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Who actually rules the world? Since the financial crisis in 2008 it is becoming increasingly evident to the interested individual that powerful groups are not only responsible for the financial crisis, but are also profiteering from it. Who are the interest groups that pull the strings in the background? What happens to the politicians who do not want to play along? The book deals with these and other topics: - Does Goldman Sachs rule the world? - Who financed the Nazis and the WWII? Who were the main profiteers? - How do the Bilderberger and the CFR influence world events? - Who staged the wars of the last 100 years? - Why did Herrhausen, Moellemann and Rohwedder really have to die? - Why have quite a number of witnesses in the “Barschel” court case lost their lives? - Which secret hides behind John F. Kennedy’s murder? - Which politicians who opposed the New World Order died mysterious deaths? - Is “The City of London” a state within a state? This thrilling book does not only uncover unbelievable facts but also offers solutions in the second part which will change your life completely. The Foreword is written by the well-known German TV-presenter and author Michael Mross.
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Seitenzahl: 250
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2014
Heiko Schrang
Lies of a century
Realize – awaken – change
Macht-steuert-Wissen Publishing
Heiko Schrang
Lies of a century
Realize – awaken – change
1st English Edition
© Macht-steuert-Wissen Publishing House, Muehlenbecker Land, Germany, 2013
ISBN: 978-3-9815839-2-2 (ePUB-Version)ISBN: 978-3-9815839-4-6 (Kindle-Version)
You will find further information about this book on our website: http://www.macht-steuert-wissen.de
Cover design:Eliane Mietke, Media and graphic design, Berlin © Macht-steuert-Wissen Publishing House, Muehlenbecker Land, 2012
Translation from German to English: Thomas Bauchinger
Editing: Jim Tolley
All rights reserved. Visit us online at: www.macht-steuert-wissen.de
Bibliographic information of the national library 'Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek' in this publication is indexed in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographies are available online at: http://dnb.ddb.de
MSW – Macht steuert Wissen is a registered trademark at the German patent office.
The author does not take any responsibility for absoluteness of the content since he only provides his subjective view and encourages everyone to balance it with his or her own beliefs about the world.
He does not accept any kind of responsibility for damages that arise from false interpretation of any kind. The information provided in the book is based on intensive research. Despite these efforts mistakes may have happened. Any liability claims of any kind are ruled out.
Heiko Schrang, born in 1969, began sending out around 1,000 newsletters to interested customers in 2009. Meanwhile he publishes as an author on the well-known stock market online service wallstreet:online as well as on MMNews and has his own blog at Goldseiten.de. His articles at wallstreet:online are among the most frequently read.
His newsletters are currently being sent to readers worldwide and 500,000 people have read his publications in 2012 alone.
Further information is available at: www.macht-steuert-wissen.de
This book is dedicated to the people who have inspired me: John Lennon, Mahatma Gandhi, Jim Garrison, the XIV. Dalai Lama and everyone who is searching truth and the meaning of life.
My special thanks go to my assistant, Bente Rode, who has with her dedication and drive, participated substantially in the completion of this book. Many thanks also to my lectors Jens Walter and Rene Krueger for their support as well as to my children, Maximus and Aurelia Schrang, who have had to share our time together with this book.
(German stock market specialist who worked as a presenter for CNBC among others)
Investigative journalism is experiencing a period of growth which I am able to easily observe in the increasing numbers of people reading my own website MMNews.
I appreciate Heiko’s work and regularly publish his articles on my website.
Heiko has a concise and easy to grasp writing style of presenting even complex economic and political relationships, which has gained him a broad reader base, ranging through all facets of society.
At first I was skeptical, as I had so far never encountered a book that was able to connect complex political topics with spiritual ones. And yet this is precisely what makes this book so enticing.
It is left to the reader whether he or she reads the entire book from cover to cover or chapter by chapter. However, those who decide to read the entire book, follows the idea of the author that the solution to the problems in our society rests within ourselves also and that it is down to the responsibility of the individual in order to change the whole.
In this way you will increase your knowledge in two areas by reading this book.
Enjoy the read! Michael Mross
My constantly growing readership has encouraged me to write a book about the topics that I tackle in my newsletter. I thought the time was ripe to inform even more people about the topics that affect us all and are, by and large, concealed by the mainstream media.
