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Practical strategies for teachers who share classroom teaching responsibilities
Filled with down-to-earth ideas, suggestions, strategies, and techniques, The Co-Teaching Book of Lists provides educators with a hands-on resource for making the co-teaching experience a success. Written by educator and popular teacher trainer Kathy Perez, this book gives educators a classroom-tested and user-friendly reference for the co-taught classroom.
Topics covered include: roles and responsibilities; setting up the classroom; establishing classroom climate; effective accommodations and modifications for students; goal-setting; negotiating conflicts; scheduling issues; and more.
This easily accessible reference presents numerous positive and ready-to-use tips, strategies, and resources for collaborative teaching and student success.
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Seitenzahl: 299
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2012
Table of Contents
Jossey-Bass Teacher
Title Page
About the Author
List 0.1 The Knowledge Base Behind This Book
List 0.2 How the Book Is Organized
Chapter 1: Co-Teaching in a Nutshell
List 1.1 Characteristics of Co-Teaching
List 1.2 What Co-Teaching Is
List 1.3 What Co-Teaching Is Not
List 1.4 Framework for Co-Teaching
List 1.5 How Co-Teaching Benefits Teachers
List 1.6 Advantages for the General Education Teacher
List 1.7 Advantages for the Special Education Teacher
List 1.8 Advantages of Co-Teaching for Students
List 1.9 Advantages for the General Education Student
List 1.10 Advantages for the Special Education Student
List 1.11 Considerations for Starting a New Co-Teaching Initiative
List 1.12 Where Does Co-Teaching Take Place?
List 1.13 Terms Co-Teachers Need to Know
List 1.14 Opening Assumptions for Co-Teaching
List 1.15 A Co-Teaching Anticipation Guide
List 1.16 The Beginning Stages of Co-Teaching
Chapter 2: Co-Teaching Models
List 2.1 One Teach, One Observe
List 2.2 One Teach, One Drift
List 2.3 One Teach, One Assist or Support
List 2.4 Team Teaching
List 2.5 Station Teaching
List 2.6 Parallel Teaching
List 2.7 Alternative Teaching
List 2.8 Skill Group Teaching
List 2.9 Speak and Add Model
List 2.10 Duet Teaching
List 2.11 Adapting Curriculum Approach
List 2.12 Learning Styles Approach
List 2.13 Checking in: Applying the Approaches
List 2.14 Co-Teaching Approaches: An Action Plan
List 2.15 Applying the Models: Develop and Do
Chapter 3: Where Do You Start?
List 3.1 First Steps for Beginning the Co-Teaching Experience
List 3.2 Second Steps
List 3.3 Preparing for Co-Teaching: A Checklist to Review
List 3.4 Preparing to Teach Together
List 3.5 Co-Teaching Planning Pointers
List 3.6 Ongoing Implementation
List 3.7 Co-Planning Tips and Tricks
List 3.8 Maximizing Lesson Planning Time
List 3.9 Co-Teaching Weekly Planning Guide
List 3.10 Practical Planning Pointers
List 3.11 Planning a Co-Taught Unit
List 3.12 Co-Teaching Planning Form
List 3.13 Reviewing the Co-Planning Process
List 3.14 Co-Teaching Roles and Responsibilities
List 3.15 Determining Roles and Responsibilities
List 3.16 Role Clarity
List 3.17 Sample Co-Teaching Duties
List 3.18 Introducing the Co-Teaching Team
List 3.19 Who Does What in a Co-Taught Classroom?
List 3.20 Communication Issues and Co-Teaching
List 3.21 Conversation Starters
List 3.22 Communication Tips and Techniques
List 3.23 Collaboration Is the Key
List 3.24 Ways to Ease in a Special Educator as a Partner in the Classroom
List 3.25 A Blueprint for Collaborative Teaching
Chapter 4: Where Do You Go? A Co-Teaching Road Map
List 4.1 Scheduling Considerations for Co-Teaching
List 4.2 Effective Methods for Placing Students in a Co-Taught Classroom
List 4.3 Finding Time to Plan
List 4.4 Co-Teaching Daily Lesson Plans
List 4.5 Expanding Planning Time for Co-Teaching
List 4.6 Using Planning Time Effectively
List 4.7 Application: Putting Planning into Action
List 4.8 Co-Planning Agenda Tips
List 4.9 Procedures and Routines
List 4.10 Scheduling Co-Teaching
Chapter 5: Collaboration: Working as a Team
List 5.1 What Is a Team?
List 5.2 Characteristics of Co-Teaching Teams
List 5.3 Forming an Effective Co-Teaching Team
List 5.4 Ingredients of Excellence for Your Co-Teaching Teams
List 5.5 Relationship Building Blocks
List 5.6 Team Preparation: What Do I Bring?
