The Friend Who Lied - Rachel Amphlett - E-Book

The Friend Who Lied E-Book

Rachel Amphlett

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Five entered the escape room. Only four came out alive.

Lisa Ashton is given a last-minute reprieve from death two weeks before her birthday. When she regains consciousness, she is horrified to learn one of her friends has been killed – and saved her life.

As she pieces together the events leading up to her life-saving transplant, she uncovers a trail of carefully guarded reputations, disturbing rumours, and lies.

Soon, Lisa begins to wonder if one of her friends is hiding a terrible secret. Because there were five of them in the escape room that day, and only four got out alive.

And someone is determined to cover their tracks before she can get to the truth.

Praise for The Friend Who Lied:

"A belting thriller that I could not put down!" Caroline Mitchell, DON'T TURN AROUND and SILENT VICTIM

"Full of tension and suspense, blended with a whole heap of mystery" Goodreads

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019

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The Friend Who Lied

A gripping psychological thriller

Rachel Amphlett

Copyright © 2019 by Rachel Amphlett

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

This is a work of fiction. While the locations in this book are a mixture of real and imagined, the characters are totally fictitious. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Missed a book? Download the FREE Official Reading Guide and Checklist to Rachel Amphlett’s books here


1. Lisa

2. Lisa

3. Lisa

4. Lisa

5. Hayley

6. Lisa

7. Lisa

8. Hayley

9. David

10. Lisa

11. Lisa

12. David

13. Hayley

14. Lisa

15. Lisa

16. Lisa

17. Bec

18. Lisa

19. Bec

20. Hayley

21. Lisa

22. David

23. Hayley

24. Lisa

25. David

26. Hayley

27. Lisa

28. Hayley

29. David

30. Bec

31. Lisa

32. Hayley

33. Lisa

34. Lisa

35. David

36. Lisa

37. Hayley

38. Lisa

39. Bec

40. David

41. Hayley

42. Lisa

43. David

44. Hayley

45. Lisa

46. Bec

47. Lisa

48. David

49. Lisa

50. Lisa

51. Lisa

52. Lisa

53. Lisa

Reading Guide

Detective Kay Hunter series, book 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 2




I’m alive.

It’s the first thought that enters my head as I open my eyes, my eyelids sticky with dried tears.

I can’t focus.

It’s dark; I can sense that much. There’s a silence around me that suggests it’s night-time – a stillness that cloaks the space.

I can breathe easily. My mouth and nose aren’t covered with anything, but then an overwhelming light-headedness seizes me and I scrunch up my eyes to ward it off.

The muscles down my right side are tight and painful, as if I’ve been punched in the stomach. There’s bile at the back of my throat, a bitter taste that nauseates me, and I wrinkle my nose in disgust.

I don’t want to be sick.

I try to speak but all I can do is mumble as if I’ve forgotten how to form complete sentences. Even simple words are beyond me.

Where am I?

Why am I here?

I lick my lips. They’re dry and cracked. My throat aches as if I haven’t swallowed for an age.

A clatter of metal on metal shatters the silence, and my heart lurches as I fight against the panic that seizes me.

I strain my ears to listen to what follows. I’m scared to breathe in case I miss it, so I count to ten, then twenty.

That’s when I hear the echo.

It’s faint at first as my brain tries to latch on to what I’m listening to. A distant beep and pressure on my arm.

The fog lifts a moment, and I remember blue flashing lights, grim faces, a police officer taking notes and talking in a low tone.

The thought escapes as quickly as it appears, and my head lolls to one side, my eyelids heavy once more.

Two hours, four?

I don’t know.

I wipe at swollen eyes, scared at my weakness, my inability to stay awake.

I sense others around me, beyond the periphery of my limited vision, and my heart rate ratchets up a notch.

Why are they here?

The light changes as a blurred figure moves past my feet with an efficiency borne of necessity, and I begin to understand.

And then I’m clawing my way out of the darkness, my eyes opening, squinting in the dim light that fills the room.

As the blurry outline approaches the bed and bends over me, before I see her lips move and the words form, I realise the awful truth.

If I’m alive, then someone else has died.



The nurse smiles as she finishes taking my temperature and I fight down my embarrassment, colour flaming my cheeks.

Minutes ago, she removed the catheter that had been inserted during the operation, so we’re well acquainted now, thank you very much.

