Crop Circles for Beginners - Harry Eilenstein - E-Book

Crop Circles for Beginners E-Book

Harry Eilenstein



Since about 1985, crop circles have become a more well-known phenomenon. In the meantime, about 10,000 crop circles have appeared in more than 50 countries. However, well over half of them come from southern England in the area of Stonehenge, Woodhenge, Silbury Hill, White Horse and other prehistoric monuments. Some of them can be proved to have been made by humans, but others just as certainly have not been made by humans - this is not the starting situation one would wish for as a researcher ... In the present book 300 of these crop circles are examined more closely. It turns out that they contain approx. 100 elements which appear in many crop circles. Their geometrical form has an easily recognizable meaning. Therefore, with the help of these "words", the crop circles composed of them can be read like "sentences". The meaning is almost always the same: a representation of how individuality unfolds. Therefore, there are many similarities with astrology or the chakra system, for example. This analytical approach is complemented by 50 dream journeys into individual crop circles, which makes the picture that arises from the analytical observation of the crop circles even more rounded. Thereby a first impression can be gained of the language of the collective subconsciousness - which words and which grammar it uses: It is a "music of geometry".

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Table of contents



Natural causes

Contradictions in the "natural explanations"

Collective telekinesis




Simple concentric forms

Simple elongated forms

Variations of the simple elongated form

Very long forms




Other animals



The Cabbalistic Tree of Life


















Cubic forms

Sun-like forms

Organic forms

Structured areas

Complex forms


Man-made forms

The crop circle alphabet

Polarity elements

Structure elements

Dynamics elements

Complex Elements


The language of crop circles








Cabbalistic Tree of Life

Dynamics of Development

Self-Similarity and Fractals

Golden Section



Tribal Tattoos

Power Places and Leylines


Life force and crop circles

Dream journeys to the crop circles


List of books

I History

Crop circles are areas in mostly ripe grain that are laid flat. However, in contrast to wind breakage, which are areas of grain that have been flattened by wind, the areas of crop circles have very sharp edges.

The earliest report originate from 1590 in Lorraine, France, from an indictment against some men and women who are said to have caused a crop circle by dancing in a field of grain. Eyewitnesses of this supposed dance are not known.

Around 1678 crop circles were reported in England, which were supposed to have been caused by a mowing devil.

Around 1686 in southern England circular areas in the grass were called "fairy rings".

It is possible that the fairy rings and the elf rings from legends and fairy tales are also such crop circles, but they could also be witch rings, i.e. mushrooms forming a circle.

In the 19th century such circles were called "Devils Twist" in England. The crop circles must have occurred so often that a name was established for them. German immigrants in England called them "Hexentanz" and "Teufelskreis". From this century originate several reports about crop circles from England as well as from Germany.

The first crop circle photographs are from 1932 and 1937, and are of a single circle and an arrangement of four circles, of which the inner circle was 36m in diameter.

Since about 1960, crop circles were often jokingly called "UFO nests" and associated with UFOs.

Around 1965 there were several crop circles in Canada and in Australia in reed fields and in sugar cane fields.

In 1978, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley created several simple, round crop circles by hand in southern England. These were the first crop circles that were certainly man-made.

From 1980 onwards, 150-300 crop circles appeared annually in southern England in the county of Wiltshire. This was and is the main area of crop circles distribution.

Since 1990 the shapes of crop circles have become much larger, more diverse and more detailed. They represent partly complex mathematical formations like the Mandelbrot set or structures over 100m long. Since this time the crop circles appear increasingly also in other fields – e.g. as "rape circles".

Since 1990 Rod Dickinson and John Lundberg as well as some other co-workers also produce crop circles on behalf of companies.

In 1992 a competition was organized by different persons and organizations, in which different groups had to make a given pattern as a crop circle, which these groups also succeeded quite well.

In 2003, half of the English crop circles were within a 15km radius of the Avebury stone circles.

From 2004 on, crop circles in Germany increased significantly – especially in Schleswig-Holstein, Hessen, Nordvorpommern and on Rügen. They accounted for about a quarter of the annual crop circles.

Meanwhile, about 10,000 crop circles from 60 countries are known. The longest crop circle so far was 756m long. The most complex crop circle had a diameter of 240m and consisted of 409 individual circles.

A large part of the crop circles in England originated near stone circles, burial mounds, the White Horse and similar places with prehistoric significance.

