The siren-like songs and the fairy tales of full electrification. - Dieter Mende - E-Book

The siren-like songs and the fairy tales of full electrification. E-Book

Dieter Mende

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The siren call for full electrification lures people in with the simple and convenient-sounding claim that we only need to be able to provide enough renewable electricity and all energy issues will be solved, including mobility. However, even if the electrical grid is expanded up to a hundredfold, the systems generating the electricity would still have to be regulated to protect the grids from overload, because only as much electrical energy can be fed into the electrical grid as is being taken from the grid elsewhere at the same time. The enormous amounts of energy in the terawatt range that are to be generated by the planned wind turbines, which will then be stored by which technical solution, are being concealed. In the gigawatt to terawatt range, we really no longer need to talk about storage with batteries alone. The sustainable energy transition links the electricity sector with heat, gas products and fuels. Hydrogen is the link with Power-to-X.

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If someone tells you that they can explain the energy transition to you within a few minutes, then you should be extremely skeptical.

Thinking at EU/federal/state level and acting locally is not a contradiction, but rather a dynamic energy policy.

Dieter Mende



Resisting the "siren songs" and fairy tales of full electrification

Who wants to invest in a future with a great deal of uncertainty? Who wants to invest in the energy transition?

The Stone Age didn't end because there were no more stones, and the hydrogen industry won't only get started when there is no more oil.

Human capital

Bridging technologies and future technologies


Der Autor


Understanding the energy transition.

The energy transition is much more than just the increasing use of renewable energies!

The energy transition is also a booming global job engine.

Picture: Copper plate EU; even if the electrical grid were to be 100 times larger than it is today, only as much electrical energy could be fed into the grid as is taken from the grid elsewhere at the same time to protect against grid overload. Without storage, we remain with the curtailment of the generating plants, such as the wind turbines, which means that electrical energy that can already be generated today is lost, which means that we will continue to have higher costs for electrical energy in the future, because the operators of the generating plants, such as the wind turbines, are entitled to financial compensation for the curtailment. Please do not let yourself be unsettled; Dieter Mende, EEZ Energy, Energy industry, Future energies.

The success of the energy transition therefore depends crucially on the start and speed of implementation of the defined goals, which requires determination and regional identity with the fields of action.

There is an old saying:

„Sitting on the shoulders of a giant makes it easy to see new horizons.“

The Emscher-Lippe region in the northern Ruhr area of Germany has also been hit hard by the closure of the mines and the resulting structural change.

The Emscher-Lippe region has not been able to call for a giant to shoulder the region and carry it forward to new destinations; the challenges for the region are still numerous today.

The regional nucleus h2herten with its expansion into supra-regional commitments with the h2-netzwerk-ruhr is exemplary.

If the energy transition succeeds in the demanding and densely populated Emscher Lippe region, then the energy transition can succeed everywhere!

Climate change is already clearly visible and the consequences are coming faster than feared.

One of the three words of the year 2019 in Europe is climate youth!

If the energy transition is to succeed, there is no alternative to the expansion of renewable energies. If the targets set with regard to phasing out coal are to succeed, politicians must ensure that the conflicting political decisions are changed immediately to ensure the success of the energy transition. These current inconsistencies are the subject of warnings from people in the EU.

People in the EU have been aware of the fact that world peace is also directly dependent on the success of the energy transition, and not just since the latest climate developments. The effects of climate change hit people in poorer countries particularly hard, as well as people in Africa.

If the living conditions of the poorest continue to deteriorate and people move to the more temperate zones of the world, this will have a significant impact on world peace.

People in the EU have long been unable to understand and now no longer accept the contradictory statements on the climate reports by those who are lobbying in favor of fossil fuels; the slowing down of the energy transition has already had a major impact on the outcome of the 2021 federal elections and will increasingly have an influence on the outcome of the elections in the EU.

Those who are involved in well-paid lobbying for the current coal policy with deliberately incomplete impulses, with the aim of unsettling the population, are now faced with the decision as to whether their actions are justifiable, whether greed for wealth is weighted higher by lobbying than responsibility for future generations, at the latest in view of the current climate reports.

The fact that insurance companies are also investing in the technologies and infrastructure of the energy transition is justified by the need to avoid increasing losses, such as those caused by more extreme weather due to climate change.