The Sexes in Science and History / An inquiry into the dogma of woman's inferiority to man - Eliza Burt Gamble - E-Book

The Sexes in Science and History / An inquiry into the dogma of woman's inferiority to man E-Book

Eliza Burt Gamble

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In this revised second edition of her first book "The evolution of woman" (1894), subtitled "An inquiry into the dogma of woman's inferiority to man", Eliza Burt Gamble uses Darwin's theory of evolution and other scientific information to compare the development of the male and female organisms and describe their differences. Introducing the role of the woman in prehistoric society, we see how that changed through the course of history, from evidence both in less advanced tribes and in civilized historic societies, to the marked progress in the social and economic conditions of women in the time this edition was published (1916).


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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019

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