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Proven methods for teaching reading comprehension to all students The Literacy Cookbook is filled with classroom-tested techniques for teaching reading comprehension to even the most hard-to-reach students. The book offers a review of approaches that are targeted for teaching reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. The book also includes information on how to connect reading, writing, and test prep. * Contains accessible and easy-to-adopt recipes for strengthening comprehension, reading, writing, and oral fluency. * Terrific resources are ready for download on the companion website. * The materials in this book are aligned with the English Language Arts Common Core Standards The website includes an ELA Common Core Tracking Sheet, a handy resource when writing or evaluating curriculum.
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Seitenzahl: 334
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2012
Table of Contents
Jossey-Bass Teacher
Title Page
About the Author
How to Use This Book
How to Use The Literacy Cookbook Website
Part One: Basic Ingredients
Chapter One: Comprehension
What Is Comprehension, and Why Is It Important?
My Theory of Comprehension
Why Background Knowledge Is So Important
Key Critical Reading Skill 1: Paraphrasing
How Can You Teach Students How to Paraphrase?
Key Critical Reading Skill 2: Inference
Key Critical Reading Skill 3: Vocabulary in Context (and Vocabulary Instruction)
Key Critical Reading Skill 4: Inferring Main Idea or Argument (AKA Summarizing)
How Can You Teach Students How to Infer the Main Idea or Argument (AKA Summarize)?
TLC Download Zone for Comprehension Process
Chapter Two: Reading
Nonfiction Versus Everything Else
The Truth About Textbook “Reading” Tests
After-Reading Strategies
Reading Workshop: Something to Consider
TLC Download Zone for Reading
Chapter Three: Writing
Read Well to Write Well
Why We Write (and Read)
Punchy Insights, or How to Avoid Writing Like a Robot
A Simple Recipe for Writing Instruction
What Students Struggle with the Most When They Write
Thesis Brainstorming and Organizing
Teaching with Mentor Texts
Writing Workshop 101
Motivational Grammar
Rubrics and How to Spend Less Time Grading
TLC Download Zone for Writing
Chapter Four: Speaking and Listening
Why Oral Fluency Matters
How to Train Students to Listen and Speak Effectively
More Thoughts on Effective Speaking
Class Discussion Logistics
Socratic Seminars Made Easy
Book Talk Projects
TLC Downloads for Speaking and Listening
Part Two: Entrées
Chapter Five: Tasty Persuasive Writing
The Concept of Persuasion
How to Prepare Students for Persuasive Writing Tasks
Chapter Six: Reading, Writing, and Test Prep “Stew”
An Argument for Stew
Connecting Key Critical Reading Skills to Test Prep Instruction
Test Prep Tips
Connecting Writing to Reading Through Genre Study
Open-Ended Responses
Chapter Seven: The Document-Based Question Approach
What Are DBQs, and Why Should Everyone Use Them?
Designing DBQs Across the Curriculum
Chapter Eight: Research Paper Guide
Reading and the Research Paper
How to Avoid RPT (Research Paper Torture)
Two Sample Research Paper Assignments
Research Paper Teachers' Guide
Chapter Nine: Teaching with Novels
Novels in English Language Arts: Literary Response Paper Writing Guide
Using Novels in History, Social Studies, and Science
Part Three: Desserts
Chapter Ten: Recommended Reading
On Reading and Vocabulary
On Writing
On Curriculum and Instruction
On How We Think About Teaching, Learning, and Change
Chapter Eleven: Appendix
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Jossey-Bass K-12 Education
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Tantillo, Sarah, 1965–
A practical guide to effective reading, writing, speaking, and listening instruction / Sarah Tantillo; with illustrations by Sandy Gingras.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-118-28816-0 (pbk.)
ISBN 978-1-118-33376-1 (ebk.)
ISBN 978-1-118-33153-8 (ebk.)
ISBN 978-1-118-33489-8 (ebk.)
