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Your expert guide to the dos and don'ts of getting married Your wedding should be fun, exciting, and worry-free-but most brides, grooms, and their families run into sticky situations or unique circumstances that surround etiquette. Now, there's a definitive guide that provides the solutionsfor all those dilemmas big and small. Wedding Etiquette For Dummies provides sound information and guidance-whether it's deciding how to handle divorced parents, inform guests of where the couple is registered, or tastefully incorporate new traditions into your ceremony and reception. You get plenty of proven advice and tips for everything from who pays for the wedding and properly announcing the engagement to hosting events leading up to the wedding and dealing with destination wedding snags and pitfalls. You'll even see how to gracefully handle wedding cancellations and postponements. * The dos and don'ts of wedding etiquette for any bride, groom, relatives, or friends of the marrying couple * Tips for proper behavior during the engagement, ceremony, and reception * Advice on dealing with the wedding party and opinionated or pushy in-laws * Special considerations for second (or more) marriages and military, ethnic, and religious weddings * How to set up a tasteful, interactive wedding website and write the all important thank you note * Sue Fox is the author of Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd Edition and Business Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd Edition Leaving no wedding dilemma uncovered, Wedding Etiquette For Dummies is your one-stop guide for having the wedding of your dreams without the stress!
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Seitenzahl: 454
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2009
Table of Contents
About This Book
Conventions Used in This Book
What You’re Not to Read
Foolish Assumptions
How This Book Is Organized
Part I: Engaging in Proper Wedding Etiquette from the Start
Part II: The Main Event: Planning Your Ceremony and Reception
Part III: Working on Wedding Details with Your Manners Intact
Part IV: Behaving on the Big Day and Beyond
Part V: The Part of Tens
Icons Used in This Book
Where to Go from Here
Part I: Engaging in Proper Wedding Etiquette from the Start
Chapter 1: Incorporating Etiquette into Your Wedding
Sharing the News of Your Engagement
Putting Technology to Proper Use during Wedding Planning
Establishing the Budget and Planning Responsibilities
Making Plans for Your Ceremony and Reception
Understanding different ceremony styles
Deciding your ceremony’s details
Preparing for your reception
Working Out the Details of Your Wedding
Choosing your wedding party
Shopping for wedding attire
Putting together the guest list
Assembling invitations and announcements
Giving and receiving gifts
Acting appropriately at prewedding parties
Behaving on and after Your Wedding Day
Chapter 2: Announcing Your Engagement with Elegance
Informing Your Immediate Family
Sharing the news with your parents
Telling your children tactfully
Introducing the parents to one another
Sharing the News with Relatives, Friends, and Colleagues
Telling your relatives
Letting your friends in on the happy news
Informing your co-workers
To share or not to share? Telling folks you know won’t be invited
Dealing with Folks Who Object to the Engagement
Announcing Your Engagement in the Newspaper
Figuring out where and when to submit announcements
Wording announcements for different situations
Composing and Mailing Save-the-Date Cards
Using the right format and wording
Understanding who should receive cards and when
Throwing an Engagement Party
Do you need to have a party?
Who hosts the party, where, and when?
Who should be invited and how?
Should you expect gifts?
What about the announcement and toasts?
Don’t forget to send thanks!
Canceling the Engagement
Chapter 3: Tastefully Using Technology during Wedding Planning
Why Have a Wedding Web Site?
Telling your story
Providing wedding details
Managing RSVPs
Maintaining a guest book
Setting Up a Wedding Web Site
Getting started
Including appropriate content
Politely spreading the word
When Is E-mail Appropriate during Wedding Planning?
Chapter 4: Deciding on Finances and Planning Responsibilities Upfront
Traditional Expenses for the Bride and Her Family
Traditional Expenses for the Groom and His Family
Traditional Expenses for Members of the Wedding Party
Staying on Budget (and Staying Engaged)
Establishing a budget
Deciding who pays for what
Keeping a record of who pays what
Giving Gratuities: Who Receives How Much?
