The Serious Game - Hjalmar Soderberg - E-Book

The Serious Game E-Book

Hjalmar Söderberg

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Henning Mankell described The Serious Game as one of Sweden's lost classics. 'Söderberg wrote a contemporary novel. He wants the reader to look upon that time and to understand that love is not a secluded island, it is always affected by the 'big' world; by society; politics, disasters and scandals. Arvid, an educated and ambitious young man, meets Lydia, the daughter of a landscape painter; it is summer, they are young, and they fall in love. Lydia, however, has other suitors, and Arvid is frightened of being tied to her, afraid of his emotions. Instead, they part and both conduct marriages of convenience. Years later, trapped inside loveless marriages, the two struggle to rekindle the passion and promise of their early relationship, but with bitter and tragic results. A work of tremendous insight, tenderness and gentle irony.

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The Serious Game


Translated from the Swedish by Eva Claeson


Title Page










An Introduction to Hjalmar Söderberg’s The Serious Game By Elena Balzamo

In 1912 Hjalmar Söderberg, already a celebrated and controversial author, published a new novel: The Serious Game. At the age of forty-three he had produced three novels, as many collections of stories, two plays, an essay and an innumerable amount of critical writing. The Serious Game, the longest, most ambitious and perhaps the most successful of his works, was not only the crowning achievement of Söderberg’s literary career, one that had stretched back over fifteen years, but also suggested new possibilities to the author. Who at the time would have suspected that this novel, which bore witness to an artistic talent in the full flowering of his abilities, would also be his swan song: the raising of a creative voice that would lead to silence? This, however, was to be the case. In the thirty years that remained of his life, Söderberg produced nothing to equal his earlier works: in fact, he would no longer write fiction, abandoning literature in favour of history and religion. The publication of The Serious Game was followed by six years of total silence, just as the previous six years had seen him produce the vast majority of his most important writings. The causes of this silence and the slowing down of his artistic output can be found in the events that had overturned Söderberg’s life during this period, completely altering its course.

Out of his entire, somewhat uneventful life, the period from 1903 to 1912 is highlighted by the intense dramas it encompassed. In 1903, after four years of disastrous marriage to an emotionally unstable woman, Hjalmar Söderberg received a letter from an unknown female, expressing her admiration for The Youth of Martin Birck, the novel he wrote in 1901. A young woman, the wife of an officer, sensitive, fond of literature, languishing in the colourless provinces beside her ageing husband, had entered Söderberg’s life. Her name was Maria von Platen. An exchange of letters ensued, followed by a meeting, and Söderberg was soon involved in an affair the outcome of which he was still unable to foresee. A tumultuous three-year relationship punctuated by varying periods of separation and reconciliation began in 1903. Söderberg would go back to her on numerous occasions. However, for Maria von Platen, who went on to have affairs with other Swedish men of letters, this affair was just another simple episode. For Hjalmar Söderberg, in his ‘search for happiness’, it was to become a terrifying drama, a catastrophe that stripped him of everything. Ground down by the fighting at home, the scandal that surrounded him after the affair became public, the anguish caused by his break-up with a wife whom he still loved and his mounting financial problems, he could see only one solution: flight.

‘I know that I scarcely had a choice,’ he explained in a letter. ‘The extreme solution was at hand.’ Could he have suspected that by leaving Sweden in 1906 he was condemning himself to an eternal exile? That by cutting himself off from the nurturing womb-like environment of Stockholm he was signing his own death warrant? By no means, even if he did claim to have reached a crossroads in both his personal life and his literary career. ‘I only went to Copenhagen for a brief stay. I had no plans. I saw no future ahead of me… I considered myself finished as a writer.’

And so it was that after a slight moment’s hesitation he settled in Copenhagen and became involved with a young Danish woman, who would bear him a child in 1910 and became his second wife in 1917. He was to enjoy a peaceful and orderly existence with her until his death in 1941, never to return to Sweden except on short visits.

