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The only instrument that measures behaviors associated with emotionally intelligent leadership The Emotionally Intelligent Leadership for Students: Inventory is an evidence-based assessment of the capacities of emotionally intelligent leadership (EIL). Research that spans the globe has demonstrated that there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership. For the second edition, the authors have conducted original studies, yielding a substantial revision that better reflects the world of emotionally intelligent leadership and will be transformative for students of all backgrounds. First, this 57-item assessment measures how often students engage in behaviors that align with emotionally intelligent leadership. Then, the reflection portion walks students through the process of analyzing and understanding their results, giving them concrete suggestions for how to explore and improve their emotionally intelligent leadership. * The inventory reflects 19 EIL capacities supported by recent studies * A section on guided interpretation allows students to determine next steps to help them prepare to become effective leaders * Guidance for reflection and analysis of the results introduces learning opportunities that align with unique learning styles Use the inventory along with Emotionally Intelligent Leadership: A Guide for Students and its Student Workbook for an immersive and transformative educational experience. Students will appreciate the opportunity to learn more about themselves as they reflect on their experiences as learners and their own leadership journeys.
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Seitenzahl: 22
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2015
Title Page
Next Steps
Suggestions for Development
Appendix A EIL Overview
Consciousness of Self
Consciousness of Others
Consciousness of Context
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Table of Contents
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Marcy Levy Shankman
Scott J. Allen
Rosanna Miguel
Cover design by Wiley
Copyright © 2015 by Marcy Levy Shankman, Scott J Allen, and Rosanna Miguel. All rights reserved.
Published by Jossey-Bass
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