II Origins

The explanation of the origin of such a striking phenomenon as the crop circles is naturally very controversial.

II 1. Natural causes

The oldest crop circles, which appeared 350 years ago, were interpreted according to the world view of that time as the work of the devil or his followers. 50 years ago the crop circles were considered as landing places of UFOs. One often explains the incomprehensible with the unknown, thus with that, which lies outside of the known and accessible area – with the devil and/or with the extraterrestrials and their UFOs.

The attempts to explain the crop circles by weather phenomena like whirlwinds, downdrafts, tornadoes, lightnings or ball lightnings have remained so far only a very vague theory, which lacks on the one hand a conclusive explanation of the process and on the other hand the observation of such a phenomenon.

Also the attempt to explain the crop circles by the rutting dances of roebucks or by the wandering of kangaroos that have eaten opium-containing poppies is not very convincing, because this cannot explain the complex patterns and the sharp boundaries of crop circles.

Finally, since 1978 at the latest, there are also crop circles that have been made by humans. Partly crop circles in the form of cars of certain brands, company logos etc. were produced, which are obviously commissioned works to crop circle makers, who were paid by the corresponding companies.

In one case a crop circle was also created in the course of two nights. Since the crop circle did not look finished after the first night and was completed by further elements in the second night, but looked like a building site after the first night, in this case quite certainly humans were at work.

It is also striking that in Muslim countries there are almost no crop circles, but mainly in the Western civilization and in Japan. This speaks at least for a coupling of the crop circles to the "western" world view.

As a rule, the crop circles appear over night – for whatever reason …

II 2. Contradictions in the "natural explanations"

In view of this situation, one could now conclude that all crop circles were created by humans.

But for the early crop circles this will hardly be true, because at that time it was lifethreatening to be associated with such phenomena and consequently also with the devil – the pyres have not been extinguished so very long.

Then there are still five phenomena which speak against a creation by humans:

1. No non-human creation of a crop circle has been directly observed yet either. However, there are some cases in which the crop circles must have originated within one hour – which excludes their creation by humans.

2. Some crop circles are so large and so complex that the production by humans within one night seems at least questionable. Among these are areas which do not simply consist of stalks laid flat, but where the stalks have been woven or braided. Also rows of single standing stalks are not impossible to make by hand, but very complex. Finally, there are patterns that represent very complicated symmetries or shapes.

However, it is unclear what humans are ultimately capable of in terms of craftsmanship.

3. In some crop circles, the stalks have not been bent over together with the roots, nor have they been broken off, but have been bent over at a node of the stalk – as if the stalks had softened there and then become firm again.

For this phenomenon there is still no "normal" explanation – this phenomenon cannot be produced intentionally.

4. A very large part of the crop circles has a common quality, which is difficult to create by humans. One could call it a "transpersonal beauty and harmony". This quality is much more likely to be found in flowers, in a rainbow, in the course of a river, in the waves that the wind has blown in sand, and the like. In individual works of art of a person this quality is usually not present.

This form of rightness and beauty is perceived by many people, but it is not present in all crop circles. Of course, one cannot say with certainty that this quality cannot also be produced by humans. However, it is striking that so many crop circles have this quality.

5. Then there is another phenomenon which can only be determined subjectively: In fresh crop circles there is a great tension which resembles the "charge" of some old statues of gods and similar things, which one can experience e.g. also in an intensive ritual. This life force is also felt by people who have hardly any magical or spiritual experiences. This "crop circle charge", that is like a kind of airy heat and a electric tingling, disappears after a few days.

However, as mentioned, this phenomenon can only be experienced by visiting a fresh crop circle yourself. It is also unknown whether this phenomenon occurs in all crop circles.

All in all, one can say that due to the many man-made crop circles, it is hardly possible to conclude from the crop circles themselves which of them are "natural", i.e. "non man-made", and which of them are man-made.

II 3. Collective telekinesis

In order to be able to talk about crop circles at all, not only as human works of art, but also as a possibly magical-spiritual phenomenon, one must therefore take another path.

First of all one has to prove that telekinesis exists – which fortunately can be done quite easily with the "paper-wheel" experiment. This "paper-wheel" is also called "PSI-wheel". Experiments of this kind can be found under these search terms on youtube. A detailed study of telekinesis can also be found in my book "Telekinesis for Beginners".

Besides these basic telekinesis experiments which are easy to perform, there are also phenomena where larger things move, materialize or de-materialize. However, these phenomena cannot be brought about so easily.