‘Do you think you could manage some juice?’ she says, oblivious to my discomfort.

I nod. ‘Please.’

My throat constricts with anticipation. I’ve been sipping water all morning, and I’m bored. I need something sweet. Something that will trickle over my tongue and ease away the furriness that remains from being unconscious for so long.

Only the pain in my abdomen keeps me from throwing back the bedcovers and escaping to help myself to the juice.

Rain lashes against the window at the far end of the ward, and if I crane my neck, I can see the tops of the naked horse chestnut trees that surround the hospital car park, their branches stark against a churning grey sky.

On cue, the glass shudders as a blast of November wind punches against it and howls with contempt when it can’t reach inside.

I pull the blanket up closer to my chin, pausing my escape plan for the time being, and seeking warmth from the sheets instead.

The nurse checks her watch, scrawls a note across the clipboard in her hand and tweaks something on the machine near my shoulder, then turns to the next in line as she pulls one of the curtains closed, shutting out half of my meagre view.

I sigh and lean my head back on the pillow, listening to the soles of her shoes squeaking as she works her way across the ward to the next patient, then wince as the movement pulls my beat-up muscles.

Part of me is tempted to lift the gown and take a look, but the other half of me is too terrified to contemplate what might be down there. Once I know, there’s no going back.

I can guess what’s happened, but denial is a fine place to be.

The surgeon didn’t talk much when he came around earlier. He lifted my gown, poked and prodded, spoke to his junior staff who trailed around after him like a motley collection of ducklings, and then shot off out of the ward and down the corridor, the ducklings in his wake.

I don’t need to imagine what the bruises look like. I can feel each and every one of them.

Apparently, some people hardly bruise at all. Some people can be out of bed within twenty-four hours.

Some people are freaks.

I can hear the nurse at the far end of the ward now, making her way past each and every one of us, taking the time to check we’re all right. I can’t see her now the curtain has been pulled. I can only see beyond my feet and to the right towards the window. I can’t see what’s going on in the ward, or out in the corridor.

My blinkered view creates a cocoon that suffocates and compresses my thoughts.

It’ll be at least another twenty minutes before I see that juice.

I stare at the damp patch on the ceiling and try to work out if it’s widened since I last looked at it half an hour ago. It might be an old stain, but I want to be sure. Its uneven edges trace across the plasterwork like an ancient map seeking new adventures, and I’m reminded of books I read as a kid: fantastical stories that described battles and quests across mystical lands.

There’s a commotion over near the door, and I prop myself up on my elbows, my breath catching in my throat.

I hear murmurs as they approach.

‘It’s unprecedented.’

My dad sounds confused; my mum efficient. As always.

They’re moving closer.

‘Unusual, but—’

‘It’ll break her heart.’

It’s as if they’ve forgotten that I’m nearly twenty-seven, that I’m an adult, that I’m here, that I’m capable – am I? – of making my own decisions.

‘She’ll find out anyway. One of them will tell her.’

My patience snaps.

‘Tell me what?’

The curtain is brushed aside before the surgeon peers in.

I’m surprised to see him again.

His smile is faint; he probably thought I was asleep, resting after the trauma my broken body has been through. ‘Your parents are here.’

Having stated the obvious, he steps to one side.

My mum’s face breaks my heart, and the way my dad’s hand shakes as he reaches out for me leaves me speechless for a moment.

They’ve been crying, but force smiles. Relief, happiness and hope have replaced the worry lines they’ve worn these past twelve months. Despite being only in their early sixties, they appear older than their years.

It’s now that I realise my illness has affected those around me much more than I’ve anticipated. I’ve been so wrapped up in my own grief for my shortened lifespan, I’ve forgotten what it has inflicted on them.

They’ve already been through so much – at three years old, I’d been diagnosed with a heart condition. And now, this.

Dad’s not usually one for grand gestures but he’s the first to the side of the bed, wrapping me in a bear hug the likes of which I haven’t had since I was a toddler.

When he releases me, Mum is dabbing a tissue to her eyes.

As we embrace, I feel tears damp against my cheek.

‘It’s okay, Mum. I’m okay.’

Mum wraps her fingers around my hand and squeezes. ‘You got a new kidney, love. They say the operation was a success, and you should be able to come home soon.’


It’s not the stupid question you might think it is.

Three weeks ago, I was told to prepare for the worst. Three weeks ago, none of this was a factor in my life. Three weeks ago, I’d given up.

