The Fighter - Joseph P Hradisky Jr - E-Book

The Fighter E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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Ages ago the realms of magic and science were separated because of the idea the two were one and the same. It was done with the warning of what would happen if they were brought together again. The demon king, with help from human mages, brings the two realms together again. This merge, to invade the earth realm along with all the others, proves to be nearly a total disaster for the earth. The mage Jonathan Tanner Thomas (Jon Tom) is dragged into this because the demon king knows he is a danger to the invasion. Long before the merge they had tried to kill him but always failed. Now, after the merge, he has come into powers they had not thought was possible. Jon Tom is the only one who can prevent the demon king's invasion.

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Joseph P Hradisky Jr

The Fighter

The Ithaca Saga Book 2

I dedicate this book to my loving wife, Terri, and my two sons, Alec and Ian. I have learned there is no one else more important, anywhere, than they are BookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich

The Fighter


The Fighter



Book 2



The Ithaca Saga



By Joseph P Hradisky Jr






All characters involved are fictitious and any representation to any persons living, or dead, does not exist.


The places described in this story and all the Ithaca Saga story line are real.


I dedicate this book to my loving wife, Terri, and my two sons, Alec and Ian.


I have learned there is no one else more important, anywhere, than they are.


Chapter 1


A tall, red haired fighter stared, up the hill, at the lead of three other people. Despite the cold wind he wore just a pair of shorts and sneakers on his feet. His hair was cut short with something of a spiky look to it. Across his back were crossed a pair of scabbards. One held a long sword while the other contained a short one. Along one arm, wound around the tight muscle, there was a black constrictor with a diamond on its head. The head resting on the back of his hand. As one watched him walk along the road they could see he was very angry. It was etched in every step, motion, gesture, and lack of any conversation since the group had left the Ithaca College campus. Jeremy Fisher turned his opal dark eyes back down the hill to look at the long, choppy view of Cayuga Lake. Behind him, next in line, was his best friend Jonathan Thomas, Jon Tom, who in the new world, created by the merging of the science realm with the magic realm, was a mage. Right behind him was Jon Tom’s new found love, Sara Sanders, a princess whose father created the safe haven of Ithaca College. Now it was no longer a refuge for them since her ex-boyfriend, Edward Ward, had taken over power with the help of an unknown mage. In addition to his fowl brother David Fisher. In addition to the mage there was some kind of an alliance with a dark lord. At the rear, another fighter, was Dianne Bryant. She had spent the last eleven years, of her life, trying to regain a personal possession from the famous pirate Sunshine David. Since then she had fallen in love with Jeremy who was the only man ever to fight her as an equal.


A large gap had formed, and grown, considerably before he had stopped to look at the lake. It had taken several minutes but the other three were almost caught up when Sara stopped walking with Dianne almost running into her. “Where are we going?”


For a moment no one answered as Jon Tom turned to look at her. He was still having trouble understanding how this beautiful woman could love him. “Away.”


“We need to find a safe place to figure out what we need to do about the situation back at I C. Not sure exactly where Jeremy is going but by the way he is walking he definitely has a destination in mind.” Dianne walked around her to catch up to Jon Tom. After a few steps she stopped because she noticed Sara had not moved. “What now?”


“I think we should stop him and find out where we are going.” Sara said as Jon Tom, and Dianne, turned to see Jeremy had started walking again.


Jon Tom needed to make her realize they should not be stopping but should be following him. “We really don’t need to right now. He does know what he is doing and I trust him.”


“Well I don’t. I would like to know where we are going before we go any further.” Sara still hadn’t moved.


Jon Tom was about to say something when he was startled by Jeremy’s voice right next to him. “We’re going to John Thomas Steak House just a little past the top of the hill. There is rumor that the place is intact and we will be able to find some accommodations run by a band of State Troopers, Ithaca Police Department (IPD), and a bunch of refugees that didn’t want to stay at the I C campus. The number is said to be around 200 residents. More or less. Does this meet your standards your royalness?”


Sara was about to respond in anger when Jon Tom held his hand up for her to keep quiet. “I think we get the idea so let’s get there as quickly as possible to get shelter before night fall.”


