How to learn a new language with Brain-Friendly - Emil Brunner - E-Book

How to learn a new language with Brain-Friendly E-Book

Emil Brunner

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A step-by-step guide to Brain-Friendly MOVIE language courses. Use the latest development of the Birkenbihl method! Including valuable learning tips! It is the better, more accessible, and motivating learning method. The annoying vocabulary cramming was in the past. The basis for the new learning with Brain-Friendly Movies is de-coding, i.e., the Birkenbihl method. Connections between words and their meaning are created in the brain. It is essential to find the proper context for a whole sentence. Thus you will learn automatically correct, and you will find different meanings of words intuitively. At the same time, your brain will learn the correct grammar usage. You learn skills intuitively and with a lot of fun - these are the skills to be able to use the language as a means of communication - and not to recite vocabulary and rules for an exam. The following pages explain how to best use the Brain-Friendly MOVIE language courses. First, use the square grid images, so-called QR codes. Your smartphone can (use your mobile provider's app if necessary) photograph these codes and automatically open a browser with the link hidden behind the QR code. So you do not always have to manually type in the respective displayed link and immediately find the respective recommended WEB article.

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According to the

Birkenbihl Method

How to learn a

new language with


A publication of

Language Learning with

the birkenbihl Method

7 Day

movie Course


A step-by-step guide to BRAIN-FRIENDLY MOVIE language courses using the latest development of the Birkenbihl method!

Valuable learning tips included!

There’s a better, easier, and more motivating way of learning. Annoying vocabulary cramming is finally in the past!

The basis for the new learning technique used by Brain-Friendly Movies is DECODING, i.e., the Birkenbihl method. The Birkenbihl method involves creating connections in the brain between words and their meanings—in the context of an entire sentence. You’ll automatically learn the different meaningsand, at the same time, the grammatically correct application. You’ll learn skills intuitively while having fun—skills to use the languageas a means of communication, not to recite vocabularyor rules for an exam.

A publication of

Katharina Rucker & Emil Brunner

©2021 / 1st edition

ISBN: 978-3-905975-70-3

Publisher: vWave eCommerce GmbH

Language Learningwith Brain-Friendly


Chapter 1

MOVIE language courses: learning techniques and objectives

Structure of the MOVIE language courses

How to buy the Brain-Friendly MOVIE language course

Before you start—create your learning plan!

The Foreign Language


Motivation and rewards

Interval technique

How do you set your goals?

Summary: study plan

Chapter 2

Learning foreign languages

How to start the Brain-Friendly MOVIE language course

Delivery content

Exercise 1: Karaoke listening

Exercise 2: Background listening

Chapter 3

Background information

What is decoding?

Learning words that are difficult to grasp

Learning multiple meanings intuitively

Learning through play, just like when you were a child

Chapter 4

Additional Exercises, examples, documents

Additional material for Brain-Friendly language courses

Texts to go—foreign language plus decoding to print

Decoding exercise

Back-decoding exercise

Exercises to help you achieve perfect pronunciation faster

Music and the foreign language

Language Learningwith Brain-Friendly

Chapter 1

MOVIE language courses: learning techniques and objectives

According to the

Birkenbihl Method

Photocredit: Freepik

Language Learningwith Brain-Friendly

Classical greek philosophy thoroughly discussed the cognitive functions of images in learning. Many scientists consider visual thinking to be essential and indispensable. Albert Einstein, for example, claimed that he owed his discoveries to pictorial ideas.

Film and television come closest to our reality and cause an intense percep-tion in the brain. At Brain-Friendly, we have used this insight and combined the TV series EXTRAfrom Channel4/Discovery with the DECODING tech-niquefrom the Birkenbihl Method. The result is the first intuitive learning entertainment. Language learning is effortless with the Brain-Friendly MO-VIE© courses: Enjoy the film and read the DECODING line. As a beginner, you‘ll mainly concentrate on the bottom line (word-by-word translation in your first language). Later your eye will gradually move more to the top line, the foreign language. The text will light up and will be synchronized with the sound so that you can focus on the content. Your subconscious incidental-ly absorbs the language - intuitively and quickly. This learning method with films is the most effective: You get the benefits of moving images and pictu-res and the Brain-Friendly language learning method simultaneously.

Additional tip:Note that our brain uses repetition to bring what it‘s learned into long-term memory.

Chapter 1

Language Learningwith Brain-Friendly

Brain-Friendly language courses are films with a built-in DECODING line. The upper line is the foreign language, where the words light up synchroni-zed to the audible text. Directly below is a word-by-word translation, which we call DECODING.

The essential exercise is to watch the movie. Your subconscious absorbs the flashing word pairs in the context. This way, you can remember the meaning of the words and also how to use them. Cramming vocabulary and studying grammar becomes redundant.

In the picture above, you can see a screen clip with the DECODING line.

Structure of the MOVIE language courses

Chapter 1

Language Learningwith Brain-Friendly

How to buy the Brain-Friendly MOVIE language course

Before you can start a course, you need a license. You can get a license through a subscription, voucher code, or purchase. You’ll receive system emails asking you to create your account and to assign your password. Find a suitable course now in our online store!

Before you start—create your learning plan!

Brain-Friendly Shop:


The following learning aids and target definitions are a guideline. It‘s a great help for most people, and you can also use it as a plan to follow.

If you‘re an impatient learner, don‘t like working with paper, and don‘t want to plan, you‘ll find a summary