We had driven here in silence then. The return trip was worse – I had to put my earbuds in so that I couldn’t hear my mum’s quiet sobs over the dull thrum of the car engine.

Now, the surgeon speaks first.

‘Unusual circumstances,’ is all he says.

‘That’s impossible. You said there was no hope.’

My gaze travels from him to my parents, then back.

Mum and Dad look at each other, and I see the fear in their eyes.

The knowledge that it’s up to them to tell me because the surgeon isn’t saying anything. That they know there’s no going back from this moment. It won’t be undone; whatever they’re about to tell me can’t be unsaid.

‘Who?’ I ask, terrified of the answer as soon as the question passes my lips.

Mum shakes her head and turns away, then Dad strokes my hair and says—

‘I’m sorry, love. It was Simon. Simon died.’



Mum and Dad left half an hour ago.

I’m not supposed to know who my donor is. That’s not how it’s supposed to work, but someone made a mistake and let it slip within earshot of my parents.

Someone is probably looking for a new job right now.

Since they left, I’ve been staring at that stain in the plasterwork above the bed opposite me, trying not to panic.

No-one’s answering my texts or calls, and I don’t go on social media. I haven’t used it for years.

Mum and Dad didn’t give me any details. I was too upset to listen anyway, and now I’m angry with myself. I should’ve asked, no matter how much it would have hurt to know.

I look up from my clenched hands at the sound of a steady shuffle, and see the old lady from the bed two along from mine walking past in her slippers, clutching an IV stand as if to anchor herself.

I wonder if she should be up and about.

My suspicions are confirmed when one of the nurses bustles forward, all efficiency and bossiness, gently demanding to know what the woman is doing out of bed, and where she’s going.

‘I want to go home.’

The woman’s bottom lip wobbles, and I look away, embarrassed.

I want to go home, too. I want to hide away and pretend that none of this is happening, and that Simon is still alive.

The nurse steers the woman back to her bed, coaxing her to do what she’s told in the way only health workers can, her voice cheerful while she tucks in the blankets and rests her hand on the old woman’s.

I turn my attention to the bed on my left as soft snores emanate from a layer of sheets and blankets, the only sign of the occupant a shock of greying black hair.

A woman in the bed opposite smiles at me, her features too eager, too open, her hands clasped on top of an open gossip magazine. She’ll want to know why I’m here, what happened, everything.

I close my eyes. I don’t want to talk to her.

I don’t want to talk to anyone right now.

I want to remember Simon.

Raven-haired, green-eyed, and my first teenage crush.

I remember the first day he appeared at the steel gates leading into the paved yard of the grammar school, his bag slung over his shoulder and his tie askew, wearing a glare for anyone he caught staring at him. An air of rebellion radiated from him as he stalked towards the classroom.

Not enough to get reported; just enough to make heads turn.

Our school was a dark brick and low-slung construction, the last building added in the early 1970s when the local council realised just how fast their population was increasing.

Black painted railings separated us from the street beyond, with the gates propped open between two red-brick pillars during term time. One gate bore signs banning anyone entering from smoking or driving over five miles per hour.

The cracked and pitted asphalt of the break area fell silent as he passed, conversations forgotten as we watched him wrench open the door to the scuffed and pockmarked building that housed the science block, and then disappear without a backward glance.

I smile to myself at the memory.

He had a dimple at the side of his mouth. Only on the left, not the right. He didn’t smile often; not in that full unbridled joyous way that most people do. When Simon smiled, it had a cool and calculating air about it, as if he knew something you didn’t and he’d get a kick out of it when you finally found out.

He somehow breezed through sixth form without drawing the attention of the bullies or the cool kids. He simply hovered at the edges, observant.

It took six months to break through the icy exterior he maintained, and it wasn’t me that did it.

It was him.

I loved the art classes at school. I loved the fact that I got to spend three hours of uninterrupted bliss creating something. It was where I found my calling, and I was determined to get a university place based on the strength of my growing portfolio of work.

It was one of the few classes where we all got on reasonably well with the teacher, too. I can’t remember his name now but he had the habit of playing seventies rock music in the background while we worked and somehow that seemed to take the wind out of the sails of any of the potential troublemakers.

I was trying to use acrylics to emulate a still-life photograph I’d cut out of my dad’s Saturday newspaper supplement, when I became aware of a presence at my elbow.