But all of this lay in the future. In 1906, uprooted, battered and penniless, Hjalmar Söderberg disembarked in Copenhagen, moved into a small hotel and fought his first battle with the demons that were tormenting him. The result was Gertrud, the play that became famous throughout Europe thanks to Carl Dreyer’s film adaptation. First published in 1906, it had already enjoyed productions in both Stockholm and Copenhagen by 1907. The play, which drew upon certain aspects of his experiences with Maria von Platen, without reproducing them exactly, was centred entirely upon the character of Gertrud, a woman who could only exist for – and through – love. It was not, however, a settling of old scores with his former mistress, but rather an act of total absolution. A single desire had survived Hjalmar Söderberg’s grand passion: to understand. ‘I believe I would like to be something that most likely doesn’t exist,’ says Arvid Stjärnblom, the male protagonist of The Serious Game. ‘I would like to be “the soul of the world”. To be the one who knows and understands everything.’

Despite the undeniable success of Getrud, and the cathartic effect it must have had upon its creator, its subject matter was far from being exhausted. The demons from the past continued to crowd in, and Söderberg would make another attempt to exorcise them: this time in The Serious Game.

Hjalmar Söderberg has the well-earned reputation of being one of the poet laureates of Stockholm’s city life, due in part to the portrait he presents of it in The Serious Game. Nearly every district of the Swedish capital is described here, unencumbered by too much detail but captured with a striking clarity as a series of ‘snapshots’ in which permanent details, such as houses, gardens and churches, are set against other, more ephemeral elements: atmospheric conditions, changes in light, the flow of crowds… Stockholm at the start of the twentieth century is revealed to us as a living, moving thing, its features changing with the passing of time. Automobiles replace horse-drawn cabs; gas lamps make way for electric lighting. At first glance, there’s nothing surprising about this: a realist author describing a place he knows well, which has been a familiar part of his daily life and which he knows right down to its smallest detail. However, the suggestive power with which Stockholm is evoked is due less to the fact that it was once the writer’s natural locale, than that it has ceased to be so. The Serious Game is a novel composed in exile: by the time it was being written, Söderberg had definitively left the country of his birth behind him. Everything he describes – the cafés, the nights at the Opera, the walks along the quays – belonged to the past, to an era that, like his youth, was now gone for good.

‘But if you were a poet,’ Arvid, the protagonist of The Serious Game is asked by Lydia, his lover, ‘could you not then, like Goethe and Strindberg and so many other and lesser ones, make “literature” from what was once, for you, life and reality, happiness and unhappiness? Couldn’t you?’ ‘Never,’ he replies. ‘I don’t think that it’s possible, even for a poet for that matter, to make literature from his love so long as there’s the spark of life in it. I suppose it has to be dead first, before he can embalm it.’ This exchange reveals, beyond the problematic relationship between fiction and reality, one of the most frequently recurring themes in Söderberg’s writing, precisely delineating the author’s attitude towards the description of events. His time in Stockholm was over; the drama played out. The past was now dead. ‘I have come more and more to realise that I can never bring it back to life,’ he announced in a letter written as early as 1907: the wheels of artistic creation had been set in motion. The trauma that he lived through had become nothing more than raw material ready to be transformed into a work of art. ‘It is not what he has experienced that is the cause for all that is sick, horrible and confused in his writing,’ Arvid Stjärnblom observes of Strindberg in The Serious Game. ‘That’s what he seems to believe himself, but that’s not the way it is. On the contrary, it is all that is sick, horrible and confused in his own nature that causes everything he has to experience and live through.’ This observation is particularly apt. Refracted through the prism of Söderberg the Artist, the emotional drama that pitched Söderberg the Man into a state of total chaos transforms itself into a marvellously balanced literary work. The disruptive experience is still there, but restructured and, for want of a better word, put in its place.

