Hypnosis for Beginners - Harry Eilenstein - E-Book

Hypnosis for Beginners E-Book

Harry Eilenstein



Hypnosis is hardly considered and used today in both psychology and magic - even though it is a simple and effective way to better understand the workings of both the psyche and magic. Hypnosis is also closely related to many other phenomena that can only be truly understood by comparing them to each other. These phenomena include everyday things such as talking in one's sleep and sleepwalking, as well as more threatening things such as political propaganda and mass hypnosis, furthermore magical phenomena such as expansion of consciousness, transference of consciousness, initiations, the Indian darshan, invocation, remote hypnosis, hypnotic combat, possession, the Tibetan phowa, the spiritus familiaris, as well as many skills from the field of advanced combat techniques such as remote thrusts, among others. This book describes the different methods of hypnosis and their possible applications, as well as their possible side effects.

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Table of Contents

What is Hypnosis?

The "classical hypnosis

Sleep talkers and sleepwalkers

Dominant people

Mass hypnosis

A model of consciousness

Methods of Hypnotizing

The attitude of the hypnotist

Hypnosis by words

The "path" of hypnosis

Hypnosis by gestures

Hypnosis by life force

Hypnosis by telepathy

Possible Applications

Research of the psyche

Healing of the psyche

Healing of the body

Solving of crimes etc.

Research of former incarnations

Research of magical possibilities

Commanding actions

The Depth of the Hypnotic State

Waking up from Hypnosis

Awakening by words

Awakening by life force

Independent awakening

The Side Effects of Hypnotizing

One-time hypnosis

Frequent hypnosis

Alternatives to hypnosis

Experiences with Hypnosis

Hypnosis-like Processes

Transfer of consciousness




Hypnosis fight

Expansion of consciousness

Spiritus familiaris

Levitation experiment

The "Hepp" experiment

A Shaolin experiment

Advertising and propaganda

A Hypnosis Model

Book List

I What is Hypnosis?

I 1. "Classical Hypnosis"

Hypnosis is a state of the psyche and consciousness that does not usually occur in everyday life.

In "classical hypnosis", the hypnotist takes over the function of the waking consciousness of the hypnotized person, who thus enters a sleep-like state. In this state, the hypnotist can talk to the hypnotized person – however, he does not have the waking consciousness of the hypnotized person as "interlocutor", but only the subconsciousness of the hypnotized person. The hypnotized person is in a kind of dream state – more precisely in a "waking dream", since he is without waking consciousness but responsive.

I 2. Sleep talkers and sleep walkers

The only occasion on which a person naturally enters a state of hypnosis is when speaking in sleep. When questions are asked of a person speaking in sleep, that person answers those questions truthfully, because he answers not from his waking consciousness, but from his subconsciousness.

The extended version of these "sleep-talks" is sleep-walking, in which moving in sleep is added to talking in sleep. Some sleepwalkers can be asked to do something specific, which they then follow.

These two "natural hypnotic states" occur because the cerebellum does not sufficiently separate the inner dream images from the motor centers in the brain. This separation usually causes that when one dreams of running, one does not actually get up and start running.

I 3. Dominant people

There are people who immediately completely fill every room they enter. These people are usually rather dominant and often have a Scorpio Ascendant or Pluto in the first house of their chart. When such a person enters the room, one forgets what one actually wanted and leaves oneself largely to the other person's guidance of the situation.

This phenomenon is closely related to hypnosis – only that the people "hypnotized" in this way remain awake. However, the people in this "awake hypnosis" have largely given up the control of their actions.

Often these dominant people also have a manipulative way of speaking, i.e. they do not aim with their speaking to realize something together with the other person, but want to reach a certain goal with their words, i.e. to move others to a certain behavior. Most politicians belong to this sort of dominant people – "alpha males" and "alpha females".

I 4. Mass hypnosis

In a mass hypnosis, such a dominant person takes a central position and directs a large crowd of people listening to him entirely toward himself – they are fixated on the speaker, he puts them under his spell, he extends his consciousness to them.

Such mass hypnosis can be found especially at large political events in dictatorships – they serve to subjugate people. Often these large-scale events are supported by the architecture of the place where the speech is held, by the lighting, by marches and stagings. The most important element is, of course, the will, the oratory, the facial expressions and the gestures of the speaker.