I glanced up and almost dropped the paintbrush in surprise when I found Simon hovering there, transfixed by the painting.

‘That’s quite good,’ he said, then pointed at the wine bottle to which I’d been adding shadow. ‘If you add a hint of white there, it’ll sort out the perspective better.’

My natural reaction would have been to argue the point if it was anybody else, but this was Simon. I was too shocked at his speaking to me to do anything else but what he suggested.

And, damn it, he was right.

I took a step back from the easel and, just for a moment, felt a rush of adrenalin that it had worked. I turned to find him grinning at me, that dimple on the left-hand side out of sight.

I smiled back. ‘Thanks.’

‘No problem.’ He gestured to the paintbrush. ‘Can I have that now? They’re all gone and I need one that size.’

I handed it over, disappointed that he’d only thought to help me because I had what he wanted.

But I’d have done anything for him, I would.

I frown as another memory resurfaces of Simon, who was alive the last time I saw him.

I twist my head, trying to see where the nurse has gone but she’s out of sight, and I don’t want to push the button next to the bed. I’ve seen how hard she and her colleagues work on this ward.

I try to tamper down my frustration, but it’s there bubbling away under the surface, threatening to turn to panic.

What happened to Simon?

Why did he die?




I manage a smile as I set eyes on the petite blonde who bounds across the tiled floor towards me.

At once, I wish I’d had the chance to brush my teeth or run a comb through my hair.

Hayley Matthews is dressed immaculately in a cream trouser suit and white blouse, an air of efficiency in her step as she shoves her car keys into her bag and then lowers herself into the chair beside my bed.

‘You nearly missed visiting hours,’ I say, not unkindly.

She has a habit of turning up late, but despite this we all love her. No matter her own troubles, she’s the one amongst the five of us who can always raise a smile.

Four of us, I remind myself.

She places her bag on the floor, twitches a tendril of hair behind her ear and leans closer, lowering her voice.

‘Sorry I haven’t had a chance to text you back. How are you doing?’

I shrug, then wince as my stomach muscles protest at the movement. ‘The doctor says I’m doing well. He reckons I’ll be discharged within a few days. They’re just trying to get the anti-rejection doses right at the moment, before I can be released.’

Her perfectly groomed eyebrows shoot upwards. ‘That soon?’

‘It’s normal for something like this these days.’


Her expression softens, her bottom lip trembling, and I hold up my hand.

‘Mum and Dad were here earlier. They told me.’

‘Oh, Lisa – I’m so sorry.’ She pulls a paper tissue from her handbag and dabs at her eyes. ‘It can’t be easy. I mean, you’re not supposed to know who your—’

‘I know.’

Hayley sniffs, then shoves the tissue back in her bag and straightens. She leans forwards and wraps her fingers around mine. Her nails are a dainty shade of pink. ‘Do they think it worked?’

I exhale and rest my head on the pillow, avoiding the gaze of the nosy old lady in the bed opposite who’s been trying to engage me in conversation for the past three hours. I don’t want to know about her four cats, or her errant son-in-law. I’ve already heard her tell everyone else in the ward since the effects of the anaesthetic wore off, and I’m tempted to ask to be knocked out again if she starts talking to me.

‘Yes. It’s early days, obviously, but they say the operation went well. The kidney seems to be doing what it should, and my numbers look good.’

She brightens for a moment. ‘That’s great, Lisa. Really great.’

‘What happened?’ I lower my voice to a whisper because Nosy Woman is doing her best to catch my attention. ‘What went wrong in the escape room?’

Hayley glances across at the other patient, then stands and pulls the curtains closed around my bed to give us some privacy.

I smile as she sits back in the chair. ‘That’ll drive her up the wall.’

‘Good.’ She nibbles at the skin at the side of her thumbnail before dropping her hand to her lap. ‘Have the police spoken to you?’

‘What? No – why?’

‘Don’t worry about it.’ She shrugs. ‘They’re probably waiting until you feel better.’

With the curtain closed, it seems like we’re cut off from the rest of the world, and the space between us shrinks.

I’m suddenly overwhelmed by the perfume Hayley’s wearing. It’s new, and too musky; not the usual scent she wears. She’s agitated, too. Fidgeting. She twists the second of three studs in her left earlobe; a habit I haven’t seen her doing in years. Not since we left university, that’s for sure.

