Astrology for Beginners - Harry Eilenstein - E-Book

Astrology for Beginners E-Book

Harry Eilenstein



Astrology is the best known and the most precise oracle system. With its help one can create horoscopes describing the character of people, companies and events. However, astrology is not simply a matter of fateful and unintentional imprinting, but a recognition of how one is, based on the parable of the position of the planets at the time of birth. The horoscope describes a person as a play: the ascendant is the stage set; the planets are the actors; the zodiac signs are the roles of the actors; the astrological houses are the areas of life in which the actors appear; the ego is the director who is responsible for the level of the play - and if the director should ever get stuck, he can ask the scriptwriter, i.e. the soul, for the meaning of this play. This book contains all the information necessary for the interpretation of a horoscope - but everything in a rather short form, because this introduction for beginners should not get 1000 pages ...

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Table of Contents


Foundation: Analogy

Types of astrology

Occidental Astrology


Signs of the zodiac





Individual and Collective Astrology

One's own horoscope

The horoscope of corporations

The horoscope of other people

Horoscope comparisons

Collective astrology


Transits in the individual horoscope

The individual annual calendar

Collective events

Long-lasting aspects

Favorable moments



Tarot and horoscope

Astrological family constellation

Dream journeys to the planets

The horoscope assembly




Horoscope and chakras


Astrology and Magic

The favorable moment

Planets in rituals

The zodiac in rituals

Astrology and mythology

The astrological description of one's own style of magic



The signs of the zodiac and the aspects









Precise aspects

The two sides of the aspects

Zodiac signs and houses

Aspect structures

Hidden dissonances


Elements of Interpretation

The planets in the zodiac signs











The planets in the houses











The aspects between the planets











Further Considerations

Book List

I Foundation

Astrology is probably the best known oracle and also one of the best known parts of magic. It is connected with most mythological, magical and spiritual world views. It also has some connections to the modern physical worldview.

So it is worth to have a closer look at astrology if you are interested in magic, esotericism, occultism or more generally in worldviews that go beyond physics.

I 1. Basis: Analogy

Astrology is a system of analogies – physics is a system of causalities. So both are fundamentally different, but not contradictory – both worldviews can be combined.

Astrology considers the common quality of things that happen simultaneously – physics considers the quantitative relations of things that happen one after the other.

Astrology describes the quality of the moment – physics describes the quantitative transformation in the course of time.

So you cannot explain astrology in terms of physics and you cannot explain physics in terms of astrology. However, one can combine both worldviews to arrive at a more complete description of the world.

In astrology it is important to clearly distinguish the zodiac and the planets: The zodiac is a universal structure – the planets are an individual sequence of qualities in our solar system.

The zodiac is the division of space into 12 equal areas with a precise inner structure: 4 elements in 3 dynamics each result in 12 qualities.

This 12-structure is found in physics in two places: on the one hand in the 4 basic elementary particles (up-quark, down-quark, electron, neutrino), which appear in 3 sizes and thus have 12 forms, and on the other hand in the form of the superstring, which is divided into 12 equal areas in the same way as the zodiac and which is the basic building block of today's physics.

Moreover, the astrological aspects are also derived from the zodiac, that is, the angles and their meaning. The astrological quality of these angles is also found in physics: the 180° angle is an opposition, the 120° angle a connection, the 60° angle a grouping, the 90° angle a separation and so on.

In contrast, the meaning of the planets is relative in relation to the observer. This can be easily seen if you imagine that someone is born on Mars – then Mars drops out of the horoscope. Possibly the earth could take over the role of Mars … But then there would be the problem that also the Earth-Moon falls away, but the two Mars-Moons are added. But what if someone is born on Venus now? Should the Earth then take over the role of Venus in the horoscope – although it would have to take over the role of Mars in the case of someone born on Mars? And Venus has also no moons which could take the place of the earth moon. Finally it becomes a bit difficult, if e.g. someone is born on the Saturn moon Titan – then suddenly the 82 Saturn moons appear in the horoscope …

So there are at least three levels in astrology, which one should distinguish meaningfully:

the universal principle of



which astrology shares with magic, Kabbalah, Tarot, I Ging, mythology etc.s;

the universal principle of the


and the quality of some angles that can be derived from it, which can also be found in physics, Feng Shui, Kabbalah, crop circles, etc.; and



, which are a relative system and refer to the Earth – for every other planet and also for every other solar system this astrological system has to be researched anew.