1. Reading. I. Title.
LB1050.T33 2012
First Edition
About the Author
Sarah Tantillo consults with schools (especially urban schools) seeking to improve student achievement. She taught high school English and humanities in both suburban and urban New Jersey public schools for fourteen years, including seven years at the high-performing North Star Academy Charter School of Newark, New Jersey, where she chaired the Humanities Department and her students achieved a 100 percent passing rate on the High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA) for Language Arts and Literacy. In addition to teaching, she also founded the New Jersey Charter School Resource Center and the New Jersey Charter Public Schools Association. She led the Resource Center from 1996 to 1999 and the Association from 1999 to 2003. Since 2007, she has coached K–12 schools on literacy instruction, curriculum development, data-driven instruction, school culture-building, and strategic planning. In 2009, she launched The Literacy Cookbook Website (http://www.literacycookbook.com) to provide teachers and school leaders with practical resources and strategies for literacy instruction. That Website formed the basis for this book. In her free time, she writes a blog called Only Good Books (http://onlygoodbooks.wordpress.com). Tantillo earned her B.A. from Princeton University, her M.Ed. from Harvard University, an M.A. from Johns Hopkins University, and her Ed.D. from Rutgers University.
This book represents a culmination of several decades of fortunate educational experiences combined with a lifelong obsession with what it takes to read and write well. Since the day I entered first grade, when my teacher, Mrs. Scholl, told us that her father named her Jewel because she was so precious, “and that is how I think of all of you, as my little Jewels,” so many teachers have blessed me with their expertise, enthusiasm, and love. Whether I was their student or colleague, they made deeper impressions than they probably realized, and I hope they see that now. I am also grateful to the thousands of students I have been lucky enough to work with and learn from. So many people have informed my thinking that I cannot name them all. Please picture me bowing here with gratitude.
I also recognize that I would be nowhere without the support of my family and friends, whose wit and wisdom buoyed me through this process. Again, while the list of those who deserve thanks is impossibly long, a few simply must be named. At many pivotal moments, Norman Atkins has invited me to dive into meaningful, instructive work (at North Star, TeacherU, and Relay), and I am thankful that he referred me to the wonderful folks at Jossey-Bass, especially Kate Gagnon, Tracy Gallagher, Robin Lloyd, and Sarah Miller, who have made this experience remarkably pleasant. And I am in awe of Jeff Puda for designing such a beautiful cover.
For many years, Sandy Gingras has been the proverbial stalwart ally, and I am thrilled to include her humorous illustrations in this book. PS: Sandy has written and illustrated more than twenty books, and her work can be found at the How to Live Website (http://www.how-to-live.com). Three other friends provided invaluable feedback as I was drafting this manuscript—Steve Chiger, Rahshene Davis, and Katy Wischow—and I am grateful for their insights.
Last but definitely not least, I want my parents to know how much I appreciate their continuous encouragement, generosity, and support. They made countless sacrifices so that I could get a good education. I hope it was worth it.
Like any other avid reader, I used to think I knew a lot about reading. But most of those times I was wrong. I did well in high school and went to Princeton and thought I knew how to read: wrong. Graduated with a degree in comparative literature and was sure I knew what good readers do: again, wrong. Sure, I knew how to analyze poems, stories, novels, and plays. If pressed, I could translate Baudelaire. But on the day I started teaching high school English, I realized it didn't matter. After all of that schooling, I didn't know what to do with students who struggled to read.
Like many high school teachers, I'd expected students to know how to read by the time they reached me. Wasn't that the rule? Since I'd always loved reading, I had no idea what their problems were, much less how to solve them. Entering the classroom in 1987 through the Alternate Route, I had no training in how to teach reading and very little in how to teach writing.
As a result, when my students were confused, I was equally baffled. But I was determined to figure out how to help them.
So I did what I usually do to solve problems: I read about them and tried to apply what I was learning. Over time—far too long for some students, who suffered through numerous experiments with remarkable patience—I learned enough about reading and writing to be dangerous. My students passed state tests and went on to college. Based on those results, I felt like I had some useful ideas to share. So, after teaching high school for fourteen years, I left the classroom to become a literacy consultant.
That's when I began to grasp how little I truly knew.
My first clients were inner-city elementary and middle school teachers who wanted to put their students on a trajectory to college. They trusted me, since my students (from Newark, New Jersey) had all gone to college. But unlike me, they didn't expect their students to be fully formed adult readers or eloquent writers. They needed strategies. From me.
