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IMPORTANT ADVICE: the author is not responsible if your girlfriends or boyfriends abandon you because after reading this book you think more about logic than about them. Compatible with all versions of Logic Pro X, from the very first version up to Logic Pro 10.7, with downloadable projects.Suitable for both the Amateur and the Expert User. Inside: 01 Prepare for the Journey 02 Get Familiar with Logic 03 Start Our Original Song 04 Use the Chisel 05 DJs that 'Play' 06 Create the Vocal Line 07 Explore and Create Sounds 08 Drums and Drum Machines 09 MIDI Recording 10 MIDI Editing 11 Audio Recording 12 Audio Editing 13 Tempo and Arrangement Editing 14 Mix and Automation 15 Mastering Creating a song from scratch, producing it from start to finish,An impossible… Or a great game? Whether you are a novice amateur, a passionate professional, an indefatigable sound engineer, a multifaceted instrumentalist, or someone curious who wants to learn more about this world, Logic Pro allows you to be, or become... A Producer. You only need to feel like playing. With this manual you will create an original song from scratch touching on all the production stages:•from pre-production to drafting the piece, •from the Vocal Line to Intonation, •from Recording to Editing, •from Midi to Sound Design, •from Mix to Mastering. 1750 illustrated steps will guide you, and you will also be taught how to avoid the most common mistakes. Logic is music! Music can be a hobby. Music can be a toy... Music can be work. and with Logic Music can be you too !!! - - The Author - Marco Perino (www.prosuono.com/en/marco-perino/) Owner of Prosuono Studio (www.prosuono.com/en/), lyricist, producer and post producer. He has the collective experience of hundreds of concerts, productions, classes and lessons as a trainer, in a method where practice leaves no room for theory. Apple Certified Trainer from 2012 to 2020, year in which Apple discontinued the Certification Program The book is also available in French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. For Logic Videotutorials: https://www.youtube.com/c/ProSuono
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2022
Table of contents
01 Prepare for the Journey
- System Requirements -
- Download and Reallocate Additional Content -
- Download the Material for the Original Song of the Book -
- Keyboard and Mouse -
- Enable Advanced Tools -
- Audio Interface and Speakers -
- Where We Are ... Where We Are Going -
02 Get Familiar with Logic
- Start with Billie Eilish's "Ocean Eyes" -
- Save a Copy of the Project -
- Explore the Interface -
- Listen and Move Around the Project -
- Listen to Parts Repeatedly: the Cycle -
- Master the Zoom -
- Color, Redo and Save -
- The Library -
- Move, Copy and Delete Regions -
- The Mixer -
- Where We Are ... Where We Are Going -
03 Start Our Original Song
- Create an Empty Project -
- Explore Apple Loops -
- Set the Project Tempo -
- Import Loops and Set the Song Length –
- Change the Project Key -
- Automatic Color in New Tracks –
- Multiple Screens and Monitors -
- Where We Are ... Where We Are Going -
04 Use the Chisel
- Add Beat -
- Add Bass -
- Add Synthesizers -
- Arranging Regions -
- Create Custom Shortcuts -
- Mute and Remove Parts -
- Perfect the Structure -
- Where We Are ... Where We Are Going -
05 DJs that ‘Play’
- Cell Play -
- Playback Quantization -
- Cell Editing -
- The Scenes -
- Switch from Grid to Track Area -
- Add New Sound to the Grid –
- Remix FX and Launchpad -
- Record a Live Loops Performance -
- Where We Are ... Where We Are Going -
06 Create the Vocal Line
- Create the Chorus Vocal Line -
- Glue the Regions -
- Create the Verse Vocal Line -
- Create the Bridge Vocal Line -
- Assign Track Name to Regions -
- Assign Track Color to Regions -
- Make a Temporary Premix -
- Where We Are ... Where We Are Going -
07 Explore and Create Sounds
- What is a Software Instrument -
- Explore Patches by Importing a MIDI File -
- Retro Synth: the Old Fashion Synthesizer -
- Vintage B3 Organ: the Organ Emulator -
- ES2: the Virtual Analog Synthesizer -
- Sculpture: the Modeling Synthesizer -
- The Sampler: Quick Sampler, Sampler and EXS24 -
- Alchemy: Logic's Most Powerful Software Instrument-
- Third Party Virtual Instruments -
- Sound Design in Our Song -
- Save an Original Patch -
- The Arpeggiator -
- Where We Are ... Where We Are Going -
08 Drums and Drum Machines
- Explore the Drummer Track -
- Customize the Drum Kit -
- Set the Drums in Multitrack -
- The Drum Machine -
- The Step Sequencer -
- Create the Arrangement Track -
- Call the Drummer -
- Add the Markers -
- Drums and Bass, One Thing -
- Where We Are ... Where We Are Going -
09 MIDI Recording
- What is MIDI -
- Logic's Internal Keyboard -
- Record MIDI -
- Metronome Settings -
- Manage Latency -
- Combine Multiple MIDI Recordings into one Region -
