Trisha and Chris - Joseph P Hradisky Jr - E-Book

Trisha and Chris E-Book

Joseph P Hradisky Jr

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This is a series of books on love, relationships, and the idea that you don't always have to chase after what you want in life. There are times when it finds you. There are three sets of people in life. First are the white caps. People who are always on the move. Always doing something. Next are the backwaters. People who have no intention of going anywhere or doing anything. The third are the drifters. These are people who know what they want, where they are going, and what they need to do to get there. But it is all done in its own time. Like a piece of wood lazily floating down a stream. May you all drift your way to success.

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Joseph P Hradisky Jr

Trisha and Chris

The Drifter Series Book 3

I dedicate this to my wife, Terri, and to all those who never stop trying to find what they want to do in life. It is so much fun discovering what you can do that you thought you never could. BookRix GmbH & Co. KG80331 Munich

Trisha and Chris

Trisha and Chris









The Drifter Series Book 3






By Joseph P Hradisky Jr



This is a series of books on love, relationships, and the idea that you don’t always have to chase after what you want in life. There are times when it finds you.


I dedicate this to my wife, Terri, and to all those who never stop trying to find what they want to do in life.


 It is so much fun discovering what you can do that you thought you never could.


There are three sets of people in life. First are the white caps. People who are always on the move. Always doing something. Next are the backwaters. People who have no intention of going anywhere or doing anything.


The third are the drifters. These are people who know what they want, where they are going, and what they need to doto get there. But it is all done in its own time. Like a piece ofwood lazily floating down a stream.


May you all drift your way to success.



For a week Sean and Amanda, Tracy and Bill, as well as Trisha and Chris were having a non stop sex party. Their relationships were still new enough where they just couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Yet, more than once, all six wound up in a sex crazed pile where no woman, or man, knew who was fucking who. There were even times when all three woman would pick a man to have a contest on who could make the man cum more. Fortunately for the men it always ended up in a tie so the woman kept trying harder and harder to be the best. So as to not be out done the men would team up on each woman to see how many times they could get her to orgasm. Here too it was a contest on who they could get to cum the most. And, again, it ended up in a tie.


At the end of the week Bill lay down next to Tracy. Kissed her on her ear before whispering in her ear. “I feel like going for a nice swim…”


Tracy smiled at what she knew was his version of a ‘nice swim’. “Sounds great to me.”


Bill leaned down to suck on her nearest nipple. “Let’s go see if anyone else would like to join us.”


The two went into the front room where Trisha, and Chris, had been sleeping. Only at the moment they were doing anything but sleeping. Tracy quietly walked up on them. The two didn’t know she was there until Tracy began to suck on Trisha’s nipple with Bill sucking on the other one. As soon as Trisha stopped screaming she was cumming Bill said. “Want to go for a swim with us?”