Before anyone could say more Jeremy turned around and stormed up the hill. It took the rest almost 20 minutes to catch up with him. By this time they had passes the old Mighty Mini Mart, burnt to the ground, and had topped out on the hill. In the distance was the entrance to the steak house but between them was a band of orcs about a hundred strong. Jon Tom, Sara, and Dianne all came to an abrupt stop. Jeremy didn’t. He simply drew both his swords and stomped toward the dark force. “Finally, now I can take a chill pill.”


“What is he talking about Jon?” Sara moved closer to her handsome man if for no other reason than to gently lay her hand on his bare chest. Feeling the curly hair as it slipped through her fingers. As her mind reflected on how it felt when they made love. The deep thrusts as she used it as a way of pulling herself closer to him so he could go deeper…


“Some use silence to ease their minds when they are angry. He does it by hurting a lot of bad guys. The more, the better, and calmer he gets. They should be a great tension release.”


“That’s all well, and fine, but there are way too many of them.”


Dianne walked up to join the conversation. “He’s a fighter Dianne. He knows what he is doing.”


“But I don’t?” Sara looked at Jon Tom.


“Jeremy?” Jon Tom had thought about saying something to Sara and let Jeremy let off some steam but there seemed to be something more involved here that what met the eye.


“What?” The anger in his voice could clearly be heard now. Slowly he came to a stop and then turned to face the other three. As he did he saw the orc army had now taken notice of them and were moving in their direction. Whatever they had been planning on now was on hold because of the new comers.


“We need to talk right now before anything more happens.” Jeremy looked long, at his friend, but realized there was something in his voice that told him it was important. With a little reluctance he rejoined the others.


“I’m listening?” Impatience was vibrating off Jeremy in waves.


“Even though she hasn’t even thought to mention it Sara has made an interesting point we need to consider.” Jon Tom smiled at his love. “We have a quest party forming here. I am the mage. You two are the fighters. What we don’t have right now is a leader. She is a princess by election of the people. But she is so much more than that.”


“I get what you are saying but does she have the ability to lead?” Jeremy sized Sara up and to him she was found wanting. “What makes you think she can handle the job?”


Dianne rested her hand on Jeremy’s shoulder and shuddered at the electrical shock she got from it. Several minutes passed before she realized her hand was softly stroking his arm. “Is it because she’s a she?”


“Get real, Dianne, I have no thoughts as to what she can, or can’t do, because of that. I just want to know if she wants the job and can handle it in her own mind.” With her soft touch it was noticeable how his voice sounded calmer.


“I wasn’t talking about being the leader here. Not sure where Jon was getting this idea from.” Sara gave a sharp look at him but kept twirling his chest hairs into curls.


“No, but I can see the line is there and it is vibrating with an intensity we need to address. If we don’t it could be very dangerous to us all in the long run. We will discuss it now.” Jon Tom could plainly see her life line. The intricate spider web of what she could, or should, be. He also saw a green tint on one saying he could tell them, her, what it was.


“So it has to be discussed right now.” Jeremy looked over at the orc army. They had stopped moving. Apparently confused they were not being attacked or ran from. But were just being ignored. Then he looked at Sara.


“Fine, Jon, we will discuss it now.” Jeremy looked back at the orcs again. They had moved only a little closer but stopped because they could not understand why the humans had been ignoring them. “Can you lead us? And can I work through some personal issues by killing those effin creatures over there?”


Sara thought she had an idea about what they were talking about but in the end had no clue. That is until Jeremy asked her if she could lead the group. She had no clue if she could. What was even more important was did she want to. She knew her place was back at the I C campus to take her rightful position on the throne there. But that would be the same as leading them now. Sara had, without thinking, turned to look back down the hill. “I…”


She never got very far when Jon Tom interrupted her. “You need to remember nothing really happens without a good reason for it. Your father was not a king, nor a leader, before the merge and look at what he did. In his death you took a journey few others would have thought about taking. Only a true leader does what is thought to be impossible and then not only survives but destroys that which they set out to. You are only a princess, or royalty because of what others have called you, yet a leader by your own actions. Now you have to realize in yourself the truth of the moment and embrace it.”