List 5.7 Team-Building Personality Preferences
List 5.8 Personality Style Activity
List 5.9 Co-Teaching Conversations
List 5.10 Co-Teaching Decision Making
List 5.11 Potential Challenges
List 5.12 Overcoming Roadblocks: Solutions
List 5.13 Dealing with Conflict
List 5.14 Steps to Take
List 5.15 Communication and Accountability Tools
List 5.16 Checking In: How Is Our Co-Teaching Going?
List 5.17 Collaborative Problem-Solving Worksheet
Chapter 6: Organizing and Planning for Success
List 6.1 Celebrating All Learners: Strategies for Success
List 6.2 Helpful Online Resources
List 6.3 Physical Organization
List 6.4 Strategies for Flexible Grouping
List 6.5 Small-Group Strategies
List 6.6 Working Together for Small-Group Success
List 6.7 Advantages of Small-Group Instruction
List 6.8 Small-Group Planning
List 6.9 Points to Ponder: Large-Group Instruction
List 6.10 Planning for Large-Group Instruction
List 6.11 Independent Student Work
List 6.12 Goal Setting: Keeping Score
List 6.13 Choices, Not Chance, in Your Curriculum
List 6.14 Procedures and Routines
List 6.15 Co-Teaching Conversations
List 6.16 Routines That Are Important for Co-Teachers to Share
List 6.17 Looking at Your Classroom from a Student's Perspective
List 6.18 Additional Procedure Pointers
List 6.19 Supporting Student Behavior
List 6.20 Classroom Rules That Work
List 6.21 Behavior Intervention Worksheet
List 6.22 Student Survey
List 6.23 How Are You Smart? Multiple Intelligences Survey
Chapter 7: Schoolwide Organization: Administrative Issues
List 7.1 Schoolwide Issues
List 7.2 Barriers to Successful Co-Teaching
List 7.3 Professional Development Issues
List 7.4 Scheduling Issues
List 7.5 Effective Methods for Placing Students
List 7.6 Techniques for Classroom Caseloads
List 7.7 Guiding Principles
List 7.8 Student Study Teams: A Pre-Referral Strategy
List 7.9 Student Study Team Guidelines
List 7.10 Roles and Responsibilities of Team Members
List 7.11 How Administrators Can Support Co-Teaching
List 7.12 Other Ways Administrators Can Support the Co-Teaching Team
List 7.13 Observing Co-Teachers
List 7.14 Providing Feedback
List 7.15 Co-Teaching Observation Form
Chapter 8: Accommodations and Modifications That Make a Difference
List 8.1 What Are Accommodations, Modifications, and Interventions?
List 8.2 Modification Versus Differential Standard
List 8.3 Accommodations and Modifications Log
List 8.4 Accommodations or Modifications?
List 8.5 Adapting Instruction Flow Chart
List 8.6 Planning Guide to Curriculum Modifications
List 8.7 Modifications “On the Move”
List 8.8 Co-Teacher Communication Cards
List 8.9 Checklist of Accommodations and Modifications
List 8.10 Focus on Curriculum Adaptations
List 8.11 Adaptation Application Activity
List 8.12 Strategies for Supporting Students with Special Needs in the General Education Classroom
List 8.13 A Closer Look at Special Needs Challenges and Choices for Co-Teaching
List 8.14 I Have a Student Who…: What to Do?
List 8.15 Modifications Based on Students' Learning Styles
List 8.16 Adaptations and Modifications Chart
List 8.17 Class List: Adaptation Chart and Learning Profile
List 8.18 Evaluation Process in a Co-Taught Classroom
List 8.19 Accommodations for Testing in a Co-Taught Classroom
List 8.20 Revising Grading Procedures
Chapter 9: Instructional Strategies for Different Types of Learners
List 9.1 Getting Started with Strategies That Make a Difference
List 9.2 Engaging Strategies for Co-Teaching
List 9.3 Your Multiple Intelligences Toolkit
List 9.4 Product Possibilities
List 9.5 Think-Tac-Toe Choice Menus of Activities
List 9.6 Think-Tac-Toe Activity Board
List 9.7 Vocabulary Bingo
List 9.8 Book Report Activity Board
List 9.9 Cubing
List 9.10 Cubing in the Content Areas
List 9.11 “Let ′em Roll”: Cubing Task Cards
List 9.12 Bloom's Building Blocks
List 9.13 Cubing Pattern
List 9.14 Cubing Companion Activity Sheet
List 9.15 Bloom's Taxonomy
List 9.16 Graphic Organizers
List 9.17 Why Use Graphic Organizers?
List 9.18 How Do You Use Graphic Organizers?
