Auto-Movement for Beginners - Harry Eilenstein - E-Book

Auto-Movement for Beginners E-Book

Harry Eilenstein



Auto-movement, i.e. the non-consciously controlled movements of the body, comprise a large part of the techniques used in magic: the pendulum, the divining rod, automatic writing, glossolalia (speaking in languages one has not learned), and several forms of telekinesis. Auto-movement also occurs in inconspicuous places such as drawing the "right" tarot card - which, after all, is not consciously controlled. There are also some forms of auto-movement, where the movement has not been decided by the one who moves, as in sleepwalking, hypnosis, stigmata, possession, etc. ... and in advertising, which also leads people to do something that they have not decided themselves. There are also some collective forms of auto-movement such as the crop circles. Auto-movement is primarily a "monitor" for the subconscious mind. Since telepathy is an ability of the subconscious mind, auto-movement can also be used for telepathic perception. Correspondingly, auto-movement is also helpful in the use of telekinesis, which is an ability of the subconscious to act. All in all, a closer look at the various forms of automatic, non-consciously controlled movements, as in scrying, results in a much better understanding of the psyche and a more effective approach to magic, as well as some new techniques, such as "sending out one's own body", in which one's own body can perform tasks that would not be possible in normal consciousness.

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Table of Contents

What is Auto-Movement?

The forms of consciousness

The connections between several consciousnesses

Auto-movement in Magic

The Intentional Auto-Movement


Divining rod

Finger monitor

Automatic writing

Body monitor

Automatic speaking

Body "messenger"

Finger signal

Memory messenger

Dream journeys

Inner listening


Understanding foreign languages


Smilie experiment

Dragon claw experiment

Shaolin experiment

Hepp experiment

Chair experiment

Paper wheel experiment

Sigill magic


Arm experiment




Power animal


The Unintentional Auto-Movement



Remote hypnosis

Unconscious invocation


Repetition compulsion


The Collective Auto-Movement



Mass hypnosis

Collective visions

Collective telekinesis

Crop circles


The originator of the movement

The moving

The awareness of the motion

Telepathy and telekinesis

Book List

I What is Auto-Movement?

"Auto-Movement" is a term for automatic movements, i.e. for actions which are not consciously controlled. This does not mean reflexes or unconscious actions, but movements of the body which one "lets the body do" without directing them consciously.

This may sound quite strange and possibly seems to be an urgent case for intensive psychological treatment, but auto-movement is an important element in many forms of magic. It is found in scrying, dowsing, automatic writing, "speaking in tongues" ("glossolalia") and also in more advanced methods such as invocation or even in more undesirable phenomena such as possession. The execution of a hypnotic command also belongs to this group of phenomena.

The usual source of an action is a conscious decision – at least this seems to be the case at first sight. However, if one looks at the manipulation of people by politicians or vaudeville magicians, this is no longer quite so certain.

If one makes oneself moreover conscious, how unconsciously most processes in the own body run off, as for example the respiration, the digestion or the blood formation in the bone marrow, then it shows up that the not consciously decided movements are possibly even in the clear predominance in humans.

The consciousness is obviously not "the driver at the steering wheel of one's own car" to the extent one would like to commonly assume. This circumstance suggests to take a closer look at consciousness.

I 1. The forms of consciousness

There are at least five types of consciousness – which operate a meaningful division of labor with each other:

Deep sleep consciousness

is like a white screen. It is without content, but "present". It is the basis of all other forms of consciousness – it is, so to speak, the white canvas on which a picture can then be painted, or silence in which a sound can then appear.

One can consider the deep sleep consciousness as a house.


, which is also called subconsciousness, is the totality of all information in a psyche. All perceptions and all memories are contained in this consciousness – including the feelings associated with them.

One can consider the subconsciousness as the archive in the house.

The waking consciousness

contains all the contents of consciousness that are relevant to the momentary situation and therefore must be processed as quickly and effectively as possible so that one can decide on the most meaningful and effective action.

You can think of the waking consciousness as the office desk in the house. The subconscious mind always sends all the necessary information to this desk.

Ecstasy consciousness

contains only one content of consciousness. This consciousness usually occurs only when there is one thing that seems existentially important. As a rule, these are things which are connected either with pleasure (e.g. sex) or with fear (e.g. panic). There is also, as a third possibility, the high concentration on only one thing in meditation.

The ecstasy consciousness can be thought of as the light of the desk lamp on the desk in the house, which illuminates the one important content of consciousness as brightly as possible.

