Love Magic for Beginners - Harry Eilenstein - E-Book

Love Magic for Beginners E-Book

Harry Eilenstein



Love spells belong to the oldest and most popular forms of magic - the theme of "relationships" touches almost every person. There are many forms of love spells - from the attempted coercion of a specific person to the manumitting invitation of a relationship into one's life, from remote hypnosis to love potions, from planet magic to the use of the chakras, from self-healing to black magic. However, there is also a form of "love magic" that starts from the inner man and woman, which with some probability does not only lead to getting into the same unpleasant situation for the seventeenth time, but to finding what you are actually looking for.

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Table of Contents

Love Spells

The love amulet

The petition to the gods

The command to the spirits

The magic compulsion

The love potion


One's own character

Analysis of the situation







The relationship mandala



One's own horoscope

Dream journey


Love Spell: Invitation

Planet dream journey

a) Moon

b) Venus

c) Mars

Planet rituals

a) Moon

b) Venus

c) Mars


One's own soul

a) Request to one's own soul

b) Achieving inner freedom from contradiction

c) Re-orientation

d) Silver cords

e) One's own power animal

f) Felix felicis

Love Spell: Compulsion

Risks of compulsion

Sigil magic

Hypnosis and remote hypnosis

Woodoo dolls

Menstrual blood and sperm

Spiritus familiaris

Planetary rituals in another attitude

Io Pan!

Protection against Love Spells

Radiating in self-fidelity


Middle pillar


Power animal

"Light explosion"

The Sun Love Spell


The relationship mandala

The invocation of the inner couple

The inner couple meditation


The sun love spell

Book List

I Love Spells

Love spells, along with hunting spells, fertility spells, damage spells, omens, oracles and otherworld journeys, are among the forms of magic that can be found in almost all ancient cultures – relationships have always been a central theme and closeness, love, sex and companionship have also been basic needs in people's lives in earlier times.

Although there are several variations of the love spell, the basic forms are still largely the same in all cultures:

the love amulet,

the request to the gods,

the command to the spirits,

the magical compulsion and

the love potion or love food.

These five variants already show the range of the basic attitude of the one who performs such a love spell: It ranges from the manumitting request to the compulsion.

I 1. the love amulet

The amulet or the talisman is an object which is magically effective because of its symbolism or because of the signs painted on it. In most cases, the amulet is made by a specialist, that is, by a sorcerer or a witch.

Often it is also made of certain metals (copper for Venus, etc.) or at certain times (often at full moon).

I 2. The petition to the gods

The petition to the gods is generally a more manumitting method, even if the petitioner assumes that his request will be granted. It is performed either by the person himself or again by a specialist – usually within the framework of a ritual.

I 3. The command to the spirits

The command to the spirits can be given when the person has a means of pressure with which he can make the spirits do what he wants. This may simply be his will or his threat of a deity's wrath, withdrawal of offerings, or even destruction of the spirit's cult.

The nature of the spirits in this method can be very diverse, ranging from animal spirits to ancestors to demigods. This method will be used almost exclusively by "professionals".

I 4. The magical compulsion

The magical compulsion is a direct intervention in the situation – not an indirect request or demand to gods or spirits, nor an amulet that is supposed to fulfill the wishes of the person concerned in a mostly undefined way.

The main method used here are sigil magic, in which a wish is sent out with high concentration, and also hypnosis or remote hypnosis.

These methods can also be practiced only by an experienced magician or an experienced witch. In these methods, the desired woman or man is usually mainly an object, but does not appear more than an equal counterpart – as is the case with most "invitation love spells".

I 5. The love potion

The love potion is a specialty of Indo-European cultures, which originated from the reinterpretation of the ritual potion.

The very old idea that the arrival in the otherworld after death is just as much a birth as the arrival at the beginning of life in this world, has been differentiated already in the early Neolithic period to a re-procreation, a re-birth and a re-breastfeeding. Thereby the beyond goddess has become the re-conception mistress, the re-birth mother and the re-breastfeeding nurse.

The milk of the goddess at the re-breastfeeding has become in the cult of the early Indo-Europeans the ritual potion which will have represented at first the security with the goddess. In the course of time, however, this potion has been reinterpreted as the means giving rebirth, i.e. immortality in the next world. In this way, the nectar ambrosia of the Greeks and the soma amrita of the Indians (both literally mean "immortality potion"), as well as the haoma of the Persians and the ritual mead of the Celts and Germanic tribes have been created. From this eventually developed the search for the elixir of life of the alchemists in Europe and India.

From the combination of the re-procreation, in which the afterlife goddess is the re-procreation lover of the dead, and the ritual potion, which is connected with this re-procreation (and the rebirth following it), the "love potion" developed, which leads to the union of a man with a woman – originally these were the dead and the afterlife goddess.

II Analysis

One can have a violent desire and just dash off, using all the spells one knows. Then something will certainly happen – but not necessarily what one has longed for.

You can also pause first, if the suffering is very great, but cannot easily be dissolved, or if the desire is very violent, but cannot simply be fulfilled spontaneously – and then look a little more closely at what situation you are actually in.

So: first diagnosis, then therapy.

II 1. One's own character

Every person has his own character and therefore sees the world and the meaningful behavior in it differently than other people. It is therefore helpful to know oneself and also to know, at least roughly, how different people's views of the world can be.

If one knows that one seeks harmony above all, or that one is out for adventure, or that one simply wants to have one's way, one can direct one's own actions more clearly than if one did not have this self-knowledge at one's disposal. The clearer and more differentiated this self-knowledge is, the more effective one's own actions and consequently one's own magic will be.

From one's own character, including one's own values, it also depends, among other things, which methods one will use in magic: the friendly request to the gods or the command to the spirits, the striving for a general wish fulfillment or for a very concrete event, one's own magical action or the order to a magic professional, etc.

II 2. Analysis of the situation

When you want to achieve something and it is not immediately possible to do so effortlessly, it is usually helpful to take a closer look at what you want to achieve.

To do this, one can ask oneself a few questions, and the following selection could be expanded considerably without much effort:

"Do I already know this situation well? Have I experienced it many times before? What happened in these situations? How did they turn out? What did I actually want to happen?"

These questions can help to recognize possibly existing patterns in one's life, which one just possibly does not want to repeat for the seventeenth time.

If you find that you always experience the same things and that other people do not experience these things all the time as well, there is a very good chance that the occurrence of these repetitive events has its origin in you. In this case it is probably not very productive to experience the same thing a seventeenth time.

It would probably be much more effective to take a closer look at one's own pattern of experience – including its first occurrence and especially the feelings associated with this pattern. The healing and transformation of the feelings in this experience-pattern is in such a case what will bear much more pleasant fruits than the seventeenth repetition of the same experience – with a usually increasing intensity of the disaster at the end of these repetitions.

"Is my wish a relaxed 'Yes!'-wish or is it a tense 'Yes, but …'-wish?"