- Recording MIDI in Our Song -
- Plastering the Holes -
- Where We Are ... Where We Are Going -
10 MIDI Editing
- The Pianola -
- Piano Roll Quantization -
- Modify Notes with Pencil Tool -
- Hear Long MIDI Notes -
- Copy Lengths and Velocities with the Event List -
- Paint a Realistic Snare Roll -
- Humanize with MIDI Transform -
- Refine the Arrangement -
- Enrich the Sound -
- Where We Are ... Where We Are Going -
11 Audio Recording
- From Real World to Digital -
- Pre-Fader Monitoring of Input Signal -
- Voice Recording -
- Recording of Take Folders -
- Multiple Track Recording -
- Headphone Monitoring when Recording -
- Autopunch -
- Writing the Lyrics -
- Recording in Our Song -
- Where We Are ... Where We Are Going -
12 Audio Editing
- Make a Bass Collage from Different Takes -
- Create a Take Folder from Different Tracks -
- Fades and Multiple Fades -
- Blend the Intro -
- Bounce a Single Track -
- Convert the Drummer into Audio Tracks -
- Tune the Vocal Recording with Flex Pitch -
- Auto-Tune -
- Antares Auto-Tune Pro Adjustments -
- Remove Blanks from Audio Regions -
- Set the Ending with the Reverse -
- Where We Are ... Where We Are Going -
13 Tempo and Arrangement Editing
- Elasticize Audio with Flex Time -
- Creative Flex – Add Sections to the Project -
- Duplicate and Edit a Section -
- Cut Project Sections -
- Vinyl Effects -
- Adapt Audio Files to Project Tempo -
- Varispeed -
- Mix Preparation -
- Where We Are ... Where We Are Going -
14 Mix and Automation
- The Room, the Monitor Speakers, the Headphones -
- Create the Sub-Mixes -
- Volume and Stereo Images of the Drums -
- Equalize the Snare -
- What is the Compressor? -
- Compressor in Series and in Side-Chain on the Bass -
- Add Reverb Through Aux -
- Add Delay to Widen the Depth -
- Drum Parallel Compression -
- Volume and Pan Automations -
- Design Automation with Marquee Tool -
- Automate Plug-In Switching -
- Real Time Automation -
- Automation of Several Parameters with Smart Control
- Let’s Complete the Mix -
- Export the Mix for Mastering -
- Where We Are ... Where We Are Going -
15 Mastering
- Mixing vs Mastering -
- Import the Mix -
- Add Color with the Compressor -
- Filtering with the Linear Phase EQ -
- Match EQ with a Reference Track -
- Process the Stereo Mid and Side-
- Set the Limiter -
- Final Export -
- Where We Are ... Where We Are Going -
- Credits - Shortcuts in order of appearance -
From the very first version up to 10.5/6
A step by step guide to produce an original song
From Idea to Final Mastering
TITOLO | LOGIC PRO X - A Step by Step Guide to Produce an Original Song From Idea to Final Mastering AUTORE | Marco Perino ISBN | 9791220394390 Prima edizione digitale: 2022
© Tutti i diritti riservati all'Autore.Questa opera è pubblicata direttamente dall'autore tramite la piattaforma di selfpublishing Youcanprint e l'autore detiene ogni diritto della stessa in maniera esclusiva. Nessuna parte di questo libro può essere pertanto riprodotta senza il preventivo assenso dell'autore.
Youcanprint Self-PublishingVia Marco Biagi 6, 73100 [email protected]
Qualsiasi distribuzione o fruizione non autorizzata costituisce violazione dei diritti dell’autore e sarà sanzionata civilmente e penalmente secondo quanto previsto dalla legge 633/1941.
All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored, in a retrieval system, or transmitted, by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission by the author.
Translation from original version by Michael Magill
Cover Designs by Shazia Najeeb
Thank you Michael and Shazia for the great job
to Matilda
- The Author -
Marco Perino
Owner of Prosuono Studio, lyricist, producer and post producer.
Certified trainer in Logic Pro X and previously Master Trainer in Logic 9.
He has the collective experience of hundreds of concerts, productions, classes and lessons as a trainer, in a method where practice leaves no room for theory.
The result will be solely "tangible" or concrete music.
- Preface -
Creating a song from scratch, producing it from start to finish. An impossible feat...
Or a great game?
Whether you are a novice, amateur, a passionate professional, an indefatigable sound engineer, a multifaceted instrumentalist, or someone curious who wants to learn more about this world, Logic Pro allows you to be, or become, a music producer...
A Producer.
You only need to feel like playing.
With this manual you will create an original song from scratch touching on all the production stages:
from pre-production to drafting the piece
from the Vocal Line to Intonation
from Recording to Editing
from Midi to Sound Design
from Mix to Mastering.
Illustrated steps will guide you, and you will also be taught how to avoid the most common mistakes.
But why this manual? Aren't there already enough Video Tutorials, courses, instructions for every need?
Maybe because I wanted someone who would explain things to me in a down-to-earth way, like I am.