Jon Tom’s hazel green eyes locked with hers. And she fell into them. Their comfort. Safety. Strength. It was as though he was embracing, holding, her without touching her. She saw a lot in his eyes but most of all she saw a future. No matter what happened now it was only a passing moment before she would share a wonderful life with him. There was a lot Sara had to think about. She still had reservations about who, and what, she was. There was no question, in her mind, why she had gone after the demon. It had nothing to do with what was good for the people of I C. It simply was for revenge. The anger which coursed through her body until they got to the clearing was the only thing keeping her going. Not once had she even thought about leading anyone for any reason. “So what can I do to prove I can lead?”


“That’s pretty easy.” Jon Tom turned to Jeremy. “Remember James Smith?”


Jeremy thought for several minutes. “He was the leader in most of our D & D games wasn’t he?”


Jon Tom shook his head, “He said his player, Prince Tanner, was a natural born leader and to prove it he accepted the leadership challenge by the dudgeon master, remember?”


“Yeah.” Jeremy smiled at the thought flashing through his mind, “He was given a 1 in 100 chance to learn the gift of tongue. The ability to understand, and speak, any language after hearing it just once. He accepted the challenge and rolled the hundred sided dice and rolled a 1.”


By this time, fascinated by the conversation, Dianne had moved closer so she was touching, shoulder to shoulder, with Jeremy. The electricity that flowed through them from the contact was intense. Her nipples pointed out from how hard they had gotten in such a short time. At any other time, she would have been embarrassed by this, but not now. Not with him. “He received the gift then.”


Jon Tom acknowledge she had not asked a question but had made a statement. “Yes.”


“Then he was the team leader for every adventure we ever went on. There was no one better than James. Not before, not since.” Jeremy fell silent.


Sara detected a note of sadness in his voice. “What happened to him?”


“Fine, Jon Tom, you win.” Jeremy couldn’t help but smile at his friend. “Unfortunately he died of cancer a little over a year before the merge had occurred. He would be such a perfect addition to the team it is hard not to think of him right now.”


“You mean to take over for my father to run I C?” Sara asked hoping to divert the idea away from her. It was such a big decision that she wanted more time to think about it.


“No,” Jeremy thought about his words very carefully. “He would have been a perfect fit to lead the quest team and to be your close advisor. Even he would have agreed that you are the only one to lead the college campus. Now, as he would have said, you have to prove it.”


“And how do I do that?” Sara didn’t like where the conversation was going. What did she have to do? Fight a whole army by herself?


Jeremy took hold of her arm and dragged her to the same spot he had been at before the whole debate had started. “Speak…” Was all he said.


Sara looked long at the orc army then spoke at them. Suddenly the biggest orc moved out to the front of the army and thumped his chest as he yelled back at her. Smiling she turned to Jeremy, “He’s the leader of the army, I don’t care what happens to the rest but I want him alive, do you understand?”


Jeremy smiled and started to move forward when a hand was placed lightly on his shoulder. Thinking it was Sara he turned to ask what more she wanted only to see it was Dianne. Once he was fully facing her she found she could not speak. Instead her hand reached out to trace a scar that moved across his chest from the shoulder to almost the center. Part of it passed over his nipple. Here her finger lingered far longer than she had wanted to but had trouble moving on. But she did until she found the end of it. Smiling she looked up into his eyes. Jeremy found the touch had ignited a line of fire as she traced the scar. When she touched his nipple it instantly became hard and hot. Then when she looked at him he could read what she seemed unable to say out loud. He knew it wasn’t from being shy but the emotion, which would be behind the words, would have been too much. “I know, I have a reason to come back. Something I never thought I would say to anyone but there is no one like you and there never will be.”


Jeremy took her into his arms and kissed her deeply until they had to separate in order to take a breath of much needed air. Taking off everything he could, Jeremy took a sword in each hand, and headed for the orc army. The bounce, in his step, showed how much he needed this. Sara looked over at the orcs and called out to them. The answering roar was almost deafening. The reaction was enough to stop Jeremy for a few seconds. “What the hell did you just say?”