The collective subconsciousness

consists of the contents of consciousness of a whole family, clan, people, humanity or all living beings on earth. It is, so to speak, organically structured – from the small collective units such as the family to the large collective unit of all living beings on earth. The smaller units are elements of the larger units.

One can consider the collective subconsciousness as the city in which the house stands. There is a possibility from each house to contact any other house in that city or even the city as a whole. This would generally be called "telepathy". This kind of contacts run usually from archic to archiv.

Finally one could still ask oneself whether there is a

total consciousness

which corresponds, so to speak, to the land on which this house and this city stand. With it, however, one would already come into the religious area which plays only a very subordinate role in this book.

These five forms of consciousness can be linked together, which is generally called "meditation". Depending on the form of linking, other meditative states arise. Since meditation is intentional and one can also be consciously aware only when the waking consciousness is involved, waking consciousness is part of all these meditative states.

The usual forms of meditation are:

In considering the various forms of auto-movement, this model of consciousness is, so to speak, the map on which one moves.

Each of the four "personal" modes of consciousness has a specific frequency:

deep sleep

≈ 3 Hz ( 2 - 4 Hz)

dream consciousness

≈ 6 Hz ( 4 - 8 Hz)

waking consciousness

≈ 12 Hz ( 8 - 16 Hz)


≈ 24 Hz (16 - 32 Hz)

Each consiousness-frequence is the octave of the prceding one. The frequence is halved or doubled.

One can imagine the processes during meditation as a tuning of two consciousness frequencies to each other. In a dream journey, for example, two vibrations of the waking consciousness would vibrate together with one vibration of the subconsciousness.

This connection can be clarified most simply by a diagram:

I 2. The connections between several consciousnesses

The connection between the consciousness of person A and the consciousness of person B is telepathy. Of course, this word does not explain anything at first, but it is at least a common term for this kind of connection. Since a part of the phenomena of auto-movement takes place between several persons, telepathy is also an important part of these phenomena.

Another form of connection in auto-movement is hypnosis, in which the hypnotist determines what the hypnotized person does. In this case, the source of the automatic movement, i.e., more precisely, the "not self-consciously decided movement" is the hypnotist.

A usually non-obvious form of hypnosis is suggestion and dominance, which can be seen, among other things, in skillful conversation, through which a dominant person can get others to do what he wants. This is a case of auto-movement, in which the person often does not even realize that he is being manipulated.

In the case of mass hypnosis or mass suggestion, which occurs mainly in the political sphere and is very popular with dictators, this directing of people's thoughts, speech and actions is either not noticed by these people at all or only later – often when it is already far too late.

Finally, there is the case of the disintegrated psyche, in which individual parts take over the steering, whereby the waking consciousness is not even always aware of this. This includes panic attacks, addictive behavior, fits of rage, psychosis, schizophrenia and the like. Here, too, one can speak of auto-movement in so far as the behavior is no longer consciously controlled and often cannot be consciously controlled at all.

I 3. Auto-movement in magic

In magic, auto-movement is used in many ways. In scrying, dowsing, and automatic writing, one cooperates with the subconscious and lets it partially and temporarily control one's own body. Thus one can use telepathy and sometimes also telekinesis, which are both abilities of the subconscious.

To be more precise, one should say that telepathic perceptions are send from the subconscious into the waking consciousness. In the model of consciousness described at the beginning, the waking consciousness is the desk in the office, but the information all comes from the archive of the subconscious (both the perceptions and the memories) – including the telepathic perceptions. It would therefore be more accurate to say that the subconscious mind has access to the telepathic information, not the waking conscious mind.

In hypnosis, the hypnotist takes control of the hypnotized, which was once an important element in magic around 1950, but is hardly used today.

In sigil magic, a completely different form of auto-movement is found: through the wish sent out by this method, it is not a person who moves unconsciously-automatically, but the world, which "brings" the desired thing to the magician by "meaningful coincidence".

Still another completely different application of the auto-movement is the invocation. In this case a deity is invoked, with whom one identifies oneself and who one lets speak and act through oneself.

II The Intentional Auto-Movement

One can divide the phenomena of auto-movement into three clearly distinguishable groups:

the intentional auto-movement (e.g. commuting)

unintentional auto-movement (e.g. remote hypnosis)

and the collective auto-movement (e.g. crop circles).

II 1. Pendulum

In commuting one holds a pendulum in the hand and lets it swing without consciously doing anything to make it swing.

You use the arm with which you write. You hold it bent at the elbow about the height of the neck in front of you and hold the string of the pendulum with your hand.

There are basically four ways for the pendulum to swing:

circular clockwise

circular counterclockwise

back and forth

left and right