In the courses I took, I often acquired more envy than knowledge, as well as a very high risk of death from narcolepsy.
Let's face it, often those who teach love to flaunt their knowledge more than to actually teach.
Unfortunately I was born without any musical talent, and I also have a bad memory. Determined and passionate, I decided to make up for my natural "shortcomings" with a lot of perseverance and technique.
I bought Logic and decided not to begin until I had thoroughly studied the instruction manual. I always do this with everything, first the manual, then I start trying.
Then I began and... I didn't understand absolutely anything!!!
Still, I read the instructions carefully. I decided to reread the whole manual all over again, but nothing.
Understanding the software and getting good music out of it were parallel paths, with no possibility of intersection.
In the end, by banging my head, I learned how to do a little bit, but some things would have taken light years less if someone had guided me and helped me avoid mistakes.
I will try to explain things to you in the following pages simply, how I would have liked someone to explain them to me ... down to earth.
- Author's Note -
Although the projects in the book have been tested with Logic Pro 10.6, this book has been designed to be used with all versions of Logic Pro X.
When opening projects with versions prior to Logic Pro X 10.5, the following warning will appear, indicating that there may be problems:
Warning! This project was created by a newer version of Logic Pro X.
This may cause problems.
Please update to Logic Pro X
And there won't be any problems!
The only exclusive chapter on Logic Pro 10.6 and Logic Pro X 10.5 is chapter 5, relating to Live Loops, an independent chapter that does not compromise the original track drafting, from scratch to the mastering, as conceived in these pages.
In the paragraphs where exclusive functions of version 10.5/10.6 will be explained, similar functions for previous versions will also be indicated in detail.
For those who use versions of Logic prior to 10.4, eg. 10.2.4, or 10.3.2, alternatives to Software Instruments not present in those versions will be indicated.
The book was designed forAll Logic users.
01 Prepare for the Journey
In this short chapter dedicated to the preparation of our work environment, we will talk about the requirements for an optimal installation of Logic Pro.
I will explain how to download more than 72 Gigs of libraries and sounds.
If your Mac is already full as an egg, we'll see how to move everything to another hard drive.
We will enable advanced tools to work with otherwise hidden Editors, Windows and Menus.
We will see where to set the Audio Interfaces and get something out of the Speakers.
I'll tell you a little about my tricks on using the mouse and keyboard.
Small details that may seem obvious, but if mastered, they will allow you to save a lot of time and, let's face it, money.
Before planting we must plow our field well.
It's time to put your boots on!
- System Requirements -
Logic has been an Apple software since 2002, the year in which Apple bought Emagic.
Logic 5.5.1 was the latest version released for Windows.
From version Logic 6, it’s possible to useLogiconlywith Mac operating systems.
Logic Pro X was released as a successor to Logic Pro 9, on July 16, 2013 (I was on vacation in Salento).
Logic Pro 10.6 requires MacOS 10.15 (Catalina) or later
Logic Pro X 10.5 requires MacOS 10.14.6 (Mojave) or later
Latest Logic version requires the following system requirements:
•4 Gigs of Ram
•A minimum space of 6 Gigs.
•For complete installation (recommended), 72 are needed.
However, for the system to be perform well I have another unofficial system requirement to recommend:
a good hard drive. I'm not talking about its capacity, but its speed.
To check the technical characteristics of your system:
1 - Click on the Apple menu () in the upper left corner of your screen, and choose "About this Mac" You will find the version of your Operating System
In the same screen, a few lines below, you will find the details on your Ram expressed in Gigs (GB)
Random Access Memory (Ram) is a temporary storage medium used by your Mac's CPU.
The software that works at 32 bit can exploit a maximum of 4 Giga of Ram.
Logic Pro is a software that works at 64 bit so it can exploit up to 18 billion Giga. My Macbook has 16 Giga (without the billions), and everything works perfectly.
In theory, your CPU can access data stored in the RAM much faster than your hard drive, but from personal experience, if you need to buy a new Mac or upgrade, you value a good disk more than a RAM.
Free space can also affect. Always try to keep at least 20% of your hard disk empty.
To check how much space you still have available on your drive:
2 - Click on "Storage"
and in the next screen you will find the information
Do you want to understand if you have an SSD Hard Drive or not?
3 - Select the "Overview" tab, then click on "System Report"
4 - On the left, in the Hardware column, select “Storage”
The information relating to your Hard Disk will appear on the right
If you read 5400 or 7200 somewhere, you don't have an SSD.
Well, you found 5400 written and you only have 4 Gigabytes of RAM, and you plan to start sending me to ...
Will you be able to work with Logic Pro …? Yes !!!
However, if you work with very large projects, with tracks everywhere and avalanches of the latest generation of plug-ins, you may come across a warning called "System Overload".
In this case, when Logic shows signs of concern with the warning, you simply have to close the warning and retap "Play".
Note: starting with Logic Pro X 10.4.2 it is possible to move Logic libraries to external hard drives.
There are cheap external SSD hard drives, which are an excellent solution.