‘Hayley? What happened?’

‘Can’t you remember?’

I shake my head and dig my fingernails into my palms. ‘I keep trying, but all I can remember is that there were a lot of flashing lights, and then it went dark. Bits and pieces come back to me, but it’s like I can’t keep hold of the memory.’

‘I expect that’s the effect of the anaesthetic. It’ll take time.’

She reaches over and tops up my water glass for me, and it’s a moment before I realise she still hasn’t answered my question.

Her jaw is clenched; I can see the muscles tighten as she sets down the glass and then fusses with her bag, pulling out her mobile phone before giving a slight shake of her head.

I’m staring at her as she raises her gaze to mine, and then opens her mouth.

Too late.

The curtain is pushed aside and the ward sister, Delia, glares at both of us.

‘If you close the curtain completely, I can’t keep an eye on you. It’s for your own safety.’

‘Sorry,’ I mumble.

Delia tuts, then turns her attention to Hayley. ‘Visiting hours finished five minutes ago. You’ll have to come back tomorrow.’

Hayley’s expression is hard to define.

At first, I think she’s embarrassed, but then I realise the truth.

She’s relieved.

She doesn’t have to tell me what happened.

She pushes herself out of the chair, swipes her bag from the floor and shoves her phone into it before giving me a breezy peck on the cheek.

‘You look great, Lisa. I’ve got to go.’

She brushes past Delia without a backward glance, and I shrug.

‘She runs her own business. She’s busy.’

Delia shakes her head as she tucks the curtain back against the wall, then turns away. ‘Get some rest.’

I watch her stalk across the ward to another of her charges – a middle-aged woman who had her appendix out two days ago – and Nosy Woman. I quickly lose interest; I’m too confused by Hayley’s reluctance to talk.

Out of all of us, she’s usually the biggest gossip. Her capacity to talk knows no bounds. Despite the terrible, awful fact that Simon has died, she’d normally want to make sure I knew what was going on.


Now there’s a barrier between us, and one of Hayley’s making.

Whatever happened to Simon, whatever happened to me, isn’t going to come from her.

I’m going to have to try to remember.



A cloying stench of sweat and old food lingers on the overheated air.

It reminds me of school dinners in a cramped canteen, of damp changing rooms after hockey matches, and I can’t breathe.

A nurse bustles past, the crisp uniform she wears crackling as she swings her arms, propelling herself across the tiled floor towards one of the beds.

A middle-aged couple sit huddled in chairs next to a teenage girl in the last bed on the ward, their murmured conversation drowned out by the squeak of a trolley that’s wheeled along the corridor by a lanky man with thinning black hair. His pace is unhurried, his eyes vacant as he fights a losing battle against a wonky wheel. The trolley rolls to the left, and he pauses to adjust its course before setting off once more, the squeak fading into the distance.

My heels are too noisy on the tiled floor; my footsteps echo off the beige walls as I breathe through parched lips.

Sweat itches at my temples and the nape of my neck. I tug at the silk scarf that I wore to set off the cream-coloured blouse I chose to wear, then scrunch it up and stuff it into the tan leather tote bag I cradle over one arm.

My hands are shaking before I’ve escaped the ward.

I pass through thick wooden double doors that have glass partitions three quarters of the way up and my reflection peers back at me for a split second.

I’m taken aback by how calm I look.

The doors swing shut.

My heart rate is pulsing in my ears, accompanied by a rushing sound that makes me blink to try to lose the spots in my vision. I still have to drive home, and I can’t do that if I can’t see properly. I can’t be stranded here, of all places.

The stench of damp cabbage is replaced by burnt coffee beans; the sign for a coffee franchise pokes out from an open doorway and I peer inside.

There are four or five tables, filled with visitors, hospital workers and who knows who else. Each of them is avoiding eye contact with the other, as if fearful a conversation might be attempted by the other person.

I wrinkle my nose as I reach the counter. I can read the prices from here, and as I watch a splat of dark liquid eject from a machine on the back wall into a cardboard cup, I decide I can wait until I get home.

I turn on my heel and hurry away.

The corridor ends in a T-junction ahead of me and colour-coded signs hang from the ceiling pointing to the Accident and Emergency ward, X-ray department and – thankfully – the exit.

I need fresh air.

The crackle of a radio from around the corner reaches me and I stop dead in my tracks next to a gurney with an elderly man on it.

