Astral Projection for Beginners - Harry Eilenstein - E-Book

Astral Projection for Beginners E-Book

Harry Eilenstein



Astral projection is one of the central elements in magic and in religion, because it impressively shows that man does not only consist of the physical body. This experience gave birth to shamanism, which is the original form of religion. There are many different methods of arriving at an astral projection experience - from relaxation exercises to near-death to initiations into the Mysteries. There are also a variety of methods by which one can bring about astral projection. However, all of these methods can be listed on a large "map" that shows what steps there are on the way from the "normal state" to the "out of body" experience. The map is the same for each way to astral projection - it is just that for each method different steps of this path are brought into the center of the procedure.

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Papyrus of Ani, Egypt, 1240 B.C.

Table of contents

What is Astral Projection?

The astral projection

Distinction from other terms

The meaningful conceptualization

The experience of astral projection

Where does Astral Projection occur?

Spontaneous astral projection






Children's games

First attempts at meditation

First sex

Intentional astral projection



Crystal ball

Mirror magic


Lucid dreaming



Astral projection and kundalini

Astral projection and chakras

Astral projection and trauma

The Historical Significance of Astral Projection


Starting from the waking consciousness


Letter exercises


Dream journeys


Crystal ball

Mirror magic

Asking Horus etc. for help


Starting from dream consciousness

Flight dreams

Lucid dreaming


Unintentional learning of astral projection



Near-death experience









Drug-containing potions


The Individual Path



"Every Jeck is different …"

The map



"I am more than my body."




Seeing the distant

Seeing the future

This world and the otherworld




List of Books

I What is Astral Projection?

I 1. Astral projection

Astral projection is one of the central experiences in magic and religion. It is so out of the ordinary that, although it can be described, it cannot be grasped in words, but must be experienced.

Astral projection is ultimately something very simple: one is outside of one's own physical body with one's consciousness and with one's ability to perceive.

One is so used to the fact that the consciousness is in the body and that the ability to perceive is bound to the physical sense organs that such an astral projection is difficult to imagine if one has not already experienced it.

On an astral projection one sees one's own body from the outside – e.g. lying 2m below oneself, while one is floating above it. One can also move away from one's physical body with one's consciousness and ability to perceive. One can go to any place and look at and hear everything there – without taking one's own physical body with him.

I 2. Distinction from other terms

There are a lot of similar terms to "astral projection", some of which have different meanings, and also some phenomena that are closely related to astral projection. These phenomena and terms can be distinguished from each other as follows:

Astral body: This term comes from the physician Paracelsus and literally means "star body", by which is meant "body of stars", i.e. "the body coming from the sky". "Astral body" thus refers to the soul that comes to this world from the otherworld at birth and returns to the otherworld at death. Terms like "star-body" are also found among the Egyptians and other early cultures – they refer to the fact that the stars in the night sky were thought to be the souls of the dead.

Ecstasy: This term means "going out", which originally meant leaving the physical body with the astral body. Today, this term is most often used in the sense of "altered state of consciousness through oneness."

Otherworld journey: The souls (astral bodies) of the dead are in the beyond. Consequently one can understand also each contact with the souls of the ancestors as an otherworld journey. However, whether it is really an astral journey or simply a telepathic contact with the ancestors, as for example in the systemic family constellations, must be checked in each individual case.

Trance: This word, like the prefix "trans-" which is widely used today, has the meaning "across". Originally, the word "trance" meant an astral projection, i.e. a crossing over into another realm, by which the beyond is meant. Nowadays, however, this term is used rather imprecisely for many different "unusual" states of consciousness.

Exomatosis: This is a term coined by the Cypriot healer and magician Daskalos. It roughly means "going out" and is identical to "astral projection".

"Out of body" experience: This is a widely used term in English literature for the experience of the astral projection. The practical thing about this term is that it describes the experience itself very directly: "out of body". So this term is a variant to "trance" and "ecstasy".

Dissociation: In psychology it is generally assumed that astral projection has no real basis, but is a form of hallucination – but this explanation does not explain the possibilities of perception during astral projection. The term itself means "separation", which does not mean astral projection, but only the separation of a part of the psyche, a splitting of the psyche, a pathological distancing from one's own body, and so on.

Etheric journey: One finds in some texts (especially among the Rosicrucians, Freemasons, Theosophists and Antroposophists) a complex system describing various aspects of the non-physical body by which one can leave one's physical body. In these texts, the astral body is usually associated with the emotions, the etheric body with the life force, and the mental body with the mind. Accordingly, in these texts there is an astral journey, an etheric journey, a mental journey, etc. - depending on the part of the non-physical body with which one leaves the physical body.

Flight dream: The experience of flying in nocturnal dreams mostly goes back to the fact that one leaves the physical body a little bit with the astral body during sleep. This happens unconsciously, of course, as one sleeps.

Dream journey: The dream journey is not an astral projection, but a "conscious dream". In this state the waking consciousness and the subconsciousness (dream consciousness) are coordinated with each other – so one can dream consciously. Since telepathy is the perceptual form of the subconscious mind, it is much easier to perceive telepathically on a dream journey than in the normal waking state.

Shamanic journey: Originally, a shamanic journey was an astral journey – one becomes a shaman by experiencing an astral projection. However, this term is now mainly used for "dream journey where a steady rhythm is drummed". This monotonous drumming is a concentration aid well known by shamans.

Fantasy journey: This term is identical to "dream journey." It suggests, however, that the experiences of such a journey arise from the imagination and therefore should not be taken seriously …

Daydream: In a daydream one usually gets unintentionally from the waking consciousness into a "conscious dream", thus on a dream journey. Thereby no astral projection takes place.

Telepathy: This form of perception is always possible – it is independent of the momentary location of the astral body (in the physical body or outside). Thus, successful telepathy is no evidence of an astral projection.

Mental journey: In such a journey, one merely goes to another place in one's thoughts. If one actually restricts oneself to one's own thoughts, one also has only one's own memory and logic at one's disposal, but no direct, telepathic perception. If one begins to see pictures inwardly, it has become more than only a mental journey – the beginning of a dream journey …

Life force body: This term is an alternative to "etheric body" and "astral body" and refers to the fact that the substance of what leaves the physical body during the astral journey is called "life force". There are a large number of traditional terms for this life force, such as the Egyptian ankh, the Germanic od, or the Indian prana.

Clairvoyance: In a narrow sense, "clairvoyance" is the perception of the life force or a complete astral body (which is composed of life force) as a milky white glowing shadow with a slight blue glow.

Ghost: A ghost is the clairvoyantly perceived astral body of a dead person – usually as a whitish shadow. This type of perception of the astral body is the origin of the "bed-sheet ghost" motif.

Silver cord: This is a clairvoyantly perceived connection between a person's astral body and his physical body, leading from solar plexus to solar plexus. Such a silver cord can sometimes be perceived between relationship partners or between mother and child. They are, among other things, so to speak "telepathy cables"; also dependencies and life force vampirism runs through these connections. However, this silver cord is not perceived during every astral journey.

This "silver" is another description of the milk-white colour of the life force.

I 3. The meaningful conceptualization