In the next pages I will explain how to use them eventually to transfer the Logic libraries to us.
Logic Pro is only available at the Apple Store.
No more DVDs like previous versions.
When Logic Pro is installed, Logic 8 or Logic 9 will not be replaced by Logic Pro.
Logic Pro can open projects from Logic 5 or later.
An Apple ID is required to download and purchase Logic Pro from the App Store.
If you don't have an Apple ID, you can create it by signing up for iTunes (or iCloud).
1 - Click on the Apple menu () in the upper left corner of your screen, and choose "App Store"
2 - In the App Store search engine, search for "Logic Pro".
3 - Buy and install it.
An installation procedure will guide you.
4 - When you open Logic Pro for the first time, it will download and automatically install essential content.
As mentioned, the minimum file takes about 6GB of disk space, but the full additional content (FREE) amounts to 72GB of disk space.
That's 72 Gigs worth downloading, and to do it:
1 - Go to the “Applications” folder (Finder> Go> Applications) and launch “Logic Pro”.
2 - Once opened go to the Logic Pro menu> Sound library> Download all available sounds
The full download will depend on your internet connection.
I suggest leaving the download running overnight.
Go to sleep while the libraries fill your hard drive; after breakfast you’ll have the complete installation.
I recommend that you download all available sounds from the "Sound Library", including the "Legacy and Compatibility" content, which are libraries of "old sounds"--or unused--not oldin age.
If you want to move the "Sound Libraries" to external drives:
3 - Go to the Logic Pro > Sound Library> Relocate Sound Library menu
4 - In the next screen, select the drive where you want to move sounds and libraries, and then click on "Relocate".
You will be notified when the Sound Library has been completely moved.
Libraries cannot be shared between multiple Mac computers.
Each Mac with Logic installed will need its own library.
An original song will be created with the pages of this book.
You can create it yourself, or you can follow the illustrated steps and draw inspiration to create your own unreleased song.
To complete the song in this book you need to download additional content:
1 - Visit page: https://www.prosuono.com/logicpro10-6/
2 - Click onLogic Projects.zipand proceed to download
3 - After the download is complete, go to your Downloads folder, and double clickLogic Projects.zipto unzip it.
You will reach a folder called “Projects”.
4 - Move the “Projects” folder to the Desktop.
The “Projects” folder contains sub-projects and sub-folders to complete the unreleased song.
Each chapter will be doable independently.
Note: most of the steps explained in the chapters of this book can also be performed with versions earlier than Logic Pro 10.6.
The only chapter that cannot be played with versions prior to Logic Pro X 10.5 is chapter 5, relating to Live Loops.
The unreleased song can even be completed with previous versions.
I recommend that you use the mouse and not the trackpad. It's faster. Believe me.
You can use the Magic Mouse, the Mighty Mouse, the Wireless Mouse or the Mice with cables from the light pole, it doesn't matter what type, but use a mouse. Right hand on the mouse, left hand on the keyboard.
In the previous pages I wrote "click on the Apple menu () ..."
"Click" in the Mac world is just a mouse click, because by default the Apple mouse is not configured for right click, like in the Windows world.
The extreme Mac world fundamentalists, instead of right clicking, press Control and then click.
Let's say that we, who are wimps, prefer to configure our mouse to the ‘right’ button.
To do it:
1 - Click on the Apple menu () in the upper left corner of the screen, and choose "System Preferences"
2 - Choose Mouse
3 - Check the box and enable Secondary Click
I will often ask you to press the following keys:
Option (in "Alt" or "⌥" keyboards)
Control (in "Ctrl" or "⌃" keyboards)
Command (in "Cmd" or "⌘" keyboards)
Shift (in keyboards also "⇧")
I recommend you do this on the keyboard left side, to the left of the Spacebar.
(One day I’ll resell The Command, Option and Shift keys to the right of my Spacebar as new!).
To make sure we are using the same Shortcuts, we will use the U.S. keyboard presets.
To select:
4 - Logic Pro> Key Commands> Presets> U.S.
Logic can be used with basic and limited functionality, with an interface similar to its cousin Garageband.
If you see this type of screen when creating a new track, you are in “cousin” mode.
It’s possible to activate or deactivate some advanced features, adapting Logic to your way of working ...
But we will enable and use absolutely EVERYTHING!
1 - Go to Logic Pro> Preferences> Advanced Tools
2 - Click on "Show Advanced Tools".
3 - Turn on all motors by clicking on "Enable All"
4 - Close the window
After enabling all the "Advanced Tools", creating a new track this type of screen will appear, less colorful, but definitely more Professional!
To work (and play) with Logic we need to be able to listen to sounds and music. To do this we will need an audio interface and a pair of speakers.
In the following chapters we will further discuss the topic Audio Interfaces, Monitors, Headphones, but for now we just need to hear the sound coming out of the Mac speakers and configure the integrated Output Interface.
To do it:
1 - Logic Pro> Preferences> Audio
2 - In the Output Device menu
from the drop-down menu select "MacBook Pro Speakers", or "Built-in Output" (the integrated output in our Mac)
3 - If you have already purchased an Audio interface, select it from the same menu.