“I told them that we only needed one warrior to beat all of them.” Sara answered.




“And once you got done then the real one, me, would fight them.”


Jeremy smiled at her. “Smart ass, you just wait till I get done.”


With that he shifted his focus back to where it should have been. As he did he could see the orcs were heading his way. Not wanting them to think they had the jump, on him, he started running at the small army. In seconds they were at it with the force of a large tornado. And like a tornado he was soon lost to sight. Dianne started forward but it was Sara, not Jon Tom, who stopped her. “Wait.”


Jeremy found he was face to face with the orc leader and did his best to try to keep from killing it. Seeing this was going to be almost impossible he then moved toward the center of the army. His tactic did exactly what he wanted. As he moved closer to the center the ranks closed behind him cutting off the orc leader. Each, of the orcs, wanted to prove something to their leader so they did everything they could to keep him from getting the kill. This played into Jeremy’s hands as he chopped down orc after orc to stay away from the leader. Until it was the only one left then he would have no need to fight any more. Soon the road was slippery with blood, bodies, and the dying. Soon the area around him was almost impossible to maintain stable footing, Jeremy moved further up the road to get to where he could reassess the situation. As he turned he saw there were no orcs left except the leader. Nor did it look as if the leader had any intention of stopping the battle as he attacked Jeremy. The fight was good. Not that Jeremy was taking it easy with the giant orc but because the orc was that good. A huge smile planted itself on Jeremy’s face as the fight kept going without any clear winner to be seen. At some point, during a close series of attacks, counter attacks, blocks, and such; a kernel of an idea was planted in his head.


A half hour later, with still no idea how the battle was going to turn out, Jeremy began to move the fight around the original battle ground toward his companions. All the while the tiny seed, of a thought, had taken root and was growing rapidly into an incredible idea. At no time in his life would Jeremy ever have considered this thought much less imagine he would ever think it. But it was there and no matter what counter attacks he threw at it it could not be defeated as insane. So, like all good warriors, if you cannot defeat something then you need to embrace it and use it to your benefit no matter how wild the idea might seem to be. When he was close enough for Sara to hear him he did a series of attacks, and feints, until he was facing her. “Can you hear me all right?”


Sara stared at him for a moment before she spoke. “Yes, why?”


“I need you to ask him to stop fighting for a moment because we need to talk.” Jeremy looked over at Jon Tom and winked.


Sara was about to say something but Jon Tom touched her shoulder, the warmth of recognition spread through her body from the touch. “Don’t think about it just do what he is asking. I know what he has in mind and there is not enough time to explain right now. Just remember there is a reason for everything.”


“Orc leader we need to talk, can you stop fighting for a moment till we can speak?” Sara first spoke in orc and then in English. “Call it a temporary truce to see what Jeremy, the one you are fighting, has to say.”


For a long, long time there was no response from the orc until finally it spoke. Sara translated for everyone else. “Fine, tell him I am stepping back and putting my sword down.”


Sara yelled over to Jeremy, “He is going to step back and stop fighting. Do you understand?”


“Yes,” Jeremy replied.


Sara told the orc. Who then stepped back and lowered his weapon. The orc looked from Jeremy to Sara asking. “What does the warrior want?”


Sara was about to translate when she thought about something. Instead she took a step toward the orc. “Can you trust me for a moment so that I can touch your forehead?”


“Will it make us understand each other better?” Was all the orc asked.


Sara was surprised by his reaction and pleased too. “Yes it will.”


“Then go ahead.” The orc told her as he bent down so she could reach.


Sara moved carefully until she realized how wimpy it was making her look. So she quickly place her hand on the leader’s forehead and opened her mind to his as he opened his mind to her. Several minutes passed, none of which Jon Tom was too happy with, before the two separated. The orc then looked at Jeremy. “So what is it that you wanted to talk about.”


