Da'ath Magic for Beginners - Harry Eilenstein - E-Book

Da'ath Magic for Beginners E-Book

Harry Eilenstein



Usually magic begins with simple telepathy experiments, the production of talismans, telekinesis experiments and the like. However, these beginnings, which mainly show that magic is possible, can be increased significantly - first by practice, then by recognizing one's own soul, and finally by one-pointedness, invocations, presence, and the like. Thus simple, ordinary magic can eventually be increased to extraordinary magic - to "miracles" such as firewalks, spontaneous healings, and materializations. For this, no craftsmanship, no special rituals or spells, no secret traditions and the like are necessary, but a certain consciousness, which in the Kabbalistic tradition is called "Da'ath". This is the state of letting go and of boundlessness. The way to it can be sudden - which can be felt as a jumping into a bottomless abyss. Or it can be approached gradually - in which case it can be one of the most pleasant states of all ... a smile like Buddha, a boundaryless consciousness like the gods have, a fully conscious collective subconsciousness ... just Da'ath ...

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Table of Contents

Da'ath Magic




Tree of Life

The Character of Da'ath Magic


Yesod and Da'ath


Characteristics of the Da'ath state

Types of magic

The Necessity of Da'ath Consciousness

Practical Instructions for Da'ath Magic


Invitation of the Da'ath state

Getting to know

Witnessing miracles

Dream journeys


PAtron deity


Estension of element-magic

The transition from Chesed to Da'ath

A Da'ath ritual

The way to the center






Hymn to oneself


Being in the here and now

Letting go



Letting it happen

Women and men

One's own way


List of Books

I Da'ath Magic

"Da'ath" is a term from Kabbalah meaning "cognition, inner knowledge." "Da'ath" is the name of one of the eleven sephiroth (areas) on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. This Tree of Life is a symmetrical structure consisting of approximately 40 elements. This structure is found in everything from vacuum cleaners and cars, to classical ballet and magic, to the German Constitution and nuclear physics – so it is a universal structure.

The most important characteristic of the area on the Tree of Life called "Da'ath" is the lack of boundaries – Da'ath is a continuum. Da'ath magic is consequently magic that takes place in a continuum, that is without boundaries – and that is therefore "extraordinary".

The counterpart to this is Yesod magic – Yesod on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is the realm of life force, subconsciousness, dreams, etc. – in Yesod, like in Da'ath, everything is connected to everything else, but things are not boundary-less. Therefore, Yesod magic is not "extraordinary" but "ordinary".

Meaningful distinctions can be very helpful – this is true for all areas of life.

For example, in magic one can distinguish perceptual magic ("telepathy") from acting magic ("telekinesis") – the difference between these two aspects of magic is obvious.

A second form of distinction in magic is the distinction according to the goal: seeing the future, money magic, love spells, firewalking, storm spells, damage spells, healings, and so on. Again, everyone knows what is meant.

The distinction between Da'ath magic and Yesod magic is not so obvious at first – here the extent of magic is distinguished. This distinction makes sense, if one

can clearly distinguish the phenomena of the two types of magic


the two types of magic are performed in different ways


experiences these two types of magic fundamentally differently.

Ideally, all three forms of distinction apply.

The consideration of Da'ath magic (and also Yesod magic) has a real utility when it results in tangible instructions for Da'ath magic.

One could give different names to this form of magic:

"Da'ath magic"

– in reference to the sphere "Da'ath" on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, which embodies the qualities of "delimitationless magic";

"Saturn Magic"

– in reference to the planet Saturn, which is associated with the Sephirah Da'ath;

"continuum magic"

– since Da'ath is a continuum;

"extraordinary magic"

– simply because it encompasses extraordinary phenomena;

"global magic"

– because it is boundaryless and therefore "global" (there is also a connection to globalization);

"magic of the collective subconsciousness"

– for Da'ath is, among others, the collective subconsciousness with the archetypes in contrast to Yesod, that is the individual subconsciousness with the images in an individual psyche;


– this would be the "classical term" for this kind of magic;

Finally, there are some concepts which, although not identical with "Da'ath magic", are quite similar to it, such as the

"ice magic"

of Frater U.D. (even if we both do not agree in this – that both concepts are very similar …).

I 1. Phenomena

Of the three distinguishing criteria "phenomenon", "procedure" and "experience", the point "phenomenon" is the easiest to examine – even if this consideration will not be immediately precise.

The phenomena described in the following must of course be experienced by oneself to know that they really exist. If one has already experienced some of them, one can also accept the descriptions of similar phenomena that have been described to oneself by trustworthy persons.

There are forms of magic where the only thing that matters is a realization. The most typical example of this is astrology, with the help of which one can, for example, describe the character of a person.

Here an analogy structure in the world is recognized (between the position of the planets and the character of a person).

One step further is telepathy, by which one can receive information, which would be inaccessible in the normal way – e.g. recognize where someone has lost his front door key or what is in a package or what another, not present person is doing just now.

Here, information about spatially distant things is obtained in a non-physical, i.e. telepathic way.

Also about information is the future vision, where one sees parts of the future.

Here information about temporally and maybe also spatially distant things is procured in a non-physical, i.e. telepathic way.

In the many variants of wish-magic with the help of invocations, sigils, talismans etc. the "coincidence" is directed by the magician in an effective way according to his wishes.

