Recognizing and questioning fake news and fake videos against the energy transition. What makes people so susceptible to this? What can we still use as a guide? - Dieter Mende - E-Book

Recognizing and questioning fake news and fake videos against the energy transition. What makes people so susceptible to this? What can we still use as a guide? E-Book

Dieter Mende



Let yourself be inspired by the fact that change opens up many opportunities, that change is very exciting without exaggeration and that change can trigger a lot of enthusiasm for the future. Please do not allow yourself to be unsettled by the deliberately created confusion on the part of the lobby against an energy transition, as the lobby against an energy transition deliberately presents incomplete arguments. The energy transition must be viewed holistically so that the interrelationships that have a significant influence on climate change and environmental impacts can be recognized. The energy transition must be viewed holistically so that the sound technological expertise and infrastructure know-how can be optimally integrated into the existing energy markets and can also expand the existing energy markets. This energy transition is not the first energy transition. If the energy transition is to succeed and if the agreed climate targets are to be met, there is no alternative to the immediate expansion of renewable energies. Yes, the energy transition costs money. But the results of the insurance companies show that the effects of increasing climate change will lead to an increase in damage events such as storms, floods, inundations and heat-related fires and that the expected costs will be much higher, probably by a factor of ten or more.

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If someone tells you that they can explain the energy transition to you within a few minutes, then you should be extremely skeptical.

Thinking at EU/federal/state level and acting locally is not a contradiction, but rather a dynamic energy policy.

Dieter Mende



This energy transition is not the first energy transition

Resilience, tipping points and the rebound effect

Back to the future

The energy transition triggers structural and industrial policy changes

A statement that is currently often quoted in the media is: "The energy transition does not come for free."

Fake news, fake videos ... There is an alarming amount of all this on the internet, including on the energy transition. But what can we still use as a guide?

Fake news, fake videos ... What makes people so susceptible to them?


The author


My motivation for creating reports and books is, on the one hand, a passion for highlighting the opportunities and possibilities in the potential grid of the energy transition with hydrogen as an energy carrier and, on the other hand, the ambition to build and expand a hydrogen infrastructure with the advertising of cross-industry service providers, with the identification of sustainable contributions and with the resulting and complementary competencies.

The target group of this book is broadly diversified; the book is aimed on the one hand at readers who are less interested in technology, and on the other hand at schoolchildren and teachers, as well as politicians, entrepreneurs and technicians.

In order for this to succeed, the basis is created at the beginning of the book so that everyone can recognize the starting point of the energy transition.

For this reason, the course of the book is designed in such a way that it does not demand too much basic technical understanding from readers with a lesser affinity for technology, so that the course of the book does not appear boring for entrepreneurs and technicians.

As a result, the first chapter should provide readers with a common basic understanding of the energy transition. The second chapter provides readers with a holistic insight from the sources, the regenerative paths of energy generation, to the sinks, the mobile and stationary applications.

Let yourself be inspired by the fact that change opens up many opportunities, that change is very exciting without exaggeration and that change can trigger a lot of enthusiasm for the future.

Please do not allow yourself to be unsettled by the deliberately created confusion on the part of the lobby against an energy transition, as the lobby against an energy transition deliberately presents incomplete arguments.

The energy transition must be viewed holistically so that the interrelationships that have a significant influence on climate change and environmental impacts can be recognized.

The energy transition must be viewed holistically so that the sound technological expertise and infrastructure know-how can be optimally integrated into the existing energy markets and can also expand the existing energy markets.

At the same time, you will learn about what are certainly the most exciting developments in the modern world with the challenges of today; on the one hand with a view to maintaining the security of energy supply for people, and on the other hand with a view to the many opportunities for future generations.

The energy transition is much more than just the increasing use of renewable energies!

The energy transition is a job engine.

If the energy transition is to succeed and if the agreed climate targets are to be met, there is no alternative to the immediate expansion of renewable energies.

This energy transition is not the first energy transition

With the first energy transition, from burning wood to burning coal, the wood lobby played on people's fears by claiming that, for static reasons, it would not be possible to extract enough volume from the ground to ensure a sufficient energy supply.

The European economy was thus predicted to be doomed. It was also claimed that coal mining could have an impact on plate tectonics, an impact on the movement of the European tectonic plate, so that volcanism could erupt in Europe.

With the second energy transition, from burning coal to burning natural gas, the coal lobby played on people's fears by claiming that, for technical reasons, it is not possible to maintain a consistently high gas pressure in such a large natural gas network.

Once again, the European economy was predicted to be doomed.

With the current energy transition, the European economy is once again being predicted doom, this time by the profossil fuel lobby for coal and oil products.

It is claimed that renewable energy generation from wind and solar power is too variable and that security of supply cannot be guaranteed.

Once again, the European economy is predicted to be doomed due to the expected dark doldrums, for example when the wind does not blow at night and the sun does not shine. We know that this is not correct.

Currently, on the windiest days, up to 65% of the electrical energy that can be generated in principle has to be curtailed to protect the electrical grids from overload. Only as much electrical energy can be fed into an electrical grid as is simultaneously taken from the electrical grid elsewhere.

Short-term, local storage of electrical energy is possible with batteries, while medium-term to long-term storage of electrical energy is possible with the production of hydrogen.

Another example of the energy transition can be seen when looking at mobility. With the mobility turnaround, from horse-drawn carriages to motorized vehicles, the carriage lobby played on people's fears by saying that, on the one hand, the required fuel cannot be available in sufficient quantities and that the required fuel is only available in pharmacies, that, on the other hand, the required fuel is much more expensive than the grass for the horses and that, as a result, goods will become considerably more expensive with a very unreliable distribution over time due to defects in motorized vehicles.

The new technology know-how, infrastructure know-how and energy know-how that is emerging as a result of the energy transition is already recognizable today as a booming global job engine. New and sustainable jobs are being created before other jobs are lost, and considerably more new jobs are being created than old jobs are subsequently lost.

Industrialized countries around the world, as well as the USA and emerging and transition countries such as China, India and Brazil, are making use of our energy expertise.

Small and medium-sized enterprises have taken on an increasingly strong role in the development and production of pioneering energy technologies, as well as providing the corresponding services and service offerings.

The excellent qualification of skilled workers, the human capital, is another key to the success story in Europe.

The integration of German industry into European industry began with the coal and steel industry: the European Coal and Steel Community Treaty (ECSC) was drawn up on April 18, 1951 with Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany, with a term of 50 years.

With its numerous, historically active industries, the Ruhr region in Germany was known as "the land of ten thousand fires". With its focus on electricity generation and consumption in Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia is still the No. 1 energy state today.

With the innovation of the German energy industry, conventional energy sources such as crude oil and natural gas have established themselves on the markets alongside the coal industry since 1951. Energy production was later supplemented by nuclear power generation, which turned out to be the most expensive form of energy production, so that France, for example, nationalized energy production.