In a semipanic, I bought stacks of books, and they rescued me. They're cited throughout this book, and most are also listed in the Recommended Reading chapter. Working with teachers in dozens of schools, I tested and retested every approach I could find or create. Learning how to teach reading—comprehension, that is (I still know less than I would like to about phonics and decoding)—led me to develop ideas about What I Wish I'd Known. I created a Website called The Literacy Cookbook and began to write this book, thinking to myself, If only I could go back and show my struggling first-year-teacher self how to teach students how to read and write more effectively.
Alas, I cannot go back in time. But I am pleased to offer this book and the additional materials on my Website (http://www.literacycookbook.com) to you, in the hope that you might succeed with students where many, many times I failed. With nothing but the deepest humility, I submit these ideas to you and hope they help.
One day while talking with an English teacher at a low-performing high school, I asked him what his biggest challenges were. He replied that the students' writing skills were “horrible” and added, “They don't read.”
I asked him, “How much of your time is spent teaching them reading skills or strategies?”
He admitted, “Not much,” and said that he didn't know what to do because “they aren't motivated.” Then he asked me for help.
Grateful for his invitation and having observed how tall his students were, I began with a basketball analogy: If you took a boy who'd never played basketball in his life—never played pickup, never had it in gym class—and threw him into the middle of a game, how would he feel? If he couldn't even do a layup, how “motivated” would he be? The same is true for reading. Sure, after you're born, you're supposed to be read to, but many children are not. And then when you start school, you're supposed to be taught how to read—but still some children are not. And then year after year, you struggle because no one is teaching you how to read—how to really dig into a book, how to fall in love with words—and then you get to high school and they expect you to be good at reading. And you're not. You're frustrated and your teachers are disappointed. And they aren't sure how to help you.
This scenario, sadly, is far too common, both for students and for teachers.
As one of my friends who is an English teacher recently remarked, English teachers have it hard. “The curriculum is like a big tent,” he said. “There's so much in there: reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, novels, plays, poetry … It's hard to decide what to do and where to spend your time. Even if they hand you a curriculum, you're not sure how to prioritize everything.”
As confusing as it is for English teachers, literacy instruction is even more perplexing for teachers of other subjects. How are they supposed to teach reading and writing on top of World War II and photosynthesis? What are they supposed to do with students who don't like to read? How can they help their students comprehend the material? How can they help them write more clearly?
The purpose of this book is to provide all teachers (not just English teachers) with a coherent set of principles to inform their decision making around literacy instruction, including dozens of practical tools and directions—recipes, if you will—for how to teach reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The materials in this book (and on the accompanying Website) are aligned with the English Language Arts Common Core Standards and will definitely put your students on the path to college. (PS: For more information on the Common Core State Standards, see http://www.corestandards.org. Also, check out the TLC “Standards” page for the K–12 ELA Common Core Standards Tracking Sheet, which lists each grade's standards in a separate spreadsheet. A snippet of this document, which is particularly handy when writing or evaluating curriculum, appears in the Appendix of this book.)
The book is divided into BASIC INGREDIENTS, ENTRÉES, and DESSERTS. Every so often you will also find a Doggie Bag of questions to take away and reflect on. These questions will help you review the material and ensure that you're on track to apply what you've learned. Hint: You might want to preview these questions before you read each section, as they can also provide a useful guide to key points.
Where should you start? Although you can certainly dive in anywhere, it will make the most sense if you read through the BASIC INGREDIENTS first. The ENTRÉES then show compelling ways to combine the BASIC INGREDIENTS, and they offer detailed guidance on how to help students succeed at fundamental tasks such as persuasive writing, research papers, and test preparation. The DESSERTS section includes, naturally, a scrumptious recommended reading list and the Appendix, where you'll find a handful of extra-sweet resources.
The book begins with COMPREHENSION, explaining the comprehension process, the importance of background knowledge, and the four key critical reading skills. Note that COMPREHENSION is not just about reading comprehension; it's about comprehension in general. The “text” could be a written passage or a painting, a song, a funny smell, or even the defense on a basketball court. The comprehension process underlies everything that we do. How well we comprehend affects how much we learn in every subject.