Some Swedish critics accused Söderberg of incorporating into his narrative ‘digressions’ and ‘collages’ that had no direct relevance to its emotional conflicts. One has only to compare The SeriousGame with Gertrud to understand the function of this material. In Söderberg’s play the outside world doesn’t exist: nothing is real except the relationships between the characters. The Serious Game’s romantic complications, however, take place against the political intrigues of the world. The ‘affairs’ that shook Sweden at the time are integrated into an exceptionally broad tableau: the Dreyfus Affair, the troubled Union between Norway and Sweden, theological debates, the encroaching shadow of world war. This approach has a dual effect. Primarily, it introduces a sense of scale into Arvid’s emotional drama, little more than a grain of sand tossed about in the global tempest. At the same time, the drama acquires an objective existence: the protagonist’s sufferings over his mistress become, in their own right, a part of human history: the drama and sufferings of every individual. From this develops the frequently disturbing impression of the characters’ physical existence: their presence in reality. One curious result of this effect was the publication in 1969 – more than half a century after The Serious Game first appeared – of the novel For Lydia, whose author, G. Sundström, retells the same story from the heroine Lydia’s point of view instead.

Arvid Stjärnblom is, without doubt, one of Söderberg’s most compelling creations. This provincial youth, like Rastignac in Balzac’s Le Père Goriot, comes to Stockholm with the intention of conquering it but, unlike his French predecessor, refuses success attained at any price. Here is another moral being akin to Martin Birck, the protagonist of Söderberg’s second novel, whose intransigence upsets his parents and consigns him to an isolated and despairing existence, or Dr Glas, eponymous hero of another Söderberg novel who – always in the name of moral scruples – becomes a murderer. Once more a moral conscience fails to bring happiness. ‘I have always imagined that honesty and a certain disinterested love of truth were two of my most important traits. Now I find myself in situations that make falsehood, trickery and lies almost daily necessities, and I realise to my surprise that I have talents in those realms as well,’ Arvid Stjärnblom tells himself, and once again we can detect the voice of the author himself speaking. In reality, the character is deluding himself. In his slide from falsehood to falsehood, sometimes requiring caution, sometimes pity, sometimes fear, he sets himself upon a path to nowhere – an impasse from which he cannot escape without abandoning everything he had formerly relied upon for his existence: love, career, social standing, family.

Fifteen years of such slow attrition suddenly climax in a resounding defeat: the hero flees, just as his creator did, weary and disheartened, without any plan for his future. Where does the fault lie? In that moment of defiance at the start of the novel, where the hero condemns himself by refusing to become ‘tied down’ to the girl that he nonetheless loves? It’s a fault for which he is immediately made to pay over and over again, and Stjärnblom’s wasted existence is certainly not the punishment for his youthful weakness.

The Serious Game is the most fatalistic of Söderberg’s novels, drawing upon the repeated defeats incurred by the author in his attempts at ‘being happy’. ‘We scarcely know what seeds we sow,’ he had already remarked in his first novel, Aberrations. ‘We cannot assume responsibility for whatever happens. We cannot go forward, or retrace our steps or even stay where we are.’ Later, this theme is taken up and developed further in The Youth of Martin Birck: Schopenhauer’s image of the ‘human marionette’ exactly reflects what the author thought of the concept of free will. It is an idea echoed throughout Söderberg’s many novels. Reinforced by the passing of the years, it was to become the main theme of The Serious Game: ‘You do not choose your destiny, any more than you choose your wife, your lover or your children. You get them, and you have them, and possibly you lose them. But you don’t choose them!’ And so it happens that the most active and wilful of Söderberg’s characters, Arvid Stjärnblom, is as incapable of controlling his own destiny as the others, unable to escape an unhappy marriage or retain the love of his mistress. In vain does he try to peer ahead and take precautions: things ‘happen’. The best he can do is to take the blows with dignity.