Jeremy had wondered what Sara was doing but it was very clear now. “During our fight an idea occurred to me that at any other time I would have laughed at. But its inspiration came about because I was truly battling an honorable, as well as skilled, opponent. You do not fight like one who has an evil heart. Rather you fight because it is your job and it seems to me that even if you don’t like the job you will do it to the best of your ability. Am I wrong in this?”


“It’s funny that you say that. You are a warrior who has tested me beyond anything I have ever done before. Not only did I enjoy this but found I am so much better than I could ever have imagined. So what is it you are offering warrior?” The orc looked at the human. Any other human and he would have used their name in the usual derogatory orc manner. But not for this one. He was a true warrior who knew what a good fight was and gave it his all. Having never fought this one before he could sense he had not held back since they first touched blades. Suddenly it became clear as to why the woman, who could speak orc, had asked if he was the leader. It was obvious now they had wanted him alive to get information out of him. But now it was all changing.


“This offer only goes to those I think are worthy of it. So here it is – join us and join the winning side. It’s that easy. As a warrior I think you should be given the chance to do what is best for you.”


“It would be nice if it was that simple. Though I did not choose this I am bound to finish it or suffer things worse than death.”


Jon Tom walked up close to the orc. Then began walking around him. “And what do you think you can do mage? What binds me is beyond the powers of a mere human. It would be simpler if we just parted ways and vow never to meet, on the field of battle, again.”


Jeremy watched Jon Tom for several minutes. “You should trust him orc, or would it be easier if we knew your name?”


“Ja Nal.” Replied the orc.


“It means: The True One.” Sara said. “What do you see Jon?”


Jon Tom held his hand up to signal everyone needed to be quiet. Slowly he began to move away from the party until he was almost to where the battle had begun. Reaching down he picked up something that only he could see. “Almost didn’t find it. Whoever wove the spell is quite good, but I have it now.”


“He’s a seer?” Ja Nal’s admiration for the mage rose several notches as he looked to Jeremy. “What is his name?”


Jeremy couldn’t help but smile. “I am Jeremy Fisher, the woman warrior is Dianne Bryant, the Princess is Sara Sanders, and the mage is my best friend Jonathan Thomas or as we love to call him Jon Tom. Apparently when the realms merged he gained the powers of a mage and more. He says he sees lines that seem to connect everything one way or another.”


“Then he is a seer. My girl friend, I think that is the right term, can also see the lines that connect. She was the only one, even outside of being an orc, that I have ever known to be able to do this. Now this human seems to have the same ability. I still don’t see how he can help me though.”


“That’s okay, you have never met a human like him. I think the equivalent of him, that you will understand, is that he is like a hell hound when on the scent of it’s prey.”


Ja Nal nodded his understanding at this. “Then there might be a chance?”


“Yes,” This came from Jon Tom. Everyone looked in his direction and were stunned into silence. In his hand was a purple rope that seemed to grow in length as he held it. Shortly the rope met, and twined, around Ja Nal till he was fully encased by the thick line. As they watched Jon Tom seemed to speak at the line and it wasn’t long before he was enveloped in a bright explosion. The blast knocked all but Ja Nal to the ground.


Sara jumped up and ran in the direction of the explosion screaming, “Jon Tom…”


By the time she got there the smoke was clearing and he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her. “Did you miss me?”


“Why you…” She started but couldn’t continue because his sweet lips cut off the rest of the words trying to get out.


Ja Nal didn’t see this for all he could look at was the purple line slowly fading into nothing till there wasn’t anything left of it. Nor did he show any doubt about the truth his eyes had just shown him. “I am free.”


“Well?” Jeremy caught his attention.


The orc Ja Nal pondered the question knowing there was nothing holding him back now to finally make his own decisions again. He had always known it wasn’t what he was forced to do that bothered him, it was not being able to decide for himself. Slowly he looked from one human to the next till he finally came back to Jon Tom. “Show me….”


Jon Tom didn’t hesitate for a second and spoke a very weirdly painful word into the ground. Suddenly , for 15 seconds, the ground and the air around them swam with a variety of lines. Ropes. Some almost too thin to see. Some, like those that connected Jon to Sara, and Jeremy to Dianne, were extremely thick. Others were very light in color while others were almost too bright to look at. Then they were gone. “…then? There! I have shown you. Is it clear now? We will win in the end. Do not doubt it for an instance.”