When one has done so many experiments on this subject oneself that one is sure that telekinesis exists, one can turn to crop circles again from another starting point.

The question now is no longer "Can crop circles be telekinetically originated?" but "Is there any sense to consider a part of the crop circles as telekinetically originated?"

To be able to answer this question, one would have to find a plausible answer to two further questions: "Who practices this crop circle telekinesis?" and "Why does he practice it?"

First of all, there are several possible originators of the crop circles:

a single person for all crop circles,

different people for different crop circles,

a group of people,

mankind as a whole,

the respective plant species as a group consciousness,

the earth as a whole (Gaia), and


It can be excluded quite certainly that a certain single human being has telekinetically created all non-human-made crop circles. Who should have such a power and why should this human do this without ever showing himself?

The same argumentation exists concerning several people who created the crop circles independently of each other. Here it would be even more improbable that none of them shows his telekinetic abilities publicly. Furthermore ther should been seen diffferent styles in the crop circles.

Also a small group of humans is quite improbable as originators, because one should assume that also this group would have shown themselves sometime – and what should be their motivation?

Also extraterrestrials are very improbable as originators, because if they already make the effort to create crop circles on earth, one can ask oneself, what they intend with it and why they don't show themselves and choose a more pragmatic form of communication - after all it should be quite laborious to find us humans in the vastness of the universe at all and to seek us out …

Thus, first of all, only three of the seven possible causers of the crop circles, which have just been enumerated, remain:

mankind as a whole,

the respective plant species as group consciousness, and

the earth as a whole (Gaia).

These three possibilities have a common feature, which is not immediately obvious at first sight, but is of importance: It concerns each time a collective – all humans, all plants of a kind or the whole earth. These are three forms of the collective subconsciousness:

the collective subconsciousness of the people,

the collective subconsciousness of a plant species ("Elf"), and

the collective subconsciousness of the whole earth ("Gaia").

These three possible originators have all one big "substance", so all human beings, all cereal plants and the whole earth, respectively.

The experiments with telepathy and telekinesis show that telepathy is the "eyes" of the subconsciousness of a human being and that telekinesis is the "hands" of the human subconsciousness. Since the collective subconsciousness consists of the telepathic union of the subconsciousnesses of all living people and also of all deceased people, there should be such a union also with regard to the telekinesis of all people: the collective telekinesis of the collective subconsciousness of the people.

That would be then a sufficiently strong telekinesis, which should be able to cause also such phenomena like the crop circles. This thesis would have also the advantage that there is nobody in it who could come forward and show that he has caused all these crop circles.

In the same way, one could argue for the collective subconsciousness of the grain and for the collective subconsciousness of the entire Earth. First of all, the collective subconscious of mankind seems to be the most plausible, since it would not be particularly clear at first why the "cereal elf", the "rape elf"; the "reed elf" etc. or the earth as a whole should fabricate crop circles that represent complex mathematical patterns.

But on the one hand one does not know of course what the "grain elf" is thinking, and also not what Gaia thinks about everything – or if they both simply telepathically "listen in" what the humans are thinking all day long on earth.

And there is also the constant problem that it is known that at least a part of the crop circles have been made by humans. That is not exactly the starting situation, which one wishes as a researcher – but it is now once in such a way, as it is.

The crop circle researcher must therefore also be a detective …

There is also another question: What did the collective subconsciousness of the people, the grain or the earth do with its telekinesis abilities before it created crop circles? Did this collective consciousness discover that it had telekinetic abilities only 350 years ago? That seems to be very improbable …

If a part of the crop circles has really been created by a form of collective telekinesis, then these crop circles should be actually only one example of a larger group of collective telekinetic phenomena, which should be traceable clearly further back than only 350 years.

How could one recognize such a phenomenon? It should 1. be telekinetic, 2. relate to a collective, and 3. fascinate people. This third point is probably present, but it is not a mandatory property of the phenomena we are looking for.

In the search for such phenomena one comes across above all miracles such as apparitions of the Virgin Mary, moving statues, etc., but also phenomena that occur in shamanism, such as sticks stuck in the ground that move independently and give the shaman clues as to which spirit he can use to help the person seeking advice who has come to him. Also the materializations, which appear now and then e.g. in the Spiritism, count to this topic.

These cases of telekinesis are collective magic, since it is not a single person who performs a miracle, but something happens that comes from Mary, from the being represented by the statue, or from the spirits.

