Life Force for Beginners - Harry Eilenstein - E-Book

Life Force for Beginners E-Book

Harry Eilenstein



Life force is one of the central concepts in magic, but it is usually used only associatively and, while filled with many feelings, is rarely really defined precisely. In this book, the life force is examined in detail and described in terms of what it could be - and also what it cannot be. There are many questions about this subject - and trying to answer them leads to much sharper contours of the life force. Some of these research questions are: Is the life force a force or a substance? Where is the life force actually located? What is its relationship to consciousness and matter? What is its relationship to analogies? What do we see in clairvoyance? Why is there no independent life-force perception - something like seeing by the eye, hearing by the ear, smelling by the nose? Why does the life force organize itself in the structure of the chakra system? And why is there the same structure in a solar system?

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Table of Contents

Evidence of the life force

A model of magic

Life force as a description-model of magic

Aura vision

Traditional concepts of the life force

Traditional properties of the life force

The deities of the life force

Chakras and kundalini

Chakras, stars and vajra

Perception and directing the life force

Consciousness and Matter

The overall organization of the life force

Fainting, astral projection and trauma

Life force and precognition

Self-Organization of the life force


Book List

1. Evidence of the Life Force

When speaking or writing about a thing, it is useful to first prove that this thing actually exists.

For the existence of the life force several methods come into question: telepathy, telekinesis, homeopathy, astral projection, acupuncture, acupressure, rang dröl, pranayama, consecrations, magic, astrology and some more.

Telepathy can be demonstrated quite easily: You put two dozen postcards each in an opaque envelope and seal it. Then four people (who do not know the postcards) put one of these envelopes between them, concentrate on it for three minutes and then write down their impressions.

From the perceptions that three or four of them had, they prepare a description of the picture, which they supplement with the perceptions that only two people had. The perceptions, which only one person had, are left out, because they may not have been telepathic perceptions, but an association or similar.

For the telekinesis there is an experiment, which one can see on the Internet, but which one should also carry out oneself, so that one sees that it really functions. In this experiment, which can be found on youtube under "Telekinesis Paper Wheel" or "PSI wheel", a paper wheel, which can turn almost frictionless on the tip of a pin, is turned by one's own imagination.

The effectiveness of homeopathy is not so easy to prove, because you need some own experience with it. In homeopathy globules are used, which are prepared in a special way: For example, for the sulfur globules, sulfur is mixed again and again with lactose until the sulfur in this mixture has been diluted so much that finally there is no sulfur left in the lactose. The globules then act like sulfur, but there is no more sulfur in them – the active ingredient is thus the life force of the sulfur that is still in the globules.

During an astral projection, one's consciousness and perceptive faculty are outside of one's physical body, which is usually explained by the fact that consciousness and perceptive faculty belong to the life force body, i.e. to the total life force that is in a human being. This life force body may temporarily leave the physical body.

In acupuncture, acupressure, rang dröl, pranayama and similar methods, there is only a small amount of physical energy acting. In the case of acupuncture, acupressure, rang dröl, pranayama and similar methods, there are only slight physical triggers for the achieved effect, so that one can also consider an effect in the area of the life force here.

During a consecration an object changes its radiance and its effect. Since these effects are not physical but magical, and since nothing is physically changed in an object by a consecration, the effect must be in the realm of the life force. Two of the better known consecrations are the "charging" of a talisman and the consecration of the wafers and wine in the Christian Lord's Supper.

In general, almost all phenomena in magic can be traced back to the life force or explained with it.

Since also astrology describes non-physical connections, it's wuite probable, that it is also based on the life force.

If you know at least one of these phenomena yourself, it makes sense to read this book further – otherwise all further considerations would hang a little "in the air".

Through telepathy, telekinesis, homeopathy, astrology etc. it can be shown that there are non-physical connections. The life force is a possible explanation for this kind of connections.

2. A Model of Magic

What is the life force?

First of all, it is a model that has been used to try to explain a variety of phenomena.