With nearly half a million readers in the year 2012 I assumed that publishing companies would greet me with open arms. In the beginning it did indeed look that way since the publishers had smelled a chance to make money. Once I had presented my manuscript however, I started much to my surprise, receiving one rejection after the other. I was told that the topics were too sensitive for the publishers. I would have had to get rid of 40 percent of the contents in order for the book to be published, according to the publishing houses.
This reminded me very much of different times when censorship existed in Germany. This has shown me once again that strong dependencies exist between politics, big business and the media, which I have often pointed out in my publications. For this reason I have decided to publish the book myself.
The research for this book has not always been easy, as the facts that really are interesting and sensitive are not usually found in the established media. They belong to the big and powerful that have no interest in the spreading of this information, as their actions would otherwise be exposed.
It is that information that has always interested me, for example with what money highly indebted nations start wars in the first place since even rebels need weapons and do not fight without pay.
The question is now who is behind those that finance the mercenaries and rebels? No guerillas or army can fight without weapons, supplies and provisions. Even the child armies from Africa we hear about need food and ammunition. When looked at closely you find the same names financing the supplies time and time again. In any war situation they usually supply both sides, to their own advantage.
That can only work if they are closely aligned with politicians, big business and the media and find their supporters among their ranks. Since the media often report about the hot spots, it seems that this occurs objectively, which is not the case.
The same game is played during elections where the citizen is given the impression that he or she really is able to influence politics.
This has the semblance of a theatre play. The protagonists on the stage play their role and can only be differentiated by the audience through colors (red, blue, green, etc.). If they play their part well, they manage to engage the audience into the play, paving the way for the crowd polarizing itself over the proceedings. Drastic disputes occur between the single audience members whether red is better than blue or yellow better than green.
There is however one person who is entirely impartial as to who the individual audience members favor and support because every audience member has paid the price of admission – the owner of the theater.
With his takings he pays the actors on the stage who act out their roles according to a script.
If elections were able to change anything they would not be permitted.
I invite you to come with me on a journey into the past in order to get to know the owners of the theater, to come out of your dream world like Sleeping Beauty in the fairy tale and – as far as you wish to do so – to change your life.
„Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.“
Winston Churchill (1874 – 1965)
„When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes.
Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.“
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 – 1821)
„ Now, money was invented chiefly for the purpose of exchange, and, consequently, the proper and principal use of money is its consumption or alienation, whereby it is sunk in exchange. Hence, it is by its very nature unlawful to take payment for the use of money lent, which payment is known as interest.“
Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
Our monetary system is based on the principle of interest and compound interest and only very few ask themselves the question as to what implications this system has on them personally. When we look at the exponential interest growth model, we will soon realize that it cannot grow to immeasurable proportions. Further still, such a system by definition will inevitably experience a total collapse.
Let us illustrate this with an example: If Joseph had deposited for Jesus in the year 0 A.D. $0.01 at an interest rate of 5 percent p.a., he would have gathered a grand total of $10,000 after only 297 years. In the year 439 A.D. it would have been $10m dollars. After 1466 A.D. the deposited sum could have only been measured by an amount of gold with a mass equal to the entire sphere of our planet. After the year 1749, it would already have come to 1 million times the sphere of our planet and today his inheritance would amount to 2 billion times of our planet’s volume in gold.[15]
We realize that every system based on interest can work for some time, but also that it through the compound interest effect eventually leads to an exponential build-up of the amount of money in circulation in the late phases of this system. This is true for both, wealth and debt. Since the development tends toward the direction of infinity while there cannot be infinite debt, a collapse of the system is inevitable. The fact that a system based on interest leads to a crash, crises or wars - which is sufficiently documented in our history books. Paul C. Martin details an impressive summary of this phenomenon in the appendix of his book with the title “3000 years of history – 3000 years of revolution and crash”.[16]
Another example of illustrating this exponential growth better is the following:
Let us assume that the amount of water lilies in a lake, starting with only one, had doubled every year.
After 30 years a quarter of the lake’s surface is covered by water lilies.
When will the water lilies cover the entire lake? The answer is: After only two years! When the number is doubled every time, then after one year half of the lake is covered and a further year later all of it.
For 30 years the water lilies could be seen as an adornment of the lake, but after only two further years there is no more free space on the lake’s surface.
By using this example we are able to observe the immense explosiveness inherent to exponential growth. Unfortunately, most economists do not accurately assess this.