It is therefore conceivable that these earlier forms of collective telekinesis have occasionally given rise to simple round crop circles, but that it was their association with UFOs that gave collective telekinesis an impetus to spread further. The extraterrestrials have taken the place of the saints – both are the "powerful ones that affect our lives from outside the accessible realm". This parallel is so exact that it is quite probable that the crop circles are a continuation of the earlier "religious miracles" in a "contemporary form".

Once this form of collective telekinesis got going, it then differentiated into more and more complex forms, i.e. the forms of the crop circles nowadays.

II 4. The motivation

Can it be narrowed down more precisely who or what this collective is that exercises this telekinesis? Up to now the collective subconsciousness of the people, of the grain (Elf) and of the earth (Gaia) came into question.

A common approach in the search for the answer to such a question in criminology is to examine the possible motivation. The motivation for an action, in turn, can be gauged from the consequences of that action – the result achieved is what the motivation intended. First of all, it can be said that the only recognizable concrete effect of the crop circles is their fascination for many people.

That would be a very meager motive for the cereal elf as the collective subconsciousness that makes the crop circles. Why would the grain do that? What advantage would it have from doing so? Or what could motivate the grain to do so? To begin with, no motive is discernible here.

With the collective subconsciousness of the earth, called "Gaia", the case is a little more difficult, because Gaia also includes the collective subconsciousness of the grain and the people. Everything that happens on Earth is also a part of what happens in Gaia, that is, in the collective subconsciousness of the Earth as a whole. With this statement one does not come closer to an understanding of the crop circles at first.

Also the question, what could move the earth then to the creation of the crop circles, cannot be answered first of all. Since only humans perceive the phenomenon of the crop circles consciously (but not the seagulls or the beeches), it should be a message of the earth to humans. However, this message would have been written by her rather incomprehensibly – that would not be exactly an effective form of communication …

Also the possible motivation of the earth for such a message would be very unclear. It should refer to something that the people on Earth are doing and that Earth wants to be different – always assuming that Earth actually has a preference for what should happen on it. However, considering that there have already been several ice ages, that the dinosaurs have become extinct, and that new species in general are always emerging, one may wonder what could motivate Gaia to send messages to humans. The only thing that can be found would be the complete annihilation of all life on Earth by the atomic bombs – but nowhere a reference to this possibility can be found in the crop circles …

Thus the collective subconsciousness of the people remains as the causer. Also here the question arises, what this collective subconsciousness actually wants to achieve with the crop circles. Or does it want to achieve with them possibly nothing at all?

There is finally also the possibility that there are pictures in the collective subconsciousness, which are "charged" by the large attention of humans on these pictures, whereupon the collective subconsciousness then "dreams collectively" of these pictures. Since the collective subconsciousness has not only telepathy as perception, but also telekinesis as a possibility of action, it would be conceivable that images in the collective subconsciousness, which have been very strongly charged, also express themselves in telekinetic phenomena – so to speak "telekinetically effective dreams of the collective subconsciousness".

In this interpretation the crop circles have no message, but would be simply an expression of that, what occupies the people in emotional respect just collectively most – they would be just collective dreams, which look for a telekinetic expression.

II 5. Astrology

One can ask oneself, why just from approximatly 1940 the crop circles appeared increasingly. One possibility is to see if there are astrological aspects since that time which fit to such a phenomenon.

Since about 1942 Pluto has a sextile to Neptune, which continues until today and will end only in 2039. Pluto is the intense, the collective, the extreme, the transformation, the maximum motivation, the single-mindedness, etc. Neptune is the artistic, the social, the magical, the religion, the ecology, the boundary dissolution, etc. When these two planets have a sextile to each other, that is, when they interact, artistic, social, ecological, magical impulses arise that have an existential intensity.

This can also be seen very clearly in history from about 1960, when the first people born with this Pluto/Neptune sextile in their horoscope had turned 18. From this time on, such Pluto/Neptun phenomena as the hippies, the Greens, the exploration of drugs, the interest in other cultures, an increased social engagement, globalization, etc. emerged.

So the significantly increased emergence of crop circles would fit well into the astrological phase of this Pluto/Neptune sextile, which lasts from 1942 to 2039. Of course, this does not explain anything at first, but it shows that one can and should consider the phenomenon of crop circles sensibly within a larger context.