4 - Make sure the interface drivers are updated by the manufacturer.
Normally you can download the latest version directly from their website.
Up until now, let's face it, much has been said and little done.
We discussed the requirements our Mac should have, installed Logic Pro X, and little else.
In the next chapter we will really get to know Logic, we will shake his hand, and we will play with him, learning the main commands.
Children learn a lot by breaking whatever they get their hands on. ... We’ll be like them!
We’ll learn by breaking a famous song. It will be fun, and it will be enjoyable.
After you have overcome your initial fears, you will begin to customize everything, and you will make ityour Logic.
Who, as a child, didn't enjoy breaking toys?
My parents gave me this amazing Robot that walked alone, talked and fired missiles from behind his head. I remember it very well, despite being four or five years old.
It was so beautiful that the "How does it work?" overwhelmed my desire to play with it.
It only lasted a few hours in a single afternoon!
After taking a giant stone and...
I found that there was only one speaker connected with two wires to something, some gears here and there and...
I had now only his space head in hand to fire missiles with.
I had learned but I no longer had my Robot… and it was no longer fun.
I would like to introduce you to Logic by allowing you to destroy your Robot, but also putting it back together whenever you want.
In this chapter we will gain confidence and learn to get rid of the fear and embarrassment that one feels when opening such a powerful and versatile software.
From here on ...
You startplaying
Our indestructible toy is Billie Eilish's "Ocean Eyes", released in November 2016 through Darkroom and Interscope Records.
The song is available as a Logic Pro X Demo Project.
Note: for those who have Logic Pro X 10.4.8 it is possible to learn the functions of this chapter using the “Colors” project of the American musician Beck; is available as a Demo Project in the Logic Pro X Template templates.
For those with even older version of Logic, is possible to use “Helena Beat” project by Foster the People;
is available as a Demo Project in the Logic Pro X Help Menu
Let's turn the key.
1. Start Logic Pro by clicking on its icon in the Dock.
Note: alternatively, you can launch it from the Applications folder (Finder> Go> Applications).
At startup, an empty project will start or the last project you worked on will open.
If the last project you worked on opens, close it and then select File> New from Template ...
If, on the other hand, a screen opens where you are asked what you want to do: select “Create a new project from a template ...” and press OK.
Note: what happens at startup depends on what you have set in Logic Pro> Preferences> General. If Logic opened without any of the above conditions, Do Nothing has been set in Logic Pro> Preferences> General.
In this case, select File> New from Template ...
2. In the left column, choose Demo Projects.
3- Double click on Billie Eilish - Ocean Eyes. The project will open:
Depending on the resolution of your monitor, you may see it slightly different. It's not a problem.
We save a project copy on the Desktop, to be able to modify it to our liking.
1. Press Command + S (hold down the Command key to the left of the Spacebar, and simultaneously press the S key on the keyboard) The following window will open:
2. In the Save As: box, assign a name of your choice to your project, as I did with “My LovelyRobot”
3 - Navigate through the folders and choose where to save it.
Note: possible to easily reach the Desktop folder by pressing Command + D.
4. OnOrganize my project as: choose whether to save it asPackage orFolder, indifferent from a qualitative point of view:
Package will create a single file similar to a Zip file (but it is not a Zip file) that includes everything contained in the project (audio files, samples, etc.). To show its contents later, just do right click on the icon and select Show Package Contents.
Folder will create a folder with visible subfolders, which is generally more practical if you need to copy audio files between different projects.
5. To the right ofCopy the following files into your project: I highly recommend ticking all the checkboxes.
You will copy all the material used in production within the package or project folder. You won't run the risk of missing files when transferring a project to some other studio via WeTransfer, Dropbox or just a memory stick.
It happens, believe me ...
6. Click Save at the bottom right.
Once saved, you will see the dark Logic symbol above the display, followed by the name you have assigned to your project / toy.
Logic's interface is certainly less scary than a lot of other software I've seen. Let's learn the names of its most important sections.
On the left side we have the Inspector, which includes:
•TheRegion Inspector, where we will be able to view and modify the Region parameters.
•TheTrack Inspector, where we can view and modify the track parameters.
•TheChannel Strip, the actual Mixer channel of the selected track, where we can adjust the Volume, Pan, insert Plug-ins, etc.
Note: the left Channel Strip is the Mixer channel of the selected track, while the right Channel Strip shows the track it is intended for, usually the Stereo Out track, or a Bus.
You can close or open the Inspector by pressing the letter "i" on the keyboard (i as inspector).
1- Press "i" on the keyboard to close the Inspector.
Note: alternatively, you can press the i button in the upper left corner of Logic but ...
Every time we move the mouse pointer we lose a fraction of a second; when we work on our projects the fractions of a second will literally become thousands. If you want to reduce your working hours by speeding up the flow, I suggest you learn and practice the shortcuts I will suggest.
