Chakra Magic for Beginners - Harry Eilenstein - E-Book

Chakra Magic for Beginners E-Book

Harry Eilenstein



Magic is the influencing of matter by consciousness. Consequently, the transition between consciousness and matter is the crux of magic - this transition is what is often called "life force". Among other things, the structure of the chakras is found there, which is why the knowledge of the chakras and their properties is an important basis for magic. This includes not only the importance of the Third Eye for hypnosis, the significance of the Hara for combat magic, or the function of the solar plexus in life force vampirism, but also the dynamics of the entire chakra system and the gesture that results from it as an ideal state - which is the optimal basis of both magic and a life full of joy.

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Table of Contents

The Chakra System

Basic Principle

Fire and light




The three-step

Three-step and Five-step

The seven main chakras

The twelve minor chakras

The intermediate chakras

The secondary intermediate chakras

Acupuncture meridians and the like

Chakras, kshetrams and aura points

Chakras and Consciousness

The house of consciousness

The principle of octaves


The city of consciousness


Disturbances of the heart chakra

Disturbances of the solar plexus

Disturbances of the throat chakra

Disturbances of the hara

Disturbances of the third eye

Disturbances of the root chakra

Disturbances of the crown chakra


Applications in Magic

The heart chakra in magic

The solar plexus in magic

The throat chakra in magic

The hara in magic

The third eye in magic

The root chakra in magic

The crown chakra in magic

The hand chakras in magic

The foot chakras in magic

Overview of "sleep and chakras"

Awakening of the Chakras

Three-Step in Magic

Structure and Occurrence of the Three-Step

The Three-Step

- Physics -

The three basic forces

The three sizes of the elementary particles

The solar wind

- Psychology -

Subconsciousness, waking consciousness and ecstasy

Abundance, strength and self-love

Association, analogy and centering

Anticipation, joy and enjoyment

- History -


- Economy -

The dynamics of a company

- Everyday life -

Sending a letter

Composing a song

- Astrology -

Zodiac: cardinal, fixed and mutable

conjunction, opposition and trine

- Magic -

Consciousness, matter and the transition between them

Concentration, analogy and enjoyment

- Summary -

summary: the three phases

The Bipolar Three-Step

The chakra system

The surrounding area of the sun

The vajra

Summary: the bipolar three-step

The Extension to the Five-Step

The chakras

Deep sleep, subconsciousness, waking consciousness, ecstasy and matter

Energy, matter and "black hole substance"

Exercise of the Middle Pillar

The Extension to the Eleven Step

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life

The Superstring Theory

The Two Directions of the Three-Step

Unfolding and realization

The "lightning ray of creation" and the "serpent of wisdom"

Tummo and bindhu

Serpent and eagle

Big bang and E=mc


Death and birth

The Pulsating Three-Step

Waking and sleeping

The development of the psyche

The development of mankind

Association, analogy, centering

The Extension to the Collective Three-Step

Inside: Source

Phase 1: archetypes

Phase 2: politics

Phase 3: collective experience

outside: matter


The Three-Step as Part of the Twelve-Divided Circle

The elementary particles

The zodiac

The superstring

The zodiac on the tree of life

The three phases and the zodiac

Aspects and angles

The quality of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 12

The Vajra

The Transitions Between the Three Phases

The Disturbances of the Three-Step

The chakra polarizations

The blockages at the transitions

The emergence of a trauma

Summary: The Three-Step

The Application of the Three-Step in Magic

The Healing of the Chakras

Chakra meditations

The heart meditation

The awakening of Kundalini

The individual chakra healing

A Single Magical Act

Identity (source)

General wish (phase 1)

Concrete wish (phase 2)

Here and now (phase 3)

Magic-Forms and Their Relation to the Three-Step


Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

The Systematic Application of the Three-Step

The basis: heart chakra

The 1


step: solar plexus and throat chakra

The 2


step: hara and third eye

The 3


step: root chakra and crown chakra

The Widening of the Three-step

Deep sleep consciousness


Waking Consciousness


The Experience of the Source and the Three Phases


Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

The overall gesture

Book List

I The Chakra System

From the point of view of a human being, the world consists fundamentally of consciousness and matter. If we want to put it simply, we can say that matter is the outside of the world and consciousness is its inside.