The fatal love that becomes Arvid Stjärnblom’s destiny is woven from acts of betrayal. The first, committed by the hero himself, remains almost innocent. Later, the wounds that the characters inflict upon each other become more and more calculated and deliberate. Such betrayals are inevitable because the veils that prevent these individuals from truly seeing themselves are never really lifted. Despite their many attempts at explanation, no one completely frees themselves. ‘I believe in the desire of the flesh and the irremediable solitude of the spirit’: Söderberg’s most famous statement is the perfect encapsulation of his greatest novel. In The Serious Game, this fatalistic view of existence is exacerbated. Consequently, the book does not just encapsulate the personal experiences of its author and draw a line under his ‘personal life’ – the novel’s narrative extends into 1912, the year when it was written – it is also the summation of his intellectual quest and a conclusion to his earlier work. Even while maintaining a fair sense of proportion, it is possible to describe The Serious Game as a ‘total’ novel and, thanks to its success, a true moment of completion.

‘The Serious Game,’ declared one critic in the 1930s, ‘is the only love story that stands for anything in our literature.’ Not everyone would agree with this statement, but no one would deny that, after its guarded welcome from the press of the day, due as much to the book itself as the author’s controversial personality, the novel quickly attained the status it enjoys today: that of a literary classic. The Serious Game has gone through numerous editions, has been adapted for the screen, the subject of much research and translated into several languages. However, everything seems to have been said about the novel back in 1913 by Bo Bergman, the poet and Hjalmar Söderberg’s friend: ‘It is not just a precious jewel of refined intelligence and stylistic control. It is the work of a grown man, coming from the heart and soul, and with all the colours of life.’

Chartres, June 1994 Translated from the French by Ken Hollings


‘I can’t bear the idea of someone waiting for me…’

As usual, Lydia went swimming alone.

She liked it best that way. Besides, she had no one to go swimming with that summer. She had no need to worry: her father, who always sat on a nearby rock painting his ‘Coastal Motif’, kept a close eye on her and saw to it that no stranger came too near.

She waded out until the water reached a little above her waist, then waited with raised arms, her hands clasped behind her head, until the rings in the water smoothed out again and reflected her eighteen-year-old body in the shallow waves.

Then she bent forward and swam out over the emerald-green deep. She enjoyed the feeling of the water bearing her – she felt so light. She swam with calm, measured strokes. She didn’t see any perch today. Sometimes she played with them. Once, she was so close to catching one that she pricked her hand on its fins.

Back on land she ran the towel over her body quickly, then stretched out on a flat rock that had been worn smooth by the waves and let the sun and the light summer breeze dry her. First she lay on her stomach to let the sun shine on her back. Her whole body was very tanned already – as tanned as her face.

She let her thoughts wander. She thought about the fact that it was almost noon. They were going to have fried ham and spinach. She looked forward to it, even though lunch was always the most boring part of the day. Her father never said much, and her brother Otto just sat there, sullen and silent. Of course, he did have problems. He wanted to become an engineer but there were already too many engineers here at home, so he was leaving for the United States in the autumn. The only one who said anything at all was Philip, but what he said never interested her – he talked about precedents and legal strategies and promotions and other such nonsense that no one could be interested in. It was as though he talked just for the sake of talking, all the while searching with his near-sighted eyes for the best morsels on the platter.

Actually, she was very fond of her father and her brothers. Strange that sitting at the table with the people closest to you could be so unpleasant…

She turned on her back, supported her head on her hands and looked up into the blue.

Blue skies, white clouds, she thought. Blue and white… I have a blue dress with white lace on it. It’s my best dress, but that’s not why I like it so much. There’s another reason. It’s the dress I wore that time.

That time.

I wonder whether he loves me? Yes, of course he does.

But does he really love me – really?

She remembered that time not so long ago, when they were sitting alone together in the lilac arbour. He had suddenly attempted a rather daring caress that had frightened her. But then he had immediately realized that he had gone too far, had taken her hand, the very hand she had used to ward him off, and had kissed it, as if to say: I’m sorry.

Her thoughts were so real that her lips were moving, and she found herself whispering: I love him.

Blue and white – blue and white…and the splashing of the water – splash – splash…

Suddenly it occurred to her that she had only realized that summer how wonderful it was to swim alone. She wondered why. It did feel good. When girls went swimming together they always shouted and laughed and made such a noise. It was much nicer to be alone and completely silent and to listen to the splashing of the water against the rocks.