This photo shows you the workspace where you will record, edit, get angry, smile, get lost, and forget to go to sleep!
To the left of the workspace are the Track Headers with their name and number.
At the top of Logic we have the Control Bar which contains buttons to hide or show different Logic workspaces or editors.
Here we find find›› the Transport Bar, to navigate with the classic Play and Stop symbols.
The “LCD” display.
2. Click the small down arrow to the right of the display.
Here you can change the view. Try all the available settings, from Beat & Project to Custom.
3. Reset Beat & Project (Large).
Note: If you have a monitor of at least 15 inches I recommend using the Custom mode, the most detailed; if you have a 13” monitor I recommend the Beat & Project view.
At the top left, there is the “?”, Called Quick Help. This shows descriptions of Logic elements as you move the mouse over. To its right you will find a button that allows you to open and close the Toolbar.
4. Click on the Toolbar symbol.
Note: the Toolbar shortcut is not “short” enough to be learned: Control + Option + Command + T.
The Toolbar will be displayed
5. Right-click in an empty space between two Toolbar icons.
6. Click on Customize Toolbar.
This will open the window where you can add or remove the icons of the most used quick access commands.
7. Check boxes to add and remove icons on the Toolbar as desired.
Leave Colors marked at the bottom right and click OK to close the screen.
8. At the top right of the Toolbar, click on the Color Palette icon.
The following window will open.
The horizontal strips on the left, numbered, are called Tracks, while the colored bricks you see in the work area are called Regions. By clicking on the regions, they will be selected.
9. In track 24, click and select the Dark Pad region. The region will light up.
10. In the Color Palette, click on the Yellow color. The region will be colored.
11. Color the regions to your liking.
12. Close the Color Palette.
13. Close the Toolbar.
1. Press the Spacebar.
The song starts, and if your audio interface is configured correctly, you should hear it too. The Play button has turned green.
The white vertical line that is running is called Playhead, and the song plays near its passage.
The numbers you see above indicate the beats. In this project each measure, also called Bar, indicates 4 quarter beats, or 4/4
2. Press the Spacebar again.
The song and the Playhead stop. The Play button has returned to gray.
3. Press > or < on your keyboard.
The Playhead moves one measure (Bar) forward or back. The same if you press the Fast Forward or Rewind button in the Transport Bar.
Notes: depending on your keyboard layout, you may need to press“ .” (Period) or“ ,” (comma) instead of > and <.
4. Press Shift + > or Shift + < .
The Playhead moves 8 beats forward or backward. You can check the Playhead position with the measure number (Bar) on the LCD display.
At the top of Logic, underneath the bar numbers, is a vertical notched ruler called the Ruler. By clicking on the ruler the Playhead will move to that position.
5. By clicking on the ruler, move the Playhead to bar 57.
6. Press Enter on the keyboard. The Playhead will return to the beginning of the project, at bar 1.
7. On track 26, single-click in the first region on the left called Night of Avalon.
The selected region will become lighter.
8. Press Shift + Spacebar.
The Playhead will jump to the left edge of the region, and the song will start playing from that position. This command is very useful for playing the song exactly from the position you want.
Select random regions and press Shift + Spacebar. You can select multiple regions by dragging the mouse pointer around them.
9. Stop playback by pressing the Spacebar.
You will often have to listen to parts of the song repeatedly. Maybe you will have to hear a verse over and over again to look for inspiration for that word that ... is right on the edge of that sound that ...
It will be better then to enable a cycle. A cycle will endlessly repeat, in a loop, a selection of your project. To enable a cycle area:
1. Simply press C on the keyboard. A yellow stripe will appear at the top of the ruler. The cycle is now active.
You can drag the right edge or the left edge to lengthen or shorten the loop area.
2. Shorten the loop by clicking and dragging its left and right edges. You can move the loop by placing the mouse in the center of the yellow strip and drag it where you need it.
3. Set the cycle between bars 28 and 46, near the word Chorus 1.
4. Press the Spacebar to play the song. The Playhead will move and the song will play from bar 28. When it reaches bar 46, it will start over from bar 28.
5. Press the Spacebar again. The Playhead will stop.
6. In track 10, click and select the Ghostly Vocals region.
The selected region will become lighter.
7. Press the letter U on your keyboard. The cycle bar will position itself near the selected region.
Note: U is the shortcut for Navigate> Set Rounded Locators by Selection and Enable Cycle.
The letter U is one of my most used shortcuts.
Select other regions and activate the loop around them.
If you want the loop to coincide exactly with the edges of the region, even if it is off the beaten path, that is, not in the grid, press Command + U.
8. Turn off the cycle by clicking on the letter C.
Note: the cycle can also be turned on and off by pressing the appropriate button in the Transport Bar.
Many times we’ll work by focusing on the detail of some parts, focusing on some regions rather than the whole project. To do this we will use the Zoom, one of the tools that we will handle most often.
Proper use of Zoom will allow us to keep our attention on what we are working on, with just a few clicks. Getting lost in the project, with the Playhead running somewhere while we're watching something else is one of the most common things I've seen happen.