A good model, which makes it possible to describe otherwise isolated phenomena with a simple basic assumption, is something quite practical – especially if one can draw conclusions from the model, which then prove useful in practice …

Finally, with every model it is important to keep in mind that it is a model, i.e. a description: One observes phenomena and looks for as comprehensive and simple a description as possible for all these phenomena – that is all the mind can do, and that is also exactly what a model is and can be.

But it is no small thing – if a good model can accurately predict what action will have what effect, it can be a great relief in daily life.

What do the experiments in the previous chapter suggest about the description of vital force?

In essence, it is first of all something that is directed by consciousness – more precisely, by concentration (will) and imagination (inner pictures).

This allows for a variety of applications:

Life force can be sent – telepathy.It can be imprinted with information – telepathy.It can have a physical effect – telekinesis.The imprinting of the life force of an object can have a permanent effect – consecrations.The life force of a person is an image of the physical body – the life force body ("astral body").The life force body can leave the physical body, which in the end is nothing else than sending life force as in telepathy, only that here it is not a matter of sending mail, so to speak, but of traveling – an astral projection.The life force can be moved in the human body by acupuncture, acupressure, rang dröl, pranayama, etc., creating specific effects, which suggests that the life force in man is not a "homogeneous mist", but has an organized structure – the chakras and the Kundalini.Finally, astrology, which describes the relationship between the planetary position and events in the life of people, animals, plants, things, institutions, etc., indicates that all things contain life force, otherwise astrology (if based on life force) could not affect all things.

Since astrology also describes collective events such as revolutions and wars, the life force also seems to be organized collectively, i.e. to possess comprehensive structures that go beyond an individual being, since otherwise such collective effects would hardly be conceivable.

The life force seems to be something quite similar (or the same) as the collective subconsciousness.

The life force is thus a non-physical substance, which can be directed by humans and possibly also by the planets as well as possibly also by animals and plants.

It can transmit information as well as effects.

It can be sent (telepathy) as well as stored (consecrations).

The life force, at least of humans, but probably not only their life force, is structured and organized (chakras, kundalini) and can temporarily leave the physical body (astral projection), in which case the consciousness and the ability to perceive are bound to the life force body and not to the physical body.

Looking at these properties of the life force, one peculiarity of the name "life force" stands out: The life force is everywhere regarded like a "magic substance", but it is not called "life substance", but "life force". Obviously here is not distinguished clearly between "substance" and "effect of the substance".

Therefore, one could compare the life force with the energy quanta, which are both particles ("quanta") and forces ("waves") – which, of course, does not have to mean that the life force consists of energy quanta. It is worth noting, however, that the contradiction between the description and the designation of the life-force is reminiscent of the wave/particle duality in physics.

This reminds also of the fact, that every force constists of little particels, that move in space from one object to another – these particles are graviton, photon, gluon, W-boson, and Z-boson.

How does this striking contradiction between the description and the designation of the life force originate?

If one describes with the help of the life force e.g. the telepathy, life force is sent, so to speak; if one describes with the life force an astral projection or the effect of a chakra, one comes to the picture of a "second body" made of life force. Life force is therefore a substance.

However, if one describes with the help of the life force e.g. the telekinesis, one can understand this also as sending out of life force, but also as a "non-physical interaction", thus as a force which goes out from the life force and moves a physical object. Thus, the life force has a physical effect, i.e., it emits a physical force.

the two "manifestations" of the life force

As long as one considers the life force in itself, it appears as a "magic substance" which is separated from the physical world. However, if one considers the effect of the life force in the physical world, it appears as a force which intervenes, so to speak, "from the outside" into the physical world.

Life force is thus statically regarded a substance, but dynamically regarded a force. Or differently formulated: As long as the life force remains on the "life force level", it appears as substance; however, if it takes up contact with the physical level, it appears as a force.

