Self Knowledge for Beginners - Harry Eilenstein - E-Book

Self Knowledge for Beginners E-Book

Harry Eilenstein



In the end, you are the only one who may recognize yourself. You can be so different (everyone has a different horoscope) and you can be in such different situations (orphan in Brazil, mother with six children in Germany, old man in China) that there can be no instruction to self knowledge for everyone. But at least there are universal structures such as the soul, the dynamic of a horoscope, the relationship mandala or the chakra system that can help in one's orientation and also in choosing a promising direction in which to search for one's source. This book gives an overview of many of these possible approaches.

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Nothing is closer to oneself than one’s own center – but this center often is not very well known to oneself …

Table of Contents



Light: The Occasion

Being present

Fire: Wanting to change life

Look, feel, embrace

"It’s my life!"

Air: The search for a way


Water: Trusting in the possibility


Earth: The first step

The decision ritual

The inner step

The outer step

First Contact

Light: Finding identity

Conversation aids

Fire: Finding strength

Request to Michael


Air: Finding clarity

Request to Raphael

The Horoscope

The chakras

The next step

Water: Finding love

Request to Gabriel

Dream journey to one’s own center

Earth: Finding thriving

Request to Auriel

The Lesser Pentagram Ritual

The Middle Pillar Exercise


Becoming Familiar

Light: Here and now

Being awake

Fire: One’s own actions

Dissolving obstacles

The Sun

The Kundalini

The two companions of the soul

The three allies

Air: One’s own thinking

The center of the horoscope

The seven steps of life

The biography

The family tradition

Water: One’s own feelings

The dream diary

The dream journey to one’s own center

The journey back

Earth: One’s own growing


The center of the hexagram

The soul constellation



Light: Self-expression

The invocation of the sun

The sun meditation

The wish list

The protective deity


Fire: Energy


Tummo, bindhu and sun

Trauma dissolution

Fire walking

Air: Insights

Talking with the archangels

The planetary round

The inner family


Water: Connectedness

Feelings and their transformations


The heart meditation

The silence Meditation

Earth: Grounding

The relationship mandala

The inner man and th einner woman

The initiation rituals of the Golden Dawn

Walking barefoot

Yoga and sports

The gardener


Light: Dance of life

Fire: Unfolding

Air: Life song

Water: Self-love

Earth: Life

Book List


Writing a book about self-discovery is a delicate matter – simply because people are very different and see themselves and the world very differently.

From the point of view of almost all people, almost all other people are a bit strange – or even a bit more …

When you sit together with a person and talk, meditate together or perform rituals together, you can see who the other person might be. Then you can make somewhat more specific suggestions about self-discovery.

In a book, you can really only describe all the ways you have found yourself. But even then, what one can describe in terms of possibilities is still subjective – after all, these possibilities are only those that one has already found oneself, tried out and found useful.

Thus, while one can find a lot of suggestions in this book, one cannot find a universal recipe for finding one’s own center.

After all, the need to recognize one’s own center and to live one’s own life is quite widespread – almost everyone wants to be the captain on one’s own ship sailing on the sea of life.

This includes not only the light of self-knowledge but also the fire of courage, the air of clarity, the water of love and the earth of thriving. Therefore, each chapter of this book is divided into the four elements and the quintessence – in the hope that in this way as many people as possible will find something useful in this book.

The five chapters of this book are a gradual increase in the intensity of taking steps on the path to oneself. They also correspond roughly to the five-part "Exercise of the Middle Pillar" that is the central part of the "Kabbalistic Tree of Life". These five chapters are "resolution – contact – becoming familiar – deepening – radiance".

Of course, this does not at all mean that you have to do all the suggested contemplations, meditations, rituals, dream journeys, etc. in this order – you should always have a look what appeals to you and what you are curious about.

Even if other people can report about their experiences and make suggestions to others, everybody has to find his own way …

I Resolution

Every action begins with a decision – as long as it is not a pure reflex. But every decision has a prehistory from which it arises.

This is also true for the search for oneself.

I 1. Light: The Occasion

An action is meant to change something. So actions arise in situations where either something hurts or where something beckons. Unfortunately, in most cases the fear of pain is the motivation and not the hope of pleasure.

This could be more creative – and rediscovering one’s center is a great help in orienting one’s life again more to going towards the light than to running away from the shadows.

The feeling that something is not right or that in one area the possibilities are not yet exhausted is the beginning of the action. In order to come to the decision to go in search of oneself, there must be a great pain, a great depression or a great hope in one’s life … otherwise one would not consider such a great undertaking.

But maybe one is just curious – which is quite a solid motivation. Or one has an intuition from which one sets out on the path to one’s own center.

I 1. a) Be present

Just sit down and be completely present – at home in an armchair, on the bank of a river or on a bench under an old oak tree.

How do you feel? What are you looking forward to? What are you afraid of? Who are you? How is your body? How about relationships? What about your health? What about your job? What about your money?

Ask yourself some questions and see what the answers are. And then let the questionsgo and just look – into yourself, into the world in front of you … and feel what is there …

I 2. Fire: Wanting to Change Life

Feeling pain or sensing joy is not enough to make a decision. One must also face these feelings, "These are my feelings."

If one pushes these feelings aside and represses them, nothing happens – then one does not set out on the path to oneself.

I 2. a) Look, feel, embrace.

While sitting there, start again to look at what is going on in your life right now and to feel what is going on right now. Then look at what the most important, pressing feeling is.

Imagine yourself standing in front of you with this feeling – how old is this "feeling ego"? As old as yourself? In puberty? A small child?

Take this "feeling self" lovingly in your arms – just like a small child who cries because it has hurt itself.

I 2. b) "It’s my life!"

Say to yourself whenever something special happens, or just when you’re thinking about it, "It’s my life."

This very simple meditation makes you awake, it makes you present, it helps to get out of the daily grind, to leave the vegetative stupor, to really be there …

Then, after a while, one will probably want to live properly.

I 3. Air: The Search for a Way

No one moves unless he sees a way. Perceiving the pain and deciding to look at it is not enough. One needs an idea of how to change the situation.

This is where the mind is called upon: What are the possibilities? And which possibilities look promising?

I 3. a) Information

Ask friends, read books, attend seminars or therapy – and above all, take time to think for yourself about the situation that is bothering you.

Do you know it all too well? What have you already tried? What would be a completely different behavior in this situation?

Wish for an omen, a hint, a good advice.

I 4. Water: The Confidence in the Possibility

Now there is already the pain, the contemplation of the pain and a possible way. Now the trust is needed that one can really go this way, that this way is really possible for oneself.

Here you need trust in yourself – and trust in the world. This trust in the world can be directed to a deity, to life itself, to providence and to some other things.

One needs a support.

I 4. a) Prayer