The widespread view that the crop circles are a message of the earth to the people fits precisely to this Pluto/Neptune aspect, which refers to a large extent to collective processes. This message is generally taken as a warning about the destruction of the earth – which is also a Pluto/Neptun theme.

The collective subconsciousness is also a concept that fits well with this astrological aspect, as well as ecological and global thinking.

In art, this aspect promotes the pursuit of expression that goes beyond the individual and makes collective content visible – which is exactly the quality that makes the crop circles so fascinating to many people.

The crop circles themselves do not contain any recognizable ecological, social, artistical or magical-spiritual message, but the crop circles are associated in many ways with these very themes. This clearly shows that the crop circles are closely related to the current Pluto/Neptune sextile.

The crop circles are therefore very likely not a telekinetic message from the earth to us humans, but rather a collective self-expression of humans, which is influenced by the Pluto/Neptune sextile lasting from 1942 to 2039. So we can assume that the appearance of crop circles will last until about 2039 – probably it will end with some delay, i.e. when most of the people who are born with this Pluto/Neptun-sextile in their horoscopes have died.

Such a sextile also makes collective telekinesis much more probable and powerful: Pluto is the unity that is necessary for any effective (magical) power, and Neptune dissolves the boundaries and makes this unity work also in the material world and not only in the consciousness.

III Forms

After these introductory considerations, it is promotive to take a closer look at the forms of the crop circles and to see if anything can be deduced from them about their origin and meaning.

III 1. Simple concentric forms

1. circle (Wiltshire, England, 2000)

The original, simplest and for a long time also most frequent form of the crop circles was the circular form, which has been called half-jokingly also "UFO nest". This shape also gave the name "crop circle" to this phenomenon – a circular area of mostly spiral-shaped flattened grain in a crop field.

The size of the crop circles on the photos can be estimated quite easily by the tractor tracks in the grain – they are about 2.5m wide. The crop circle on the left therefore has a diameter of about 10m.

2. ring

The ring as an isolated shape is very rare, although it is the second simplest shape after the circle.

Triangles, squares, pentagons, lines and the like have not existed for a long time, but only round shapes.

3. circle with ring (place and year unknown)

The circular area with a ring was one of the first shapes that were more than just a simple circular area. It was quite common in the beginning.

4. circle with several rings (Wiltshire, England, 2005)

The next level of variety was the circular area surrounded by several concentric rings.

The pictured crop circle is fully concentric – it only looks so "crooked" because of the perspective when photographing it.

5. circle woth four smaller circles

The circular area surrounded by four "satel-lites" has been a sensation in the beginning, because this shape had a structure that went beyond concentricity.

This is the basic shape of most mandalas: the sun and the four directions or the quintessence and the four elements.

6. circle with ring and four smaller circles (Wiltshire, England, 2008)

This was the most complex form that could be built from the elements that had appeared so far.

III 2. Simple elongated forms

7. polar structure (Wiltshire, England, 2019)

This is the simplest elongated shape: The two outer circles on the ring emphasize two opposite directions, giving a longitudinal axis that passes through the three circle of this crop circle.

8. polar structure (Wiltshire, England, 2019)

Here the basic shape of the elongated crop circle has been combined with a second, inner ring. The crop circles gradually began to evolve into more complex shapes …

9. circles and line (Wiltshire, England, 1991)

This crop circle, which I saw in Wiltshire in southern England, clearly shows the polar structure of this crop circle: an open circle, a closed circle, and a connecting line and a central circle.

This corresponds to the astrological sign for the opposition aspect, thus for the complementary opposition:

When I entered this crop circle, I noticed that the ring on the left side feels like a mountain and the circle area on the right side feels like a cave – radiating and sucking, outward and inward, light and dark, etc. This confirms the interpretation of this structure as a complementary opposition.

On the line between these two poles there was a great, constant tension – just what one should expect between two poles.

The large ring in the middle, however, was a mystery to me at first: it felt different at every point, and the same point was not the same even after three minutes. Finally, I realized that something was flowing, circling, pulsating, rotating in this ring.

This reminded me of Rudolf Steiner's threefold system: a pole that solidifies ("Ahriman"), a pole that dissolves ("Lucifer"), and in between a pulsating system ("Christ").

The ring in the center is also the zodiac along which the planets move, with two places opposite each other on the zodiac also having opposite but complementary qualities.

So this structure was also a variation of the Yin/Yang sign: this symbol represents the two poles Yin and Yang and the eternal change that originates from them and that is described in the I Ching ("Book of Changes"). The central ring is the the everchanging flow of life.