These two sides of the world are firmly connected: One can make the decision in one's consciousness to stand up now and carry it out with one's body. On the other hand, one can perceive with one's body what is happening in the world and then know that in one's consciousness. The consciousness acts on the body and the body acts on the consciousness. So there must be a firm connection between consciousness and matter.

With the senses (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin, etc.) one perceives the external world. With the help of telepathy the consciousness perceives the inner world – e.g. the memory images in another person.

With the hands one forms the outer world. With the help of telekinesis also the consciousness is able to act.

This perception by the consciousness (telepathy) and this acting by the consciousness (telekinesis) are often described as processes in the realm of the life force. However, the life force is neither a force nor a substance, but simply a term with which one can describe the "substance" which the consciousness perceives in a direct way (telepathy) and in which it acts in a direct way (telekinesis). The life force is just the border and transition between consciousness and matter as it is seen directly by the consciousness.

This border is found everywhere: All things have a material substance and a consciousness – and therefore also a life force, i.e. the border between both.

This border between consciousness and matter, this transition between consciousness and matter is the area where magic happens: consciousness shapes the material world in a direct way.

This transition in a human being is the life force body: the transition between inside and outside in a human being.

Since both the material body and consciousness have multiple structures, the life force body also has a structure: the chakras are the "organs" of the life force body and the kundalini is the "life force circuit" of the life force body.

Since magic takes place at the transition from consciousness to matter, the chakras should be of great importance in magic.

I 1. Basic Principle

Consciousness tends toward unity and freedom, which can be experienced through telepathy, telekinesis, meditation and magic, among other things.

Matter, on the other hand, tends towards multiplicity and determinacy (causality), which can be seen in the imprinting of the material world by the laws of nature.

What happens now at the transition between the free unity of consciousness and the determined multiplicity of matter? If the consciousness is one and free and the matter is a multiplicity and fixed, then one should expect something third in between, which is different from both.

What one can find there are simple organic-symmetrical structures, which build up more and more complex forms from a simple basic principle. This is the realm of creativity: one freely shapes out of consciousness the "inert" multiplicity of matter … This is magic and also art … and above all the art of living …

(This dual principle of the contrast-complement of free consciousness and determined, "inert" matter, from which the possibility of magic arises, I have presented in detail in my book "Magic Research for Beginners".)

I 1. a) Fire and light

The simplest way to describe the chakras is their representation as a mixture of power ("fire") and consciousness ("light"):

Root Chakra:

6/6 fire – 0/6 light

=> vitality, instincts, will to live, needs, power


5/6 fire – 1/6 light

=> centered power, inner support, steadfastness, rhythm

Solar Plexus:

4/6 fire – 2/6 light

=> directed power, mobility, invigoration, connection

Heart Chakra:

3/6 fire – 3/6 light

=> center, balance, identity, "temple of the soul"

Throat Chakra:

2/6 fire - 4/6 light

=> conscious creation, community, self-expression

Third Eye:

1/6 fire – 5/6 light

=> directed attention, concentration, alignment

Crown chakra:

0/6 fire – 0/6 light

=> awareness, consciousness, presence, perception

I 1. b) Symmetry

The heart chakra is the "temple of the soul" – consequently, the heart chakra is the center of the chakra system, which is polar-symmetrical:

The Symmetry of the Seven Main Chakras





crown chakra

spiritual contact

third eye


outer orientation

throat chakra

social self-expression

heart chakra



solar plexus

physical self-expression



inner support

root chakra

physical contact

I 1. c) Radiance

The symmetrical structure of the seven main chakras shows that they represent a radiating outward from a center.

The identity in the heart chakra becomes the physical self-expression in the solar plexus and the social self-expression in the throat chakra.

The physical self-expression in the solar plexus becomes the inner hold in the hara; the social self-expression in the throat chakra becomes the outer orientation in the third eye.

The inner hold in the hara becomes the physical contact in the root chakra; the outer orientation becomes the mental contact in the crown chakra.

Thus, there is a "three-stage radiance" emanating from the identity in the heart chakra (soul):




unrestrained self-expression, general desires solar plexus and throat chakra




structures, concrete desires hara and third eye




contact, experience root chakra and crown chakra

I 2. Structure

The overall system of the chakras is not only composed of the seven main chakras, but is much more complex. However, its great diversity is symmetrical and derives from a very simple basic principle and is therefore easy to grasp.

