The Mystery of the Maharishi of Mt Kailash - Bernhard Koch - E-Book

The Mystery of the Maharishi of Mt Kailash E-Book

Bernhard Koch

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In the beginning of the last century the Indian Christian Sadhu Sundar Singh met a very old prayer warrior on the roof of the world – the Maharishi of Mt Kailash. Called by Jesus the Maharishi has been interceding for the church of Christ since many years. In the process he has remarkable experiences with the spiritual realm, which are almost unknown to people from the western world. The story of the Maharishi is nearly unbelievable. It reaches far beyond our previous comprehension of what one can experience with heaven now.Sadhu Sundar Singh has been called the »Apostle of India«. He has preached the message of Jesus Christ in many villages and towns of his home country, but also to surrounding nations. His proclamation and exemplary conduct of life fascinate his fellow countrymen as much as Christians all over the world.

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Copyright © 2016

by Ruach Verlag

All rights reserved.


Originally published in German:

© 2008.


ISBN 978-1533676306

ISBN (e-book) 978-3-938972-63-2

Cover photo: Mount Kailash


All scripture quotations are taken from

the New International Version of the Bible.



Ruach VerlagKoch & Sohn GbRMusikantenstr.11

D – 31737 RintelnGermany


[email protected]







1. Who was Sadhu Sundar Singh?

2. Encounter with the Maharishi

3. A more than 300-year-old history of life

4. Encounter with Jesus

5. In new dimensions

6. Body and soul

7. Correlation between the spiritual and material realm

8. Spirits of the departed

9. John the Baptist

10. Death and the afterlife

11. Heavenwards

12. The youth of Nain

13. Two philosophers

14. The end of the world is near

15. Second trip to the Maharishi

16. The secret missionaries

17. Sadhu Sundar Singh’s final trip


I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe;

how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?


(John 3:12)



More than 30 years ago I stumbled over a book in the bookshelf of my wife’s grandmother in which the life of an ancient holy man was described. It was the story of the 300 year old Christian Maharishi of Kailash which was told by the Indian missionary Sadhu Sundar Singh while he gave a lecture in Berlin, Germany; published as a book by Oskar Liebler in 1923.

What I had discovered was stunning. The deep insights into the realm of heaven and into the work of God fascinated me at once. Even if this story might be questionable to some readers, it is definitely worth reading since the theological content is in full agreement with the bible.

My faith in Jesus Christ was strengthened and stretched while reading about the Christian hermit living in the mountain region of the Himalayas. Nothing is impossible for God; he will do as he pleases. He can abridge a human life – but he can extend it too.

Jesus foretold that Peter the apostle would die as a martyr. At the disciple’s question of what would happen to John, the Lord answered:

If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me. (John 21:22)

Over the years I have read the story of the Maharishi multiple times. Never has it lost any of the fascination which I felt when I held the book in my own hands for the very first time. Even today, after thirty years, I can attest: The writings about the ancient man of Mt Kailash are recommendable and encouraging in contemplating the heavenly realm.

As I stumbled across the narration of Sadhu Sundar Singh once again a short time ago, I decided to re-process this wonderful story, to freshen up the old writing into modern day language and then to publish it.

While studying the bible it is definitely advisable to read additional books that will help to understand and to look into more. This present one about the Prayer Warrior of Mt Kailash is such a reading.




Experiences with the spiritual world

The bible tells us about John, Paul and other disciples of Jesus who were having wonderful experiences in the spirit realm. They did not only behold but were translated into heavenly places. Why should the way to heaven not be open for us – especially since that is where we as believers have our citizenship (Philippians 3:20)?

As citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven we possess the right to stay there and to freely use the necessities of heaven.

But who of us is really stretching out to having experiences with heavenly regions today?

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3)

God wants us to reach out for new things. He wishes to show us heaven but also would have us to know what wonderful works he is performing on earth. That is why he is challenging us to call upon him in order to receive insight into his mysteries.

A lot of people settle with just experiencing heaven after this earthly life, but the Father wants us to seek His Kingdom of Heaven now.

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. (Colossians 3:2)

Let us follow the divine assignment and call upon Jesus Christ so that the Lord can show us unfathomable things in heaven and on earth.

Both God’s servants in the Old Testament and also Jesus, his apostles and many men and women throughout the church history have reported of visions where they looked into the heavens, journeyed in the spirit and spoke to disciples of Jesus who already had deceased. Even servants of God in the near past had similar experiences. For example William Booth (1829 - 1912), the founder of The Salvation Army, had experiences in the heavenly realm that changed his life. There was such an excitement created in him that he started his ministry to the lost with a passion of fire. – Booth wrote:


My sensation was altogether beyond description. It was the thrill of a new and celestial existence. I was in heaven.

After the first feeling of surprise had somewhat subsided, I looked around me, and took in the situation. It was way beyond anything of earth – positively delightful. And yet some of the more beautiful scenes and sounds and feelings of the world I had just left appeared to be repeated in my new experience in enchanting fashion. Still no human eyes ever beheld such perfection, such beauty. No earthly ear ever heard such music. No human heart ever experienced such ecstasy, as it was my privilege to see, hear, and feel in the celestial country.

Above me was the loveliest of blue skies. Around me was an atmosphere so balmy that it made my whole physical frame vibrate with pleasure. Flowing by the bank of roses on which I found myself reclining was the clearest and purest water of a river that seemed to dance with delight to its own murmurings. The trees that grew upon the banks were covered with the greenest foliage, and laden with most delicious fruit – sweet beyond all earthly sweetness. And by lifting up my hand I could pluck and taste.

In every direction above and around me the whole air seemed not only to be laden with the sweetest perfumes coming from the fairest flowers, but filled with the fairest forms. For, floating about me were beautiful beings whom I felt by instinct were angels and archangels, seraph and seraphim, cherub and cherubim, together with the perfect blood-washed saints who had come from our own world. They were sometimes far, and again coming nearer.

The whole sky at times seemed to be full of white-winged, happy, worshiping, joyous beings. And the whole country, apparently of limitless extent, was filled with a blissful ecstasy that could only be known by being experienced.1


Another person who told of his experiences with the spiritual realm is John G. Lake (1870 - 1935). During a time of intercession he went on a journey in the spirit, which he reported as follows:

In 1912 I was pastor of the Apostolic tabernacle, Johannesburg, South Africa … Our church was then enjoying a great period of spiritual blessing and power. Various remarkable manifestations of the spirit commonly occurred.

During a Sunday morning service, before public prayer was offered, a member of the congregation arose and requested that those present would join themselves in prayer on behalf of his cousin in Wales (7,000 miles across the sea from Johannesburg), that she might be healed. He stated that the woman was violently insane and an inmate of an asylum in Wales.

I knelt on the platform to pray; an unusual degree of the spirit of prayer came upon my soul causing me to pray with fervor and power … My inner, or spiritual, eyes opened. I could see in the spirit and observed that there was a shaft of splendent light, accompanied by a moving power coming forth from many of those who were praying in the audience.

As the prayer continued, these shafts of light from those who were praying increased in number, each of them reached my own soul, bringing an increasing impulse of spiritual power until I seemed well-nigh overcome by it.