This crop circle therefore has a logically comprehensible structure, which can be found in various other systems.

10. circles and line (place and year unknown)

This arrangement has existed in many variations.

This crop circle consists of four elements: 1. a circular area at one end, 2. a slightly differently shaped circular area at the other end, 3. a connecting line, and 4. a circle in the center.

At the top left, there are two more small circular areas.

11. polar structure with "holder" (Wiltshire, England, 2017)

This crop circle is a variation of the structure just described. Again, the two outer circles are polar – one is empty, the other is filled.

The semicircular "holders" of the two outer circles appear here as an additional element.

The whole thing just seems like a technical element.

12. light and dark (Wiltshire, England, year unknown)

Here the polar structure is very clear – one circle radiates, the other does not.

The center circle is missing.

One could also compare this structure to a magnet with its north pole and its south pole, or to a battery with its "+/–" poles. These polarities are both based on the electro-magnetic force.

13. polar structure (USA, 2013)

Here the polarity is only indicated by the position of the opening of the two outer circles. The center circle is missing.

14. polar structure (Wiltshire, England, 2010)

Here the two poles are no longer distinguished. The center circle represents the tension between the two poles in a graphically elegant way.

The two small circles are a newish element. Together with the centers of the two pole circles, they form four circles on the outer line of the central circle – are these the four elements or also the four directions?

15. complex polar structure (Wiltshire, England, 2011)

In this crop circle, too, the two sides are exactly identical. As in crop circle 11, the connecting line between the three circles is enveloped by another line, which here has been connected to the large ring around the center circle. This creates a new geometric shape: the "bordered half ring".

To the left and right of the straight line, in front of the outer circles, a pair of "points" can be seen, consisting of a very small circular area with a point in the center (a bundle of grain). They act like two points of attachment.

16. structure of five circles (Wiltshire, England, 2020)

Here the two rings around the center circle have been interrupted – the reason for this is not apparent.

The two outer circles are distinguished by the direction in which the half rings point with them. These rings end in an additional circle, around which there is a very narrow, discreet ring. The two half circles together form an "S".

This crop circle contains quite a few "modern" elements in contrast to the "classic" crop circles.

17. long polar structure (Wiltshire, England, 1999)

Here the sovereignty of the centre is emphasized by two small rings and four small circular areas on them.

From the outer ring, two polarity lines go to two medium-sized circles, one of which is light and the other half light and half dark, representing their opposite polarity.

On the very outside is a second pair of circular rings.

18. double-tongs (Wiltshire, England, 2012)

Here again are found the two poles (which are represented the same) and the center circle, plus an additional S-shaped area in the center, possibly representing the connectedness of the two poles.

There are six additional small circles here at once, as well as a seventh small circle marking the center.

19. bow-triangles (Wiltshire, England, 1996)

Here the two pole circles have been pushed together and the center circle almost envelops them. The polarity of the two circles has been graphically represented similar to the yin/yang sign.

The two dark areas between the two pole circles ("bow triangles") may represent the tension between the two poles.

The two crescents together make two "S" shapes – once the two connected outer sides of the crescents and once the two connected inner sides of the crescents.

20. Chakras (Wiltshire, England, 2001)

The two poles are clearly visible: a circle of flattened grain at the bottom of the right large face and a circle of standing grain at the top of the right large face.

The remaining surfaces are also shown polar. From the outside in, the circles are: top filled – bottom empty; top filled to the right – bottom filled to the left; top empty – bottom filled; top filled to the right – bottom empty to the left; in the center, a circle with a ring.

You have to look at this arrangement for a while to see its symmetry. It is a central circle with a narrow ring around which there are four rings.

This structure can be seen better if you draw some auxiliary lines:

The outer ring rotates counterclockwise;

the second outer ring rotates clockwise;

the third-outer ring rotates counterclock-wise;

the fourth outer ring rotates clockwise;

the centre is a ring.

=> This is a regular alternation.

On the left, the outer ring is alone.

On the right, the outer ring and the second-outer ring are together.

On the left, the second-outer ring and the third-outer ring are together.

On the right, the third-outer ring and the fourth-outer ring are together.

On the left, the fourth-outer ring is connected to the narrow ring of the center circle.

=> This is also a regular alternation.

21. Chakras (structure) (Wiltshire, England, 2001)

Altogether, the picture here is of circular rings moving like waves from the inside to the outside.