I 2. Types of Astrology

The most popular form of astrology today originates from Europe and is widely used, especially in Western civilization. It describes qualities: With Mars on the ascendant, one tends to be choleric.

In India there is a similar form of astrology, but it makes different statements than European astrology. It is more like medieval astrology and does not predict qualities but very concrete things – with a certain aspect in the horoscope one will probably be bitten by a white dog.

Chinese astrology describes mainly long-term cycles, even though it also knows the division into 12 signs of the zodiac.

The original astrology, which originated in the early kingdoms in Mesopotamia, was a king astrology and and thus also a kingdom astrology. It derived the destinies on earth from the position of the planets in the sky. At that time it was still a collective astrology, which did not make birth charts, but only considered the current position of the planets, which had the same effect on all people. The kingdom was "the whole people" and the king as the connection of the people to the gods was in the world view of that time the one through whom the effect of the planets on the earth came into the kingdom.

The astrology of the Mayas describes long-term cycles similar to the astrology of the Chinese.

The present book is about the occidental astrology.

II Occidental Astrology

The central element of this form of astrology is the horoscope. Such a horoscope can be compared to a play. Both have 7 elements:

1. One goes to the theater, the play has not yet begun, the curtain in front of the stage is still closed – the child has not yet been born.

Then the curtain opens and the first thing you see is the stage image – the sign of the zodiac in which the ascendant of the person in question is located.

2. Next appear the actors – these are the 10 planets, which are the same in every horoscope.

3. Each of these actors has a certain role, he acts in a certain style – this is the zodiac sign in which this planet is located.

4. Furthermore, each of these actors is assigned an area of life in which he acts – these are the 12 houses of the horoscope.

5. Now a script is needed. A script can ultimately be traced back to the relationships between the actors – these relationships are described by the angles between the planets. These angles are called "aspects" in astrology.

6. Now every play also has a director, who is responsible for the level of the play – this is the conscious ego of the person concerned, which is above the horoscope.

The "key" (i.e. the horoscope) of the soundtrack of this play is fixed, but whether you get to hear only weird sounds, or at least a simple children's song or even a symphony or an opera – that depends on the I, on the ego, on the director. This ego is the main creative source of the play – the ego coordinates and makes decisions.

7. It can also happen that the director simply doesn't know what to do with the script and is completely at a loss. Then he can turn to the script-writer – this is the soul that has decided on the incarnation in question. It will know why it has chosen this particular horoscope.

II 1. The Planets

In a horoscope play, ten actors appear: the ten planets. If they are arranged according to their apparent orbital period around the earth, a logical sequence results – on the one hand from the age of the actors and on the other hand from the development of their actions.

The Moon is a small child, which simply perceives and experiences everything and lives in direct contact with all things.

Mercury is a pupil who analyzes all these perceptions and examines them for regularities, discovering many a structure.

Venus is a youth who evaluates all the things that the Moon sees and all the structures that Mercury has recognized, and finds them either awesome or stupid.

The Sun is a king who makes decisions based on Venus' evaluations and sets the general direction.

Mars is a warrior who can act on the basis of the Sun's decisions and thus create facts.

Jupiter is a manager who takes the actions of Mars and directs them, combining them into a thriving whole and enjoying the fruits of his activity.

Saturn is a guardian, giving stability to what Jupiter has created, preserving and sustaining it.

Uranus is an inventor who sees the new beyond the known of Saturn and thus always initiates change.

Neptune is an artist and mystic who senses the big picture and through his longing creates the vision of a better world.

Pluto is a magician who grasps the essential and concentrates on it single-mindedly, thus bringing about transformations and performing miracles.

II 2. The Signs of the Zodiac

The planets are distributed in the zodiak in a regular way. The three outer planets are added to the seven "classical planets" as "higher octaves".

Aries is a Taoist: He acts in the here and now – creating fire and the energy of Mars.

Taurus is an epicure: He gathers the pleasant and keeps the unpleasant away: shaping earth, which becomes harmonious through Venus.

Gemini is a curiosity seeker: He seeks the unknown and creates surprises itself – utilizing, moving air, in which Mercury delights in the colorful variety.

Cancer is a sensitive: He feels everything that is there and creates his intimate circle of relatives and friends – creating water filled with the security of the Moon.