While dressing she hummed a tune:

Together one day we’ll stand

before the priest,

and you will take my hand,

to keep forever till time has ceased.

But she didn’t sing the words. She only hummed the melody.

Mr Stille, the painter, had since time immemorial rented the same red fisherman’s cottage on an island far out in the Stockholm archipelago. He painted pine trees. They used to say that he had discovered the island pine, just as Edward Bergh had discovered the northern Swedish birch grove. He preferred his pines in sunshine after rain, with the trunks still wet and glistening. But he needed neither rain nor sunshine: he knew it all by heart. He also enjoyed painting the red reflections of the evening sun on the thin, pale-red bark at the tops of the trees and on the twisted, knotty branches. In the sixties he had been awarded a medal in Paris. His most famous pine hung in the Galleries du Luxembourg and he also had a couple of paintings at the National Museum. Now, at the end of the nineties, he was way over sixty and had gradually retreated into obscurity as a result of increasing competition. However, he continued to work steadily and diligently, as he had during his whole hard life, and he was still quite successful in selling his pine trees.

‘There’s no great art to painting,’ he would say. ‘Forty years ago I was just as good as I am now, but selling, that’s where the art is, and mastering that takes time.’

His secret was simple: he sold cheap, and, as a result, he had managed quite well. What with a wife and three children he had done all right. He’d been a widower for several years now. Short, wiry and knotty with a bit of healthy skin showing here and there through his bushy beard, he looked like an old island pine himself.

Painting was his occupation; but music was his love. There had been a time when he had made fiddles for the pleasure of it and he had dreamed of discovering the long-forgotten secrets of violin making. With his pipe hanging out of a corner of his mouth, he still enjoyed playing at the Saturday evening dances on the island.

And he was delighted when he was asked to sing second bass in quartets. That was the reason he was in such a good mood at lunch that day.

‘There’s going to be singing tonight,’ he said. ‘Baron Freutiger phoned to say he’d be coming over together with Arvid Stjärnblom and Mr Lovén.’

The baron owned a small estate across the bay and was their nearest neighbour, except for the local fishermen, that is. Arvid Stjärnblom, who was a student, and Mr Lovén, a notary, were his guests.

Her cheeks burning, Lydia hastily left the table to get something from the kitchen.

‘I’m not going to sing,’ Philip muttered.

‘Don’t then,’ their father grunted.

Actually, there was something wrong with the quartet: there were two first tenors. Old man Stille was a fine second bass. The baron professed that he could sing any part ‘with equally brilliant wretchedness’, and had decided to sing first bass. Arvid Stjärnblom sang second tenor, but the honour and responsibility of singing first tenor had to be shared by Philip and Mr Lovén. Philip’s tenor was light and clear: decidedly lyrical. Lovén’s on the other hand was colossal, and Philip’s delicate voice didn’t have a chance. It was said that he had been offered a job at the Opera. All the same, Philip was proud of the fact that he was indispensable for the more subtle passages, since his rival had only two strings to play on: forte and fortissimo. Besides, Mr Lovén had a major enemy: when under the influence of great emotion his voice cracked and sometimes he even sang off key.

Otto broke the silence.

‘I bet you’ll change your mind. I’ve never heard of a tenor who can keep his mouth shut when he hears others sing.’

‘You can sing the parts that suit your voice,’ their father said.

Philip sulked and picked at his spinach. He was thinking that he might possibly condescend to sing ‘Why Are You So Far Away?’ and perhaps some other popular song. He remembered the last time they had sung ‘Why…?’. Lovén had boomed ahead, and then all of a sudden the baron had hit the punch tray with his tuning fork and said: ‘Shut up, Lovén and let Philip sing this. He knows how!’ And he remembered how very beautifully he had sung that time.

Lydia returned to the table.