List 9.19 Herringbone Graphic Organizer
List 9.20 Double-Entry Journal
List 9.21 Learning Centers
List 9.22 Centers Planning Guide
List 9.23 Keeping Students on Target
List 9.24 Learning Contract
List 9.25 Anchor Activities
List 9.26 Activating Strategies
List 9.27 Techniques to Set the Stage for Learning
List 9.28 Strategies to Support Learning During Instruction
List 9.29 A Closer Look: During-Instruction Strategies
List 9.30 After-Reading Strategies
List 9.31 Summarizer Activities to Reflect on Learning
List 9.32 Culminating Review Games
Chapter 10: Reflecting on Practice and Planning Tools
List 10.1 Maintaining an Effective Co-Teaching Partnership
List 10.2 Taking It One Step at a Time
List 10.3 Co-Instruction: Where Are You Now?
List 10.4 The Co-Teaching Rating Scale
List 10.5 Co-Teaching Road Map
List 10.6 Looking Ahead: Planning Guide
List 10.7 Student Profile
List 10.8 Making the Most of Lesson-Planning Time
List 10.9 Co-Planning Agenda Framework
List 10.10 Lesson Preparation Pointers
List 10.11 Co-Teaching Lesson Planning Worksheet
List 10.12 Co-Teaching Lesson Planning Template
List 10.13 Keeping Track
Appendix Questions for Discussion
Chapter 1: Co-Teaching in a Nutshell
Chapter 2: Co-Teaching Models
Chapter 3: Where Do You Start?
Chapter 4: Where Do You Go? A Co-Teaching Roadmap
Chapter 5: Collaboration—Working as a Team
Chapter 6: Organizing and Planning for Success
Chapter 7: Schoolwide Organization—Administrative Issues
Chapter 8: Accommodations and Modifications That Make a Difference
Chapter 9: Instructional Strategies for Different Types of Learners
Chapter 10: Reflecting on Practice and Planning—Tools for Moving Ahead
Additional Resources
Web Resources
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Nine
Jossey-Bass Teacher
Jossey-Bass Teacher provides educators with practical knowledge and tools to create a positive and lifelong impact on student learning. We offer classroom-tested and research-based teaching resources for a variety of grade levels and subject areas. Whether you are an aspiring, new, or veteran teacher, we want to help you make every teaching day your best.
From ready-to-use classroom activities to the latest teaching framework, our value-packed books provide insightful, practical, and comprehensive materials on the topics that matter most to K–12 teachers. We hope to become your trusted source for the best ideas from the most experienced and respected experts in the field.
This book is delightfully dedicated to my fabulous family: my loving husband, Robert, and my sensational sons, Hart and Devon.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Perez, Katherine D.
The co-teaching book of lists / Katherine Perez ; foreword by Harry Wong. — 1st ed.
p. cm. — (Jossey-Bass teacher)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-118-01744-9 (pbk.)
ISBN 978-1-118-22197-6 (ebk.)
ISBN 978-1-118-23610-9 (ebk.)
ISBN 978-1-118-26058-6 (ebk.)
1. Teaching teams. I. Title.
LB1029.T4P47 2012
About the Author
Katherine Perez, Ed.D., an award-winning classroom teacher, administrator, educational consultant, and speaker, has worked with students from preschoolers to college graduates. Kathy is currently a professor of education at Saint Mary's College of California, director of teaching leadership, and coordinator of professional development and outreach. She specializes in instructional strategies and creative approaches to literacy, learning, and leadership development.
In her books and her teacher workshops, Kathy integrates state-of-the art methods and research with passion and practical insights from her extensive experience as a general educator, special educator, literacy coach, and curriculum and staff development coordinator. She has worked extensively with teachers, administrators, and parents throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Caribbean, New Zealand and Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Kathy's previous books include 100+ Brain Friendly Tools and Strategies for Literacy (Corwin, 2010). To learn more, go to www.katherineperez.com.
I want to acknowledge those who have helped me along the way in the production of this book.
Thank you to my family for your faithful support—giving me a quiet space to write, being patient with my early mornings and late nights, cooking meals for me while I was writing, and helping me feed the ducks and taking long walks along the lagoon when I needed a break.
While my family fueled me with support and inspiration, my editor, Margie McAneny, propelled me through the publishing process. Through her wisdom, she saw the need for this book and shared her talents, time, and energy to make it a reality. In addition, thanks to Tracy Gallagher, senior editorial assistant, who advised me on clarifying content and provided practical publishing pointers. Both of them helped me navigate the journey of this book, steering me from tips to techniques that transform teaching.
A special thanks to my dear friend and professional colleague, Dr. Harry Wong. Harry is truly a teacher's teacher and mentor to us all!
Finally, I want to thank all of the hundreds of students and teachers I have worked with in my thirty-plus years as a professional educator. You were the fuel that ignited my passion for teaching!
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