Ja Nal nodded, “I see.”


Chapter 2


“It’s going to get dark soon.” Dianne walked over to Jeremy and kissed him long before heading toward the front gate of the wall surrounding John Thomas Steak House. “I intend to sleep in a bed tonight, after I’ve gone a few rounds with a certain someone, and take a good shower before it and after. Anyone else want to sleep out here tonight?”


Jon Tom started to follow her when he came to a sudden stop. Jeremy almost knocked him over before he could stop himself. “Hey…?”


Sara turned to see what the commotion was all about when she saw the look in his eyes. Quickly she ran to him and took hold of both arms. Several minutes passed before Jon Tom’s eyes cleared and he could see Sara in front of him. “We can’t go in right yet. We have to go save someone at the old abandoned junk yard down the road.”


“Can’t it wait?” the orc Ja Nal asked.


Jon Tom didn’t bother to answer as he raced south along 96b toward the Town of Danby. About a mile down the road he came across a Ford Taurus and checked to see if there was a key around. Finding none he left that and went to the next which was a Chevy truck. After flipping down the visor he had the truck going. When the rest of the group arrived he told them to get in and he went racing down the road. With the use of the vehicle it didn’t take long to get to the old junk yard. As the group left the truck they could now hear the sound of fighting coming from somewhere near the back of the place. Jon Tom turned to Ja Nal, “You and me are the only ones going clear?”


Ja Nal nodded but Dianne came up to him, “Why?”


Jon Tom looked her in the eyes, “Because what’s there concerns only him, to start, and I will be the only one who can help him. Will explain more when we get back but right now I cannot protect more than two with the type of magic being used. We need to be quick if we are going to succeed.”


Dianne didn’t look fine with the situation but did not argue any further with him. Instead she looked around and found a spot. “Then, in the meantime, we will make a secure perimeter here if you need us.”


Jon Tom smiled his thanks, kissed Sara, and left the group heading toward the sound of combat. No sooner had he, and Ja Nal, left the road when a thunderous explosion rocked the area. About two hundred yards, from the road, a mushroom cloud of flames, and smoke, billowed up into the air. “I don’t think I need to explain to you what you need to do when we get there, right?”


Ja Nal smiled and shook his head no. “Prisoners?”


“No.” Jon Tom told him, “What’s here will be of no use to get any kind of information out of. Just make sure you find your target, they will be in the bus atop a small hill, and then get out.”


“And you?”


“I will be fine once you, and the target, are out of my way. What I have to do could kill you as easily as the enemy we are facing. We don’t need that right now.”


The orc just shook his head and followed Jon Tom behind the run down building heading toward a small, man-made, hill behind it. At the top of the hill was and old, very old, Blue Bird School bus. To the left they could make out several figures trying to find a way up the small hill. At the top, in the school bus, there was a lone figure firing arrows at the ones below. Jon Tom, and Ja Nal, were too far to see who was in the bus but they could clearly see the barrier the arrows were hitting before falling uselessly to the ground. The only thing Jon Tom could not figure out was why they were still at the bottom if the barrier was that good to protect them. Without a word Ja Nal headed for the bus as Jon Tom headed directly at the three at the bottom. He hadn’t gone far when he realized they were Human mages attacking the bus. “Stop the attack.”


The three mages turned toward him, the one in the middle stepped toward Jon Tom declaring himself the leader. Jon Tom had never seen the three men before but that really was a neither her, nor there, thought. Even though a lot of people had died during the merge the chances of running into someone you knew was still pretty slim. “And what do you want mage?”


“Name’s Jon Tom.” He told them as he moved a little closer. “Who are you attacking? And why?”


Now there were many an answer the three could have come up with and saved their lives but the one they did use was not one of them. “It’s none of your business.”


“At any other time I would agree with you but a vision has brought me here and the line I have found that will reveal another piece, in the puzzle to save the earth, is up there in that bus.”