie Fantasy, Scifi, Märchen oder Geistergeschichten zum Betrachten, Lesen und selbst Weiterspinnen.
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Seitenzahl: 22
Deep Forest Magic /
Magie des tiefen Waldes
The Snowseed /
Der Schneekeimling
They come from the haze /
Sie kommen aus dem Dunst
Troll in hiding /
Troll im Versteck
Shrounded /
Pearlfalls /
Icelight /
Dragonriders Sanctuary /
Drachenreiters Heiligtum
Dragonheart and firefly /
Drachenherz und Glühwürmchen
Rescue /
Janneus 4 – the silent control /
Janneus 4 – die lautlose Kontrolle
Budding /
Memories of green /
Grüne Erinnerung
Little ghost in the mirror /
Kleiner Geist im Spiegel
Deep in the magic forest lives the solitary Ghillie Dhu. Kindhearted with a particular fondness for children, he prefers to keep to himself but sometimes shows a wilder side. Dark haired and clothed in leaves and moss, he lives in the woods around Gairloch and Loch a Druing in the north-west Highlands of Scotland.
He is surrounded by elven bubbles - vehicles for the little elflings, who cannot fly for themselves.
Tief im Inneren des magischen Waldes könnt ihr den Ghillie Dhu antreffen, eine einzelgängerische männliche Elfe. Er ist freundlich und zurückgezogen und manchmal auch wild und er hat eine sanfte Zuneigung zu Kindern. Dunkelharig, gekleidet in Blätter und Moos lebt er in den Wäldern um Gairlich und Loch A Druing in den nordwestlichen Hochländern Schottlands. Elfenkugeln, jene traumhaften Gefährte für die ganz kleinen Elfen, die noch nicht selbst fliegen können, umgeben ihn.
The snow had been a long time coming even though it was high time for the real winter to begin. The gray days went by one after another, m wet, gloomy and foggy but not wintery. Concerned by this, the elders of the Kraal decided to send a scout to to check the Snowseed. Naook was chosen, for he had visited the Snowseed before and could find his way.
Naook set out for the north, first on foot and then with a little old boat. For days he travelled through the blue night until he reached the Crystal Lake around the middle of the twelfth cycle . There in the center of the lake the seed of snow was protected by curved crystal arcs on a small island. In awe-stricken silence he stood watching the swirling flakes inside the nucleus…