On the imaginary vertical line from the bottom to the top there are 9 circles. They could have a correspondence in yoga. Then they would be from bottom to top: Kundalini fire – root chakra – hara – solar plexus – heart chakra – throat chakra – third eye – crown chakra – bindhu light. However, it is quite uncertain whether this analogy is intended here.

22. Chakras (strukture) (Wiltshire, England, 2001)

This crop circle is from the same county and the same year as the previous crop circle (21).

Its central axis has exactly the same structure as the axis of the previous crop circle. By the changed distribution of the bright and the dark surfaces, however, the impression of rotating arises. Also the two dark "bow-drops" in the center as well as the two pairs of 2 and 3 points contribute to this impression.

The seven chakras plus kundalini and bindhu are in constant flux and change …

23. polar structure (Wiltshire, England, 2008)

Here the two poles consist of two circles, which in turn consist of 24 small circles each, (the middle three circles belong to both circles). Does the number "2·12=24" have a deeper meaning here?

Their polarity is illustrated by the small "flames" which point outward with the left circle and inward with the right circle. If one understands the two circles as a lying "8", thus as the infinity-sign (∞), then the "flames" always point to the same side of the circle row.

In the center there is a ring with four big and four small circles – possibly they represent the two poles, the border between these poles and the four intermediate directions. It could also be a reference to resting in one's own heart chakra, in one's own center, in one's own soul. Compared to the big "∞" made of circles this center has been represented quite small. So this crop circle shows more the "Yin and Yang" than the "Tao".

24. komplex polar structure (Südkorea, 2008)
25. komplex polar structure (the little, hardly discernable dots have been connected by a line)

Here the two poles have shrunk to form a large ring as well as a small ring (top) and a small circle (bottom) on this large ring.

The two ends of the double S-shape in the center are connected by small circles running through the center of the crop circle. If you count the four small circles in the center with both rows of circles, they again have a length of 2·12=24 circles, which is probably not a coincidence. Is this a reference to the 12 signs of the zodiac?

The four thin rings form a square in the middle, so a four shape – as in the previous crop circle.

26. polarity (Somerset, England, 2010)

Here again we can see the series of 5 circles with a central circle, which has already appeared several times. Here the rotation of the whole system is represented very vividly by 2 times 6 circles, which – if extended – would form a ring.

27. polarity (Wiltshire, England, 2008)

The two poles and the two "S"s are shown here, probably symbolizing the togetherness of the two poles – a curved line similar to the Yin/Yang sign. The large circle represents the rhythm created by the polarity.

The two pole points can also be thought of as the root chakra and the crown chakra, and the point in the center as the heart chakra. The "S" would then be the life force flow of Kundalini. This structure of a center and two points also corresponds to the Buddhist Vajra symbol.

On the outside of the ring there are 25 semicircles inside and 25 semicircles outside as well as 25 points. A special symbolism of the numbers "25", "50" and "75" is not known. Overall, however, this ornamental-looking border will represent the rhythm created by the two poles.

28. sickle-polarity (Wiltshire, England, 2015)

Here, a four-part circle is found in the center – the sun and the four cardinal points or the quintessence and the four elements. The central circle is also the heart chakra.

The two circular areas on the far left and right are two poles.

The crescents correspond to the "holding" of the crop circle 9 and the crescents of the crop circles 13 and 14. On both sides two crescents each are used for holding, as separation and as connection.

There are eight of dots, which seem to act like screws holding the whole thing in place.

29. sickle-polarity (Wiltshire, England, 2015)

This crop circle is a variation of the previous crop circle 28. It is from the same county and the same year – has anyone practiced here?

The circle area and the ring in the center are missing here, as well as the 8 pairs of dots.

Thus this crop circle looks much less centered and stable than the previous one.

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to tell whether the straight line belongs to the crop circle, or whether it is just a path that the visiters of this crop circle have trodden in the grain.

30. double spiral (Wiltshire, England, 2011)

Here the central circle/ring, which is quite large in most crop circles, has shrunk to a tiny circle between the two spirals.

The two spirals are double spirals, i.e. they change their direction of rotation in their centers – but in different ways. If you follow the path through these two spirals from bottom to top, you start counterclockwise at the bottom but end clockwise at the top. Here, polarity has been represented in a very creative way.

The spirals end at the top and bottom in four circles each, which, if you connect all eight of them, also run through the centers of the two spirals and through the center circle. This line, only hinted at here, corresponds to the longitudinal axis shown more clearly in other crop circles. This axis is exactly parallel to the tractor tracks.