‘I found out what we’re going to have for supper,’ she said. ‘It’ll be ham again, and herring, and potatoes and Otto’s perch. That’s all there is.’

‘And brandy and beer, and arrack and cognac,’ Otto added.

‘Fine! We don’t need any more than that,’ old man Stille said. ‘Those are all wonderful gifts from God!’

The late-August sun was already setting when the baron’s small sailboat rounded the point. The wind had subsided. The sails were slack, and they were rowing. As they approached, they lowered the sails and stopped rowing. The baron struck the note with his tuning fork and, while rocking gently on the waves, the three men in the boat broke into a Bellman trio.

Still’dis the hasty wave,

Aeolus is dying,

As from the shore he hears

Mandolins replying;

Where moonshine’s lying

Cool and calm the water gleams.

Lilac and jasmine

fragrance lend the moonlight’s beams.

Butterflies gold and green

here on a flower are seen,

Soon will the earthy worm

his dwelling flee.

The song rang out clear and beautiful across the water. Two old fishermen who were laying out lines in the bay stopped their work to listen.

‘Bravo!’ old man Stille shouted from the dock.

‘That was pretty good, Lovén,’ the baron said, ‘except for that part about the worm. Philip’s voice is better for that. Well, hello, everybody! How’s everything, old man? Do you have any cognac? We’ve got the whisky. Ah, good evening, you dear, beautiful, sweet little Miss Lydia!’ he said, and gallantly accompanied each expression of admiration by blowing Lydia a kiss. ‘And good evening to you, boys!’

Baron Freutiger had a weather-beaten face with a full black beard. He was close to fifty but had kept his youth by taking life easy. Grief and worry had run off him without leaving a trace. Nevertheless, he had been through a lot and he used to say that one of his worst experiences had been when he was hanged for stealing a horse in Arizona. It was certainly true that he had been his family’s black sheep and had tried his luck in many parts of the world. He was a jack-of-all-trades. He had published travel books that were so fresh and charmingly full of fabrications that he had become famous in literary circles, and he had composed waltzes that were danced to at royal functions. A few years ago he had come into an inheritance and had bought the small estate in the archipelago where, posing as a farmer, he now spent his time hunting sea birds and girls. He was also interested in politics. At the most recent election he had been a candidate for Parliament and would most likely have been voted in if he had understood the importance of expressing a more definite view on the subject of temperance.

Dressed in a snow-white flannel suit and with an old dirty straw hat of indeterminate shape perched on his head, he hopped on to the dock and was followed by the others from the boat. Mr Lovén, the public notary who worked for customs, a man of stately build, weather-beaten, somewhat plump and pretty like a doll, struck a pose and emitted a few high notes experimentally. Stjärnblom, the student, a broad-shouldered young man whose eyes were deep and reserved, remained in the background. Old man Stille and Philip joined them, the baron struck the note and, to the tones of ‘The Raising of the Singers’ Banner’, the procession walked up to the red cottage, where, through the foliage of the small, vine-enclosed veranda, bottles and glasses could be seen shining in the light of the evening sun.

It was getting darker and darker now, and Capella, the bright August star, was already shining in the pale northern sky.

Lydia was leaning against the veranda railing. She had spent most of the evening running back and forth between the kitchen and the veranda carrying ‘pots’, her general name for bottles and glasses and other household utensils. She had waited on the men all by herself – Augusta, their old servant for the past twelve years, hissed like an angry cat whenever they had company, and refused to leave the kitchen.

And now Lydia was a little tired.

Song after song had resounded in the stillness of the evening, alternating here and there with the tenors’ arguments, which were always settled by the clinking of glasses filled with three different sorts of refreshing drinks. Now the singers were sitting talking peacefully. At the railing, Lydia looked out into the greying dusk and listened to their conversation. But she hardly heard them. Her eyes had filled with tears and her heart felt heavy. Her beloved always seemed so distant when she saw him together with other men. And yet there he was, not three steps away.

She heard her father’s voice:

‘Have you been to the Exhibition, Freutiger?’