Putting Together a Planning Team
Deciding on your parents’ level of involvement (and letting them know)
Asking friends and relatives for help
Considering a wedding planner
Keeping the peace
Part II: The Main Event: Planning Your Ceremony and Reception
Chapter 5: Checking Out Ceremony Styles
Surveying Different Religious Ceremonies
Mainstream Protestant
Eastern Orthodox
Examining Other Types of Ceremonies
Secular ceremonies
Civil ceremonies
Military ceremonies
Destination weddings
Commitment ceremonies
Chapter 6: Nailing Down the Basics of Ceremony Protocol
Scheduling Your Ceremony
Choosing a ceremony site the right way
Agreeing on a date and time
Working Well with an Officiant
Finding potential officiants
Making appointments to meet
Asking important questions
Properly Personalizing Your Ceremony
Picking your music
Featuring special readings
Writing your own vows
Honoring the deceased
Other Etiquette Guidelines for Planning Your Ceremony
Putting together appropriate wedding programs
Planning for transportation to and from the ceremony
Setting up activities for your guests between the ceremony and reception
Chapter 7: Perfecting Your Reception Plans
The Essentials of a Proper Reception Style and Site
Deciding on the level of formality
Selecting a comfortable, appropriate site
Getting the Info You Need from Site Managers and Caterers
Making appointments as a matter of course
Asking the right questions
Providing the Right Food and Drinks for Your Guests
Offering an entrée choice for seated meals
Determining whether alcohol is appropriate
Knowing whether to feed vendors
Putting Together an Appropriate Seating Chart
Seating the bridal party and close family
Assigning seating for other guests
Making special arrangements for children
Keeping everything straight with place cards
Selecting and Presenting Appropriate Favors
Part III: Working on Wedding Details with Your Manners Intact
Chapter 8: Putting Together Your Wedding Party
Determining an Appropriate Number of Attendants
Like a Rock: The Maid or Matron of Honor
The responsibilities of the maid or matron of honor
Selecting your maid or matron of honor
The Groom’s Right-Hand Guy: The Best Man
The best man’s responsibilities
Choosing your best man
Let’s Get Together: Your Wedding Attendants
Flower girls
The ring bearer
Additional helpers
Breaking Old Rules
Attendants of the opposite sex
Pregnant attendants
Handling Sensitive Situations
Feeling pressured to ask someone to be an attendant
Staying cool when someone turns you down or drops out later
Removing an attendant
Treating the Wedding Party Respectfully
Chapter 9: Choosing Appropriate Wedding Attire and Doing So with Grace
Recognizing Different Levels of Formality
Black tie
Dressing the Women in the Wedding
The bride
Pregnant attendants
Flower girls
Mothers of the couple
Dressing the Men in the Wedding
The groom
Groomsmen and ushers
The ring bearer
Fathers of the couple
The Etiquette of Shopping for Attire
Simplifying shopping and decision making
Keeping cost in mind
Chapter 10: Assembling the Guest List
The First Steps of Figuring Out Who Attends the Festivities
Considering your budget before you begin
Building a master guest list
Keeping in Mind Guidelines for Specific Groups
Knowing that shower guests are a must
Determining whether single guests can bring dates
Deciding whether to invite work colleagues
Handling sticky situations
The big dilemma — Kids or no kids?
Cutting Back the Guest List
Deciding whom to cut
Avoiding arguments about cuts
Being gracious to the people not invited
Chapter 11: Carefully Composing Your Invitations and Announcements
Choosing a Proper Invitation Style
Focusing on formal invitations
Looking for less traditional
Wording Invitations Properly
Spelling and abbreviation rules
Specifying the hosts
Special wording for special events
Items you should never include on an invitation
Investigating Invitation Insertions
The inner envelope
The reception card
The response card
The response envelope
The map and directions
Hotel information for out-of-town guests
Pew cards
Tissue paper
Putting Everything Together in the Outer Envelope
Addressing Invitations Properly
An entire family
A married couple
A married couple using different last names
An unmarried couple
A same-sex couple
A single guest
Indicating no children
Knowing When to Mail Your Invitations
Postponing or Canceling Your Wedding after Invitations Are Out
Sending Wedding Announcements
Chapter 12: Registering for Gifts and Giving Your Own
Behaving throughout the Gift Registry Process
Figuring out when to register
Accommodating your guests with a range of stores and prices
Making selections together — and keeping the peace
Spreading the word about your registry appropriately
Monitoring your registry and knowing when to add items
Tracking gifts you receive before the big day and sending prompt thanks
