Miavista: A visual diary - Heinz Nigg - E-Book

Miavista: A visual diary E-Book

Heinz Nigg

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Heinz Nigg's artistic journey follows the Impressionist tradition of working en plein air, capturing moments of beauty, curiosity and joy. His visual diary "Miavista" reflects this, with extracts arranged chronologically. Music, the author's lifelong companion, enhances his work, with selected tracks accompanying the chapters of his book. The slideshow, available on Vimeo, combines his images with tunes by Miles Davis, Henri Salvador, Bill Frisell, Sophie Zelmani and Fabrizio de André, inviting viewers to interpret his creations from their own perspective.

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Seitenzahl: 16

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Table of Contents


Julian dans l'ascenseur

Jardin d'hiver

Blues dream

To know you

Dalla mia riva

Sights and sounds



Like the Impressionists, I work en plein air. I aim the viewfinder of my camera at landscapes and objects that make me curious. I like unexpected moments, in-between spaces, signs and symbols of human existence and moments of joy. This is how "Miavista" was born, a diary I've been keeping since 2006. Excerpts from this visual diary are presented in this book. The whole diary can be seen in my photo collection at the Swiss Social Archive. The pictures are arranged chronologically, with exact dates and places.

Music accompanies me throughout life. Like the pictures themselves, certain songs, melodies and rhythms evoke memories of my work as an anthropologist and community artist, of holiday destinations or visits to family and friends.

The book is complemented by a slideshow featuring music by Miles Davis, Henri Salvador, Bill Frisell, Sophie Zelmani and Fabrizio de André. The titles of the selected pieces of music correspond to the chapter headings in the book, leaving room for personal interpretation of the images. The slideshow is available for free on Vimeo.

Heinz Nigg

I. Julian dans l'ascenseur

07.01.2006 16:45 Zürich/ZH CH

27.04.2006 11:19 Intragna/TI CH

22.09.2006 14:33 San Fruttuoso/GE I

29.12.2006 12:54 Vernazza/SP I

09.04.2007 17:02 London UK

18.08.2007 13:36 Valendas/GR CH

03.09.2007 14:31 San Fruttuoso/GE I

08.09.2007 13:42 Framura/SP I

08.09.2007 13:59 Framura/SP I

10.09.2007 16:00 Framura/SP I

10.09.2007 17:13 Framura/SP I

31.05.2008 12:20 Hochhamm/AR CH

03.06.2008 11:40 Gandria/TI CH

15.06.2008 14:37 Wald/ZH CH

03.07.2008 11:41 Pueblo/CO USA

04.07.2008 09:27 Pueblo/CO USA

04.07.2008 10:55 Pueblo/CO USA

04.07.2008 13:33 Pueblo West/CO USA

09.07.2008 13:00 Chicago/IL USA

II. Jardin d'hiver

13.08.2008 11:44 Intragna/TI CH

13.08.2008 18:18 Locarno/TI CH