Leo is an egocentric: He wants everything to go the way he wants, and is always at the center – creating fire radiating from the center of the Sun.

Virgo is a craftsman: She examines, repairs and heals all things and restores order – utilizing, moving earth imbued with the insights of Mercury.

Libra is a beau-spirit: He connects, arranges, balances, strives for harmony and all kinds of relationships – creating air filled with the beauty of Venus.

Scorpio is a concentrator: He intensifies, enhances, penetrates, fathoms all things – shaping water marked by the single-mindedness of Pluto and the power of Mars.

Sagittarius is an idealist: He searches for the optimum in every situation and strives to realize that optimum – utilizing, moving fire directed by Jupiter.

Capricorn is a realist: He strives for permanence and duration and creates solid foundations for this – creating earth, which receives strength through Saturn and becomes a rock.

Aquarius is a professor: He searches for the world formula and looks at everything from the point of view of generality – creating air, which receives realism through Saturn and is enriched with new ideas through Uranus.

Pisces is a dreamer: He traces and participates in everything that happens, and is like the captain of a sailing ship, using wind and currents – moving water that is grasped by the sensitivity of Neptune and used by the organizational talent of Jupiter.

II 3. The Houses

The houses, like the zodiac, are a division of the circle into 12 parts: The zodiac divides the year into 12 equal parts – the house system divides the day into 12 equal parts.

The ascendant is the beginning of the 1st house.

The 1st house, whose area corresponds to the style of Aries, is the here and now. The planets in this house have an effect always and everywhere.

The 2nd house, whose area corresponds to the style of Taurus, is the body, diet, clothing, apartment, house, garden, fields, and bank account. The planets in this house take care of the possessions.

The 3rd house, whose area corresponds to the style of Gemini, is the new, the meeting, the learning, the conversations and the acquaintances. The planets in this house create new contacts and connections and do not like to do the same thing twice in the same way.

The 4th house, whose area corresponds to the style of Cancer, is the family, the clan and the home. The planets in this house strive for security, shelter and intimacy.

The 5th house, whose area corresponds to the style of Leo, is the throne room, where you receive your entourage and admirers. The planets in this house are concerned with self-expression.

The 6th house, whose area corresponds to the style of Virgo, is the workshop, the doctor's office, the therapy center and the seminar room. The planets in this house strive for the healing state through insight, repairs and healing.

The 7th house, whose area corresponds to the style of Libra, is the living room, where you meet the people with whom you are connected from the heart. The planets in this house are concerned with friendships and relationships.

The 8th house, whose area corresponds to the style of Scorpio, is the battlefield, the police station, the brothel, the surgery, the yoga ashram, the magician's lodge and the cemetery. The planets in this house are always looking for what is most intense and for the place where transformations take place.

The 9th house, whose area corresponds to the style of Sagittarius, is the tower from which one can look into the distance, it is the fire hall, the project office, the speaker's platform and the management center. The planets in this house strive to transfer every situation into the best possible condition.

The 10th house, whose area corresponds to the style of Capricorn, is the office, the administration, the guard house, the federal border guard and the structural engineer's office. The planets in this house ensure that all important things are stable, resilient and reliable.

The 11th house, whose area corresponds to the style of Aquarius, is the classroom, the lecture hall, the laboratory, the spaceship, the assembly hall and the clubhouse. The planets in this house want to change the world together with like-minded people.

The 12th house, whose area corresponds to the style of the fish, is the hospital, the church, the street, the homeless shelter, the sailing ship and all the places where you can meet other people by chance. The planets in this house constantly scan all events and circumstances to see if one must avoid a thing or if one can take advantage of it.

II 4. The Aspects

The basic meanings of the seven aspects are quite simple:

In more detail the qualities of the astrological aspects are:

The conjunction has a distance of 0°. Two planets joined by a conjunction are like a marriage – they always appear together. The conjunction teaches one-pointedness.

The semi-sextile has a distance of 30°. Two planets joined by a semi-sextile are like a chance but momentous meeting – they are a developmental step. The semi-sextile teaches letting go of the old state.

The sextile has a distance of 60°. Two planets joined by a sextile are like meeting a good acquaintance – they can call on each other for help. The sextile teaches community.

The square has a distance of 90°. Two planets connected by a square are like a separation – they are like a tent pole that keeps the tarp above and the tarp below apart, creating a space. The square teaches freedom.