Understanding when a gift registry may not be appropriate
Picking Proper Gifts for Your Loved Ones before the Wedding
Gifts to your parents
Gifts to the wedding party
Gifts to special helpers
Gifts to each other
Chapter 13: Observing Etiquette Rules at Festivities before the Wedding
Considering Bridal Shower Etiquette
Deciding when to hold a shower
Figuring out who hosts your shower
Understanding how formal a shower should be
Determining who’s invited and whether you can have more than one shower
Sending invitations
Giving thanks after all your showers
Making the Most of the Rehearsal Dinner
Easy rehearsal etiquette
Deciding who should host the dinner
Choosing the formality of the dinner
Knowing whom to invite and whether to send invitations
Making speeches and toasts
Part IV: Behaving on the Big Day and Beyond
Chapter 14: Minding Your Manners at the Ceremony
Greeting and Seating Appropriately
Greeting guests the right way
Escorting guests to the correct seats
Going down the Aisle: The Processional
Seating honored relatives
Knowing the right order of the bridal party
Deciding who walks the bride down the aisle
The Recessional and Other Postceremony Rituals
Stopping to greet your parents
Following the couple up the aisle in the right order
Releasing guests from their seats
Signing the marriage license and paying the officiant
Walk the Line: Receiving Line Etiquette
Picking the right time to line up
Knowing the correct order of the people in the line
Greeting guests in line politely
Chapter 15: Celebrating with Class at the Reception
Announcing the Parents, the Wedding Party, and the Happy Couple
Don’t Burn the Toast!
Cutting Your Cake without Messing Up Your Manners
May I Have This Dance?
Tossing the Bouquet and the Garter
The Importance of Mingling
Accepting Gifts Directly from Guests at Your Reception
Being Prepared for the Unexpected
Avoiding wardrobe malfunctions
Recovering from an embarrassing moment
Handling issues with your vendors
Asking a guest to leave
Dealing with uninvited guests
Deciding what to do about uninvited kids
Departing the Reception Properly
Chapter 16: Acting Properly after the Wedding
Wrapping Up the Gift Process
Keeping track of gifts
Exchanging gifts
Sending the all-important thank-you notes
What’s in a Name Change?
Keeping a few considerations in mind before you make a choice
Making the switch official
Part V: The Part of Tens
Chapter 17: Ten Tips for Working with Your Vendors and Wedding Planner
Set Priorities
Be Honest
Be Flexible
Get Everything in Writing
Remember the Golden Rule
Hope for the Best
Prepare for the Worst
Have a Sense of Humor
Plan for Payments
When All Else Fails: Gracefully Firing Your Vendors or Planner
Chapter 18: Nearly Ten Guidelines for Getting Married the Second Time Around
Realize You May Meet Some Resistance
Don’t Be Shy about Having the Wedding You Want
Have Realistic Expectations
Consider Your Ceremony Carefully
Select Appropriate Attire
Extend the Invitation Yourselves
Know Whether to Invite the Ex
Decide Whether to Ask for Gifts
Be Respectful of Your First Marriage
Wedding Etiquette For Dummies®
by Sue Fox
Wedding Etiquette For Dummies
Published byWiley Publishing, Inc.111 River St.Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774www.wiley.com
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About the Author
Since 1994, Sue Fox has provided etiquette products, educational material, group training, and private consultations to business professionals, celebrities, corporations, K–12 schools, and higher education, through her company, The Etiquette Survival Group, which has offices in Central and Southern California. Previously, she was employed in the high-tech industry, with 10 years of experience in event planning and sales and marketing at Apple, Inc.
The Etiquette Survival Group offers etiquette products and mentoring programs for individuals interested in starting their own etiquette consulting businesses. Sue has set up many Etiquette Survival consultants throughout the United States and internationally. She has traveled extensively and is well acquainted with various international cultures. Her travels have taken her to East Africa, Mexico, Central America, and Europe. Sue and her company have provided western etiquette programs throughout the United States, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and India. She also is executive producer of The Etiquette Survival Kit, a series of educational DVDs featuring dining and social etiquette and proper table settings for adults and teens.
Sue is a professional member of the International Association of Protocol Consultants (IAPC) and has an additional background in image consulting, makeup artistry, and wedding planning. She is the author of Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd Edition, and Business Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd Edition (Wiley).
