Fable -Reaver - Peter David - E-Book

Fable -Reaver E-Book


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Fable™ Heroes, available May 2, 2012, on Xbox Live Arcade, gathers a range of heroes and villains from across the epic videogame saga—and the Fable™ companion eBook series delves even deeper into their greatest triumphs, darkest secrets, and never-before-seen origins. In this first story, there are high stakes on the high seas as the always cunning Reaver takes on a ruthless pirate king.

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Titan Books

Fable: Reaver

E-book ISBN: 9781781165768

Published by

Titan Books

A division of Titan Publishing Group Ltd

144 Southwark St



Copyright © 2012 by Microsoft Corporation

Cover illustration courtesy Lionhead Studios. Copyright © Microsoft Corporation

Fable: Reaver is a work of fiction. Names, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

This edition published by arrangement with Del Rey, an imprint of The Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.

Microsoft, Fable, Lionhead, the Lionhead logo, Xbox, and the Xbox logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries and are used under license from Microsoft.

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Title Page


Chapter i - Captain Dread
Chapter ii - Reaver

iCaptain Dread

All was right with the world.

That was Captain Dread’s attitude as he sat at his usual place at the Inn of the Five Fingers, his booted feet resting on the table, his chair tilted slightly back to accommodate his long legs. The inn was packed with Dread’s men, their laughing and shouting presenting an unending cacophony of celebration and merriment as they banged their tankards on the tabletops and demanded more drink and food from the overworked and harried barmaids. The girls, identical twin sisters as it happened, did everything they could to keep up with the steady jockeying for their attentions. The real challenge for them, though, was keeping a distance between their backsides and the incessant groping and grasping hands of the pirates.

Dread did nothing to deter them. By his reasoning the girls should be grateful for the attention, not to mention the sizable tips that would be theirs before the evening was out.

Because today was Tithing Day.