Interestingly, something quite similar is found with the wave/particle dualism in physics: A photon (i.e. a quantum of light) appears as a wave as long as it moves freely through space, is mirrored, changes its color or the like – you may say, as long as it "lives on" as light. But as soon as the photon hits an atom and is "swallowed" by it, i.e. increases the energy level of the atom, it behaves like a particle and gives this atom a kinetic impulse, i.e. a push.

Energy quanta behave like waves as long as they continue to exist as free energy quanta. However, as soon as they become a part of an atom, they have the properties of a particle.

In physics, the distinguishing criterion between the "wave character" and the "particle character" of an energy quantum is whether the energy quantum continues to exist – if so, it appears as a wave, if not, it appears as a particle. As long as an energy quantum continues to exist, it is free to oscillate and therefore appears as a wave; however, when the energy quantum dissolves into an atom or the like, all of its energy flows into the atom in question and therefore all of its energy appears as a particle (i.e., it gives the atom a "push").

The formulation of dualism is not identical in life force and in physics, but it is very similar. The dissolution of an energy quantum in a collision with an atom corresponds in the life force to the change from the "magic level" to the "physical level".

The "dualism of essence" in physics and magic



dissolution / level change





life force



It is noticeable that energy quanta, if they continue to exist, appear as energy – that life force, on the other hand, if it continues to exist, appears as substance. At first one could associate the wave, thus the "energy character" of the quantum rather with the force aspect than with the substance aspect of matter, but this equation is not as sure as it looks at first.

Since Einstein it is known that substance (mass) is a form of energy: E=mc2. So it is fitting that the energy quanta in their appearance as wave, i.e. as energy correspond to the substance aspect of the life force.

In the same way, one could first associate the particle aspect of the energy quanta (substance, mass) with the substance aspect of the life force. But in this comparison there was a difference: If in physics an energy quantum appears as a particle, it has "died", it has collided against an atom and has become part of it, it has thus changed its form of existence, changed its sphere of life.

The same applies also to the life force: It appears as force only if it changes the level, thus from the "magic world" into the physical world.

Now, of course, in this consideration there is a snag: The wave/particle dualism of physics takes place completely in the physical world, while the substance/force dualism of the life force takes place in two worlds – i.e. in the physical world and in the "magic world".

The question arises whether the two forms of dualism can really be compared in the way suggested here. One can also argue that "particle", "wave" and "substance" are the same thing – just mass and energy respectively (E=mc2). Force, on the other hand, is something quite different – you can turn mass into energy, but not into force.

If one starts from this view, one would rather compare the substance aspect of the life force with the particle character of an energy quantum and the force aspect of the life force with the effect of this energy quantum. Thus a photon, i.e. an energy quantum of the light, is on the one hand a particle, but on the other hand the photon also causes the electromagnetic force.

Is this comparison possibly more precise? At this stage of the investigation this cannot be said for sure – this occurs rather often in a research project …

So, first of all, one can only say that there is a dualism in physics as well as in life force, which has to do with the question whether the considered entity continues to exist in the process one is investigating or not.

Whether this result can contribute something for the understanding of the life force, is unclear with the state of the considerations in this chapter for the time being, but at least by these considerations a further characteristic of the life force, i.e. its substance/force duality, became clear – about what one (as a researcher) can be already be pleased.

Life force is most often seen as a milky-white fog that often has a slight blue touch.

One can ask oneself whether what one sees clairvoyantly is actually the life force itself or whether one does see that what contains the life force? Or does one see just contents of one's consciousness? Or is the milky-white fog of the life force simply a translation of an telepathic perception into an optical form?

With seeing there is the distinction between "light" and "seen object". In seeing, one generally perceives only light, but the form in which one perceives the light is always either a light source or an object that has reflected the light of this light source. By analyzing the rays of light that reach the eyes, the brain is able to deduce what objects are around oneself.

In this form, there is also the distinction between the "clairvoyant light" that one sees clairvoyantly and the object that one perceives through this "clairvoyant light".