The Etiquette Survival Group and MCE International have partnered to jointly develop etiquette and diversity products and programs. Sue and her business partner, Linda Cain, are working together to create a better understanding of people in diverse business and social environments by emphasizing the importance of respect, diplomacy, and civility in every aspect of life.
Sue and The Etiquette Survival Group have been featured in many national and international publications, including Woman’s Day, Vogue, Ladies’ Home Journal, Real Simple, American Baby, Newsweek, Fortune, New York Magazine, US Weekly, People, Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, New York Post, Chicago Tribune, Washington Times, San Francisco Examiner, The Boston Globe, USA Today, Sunday London Times, Australian Financial News, Folha de S. Paulo, Brazilian Daily News, Nikkei Business Journal, Times of India, and The Hindu Businessline.
Sue’s media credits include radio interviews and feature stories on CNBC, KRON-TV (San Francisco), Knowledge TV, San Francisco Mornings on 2, KOVR-TV (Sacramento), ABC World News, ABC News with Sam Donaldson, KQED-TV (San Francisco), CNET.com, and KABC-TV (Los Angeles).
Sue is the mother of two grown sons, Stephen and Nathan, and she has two grandsons, Joseph and Michael Fox.
This book is dedicated to my two charming grandsons, Joseph and Michael Fox, who continually make me smile!
Author’s Acknowledgments
I’d like to express my sincerest thanks to the dedicated team at John Wiley & Sons who generously contributed to the preparation of Wedding Etiquette For Dummies.
My deepest gratitude goes to my acquisitions editor, Tracy Boggier. Thank you for your continual faith in me. My sincere appreciation goes to my tireless project editor, Georgette Beatty. Thank you so much for your ongoing assistance, guidance, and professionalism.
A special thank you to assistant editor Erin Calligan Mooney, to copy editor Amanda Langferman for her meticulous editing, and to the additional talent at Wiley, illustrator Liz Kurtzman and cartoonist Rich Tennant, who all contributed to the development of this book. I gratefully acknowledge and thank my technical reviewer, Nancy Mitchell, for her editing expertise and knowledge, and a special thank-you to my agent, Reid Boates. I am most grateful for the assistance of Sandra M. Monahan, MBC, for her expertise, insights, and graciousness. It’s been a pleasure working with all of you!
Among those who deserve an enormous thank-you are my talented etiquette colleagues, friends, and family who pitched in to help shape this book — Colette Swan, Kimberly Seth Smith, Roberta Kay, Julia Todd, and Anne Fox. You are all an inspiration, and there are no words that can describe my gratitude for your generous assistance, your encouragement, and especially your enthusiasm and humor! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving your time.
To my dear friend and business partner, Linda Cain, thank you for your friendship and support. My ongoing appreciation and gratitude goes to the Etiquette Survival consultants who continue to motivate me to stay focused on our quest to raise awareness of the importance of treating others (and ourselves) respectfully. And a big thanks to all my colleagues and friends at The Monarch Club. I want to thank all of you for your patience and understanding while I was working on this project.
I gratefully acknowledge the love of all my family — my sons Stephen and Nathan, my sisters Shirlee and Sandy, my brother Rick, and your families — thank you for always being there for me. And to my two extremely precious grandsons, Joseph and Michael, how you tug on my heartstrings!
Finally, I would like to thank all the faithful readers of the For Dummies series, and to every couple planning to marry — may your wedding planning be absolutely seamless and your wedding day faux pas free!
Publisher’s Acknowledgments
We’re proud of this book; please send us your comments through our online registration form located at http://dummies.custhelp.com. For other comments, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at 877-762-2974, outside the U.S. at 317-572-3993, or fax 317-572-4002.
Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
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Senior Project Editor: Georgette Beatty
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Assistant Editor: Erin Calligan Mooney
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People constantly ask me whether wedding etiquette still exists today or is merely something from the past. Well, the answer to this question is really two sided. Yes, today’s engaged couples toss out traditional etiquette faster than they throw the wedding bouquet. And, yes, the rules have relaxed a bit since the Victorian era; however, a certain level of common sense and basic etiquette is still necessary in every facet and phase of wedding planning, not to mention the protocol needed for the big day itself. Familiarizing yourself with what to do before, during, and after the wedding will help you ensure that everyone, from the ring bearer to the caterer, enjoys the ceremony and all the wedding festivities.
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