I 2. a) The Three-Step

The basic element is the unfolding in three steps:

These three steps lead from the identity to the contact with the world:

The 1st step brings the person closer to the place where he wants to be. Thus, in the 1st step, he is in the public, in the world as a whole.

By the 2nd step, the person shapes the circumstances in the place where he arrived by the 1st step. He is thus in a "private area" – precisely in the area he has chosen to stay for a while. The proximity to the surroundings is clearly greater here than in the 1st step.

In the 3rd step, the person does what he is actually concerned with. He is now in the "intimate area". The contact and closeness are very intense here.

It is probably best to illustrate these three steps with a simple example:

1st step: I am hungry.

2nd step: I decide to eat an apple.

3rd step: I eat the apple.

I 2. b) Three-Step and Five-Step

This three-step can be supplemented by two more points: One is the starting point and the other is the environment. In the chakra system, the starting point is the heart chakra ("temple of the soul") and the environment is the external world (everything except one's own body).

This results in five points:

heart chakra

solar plexus / throat chakra

hara / third eye

root chakra / crown chakra


One can also represent these five points in another way:

The basic structure of the world consists of matter, consciousness and the transition between these two. This is also a three-step process:

the free consciousness, which chooses the direction

the transition, where an organic structure is found

the material world, in which one experiences concrete encounters

Since the chakra system is a representation of transition, the three pairs of chakras that represent the three steps can also be understood as a differentiation of this transition:




step of differentiation



step of differentiation



step of differentiation


consciousness (heart chakra)


solar plexus / throat chakra

transition ( life force )

hara / third eye

root chakra / crown chakra


matter (body)

I 2. c) The seven main chakras

The seven main chakras are a "3+1+3=7", i.e. the heart chakra as center and starting point of the radiance as well as the two triads "solar plexus – hara – root chakra" and "throat chakra – third eye – crown chakra".

I 2. d) The twelve minor chakras

The heart chakra radiates not only downward to the root chakra and upward to the crown chakra, but also outward through the limbs, that is, through the arms and legs. The three-step is also found in them:

the 1st step in the upper arms and thighs respectively

the 2nd step in the lower arms and lower legs respectively

the 3rd step in the hands and feet respectively

The three chakras in the middle of the two upper arms, the two lower arms and the two hands, as well as in the middle of the two thighs, the two lower legs and the two feet are the twelve minor chakras: "2·2·3=12".

The three-step dynamic is also clearly visible in them:

The upper leg gives the power to walk and determines the general direction (impulse).

The lower leg orientates itself on the spot and selects a certain direction at the place where the person is at the moment (orientation).

The foot sets itself down in the most suitable place (contact).

The upper arm directs itself to where one wants to do something (impulse).

The forearm moves in the chosen place (orientation).

The hand grasps and forms things at that place (contact).

Major Chakras and Minor Chakras




heart chakra

Three-Step: 1



Three-Step: 2



Three-Step: 3



upper body

throat chakra

third eye

crown chakra

lower body

solar plexus


root chakra

right arm

upper arm minor chakra

forearm minor chakra

hand chakra

left arm

upper arm minor chakra

forearm minor chakra

hand chakra

right leg

thigh minor chakra

lower leg minor chakra

foot chakra

left leg

thigh minor chakra

lower leg minor chakra

foot chakra

I 2. e) The intermediate chakras

Each major and minor chakra can be considered as the "capital" of a kingdom that is influenced by it. Between each of these kingdoms there is a boundary where the influence of one chakra ends and the influence of the other chakra begins.

At these borders between the "kingdoms" of the individual chakras are the intermediate chakras. They have the character of gates, of guardians and of places of transformation. They are also arranged symmetrically.

The first six intermediate chakras are located between the main chakras:

Wish-fulfillment tree: heart chakra => solar plexus

Location: at the lower end of the sternumFunction: transformation of identity (heart chakra) into general physical desires and body impulses (solar plexus)

Thymus intermediate chakra: heart chakra => throat chakra

Location: at the upper end of the sternumFunction: transformation of identity (heart chakra) into general social desires and social impulses (throat chakra)

Navel intermediate chakra: solar plexus => hara

Location: at the navel (nourishment from inside before birth)Function: transformation of a general physical desire (solar plexus) into a concrete physical desire (hara)