An exponential curve develops, which is only slow in the beginning and then picks up pace very rapidly. This is why compound interest must be seen as dangerous.
The time for a doubling of a debt due to compound interest is (at least approximately) easy to calculate: One only needs to divide the number 72 by the current interest rate to get to a time specification. At 6 percent interest, debt doubles every 12 years. After 24 years the original debt has already quadrupled. The American economic historian John L. King for example called interest “the invisible wrecking machine” of the so-called free market system.[17]
Interest in its truest sense of the word is a heavy burden on any national budget. We are able to see this in the interest payments that Germany has to pay on its debt which have become the second largest item on the federal budget.[18] Good for the creditor banks, but bad for the taxpayer.
The tax promises given by politicians – usually before the election – about the reduction of debt, or the proposed lowering of the budget deficit are nothing more than lip service that are, due to the described compound interest effect, impossible to put into action. As long as the monetary and economic structures are not changed significantly, they are doomed to fail. The relentless growth of interest and capital normally overtake them and gobble them up.
Prof. Dr. Dieter Suhr, professor for public law, legal philosophy and computer law, judge at the Bavarian Constitutional Court, researched the question of whether interest is unconstitutional. He presented suggestions that significantly swayed from mainstream thinking. He continued in the economic theories by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Silvio Gesell and John Maynard Keynes.[19]
Professor Suhr investigated the question as to whether the fact that property is transferred from the debtor to the creditor (bank), the guarantee of ownership written into German basic law is violated. Our constitution however, especially protects that property that arises from personal work and effort. This is why the current interpretation of § 950 BGB is by implication no longer compliant with our constitution.[20]
It positively turns the protective priorities on their heads since it grants more protection to that property which is created from ownership through interest than the one created through hard work.
Professor Dr. Margrit Kennedy summarized the revolutionary achievements of Professor Suhr as follows:
„If a constitution guarantees equal access of individuals to all services of the government – and the monetary system can be seen as such – then it is illegal, when in this system 10 percent of the population continue to receive more out of this service than they pay into it while at the same time 80 percent of the population continue to receive less of it than they pay into it.”[21]
Since high finance shows no interest in changing the prevailing monetary and economic system, whose beneficiaries they are, the theses of Professor Suhr are heavy attacks against the foundations of their profits.
Professor Dieter Suhr was not able to pursue his theses further because he just so happened to die a rather strange death during a hiking and sightseeing holiday in Crete on August 28th, 1990 at the age of 51. It is interesting to note that other important business leaders like Mr. Herrhausen and Rohwedder between 1989 and 1991 also “happened to die”. There is one connecting thread linking the three, it is the fact that they after the fall of the Berlin wall and long before the introduction of the Euro created alternative concepts to the prevailing monetary and economic system. They became a danger to the beneficiaries of the existing concept and the powers that had no interest in a strong Deutsche Mark currency.
„There were only very few informers, but their numbers were sufficient to bring indescribable joy to all people.”
Fritz Wöss (1920 - 2004)
What has long been known as a well-kept secret, Germany, as a prize for the reunification had to abolish its Deutsche Mark currency. This has now been revealed by the mainstream media to the unsuspecting part of the population as news. The German weekly magazine Der Spiegel reported in 2010, after the Euro had become, against the will of the people, a firmly-anchored means of payment, that France had made the abolition of the Deutsche Mark a precondition as a prize for reunification.[22] It is interesting to note that these claims were made for years by those same media representatives and politicians who had denounced the introduction of the Euro as a conspiracy theory. The magazine CODE[23], for example, was censored, although it had on already on its frontpage for February 1992: The loser is once again called Germany – Bonn’s betrayal of the Deutsche Mark. At this point all details on this topic had been published.
What the official media continued to keep secret was the fact that the French president François Mitterand blackmailed Helmut Kohl. His supposed buddy and self-proclaimed builder of the House of Europe made the reunification dependent upon the abolition of the Deutsche Mark and the fact that an appointment was made to agree on a new single currency.[24]
According to hitherto secret documents from the archive of the German Department for Foreign Affairs, Mitterand warned bluntly: “Germany may soon stand as isolated as back in 1913”. Furthermore, he is supposed to have declared to the Spanish PM Felipe Gonzalez as early as 1987: “The power of the Germans is reflected in the Deutsche Mark. It is a very strong driving force, much stronger than the reflexes of the banker and even that of politics.”[25]
In 1988 he explained to the Council of Ministers: “The Germans are a great people who lack certain attributes of sovereignty and enjoy a reduced diplomatic status.