It was 1897, the summer of the Great Exhibition.

‘Yes, I did look in yesterday, since I was in town. And, as is my habit, you know – I’ve seen at least a hundred colossal world exhibitions – I asked as soon as I came in: Where is the belly dancer? And, you know? They didn’t have a belly dancer! I almost fainted. So I took a look at the art. By the way, are you showing anything there?’

‘Heavens, no. I never exhibit, but I sell anyway. I did go to see it last week and there certainly was stuff worth looking at. There was a Dane who had painted a sun that you couldn’t look at without hurting your eyes. Pretty good! But God knows how they come up with all those modern tricks. Besides, I’m too old. Skoal, Lovén! You’re not drinking, Stjärnblom, Skoal! There was a time in the eighties when I thought I was getting old-fashioned and decided to try to keep up with the times. Sunshine was out of style and people were getting tired of my pines, so I produced a Row of Outhouses in Cloudy Weather. I tried to get it into Furstenburg’s or the Gothenburg Museum, but can you imagine? It got into the National Museum, where it’s hanging to this day. That reassured me and I went back to my pines!’

‘Skoal, old man,’ Freutiger said. ‘You and I, we’ve seen to the bottom of it all. Lovén, he can only look upward, since he’s a tenor, and Stjärnblom is too young. Young people see nothing but themselves. We’re just part of the background to them. Isn’t that right, Arvid?

Lydia jumped when she heard his name. Arvid…how can anyone else address him that way?

‘Skoal!’ Stjärnblom answered.

‘Pull yourself together, my boy,’ the baron continued. ‘Are you sitting there longing for your mountains in Värmland?’

‘There are no mountains to speak of there,’ Stjärnblom said.

‘Well, how am I supposed to know that?’ Freutiger said. ‘I’ve been everywhere except around Sweden. As far as Värmland is concerned, my only connection is that my grandmother was in love with Geijer when she was young. He went skating with her on some lake there – isn’t there a lake called Fryken? Yes, that’s it, they went skating on Lake Fryken – some time at the beginning of the century. I guess it must have been 1813, because that was a cold winter. Anyway, my grandmother fell and landed on her rear end and Geijer got to see her legs, and they were much plumper and sturdier than he had ever expected them to be. And that was the end of that romance! But my grandfather, who owned a factory and was a practical sort of man and not the sort to babble about aesthetics, took her instead. That’s the reason my name is Freutiger, why I exist at all and can sit here enjoying the beauties of nature.’

For some time, Lovén had shown signs of agitation. He coughed and cleared his throat, then suddenly stood up and began to sing an aria from Mignon. His beautiful voice rang out into the night a little more softly than usual: ‘Never maiden dreamed – pure as an op’ning flower – That love so innocent as dwelt within her breast might e’er awake…to far more ardent power…’

Lydia, who had walked down to the sandy path beneath the veranda, was picking leaves from a barberry bush and crushing them between her fingers. Arvid Stjärnblom had raised himself and was now standing at the veranda railing where she had just stood. Slowly, Lydia walked down the path. It was already dark between the hedges. She stopped at the entrance of the lilac arbour. She heard Lovén’s voice: ‘Come, Oh Spring…and my dear ha-heart…’

His voice had cracked, of course, on the high B-flat.

She heard steps in the sand.

She recognized those steps. She knew very well whose they were. She hid in the arbour.

She heard a low voice:


‘Meow!’ she answered from inside the arbour.

She was sorry right away and thought it was stupid of her to have meowed like a cat. She couldn’t understand why she had done it. She stretched her arms toward him: ‘Arvid – Arvid…’

They met in a long kiss.

And when they had to stop, he said in a low voice:

‘Do you care for me just a little?’

She hid her face against his chest and didn’t answer.

After a while she said:

‘Do you see that star?’


‘Is that the evening star?’

‘No, it can’t be. The evening star goes down with the sun at this time of the year. Most likely it’s a star called Capella.’

‘Capella! What a beautiful name.’