Palatal intermediate chakra: throat chakra => third eye

Location: at the palate (food intake from outside after birth)Function: transformation of a general social desire (throat chakra) into a concrete social desire (third eye)

Pubic hair intermediate chakra: hara => root chakra

Location: at the opper end of the pubic hairFunction: decision to transform the concrete physical desire (hara) into a physical contact (root chakra)

Head hair intermediate chakra: third eye => crown chakra

Position: at the base of the main hairFunction: decision to convert the concrete social desire (third eye) into a social contact (crown chakra)

The next six intermediate chakras are located on the arms:

Shoulder joint intermediate chakras:

body => upper arm intermediate chakra

Location: shoulder jointFunction: decision to take an action that changes the environment

Elbow intermediate chakras:

upper arm minor chakra => forearm intermediate chakra

Position: elbowFunction: decision to make a movement at the place where the change is to be made

Wrist intermediate chakras:

forearm intermediate chakra => hand chakra

Location: WristFunction: decision to take hold of something and transform it

The next six intermediate chakras are located on the legs:

Hip joint intermediate chakras:

abdomen => hip joint intermediate chakra

Location: hip jointFunction: decision to go to a certain place

Knee intermediate chakras:

thigh intermediate chakra => lower leg intermediate chakra

Position: kneeFunction: decision to move to the place where one is at the moment

Ankle intermediate chakras:

lower leg intermediate chakra => Foot chakra

Position: ankleFunction: decision to place the foot at a certain place

Finally, there are two intermediate chakras located below and above the body, respectively:

"Gate to the fire" intermediate chakra: root chakra => "earth".

Location: about a hand's width below the root chakraFunction: connection to the earth (life force)

"Gate to the light" intermediate chakra: crown chakra => "heaven".

Position: about one hand width above the crown chakraFunction: connection to heaven, i.e. to unity (God)

I 2. f) The secondary-intermediate chakras

The chakras are connected by the flow of life force, that forms "canals". This flow and thus these canals also has the three-step dynamic:

1st step: the life force rises from the root chakra in the center of the body like the jet of a waterspout fountain ("Kundalini").

2nd Step: The life force unfolds above the crown chakra like the fountain of a waterspout fountain.

3rd Step: The life force flows back down at the outside of the body like the drops of a waterspout fountain to the root chakra ("aura").

At the ascending flow ( Kundalini ) are the seven main chakras. This life force flow is called "Sushumna" in yoga. It leads like a path through the seven main chakras and through the gates of the intermediate chakras, which separate the "realms" of the seven main chakras.

To the left and right of this main path there are two secondary paths, which in yoga are called "Ida" and "Pingala". Even though these are three parallel paths, they have a different dynamic than the three-step: in the Sushumna is the image of the soul, and in Ida and Pingala are the male and female mirror images of the soul, that is, the whole inner male image and the whole inner female image.

These two "side paths" also pass through the boundary between the "chakra kingdoms". Therefore, in addition to the intermediate chakras, there is one secondary intermediate chakra on the left and another on the right – so to speak, two secondary gates next to the main gate in the border between two chakra kingdoms. At each of the seven main chakras these three paths meet and cross.

These three "life force channels" are also found on the arms and legs – they correspond to the three acupuncture meridians that run along the front and back of the arms and legs. These three "arm lines" and "leg lines" also form three "gates" at each transition from the "kingdom" of one chakra to the next chakra – that is, at the shoulder joint / hip joint, elbow / knee joint, and wrist / ankle joint.

These secondary-intermediate chakras are of lesser importance in magic.

I 2. g) Acupuncture meridians and the like

This is now quite a large number of major chakras, minor chakras, intermediate chakras and secondary intermediate chakras:


main chakras


minor chakras


intermediate chakras


secondary-intermediate chakras

These altogether 75 different chakras correspond in their characteristics to the different body point systems such as the Chinese acupuncture points, the Tibetan Rang Dröl, the Indian Ayurveda points etc. with a very few exceptions.

(A detailed description and a complete comparison may be found in my book "The Chakra System with the Minor Chakras").

I 2. h) Chakras, kshetrams and aura points

Now there is one last three-step in the chakra system, which is known mainly from traditional Indian medicine, but also, for example, from the methods of the Yaqui shamans in Central America.

Each chakra appears in three forms:

inside the body: "chakra".

on the surface of the body on the front and the back: "kshetram".