The next basic ingredient, READING, describes what good reading entails, discusses the importance of nonfiction, identifies characteristics of different types of readers, addresses the values of independent and guided reading, and explains how to teach students to read strategically. This chapter includes an array of before-, during-, and after-reading strategies; advice on how to use textbooks more effectively; and some tips about reading workshop.
WRITING explores why we write and how to teach students how to write, period. This chapter also identifies what students struggle with the most when they write and provides solutions to these problems. It also offers an overview of writing workshop and explains how to use mentor texts and rubrics, how to teach grammar, and how to spend less time grading papers.
SPEAKING AND LISTENING explains why oral fluency matters so much and reveals how you can train students to listen and speak more effectively. It deals with logistical challenges that teachers face during class discussions and describes how to run Socratic Seminars that will have students begging for more. Also included are descriptions of two Book Talk Projects that are guaranteed to keep audiences awake and engaged.
The ENTRÉES illustrate how to teach students to write persuasively in a way that is also tasty. These chapters also show how to connect reading, writing, and test preparation and how to write your own critical reading questions. If you don't know what DBQs are, you will probably be excited to learn that you can use the DBQ (Document-Based Question) approach no matter what subject you teach. In these chapters, you will also find a Research Paper Guide, a Literary Response Paper Writing Guide, and suggestions for how to use novels in history, social studies, and science.
In short, there is something here for everyone. In fact, there is more available than what is physically here! Throughout the book, you will find references (and if you're using an e-reader, hyperlinks) to numerous additional documents available on The Literacy Cookbook Website, http://www.literacycookbook.com. The directions that follow explain how to gain access to those materials.
The Literacy Cookbook (TLC) Website offers hundreds and hundreds of documents that you can download instantly (http://www.literacycookbook.com). Plus, they are in Word format, so you can modify them easily.
This book comes with a one-time free thirty-day trial subscription and 50 percent off annual membership for those who would like to extend their access. New materials are added to the Website frequently!
To begin your one-time free trial membership, go to the TLC “Join or Renew” page: http://www.literacycookbook.com/register.php.
Then sign up (it takes less than a minute!) and enter the following code: TLCFREE.
You will receive immediate e-mail confirmation with your user name and password, which will then give you unlimited access to all of the files mentioned throughout this book, plus many more in The Download Zone. If you're reading this book with an e-reader and you're logged into the Website, simply click on the hyperlinks to instantly access any files you desire.
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So, let's get started.
Part One
Basic Ingredients
If you read normal (food-based) cookbooks, you've probably noticed how much emphasis the authors place on using high-quality ingredients. One recommendation you see all the time is, “Always cook with wine you would be willing to drink.” Although this may say something about chefs' drinking habits, the point is well taken: what you put into a meal will determine what you get out of it. The same is true for classroom instruction.
Throughout much of my teaching career, while I had a clear sense of how important it was to cook with good wine, I knew relatively little about the comprehension process or how to teach the skills involved in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. I muddled through and learned more as I went, but in retrospect I am sure I missed many opportunities to deliver lessons that were as delicious or effective as they could have been.
Some people think that excellent teachers are simply born that way. I believe they're wrong. While some individuals might possess wonderful instincts or charisma, every great teacher I've met has demonstrated a firm grasp of the content and skills that students need in order to succeed, and as my dad would say, these things are “fact-sensitive.” In other words, you can learn them. You can master them. You can become great, too. The BASIC INGREDIENTS chapters will help you with that.
In When Kids Can't Read: What Teachers Can Do, Kylene Beers calls comprehension “both a product and a process,”1 which makes it a little tricky. You go through the process and arrive at a destination or create something. The possibilities for getting stuck or creating something imperfect are endless. But if we know how the process works, we can avoid obstacles (or overcome them), end up somewhere rewarding, and create something powerful.
Reading, writing, and oral fluency are the purest and most common expressions of comprehension. When students read, write, or speak, they are demonstrating how much they comprehend. Comprehension and literacy are thus inextricably intertwined. This explains why the Achievement Gap is, in fact, a gap. Students who struggle to comprehend also struggle to perform in every academic area: they fail to absorb information, fail to solve problems, and fail to express ideas effectively. So here's the bottom line: no matter what grade or subject you teach, you need to understand the comprehension process and you need to teach literacy.
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