This section is very important. I will give you some tips to avoid wasting time and avoid some discomfort.
At the top right there are two sliders. One vertical and one horizontal.
The vertical one zooms the selection vertically. The horizontal one zooms horizontally.
To act on the two cursors you can also use the following shortcuts:
• Command + Left / Right Arrow (Horizontal Zoom).
• Command + Up / Down Arrow (Vertical Zoom).
1. With a single click, select the first Night of Avalon region and zoom in and out horizontally with Command + Left / Right Arrow.
2. After trying the Zoom press Command + A: all the regions (highlighted) will be selected.
3. Press the Z key on your keyboard. You will have an overview of the whole project.
4. Click the background to deselect everything. The regions will no longer be illuminated.
5. In track 10, reselect the Ghostly Vocals region you previously selected.
6. Press Z. The region will fill the screen.
Z is a very useful shortcut because it allows you to quickly see what we select in full screen.
7. Press Z again to return to the previous Zoom level.
First, when we selected everything with Command + A, and then pressed Z, we saw the entire selected project in full screen. They are an essential combination to save time and not get lost. Wherever you are, if you press Command + A, then Z, you will immediately return to the full project view.
Many of you will be used to using the Magnifying Glass, the famous Zoom Tool.
To access it:
8. Just below the display, at the top, click on the pointer symbol. The tools menu opens, and in the ninth position you will find the famous Magnifying Glass.
9. Select Zoom Tool.
Since you'll be using the Zoom Tool a lot, if you don't want to waste a ton of time switching from pointer to Zoom all the time, get used to clicking Control (^) + Option (⌥).
10. We return to the pointer by pressing \ twice
Note: the Shortcut \ allows you to quickly open the Tools menu.
11. Hold Control + Option. The pointer changes to the Zoom Tool.
Get the fingers of your left hand used to these two keys.
Note: if you have an iMac, Control + Option are the last two keys on the lower left of the keyboard. If you have a Macbook they are between the Fn key and Command. In both situations they are very practical and comfortable to reach.
12. While holding Control + Option, drag around the vocal regions, near Chorus 2 and Breakdown.
The regions will be zoomed in.
13. While holding Control + Option, zoom in on the left side of the Ghostly Vocals region.
14. Press Control + Option and make a single mouse click. You will go back one zoom level. You can go back to previous Zoom levels with a single click for each level.
15. Press Command + A and then Z.
16. Click on the background to deselect everything.
Note: even if you just press Option, the Zoom tool is activated, but in reality this does not work to return to the previous Zoom level and you run the risk of opening windows or copying regions if you click in the wrong places.
On some tracks, such as in track 3, a small triangle can be seen to the left of the name.
It means that track is actually a set of multiple tracks. It is called the Track Stack.
If you color the Track Stack Folder region, you will also color all the regions contained in the sub tracks.
1. Press Option + C to quickly open the Color Palette without going through the Toolbar.
2. In track 3, single-click to select the first Folder region on the left, and color it green.
3. Click the triangle in track header 3 to open the Track Stack. All inland regions were colored green. The track header icons have also been colored.
4. Press Command + Z. The folder will close.
5. Press Command + Z again. The original color will be restored. Command + Z is very useful because it allows you to undo your operations.
Note: by default you can go back up to 100 steps. You can find and want to change this setting in Logic Pro> Preferences> General> Editing.
Note: it is possible to go back to any step, checking its history, by clicking on Edit> Undo History
If you notice, the Logic icon, at the top, to the left of your project name is transparent. This means that the project resides in RAM, and has not yet been saved after the changes.
6. Press Command + S or go to File> Save. The Logic icon has turned dark. The project is now saved.
Each time you save, you will create a backup file. I highly recommend that you save at least every 10-20 minutes. Get used to it. Make it a habit.
Note: Logic has an automatic save function in case of disasters, but you never know ... bad luck, we all know, it is not blind, on the contrary.
To return to a previously created backup, select File> Revert To. Here you will find all the backups created automatically every time you press Command + S.
7. To go back to your first save, choose in chronological order
File> Revert To, select the oldest backup, and then click Revert.
I recommend that you set Logic's Auto Backup to at least 30 alternatives, compared to 10 by default. You can do it from: Logic Pro> Preferences> General> Project Handling and set Last 30 Alternative Versions.
1. Select the Ghostly Vocals region on track 10
2. Press Command + U to enable looping around the selected region and press Play.
3. In the header of track 10, click on the singer symbol to select the track. It will light up.
4. Press “i” to open the Inspector view.
5. Click on the triangle next to Movie to hide the cover.
6. Press Y to open the Library, or click on the library symbol at the top left.
The Library allows us to change:
• Presets (Pre-settings) of the entire Mixer Channel Strip.
• Presets of individual Plug-ins.
• Patch, or MIDI sound presets.
In the Channel Strip of the Ghostly Vocals track, there are 3 effect plug-ins, namely a reverb (Space Designer), an equalizer (Channel EQ), and a Delay (St-Delay).