‘Yes, it is beautiful, but it only means “the Goat”. Why that star is called the Goat, I really don’t know. Actually, I really don’t know anything.’

They stood silently. They heard the cry of the corncrake from far away.

He said:

‘Why do you care for me?’

Again she hid her face against his chest and didn’t answer.

‘Don’t you think Lovén sang beautifully just now?’ he asked.

‘Oh, yes,’ she answered. ‘He does have a beautiful voice.’

‘And isn’t Freutiger funny?’

‘I suppose so. He’s fun to listen to. And besides, he’s not a bad person.’

‘No, on the contrary…’

They stood close together, swaying back and forth and looking up at the stars.

Then he said:

‘But it’s because of you that his voice cracks when his feelings get the better of him and it’s for your sake as well that Freutiger sits there and tells his lies. They are – both of them – in love with you. Now you know. So you can choose.’

He laughed a little. She kissed his forehead, then whispered, as though to herself:

‘Who knows what’s inside there…’

‘Not anything very remarkable,’ he answered. ‘And it isn’t always good to know…’

Looking deeply into his eyes, she answered:

‘I believe in you, and that’s enough for me. Just the fact that you are going to be in Stockholm this winter so that we can meet from time to time is enough for me. Is it at North Latin School that you are going to do your practice teaching?’

‘Yes,’ he answered, ‘I suppose I will. I’m not planning to be a teacher, of course. That’s really too hopeless a job. But since I have my bachelor’s degree now, I might as well do the practice teaching. Then I suppose I’ll work as a substitute for a while – while I’m waiting.’

‘Waiting…? Waiting for what?’

‘Oh, I don’t know. Maybe for nothing at all. For a chance to do something worthwhile – whatever that might be… No, I really don’t want to be a teacher. I can’t possibly think of it as the future – not my future at any rate.

‘Yes…’ she said. ‘The future – who knows what it will bring…?’

For a long time they stood in silence under the silent stars. Then she thought about something she had heard him say on the veranda, and said:

‘I always thought there were high mountains in your Värmland. Is it really true that there aren’t any?’

‘Quite true,’ he said. ‘They may be higher than those here, but we don’t have any real mountains. And I don’t like mountains – that is, I like to climb them, but I don’t like to live shut in by them. People talk about mountain landscapes, but I think they should be called valley landscapes. You live down in the valleys, not on the tops of the mountains. And the mountains get in the way of the sun the same as houses do in narrow alleys. As a result, it’s ice-cold dusk almost the whole of the afternoon where I come from. There’s only a short time, in the middle of the day, that is really beautiful there: when the sun is at its highest, or a little earlier even, over the plain of the Klara River. There’s a wonderful light over all that beautiful countryside. You can look south where the sun shines over the wide valley and think: There, over there, that’s where the world begins.’

Lydia was only half listening to him. She heard the word ‘sun’ and ‘that’s where the world begins’ and she heard the cry of the corncrake in the field.

‘Yes,’ she said, ‘the world… Do you think, Arvid, that you and I could some day make a little world for ourselves?’

He answered, also lost in thought:

‘I suppose we could try.’

Suddenly there was the baron’s voice from the veranda:

‘Come on, boys, time to sing again! Let’s have another drink!’

She wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered into his ear:

‘I believe in you. I believe in you. And I can wait.’

Then there was Freutiger’s voice again:

‘Come on, boys!’

They hurried back to the veranda by different paths.

Later, Lydia stood at her open window looking out into the summer night. There were tears in her eyes. In the moonlight she could see the little boat in the bay, taking away the singers. They had stopped rowing. They were singing a serenade in her honour. They were singing: ‘Why Are You So Far Away’. Notary Lovén’s tenor rang out beautifully in the quiet night. The baron sang both first and second bass at the same time, at least that’s what he thought, and the middle voice was that of her beloved.

Why are you so far away,

Oh, my love!

Softly shines the star,

Oh, my love!

The moon is ready to recline

from his quiet dance in time.

Good night my sweet love,

Good night my love.