The trine is 120° degrees apart. Two planets joined by a trine are like a friendship – they help each other in all situations. The trine teaches reliability.

The quincunx has a distance of 150°. Two planets conjunct by a quincunx are like a constant buildup of order and tension – they challenge and encourage complete realism at every moment. The quincunx teaches love for the world.

The opposition is 180° apart. Two planets joined by an opposition are like two poles – they are a complementary opposition. The opposition teaches change in a constant swinging back and forth.

II 5. The Ego

The ego is not an astrological element, but stands above the horoscope – it is not, however, independent of the horoscope. This I is the ability to be aware of oneself and one's momentary situation and therefore to decide consciously. This is shown in the small moment of pause between perception and reaction – this small moment makes it possible not only to react reflexively, but to decide consciously. The I is responsible for the level in which one lives one's own chart. This I is the director of the horoscope play.

This level question shapes the whole life: With a Pluto/Saturn square, is one may be petty criminal who either does only what he wants (Pluto) and does not care about laws (Saturn) or who is in jail (Saturn) and cannot do what he wants (Pluto) – or one may be social critic who contrasts one's own convictions (Pluto) with the status quo (Saturn) or one my be even a magician who overrides the laws of nature (Saturn) with his will (Pluto) …

The responsibility for the achieved level cannot be shifted to the horoscope – you are responsible for that all by yourself. The horoscope only gives the themes, but not the level.

Another important point in this context is that the horoscope describes the inclinations and desires as well as the abilities. This means that everyone has exactly those abilities that he needs to fulfill his wishes. It is therefore a matter of recognizing and understanding oneself as well as possible – then one will find out that what one is good at is also exactly what one needs to reach one's real goals.

II 6. The Soul

One's soul has chosen for its present incarnation the horoscope that one has at the moment. The horoscope is therefore the style that the soul wants to have in this life. This means that the horoscope is not something that is imposed on you from the outside, but that the horoscope expresses exactly what you (i.e. your soul) want.

So you should not describe your own horoscope with sentences like "There is a problem …" or like "Fate has decided …", but with sentences like "I want …" or "I am …". When one comes into harmony with one's own soul, then one can realize that the horoscope describes exactly what one's own aspiration and fulfillment is.

However, it may take a while to get to this point, as one often mistakes fears, addictions, habits, cultural imprints, etc. for one's own true nature – which then leads to conflicts with one's horoscope. When you try to be someone you are not, it becomes difficult … and the more you affirm yourself, the easier life becomes.

III Individual and Collective Astrology

With the help of astrology it is possible to calculate and interpret the horoscopes of people, animals, companies, states and the like – astrology works constantly and on everything and not only on people. In addition, astrology can be used to describe the general quality of a moment.

III 1. One's Own Horoscope

The best known element of astrology is the horoscope. This is simply the position of the planets at the time of birth. With the help of the horoscope we can describe the style of a person, his inner structure, his preferences, his abilities, his appearance – but not the level at which the person lives all these things. The level must be developed by each person independently.

III 2. The Horoscope of Corporations

Horoscopes can be calculated not only for human beings, but also for animals, companies, states, inventions, marriages, beginnings of rulers and all other kinds of independent entities. The procedure is always the same: The position of the planets at the moment of independence ("birth") describes the character of what has become independent.

The moment of becoming independent can be many different things: the cutting of the umbilical cord, the word "yes", the signature on the registration of a company, the signatures on the founding document of a state, a coronation, etc.

III 3. The Horoscope of Other People

It is extremely helpful to look at other people's horoscopes as well, because this helps to see how different people are. Most of the time, this becomes really clear only after looking at a dozen horoscopes in detail. However, it can also become clear much later how much of what one believes "just is" is merely one's own subjective view and evaluation. Such realizations can lead to becoming more tolerant and to less misunderstandings, which are simply based on the fact that one has concluded from oneself to others.

III 4. Horoscope Comparisons

It is also possible to compare two horoscopes. This is done by looking at the aspects between the planets in the chart of one person and the planets in the chart of the other person. Since 20 planets are involved here and not only 10 as in the case of a single person (both have 10 planets in their horoscope), such a horoscope comparison looks quite complex at first. Therefore, one must first get used to keeping an overview.

By such a horoscope comparison you can describe the relationship between two people quite precisely. In most cases the two people can agree with this description, but the problems in the meeting between the two are not solved by this …