This "Gleichschaltung", as this technique was called in the "Third Reich", is the suppression and replacement of the alert and independently deciding ego of the listeners by the dominant ego of the dictator.

Successful talk show hosts, revolutionary leaders, generals etc. also need the ability to dominantly direct the mood of a group.

Hypnosis-like states obviously occur much more often in everyday life than one normally assumes …

I 5. A model of consciousness

There are four forms of consciousness in normal life:

the deep sleep consciousness, which is like a white screen on which images can appear, or like silence in which a sound can be heard;

the dream consciousness (subconsciousness), which contains all the perceptions and memories of the psyche concerned;

the waking consciousness, which directs one's behavior in everyday life;

and the ecstatic state, which manifests itself primarily in fear and pleasure.

These four forms of consciousness work together and have an effective division of labor:

Deep sleep is the unlit house that provides the space.

The subconscious mind is the archive in this house, which contains all the information and is only rather dimly lit.

The waking consciousness is a desk in an office in this house, where there is a ceiling lamp that makes all the things in this room visible – that is where all the currently important informations are, that is, all the contents of consciousness that are needed in the present situation.

The ecstasy state is the bright desk lamp that is turned on from time to time and that brightly illuminates a single object an the desk in the office, a single content of consciousness.

In addition to these four consciousnesses, there is the collective sub-consciousness, which in this picture can be seen as the city in which the house is located. The houses in this city are telepathically connected to each other by telephone lines – strictly speaking, the archives, i.e. the subconsciousnesses of the people are telepathically connected to each other.

II Methods of Hypnotizing

Hypnosis is effected by will, by words, by gestures, by directing the life force and by telepathy.

II 1. The Hypnotist's Attitude

Hypnosis requires of the hypnotist not only that he speaks a few mysterious words, have a piercing look, and make some mysterious gestures …

The most important thing is the hypnotist's determination to hypnotize his counterpart, i.e. to "take direction over the other person". Thus, the hypnotist consciously enters into an attitude of dominance over the person he wants to hypnotize. This is not only a slight superiority, but a (temporary) absolute domination over the other person – just complete dominance. A hypnotist should therefore have a strong will.

Without this dominant attitude nothing works at all in hypnosis …

II 2. Hypnosis by words

The "classical hypnosis formula" is quite simple: One goes through the individual body parts from bottom to top and says one after the other that they are relaxed, heavy, warm and tired.

The following text is the detailed version, which can be used if you want to use almost only words for hypnosis. This text can also be changed and shortened according to the needs. As with almost all things, a little experimentation is extremely beneficial – so you can find out your own style, in this case the way in which you find hypnotizing easiest.

"Your right foot is completely relaxed,

Your right calf is completely relaxed,

Your right knee is completely relaxed,

Your right thigh is completely relaxed;

Your left foot is completely relaxed,

Your left calf is completely relaxed,

Your left knee is completely relaxed,

Your left thigh is completely relaxed;

Your buttocks are completely relaxed,

Your abdomen is completely relaxed,

Your belly is completely relaxed,

Your chest is completely relaxed,

Your lower back is completely relaxed,

Your upper back is completely relaxed,

Your shoulders are completely relaxed;

Your right hand is completely relaxed,

Your right forearm is completely relaxed,

Your right elbow is completely relaxed,

Your right upper arm is completely relaxed;

Your left hand is completely relaxed,

Your left forearm is completely relaxed,

Your left elbow is completely relaxed,

Your left upper arm is completely relaxed;

Your neck is completely relaxed,

your throat is completely relaxed,

Your neck is completely relaxed,

The back of your head is completely relaxed,

The top of your head is completely relaxed,

Your ears are completely relaxed,

Your lower jaw is completely relaxed,

Your upper jaw is completely relaxed,

Your cheeks are completely relaxed,

Your nose is completely relaxed,

Your forehead is completely relaxed,

Your eyes are completely relaxed.

Your right foot is very warm,

Your right calf is very warm,

Your right knee is all warm,

Your right thigh is all warm;

Your left foot is all warm,

Your left calf is all warm,

Your left knee is all warm,

Your left thigh is all warm;

Your buttocks are all warm,

Your abdomen is all warm,

Your belly is all warm,

Your chest is all warm,

Your lower back is all warm,

Your upper back is all warm,

Your shoulders are all warm;

Your right hand is all warm,

Your right forearm is all warm,

Your right elbow is all warm,

Your right upper arm is all warm;