7. In the track, click on the small S of Solo, to hear it in isolation from context.
If you notice, to the left of the word Setting, there is a blue triangle. It indicates that the Library is displaying the presets to modify the entire Channel Strip Setting, that is, the entire Mixer channel relating to the selected track
8. On the left, in the Library, select Electric Guitar and Bass> Distorted Guitar> Burnin 'Tweed.
The Channel Strip is updated with a guitar preset, with 6 audio plug-ins on and one off.
From the Library it is possible to change presets for individual plug-ins.
9. Press Command + Z to return to the previous preset.
10. Move the mouse pointer to the left of Channel EQ. A small transparent gray triangle will appear.
11. Click on the gray triangle. The triangle turns blue and the Library updates, showing the equalizer presets.
12. In the Library, select 07 EQ Tools> Bass Improve 03.
The small equalizer preview graphic will update.
13. Click on the blue triangle to the left of the equalizer. The Library closes.
14. Stop playback.
15. Remove the Solo from track 10 by clicking on the small yellow S.
16. Press “C” to remove the cycle
The production process will lead us to move, copy and delete regions many times.
These are very easy operations.
Before trying them, however, I recommend that you check a setting:
1. Go to Logic Pro> Preferences> General.
2. Click on the Editing tab.
3. If it has a flag, uncheck Select tracks on region / marquee selection and close the screen.
This is an awkward setting; each time we select a region, it also selects the track header. In Logic it is best to work on regions and tracks independently.
Let's try moving
4. Drag the first African Kit region of track 31 to the left 10 beats.
Help yourself with the small black window that will appear. It's called Help Tag. It indicates with “Move Region” in which bar we are moving the region.
Try out new arrangements by moving regions to various positions, and listening to the result. Press the Spacebar to hear the result and stop the song after you are satisfied.
Note: if once you release the mouse and this message appears, confirm by pressing Move, to move the automation present in the track as well.
Note: we will explore the automation topic in the following chapters.
A region can be copied as desired in our project. These copies will not occupy more space on our Hard Drive, because they will refer to a single audio file. To copy a region, simply move it while holding down the Option key.
5. Hold down Option and copy the String Vox region of track 28.
The Help Tag tells us that we are copying a region.
Note: remember to release the mouse button before the Option key, otherwise the region will be moved, but not copied.
Copy regions into the project as you like
Note: if once you release the mouse and this message appears, confirm by pressing Copy to copy the automation present in the track as well.
Just as regions can be moved or copied, they can of course also be deleted. Deleting a region is very simple.
6. First select the Verse Vocals region of track 1.
7. Press the Backspace key on your keyboard. It's the top right button with the arrow pointing to the left. Alternatively Edit> Delete.
8. Click on Erase.
9. Move, copy and delete regions as you like.
If you want to go back some operation
Command + Z
If you want to save
Press Command + S
The Mixer, where you will spend a lot of time, obviously serves to adjust the volume of the individual Channel Strips, to change the signal path (Routing), and to add or remove plug-ins. There will be an entire chapter dedicated to mixing, but it's worth getting to know it immediately.
1. Press Command + A and then Z to see the entire project.
2. Press X on your keyboard, or click on the Mixer symbol in the control bar.
At the bottom of Logic the Mixer will open.
The Mixer, by default, does not allow us to return to the previous steps with Command
3. We need to enable this function by clicking on the Mixer menus
Edit> Include Mixer Undo Steps in Project Undo History.
4. In the Mixer select the header of track 3, Vocal Stack.
5. The Inspector will update showing the selected track.
By selecting the track header, if there are no active cycles, all the regions contained in the track are automatically selected.
6. Press Shift + Spacebar.
The playhead will start from the first Vocal Stack region
7. In track 3, raise the fader slider to the maximum by dragging it upwards.
8. Drag the Pan knob down to -64 to move the sound all the way to the left.
Note: if the track is Stereo the knob is called Balance, if the track is Mono it is called Pan.
9. While holding down Option, single-click on both the Volume Fader and the Balance knob.
The two parameters are returned to the default position, the volume at 0, and the Balance in the center.
Option + Click, also sets the plug-in knobs to the default position.
Now let's go change the bass sound.
10. Scroll right and select the Ocean Bass track.
By placing the mouse in the empty positions of the Audio FX, we can insert new Plug-ins. Let's add a Plug-in to the bass track.
11. Position the mouse under the Compressor (Comp), click, and select Amps and Pedals> Bass Amp Designer> Stereo.
The bass amplifier, The Bass Amp Designer, will open.
12. In the upper part of the window, click on Factory Default.
13. Scroll through the presets and select Punchy.
The Bass Amp Designer will update the amp model.
13. Command + S.
Logic has all the plug-ins you need to produce professional music and audio.
Try them on Mixer Channels of your choice. Try to completely distort the timbres. Try changing stereo volumes and positions; have fun, experiment, get comfortable, make mistakes, repeat and try again. You can't ruin anything. Command + Z, and everything will be as before.