He peers up at me with quizzical grey eyes, swaddled in pale-yellow blankets, his mouth trembling as he tries to form words.

There is no one with him.

The radio spits to life again – a barked instruction that peters out as the volume is adjusted, and then a male voice murmurs a short response.

I swallow as my hand dives into my bag and wraps around the spiky cold surface of a bunch of keys.

The car park is only a few metres away, but it seems like miles.

I look around for the police, wondering if they’re here.

I don’t want to talk to them again. I spoke with them at the escape room, two men in uniform who wore concerned expressions and spoke with an efficiency that frightened me. Then yesterday, a woman – a detective – knocked on my front door and asked all the same questions over again, her eyes suspicious.

She went away, eventually.

But I know she’ll be back.

Movement out of the corner of my eye snags my attention. The old man is trying to reach out to me, his eyes beseeching.

I step away from him, and his hand drops to his side as I square my shoulders.

I can’t stay here.

I have to get out.

I flick my hair over my shoulder and stalk around the corner, then almost stumble.

It’s not the police.

Two paramedics in dark-green jumpsuits are at the nurses’ station, chatting with a porter in blue overalls. The older of the paramedics, a woman with fashionably spiky black hair, is leaning against the wall with a clipboard in her hand while her male colleague – who looks about sixteen – holds a walkie-talkie to his mouth, his words clipped and concise.

I pick up my pace. There is nothing to be feared here for now.

I manage a smile at the woman as I pass, then the automatic glass double doors swish open, parting to let me through.

A cold blast of air smacks my nose and cheeks, whisking away my fear for a moment as I concentrate on making my way across a zebra crossing and then the poorly lit asphalt expanse towards my car.

It sits under a pyramid of light cast by a yellowing street light, a shimmer sparkling on the ground from fresh rainfall. Ozone has scorched the air around me, and I gulp it in, remembering summer storms and ruined barbecues, the reality still several months away.

I sink behind the steering wheel, push the key into the ignition and stare at the exit from which I’ve escaped.

Beyond the glass doors, the two paramedics advance towards the exit, their movements hurried, but determined. There is no indication of panic as they leave the hospital and head towards one of the ambulances parked on the concrete apron outside the doors.

The siren wails once they reach the main road, and I grip the steering wheel as I gasp for air in between sobs that catch in my chest.

It wasn’t meant to be like this.

It was never meant to be like this.



The minute I set eyes on the two police officers that enter the ward the next morning, a shiver crosses my neck and shoulders.

The male police constable wears a uniform with a bulky vest over the top of it. The pockets of the vest bulge with equipment: a radio is clipped to the right hand side, and a set of handcuffs hang from a clip underneath it.

He gives me the briefest of smiles before closing the curtains – he’s obviously charmed Delia. He stands next to the wall and reaches into the utility vest that looks like it weighs half a ton, then extracts a small black notebook and pen.

I twist my neck to find the woman on the left-hand side of the bed, her jaw set. She’s wearing a charcoal-grey suit that does nothing to offset the harsh brown dye she wears in her hair. She blinks once, then forces a smile.

I’m reminded of a Rottweiler.

‘Miss Ashton – Lisa – I’m Detective Constable Angela Forbes. This is my colleague, PC Steve Phillips. How are you feeling?’


I’m not lying. I know Doctor Ashwan has what he calls my “best interests” at heart, but my abdomen aches like hell and it’s swollen from the gas they used to inflate it during the operation.

Normal, he says, for someone who had a new kidney transplanted only three days ago. And for someone he has every intention of kicking out of hospital within days, if everything continues to go as well as it has so far.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts because the Rottweiler is talking, and I’ve missed half of what she’s said.

‘Am I under arrest?’ I blurt.

The Rottweiler – Forbes, I remind myself – frowns. ‘No. This is a formal interview though, so that’s why I’ve had to caution you.’

So, Hayley was right.

They are treating Simon’s death as suspicious.

But why?

I wince as a bolt of pure fire shoots across my stomach, waves of pain rippling across my body.

‘Are you okay?’

The male officer – Phillips – steps forward, concern etched across his features.

I grit my teeth and nod, sweat pooling at my brow. ‘Part of the healing process, according to the doc.’

Forbes grimaces. ‘Sounds like he should try it himself before making a statement like that.’

I can’t help myself, and snort.