31. pointed polarity (Wiltshire, England, 2008)

In this crop circle, the center circle and the two pole circles have been depicted.

From the bottom and from the top, twelve long, narrow triangles each run to the common axis of the three circles. The "12" is the number of the sun or the radiation of the sun: the sun and the twelve-part zodiac around it.

The center circle lies completely within the triangle rays; the two pole circles lie to a small part outside of these rays.

This ray area can probably be best understood as the "magnetic field" created by the polarity of the two outer circles.

32. Yin and Yang (Somerset, England, 2007)

The classic Yin/Yang polarity can be seen here. Was this sign made by humans or did the collective subconscious in this case use a commonly known symbol?

One would actually expect the eight trigrams of the I Ching around the Yin/Yang sign, into which Yin and Yang are differentiated. However, there are 12 identical signs, which is why the whole thing can be understood as the pulsating sun chakra (heart chakra) in the center with the zodiac ("sun aura") around it.

Is there even intended to show the astrological aspects? They would be:

1 (dots)


2 (Yin and Yang)


3 (triangle)

(120°); and

4 (four lines)


III 3. Variations of the simple elongated form

33. polar structure (place and year unknown)

Here the polarity is very clear: One "holder" contains a ring, the other holder is empty.

The two smaller circular areas, which are also found in the crop circle 7, are symmetrically arranged here. They act like "stabilizers" or something similar. They are also found on crop circles 12 and 13.

34. „fork“ (place and year unknown)

Here the two polar circles are on the left and the large "pulsating ring" is on the right, so no longer between them. In the middle, two small circular areas can be seen.

This asymmetrical form does not seem very convincing – such "forks of the way" as here do not occur otherwise with the crop circles.

Probably this crop circle is man-made – but of course this can't be said for sure …

III 4. Very long forms

35. polar structure with additions (place and year unknown)

For some years long crop circles were formed, some of them were more than 700m long.

At first they consisted of the already known polar structure, one pole of which has been marked here in a new way (three arcs). The four-pole structure has been moved from the center to the upper pole (four circles on a ring).

There are several new elements: the asymmetrical placement of the four smaller circles, the medium-sized circle at the upper left, the very small circle to the left of the central circle, the "T" in the upper circular ring, and the "F" at the lower left.

This crop circle is about 130m long.

36. polar structure with additions (Hampshire, England, 1999)

The center is the circle with the light ring and the dark ring.

From it two straight lines go out in opposite directions - it can be recognized only by the fact that in it the tractor track is missing the bright middle strip of standing grain.

The two poles are a small circular area and a large ring.

They are followed by two very small circles and a small circle, respectively.

There are several "additions". These are from top to bottom: a point, a vague shape, an "F" at the big ring, an "L" at the central circle, a semicircle and at the very bottom another "L". The meaning of these "additions" is unclear.

This crop circle is about 130m long.

37. polar structure with additions (Wiltshire, England, 1990)

Here, too, the derivation from the polar shape is still easily recognizable: a circle with a ring in the center, a circular area to the left and right of each, and then a large circular area with ring on the very right side and a small ring as the opposite pole on the left side.

The central axis, however, goes beyond the small circle.

There are three "F" shapes, two short straight lines parallel to the axis (to the left of the central circle), and to the lower right another small circular area with two circular rings and two mini-circles.

This crop circle is about 220m long.


38. polar structure with additions (Wiltshire, England, 1999)

This crop circle has a length of about 350m. Such long crop circles are also mostly built up from the elements already discussed.

The three parts 1, 2, and 3 are polar structures, which here seem to have been connected in series like batteries or like magnets to achieve a higher voltage. Part 4 has a different structure and seems to be what is driven by the voltage generated by the other three parts.

The central part of the crop circle is marked "--3--" under the photo. It consists of a central circle with an inner and an outer ring and four "moons".

At the inner ring there are still two quarter arcs, which point in the direction of the axis. This is very reminiscent of the two magnets in an electric motor – which is fitting, since the energy rotates in the central ring between the two pole rings.

To the left and right of the central circle there is a double circle – directly at the central circle a circle with a ring and further away from the central circle a circle without a ring. At the straight lines between them there are a pair of straight lines as "stabilizers" between the two pole circles on each side of the central circle. On the left side there are 2·1 straight lines, on the right side 2·2 straight lines.