Here the events are directed in a non-physical, i.e. telekinetic way.

The magical phenomena described so far have in common that they reveal an additional structure in the world which can be used by people: the analogies in astrology, the telepathic connections and the telekinetic guidance of "meaningful coincidence".

These forms of magic are first of all "only" an extension of the physical world view by a new kind of structure, connection and effect. At first there is no fundamental contradiction to the physical laws, because these magic phenomena can be combined with the natural laws to an extended world view, in which there are not only causal-scientific connections, but also magic-analogical connections.

This changes, however, if one adds telekinesis phenomena like e.g. the simple experiment with the paper wheel on a needle point, which one can turn only by one's own will and one's own imagination. In this experiment one can prove a physical effect without physical cause – to describe this phenomenon a combinated causal-analogous world view is no longer sufficient.

You can watch this experiment at youtube e.g. under "psi-wheel" and then try it yourself. Nothing else is as convincing as one's own experience …

With some phenomena it is difficult to say what exactly happens with them. In such cases it is advisable to use the description which is the simplest and which can be explained with the fewest new assumptions.

In a bilocation, a person appears in two places at the same time. However, there is another possible explanation than the duplication of the physical body.

It is known from hypnosis that one can suggest images to another person which that person then actually perceives. This can be carried so far that a person temporarily believes himself to be a dog, for example, and behaves like one.

Furthermore there are visions, i.e. inner pictures, which are combined with the optical perception of the outer world, so that the inner picture seems to be a part of the outer world. The unintentional version of this phenomenon is hallucination. These inner images, which one experiences as part of the outer world, can certainly speak and one can also touch them – they are therefore very difficult to recognize as an inner image.

Therefore, in the case of bilocation, the person who appears in several places at the same time could have sent his own image (consciously or unconsciously) to another place to cause something there.

Such bilocations are usually reported about saints, yogis, healers and similar "magic professionals".

Thus, a bilocation could be a vision willfully induced in another person.

A similar borderline case is astral travel. In this case, one leaves one's own body with one's consciousness and with one's perceptive ability and can travel to any place, perceive and to a small extend also act there, and then return to one's body.

This can be described as a perfect form of telepathy if you like, but the experience of astral travel is still very impressive and does not feel like it is "just" advanced telepathy.

But first of all, astral travel can definitely be understood as a form of "telepathy with altered self-awareness".

However, there are quite increases to the basic telepathic and telekinetic experiments described so far, which can no longer be explained by the fact that there are analogous connections in the world besides the causal ones. In the phenomena described in the following the laws of nature are obviously suspended.

A well-known case is the so-called "spontaneous healing", where a person suddenly cured an illness he had – often without knowing how exactly he did it. The cancer suddenly disappeared. Physically, this phenomenon cannot be explained at first – one can only diagnose it and give it the name "spontaneous healing".

There is another variant of this phenomenon: healing by another person. The healer involved in this process also usually does not take any physical measures, but prays for healing, imagines the healing or performs other magical-religious measures.

With a materialization suddenly an object appears, which was not there before. This does not mean a magic trick, but a real "appearance out of nothing". Of course, such a phenomenon is most convincing if you experience it when you are alone, when nobody else can have manipulated anything.

The counterpart of materialization is de-materialization, i.e. "dissolving into nothingness". This phenomenon is described much less frequently than materialization. (I did not experience this myself up to now.)

Another variant of the materialization is the matter-change. Here, as the name already says, the matter is changed. The most well-known example is certainly the transformation of water into wine by Jesus.

However, one can also consider spontaneous healing and healing by a healer as a matter change.

Where best to classify the firewalk is a bit unclear. In a firewalk, one walks barefoot (without any aids!) over glowing coals – one can also lie naked in the embers for a while or eat some bits of embers. (I've done this myself.)

A similar extreme form of telekinesis is e.g. the lifting of a truck by a mother, so that she can pull her child from under the wheel of the truck, under which the child got in an accident. In this case, the mother does not think that what she is doing is impossible.

Similar processes are known especially from karate and kung fu.

Also the long-distance pushes, i.e. the knocking over by telekinesis of a person who is some meters away, belongs to this sort of phenomena.

In addition to the type of healing described at the beginning, there is also the variant that the healer reaches into the body of the sick person with his hands and changes something there. Is this an extreme form of telekinesis? Or is this a matter-change? In the end, the matter-change belongs of course also to the telekinesis phenomena – it is only a rather extreme form of telekinesis.

Another variant of this extraordinary telekinesis are the healings of broken bones by the Australian Aborigines, who only concentrate and sing and play the didgeridoo for achieving this healing.

The phenomena described here can be classified into two categories, based on the assumptions necessary for their description:

Intensity-Forms of Magic

causal-analogous world view

laws of nature are suspended

telepathy astrology oracle (tarot etc.) foreseeing the future random steering bilocation

simple telekinesis (paper wheel) astral travel materialization de-materialization matter transformation spontaneous healing healing by a healer firewalking

Essentially this distinction is a division into telepathy and telekinesis:

For the description of telepathy an extended scientific world view is sufficient, in which there are also analogous connections, in which each event stands in a connection with all other events – as this is described among other things by astrology.

For the description of telekinesis an extended scientific world view is not sufficient, because there are phenomena which contradict the laws of nature.