Germany compensates for its weakness through economic strength. In some sense, the Deutsche Mark is its nuclear power.“[26]
In this context it is worth mentioning the assassination of the chairman of Deutsche Bank, Alfred Herrhausen, on November 30th 1989. He was one of the closest councilors of Helmut Kohl and contributed significantly to his ten point program. In high political circles, the assassination, which was allegedly committed by the RAF (Red Army Fraction), was perceived to be a clear message to Chancellor Kohl. He should not get the idea that Germany would regain its sovereignty through the reunification.
On December 9th 1989, a mere few days after the fall of the wall at the summit in Strasbourg, Helmut Kohl succumbed to the pressure and joined the French in their efforts. He voted in favor of using the government conference for the creation of the fiscal union. The result of the summit he called: “All-in-all a success”. What he really thought about it, he reported in the early summer of 1997 to a small round of people: Back then “I had gone through the darkest hours of my life”. He is also reported to have said in this conversation that the unification in two years would be an economic adventure.[27]
The demise of the Deutsche Mark was sealed.
Many economists, among them Professor Dr. Wilhelm Hankel and Professor Dr. iur. Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider, at the time, spoke of payments to foreign countries increasing in times to come and that a European currency with a common monetary and interest policy would be impossible. Should they be forced through, despite these difficulties, it would cause additional transfer payments to the other EU countries.[28]
Similar to then, in July 2012 another set of 160 economists stood up around Hans-Werner Sinn auf, to criticize in an open letter the entry into a banking union which would mean a common responsibility for the debt of the banks in the Euro Zone.[29] Among the minions of the banking system, most of the party representatives in the German Bundestag parliament, these warnings hit on deaf ears once again. The suicide mission, led by Chancellor Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy, and later François Hollande, attempted to pretend that they had the crisis tightly under control.
Some of these economics professors then, in 1998, not without good reason spoke of “a Versailles without a war”.[30] As a result, many people came to the conclusion that the Maastricht treaty would come to be judged as the third capitulation of Germany to France in less than a century.
Anatole Kaletsky, finance journalist at the Times, on November 19th, 1996 described it as a natural successor to the treaty of Versailles and Potsdam.[31]
In reality, it was the secret government of the EU, the ERT (European Round Table of Industrialists) behind the decisions that eventually led to the abolition of the Deutsche Mark[32]. Only few are aware of this organization having published a roadmap to a monetary union in the spring of 1991, that had a striking resemblance to the treaty reached in Maastricht in December of 1991.
As so often we heard nothing about this in the official media. Once the Euro had been decided on, Der Spiegel magazine dared to report in 1998 that Helmut Kohl had, according to the minutes, admitted in a confidential meeting to US Foreign Secretary James Baker on December 12th, 1989 that he took this decision “against German interests”.[33]
“We decide on something, leave it lying around and wait and see what happens.
If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don't understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back.”[34]
(Jean-Claude Juncker)
With these words the Luxembourgian head of government Jean-Claude Juncker explained the ideal procedure in EU politics during an interview with Der Spiegel.[35]
This is the pattern that EU bureaucrats follow in almost all of their decisions; the same goes for the decision to introduce the Euro in 1991. It is the most important project of the Eurocrats to destroy the nationalities, with catastrophic consequences for the people of Europe. Juncker should know how to deal with a “herd”: From the beginning he was presiding over the “Euro Group”, a panel of all countries with the Euro currency.
In reality however, the Euro has already failed because all of the promises made by politicians regarding the construction and stability of this artificial currency have already been broken. Not one of the central promises made to voters at the introduction of the Euro has been kept. Besides the broken promises, laws were broken in ever shorter frequencies in order to finalize new rescue packages which ultimately only served to maximize the drop height.
Among those are the determined limits for state deficits and public debt as well as the political independence of a European Central Bank, the ban on financing foreign state deficits and the most important point: The liability exclusion of every member state for the debt of another.
The minion of high finance, Juncker, said among other things: “We have come together in a common destiny for good or for evil”[36] and in the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: „When it becomes serious, you have to lie“.[37] This is probably what he did in December 2009 during a congress of the European people’s party (EVP). He said that a “public bankruptcy of Greece is entirely impossible”. He went on to state that therefore no supporting measures from other EU states should be necessary.