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A workbook filled with ideas and inspiration. A guide to the age of social media, social disruption and artificial intelligence. Written for large and small companies, those interested in communication and all the curious people out there. Explore the powerful changes coming to the social media landscape in 2024 as a result of artificial intelligence. Discover the augmented reality revolution in online shopping and the impact of platforms like TikTok. See how businesses are benefiting from micro-influencers and why data protection is becoming increasingly important. This book shows how AI is transforming customer service and why strategic marketing is so cruicial. Get practical insights and checklists and reflect on ethical issues in the digital world. Take advantage of the insights offered by chatGPT and stay curious about future trends. This essential guide will provide you with concrete impulses and positive ideas for 2024. You will also find a wealth of examples, bibliographical references and inspiring quotes.
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Seitenzahl: 434
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024
Social Media Trends 2024
Where are we headed on Instagram, X (Twitter), Threads, TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn, BeReal! and Co?
A practical workbook full of positive ideas for a digital society between social disruption and artificial intelligence.
Written for large and small companies, those interested in communication and all the curious people out there.
by Daniel Elger de Castro Luís
© 2024 Daniel Elger de Castro Luís
Website: www.danielelger.de
ISBN: 978-3-384-27411-3
Publisher: ELGER PUBLISHING, www.danielelger.de
Printed and distributed at the author's expense:
tredition GmbH, Heinz-Beusen-Stieg 5, 22926 Ahrensburg, Germany.
This work, including its parts, is protected by copyright. The author is responsible for its contents. Any use without the author's consent is prohibited. Publication and distribution are authorized by the author, who can be contacted at Daniel Elger de Castro Luís, Bahnhofstr. 8, 90537 Feucht, Germany.
Disruptors and boosters
Corporate Communications
Looking forward
How did this book come about?
I asked GPT4 on May 18, 2023
Social Media Trends 2024
SOCIAL MEDIA TREND 2024/1 Full immersion: Augmented reality revolutionizes the shopping experience in social media
The best social media channels for AR
How can companies use AR?
5 steps to a successful AR campaign
AR Best Cases
What to consider before using AR?
Homework before using AR
How to approach the topic of AR?
Opinions, quotes and comments
Recommended reading
SOCIAL MEDIA TREND 2024/2 The TikTok effect: How short videos change our attention span
On the hunt for your neurons
What does that do to our brain?
A huge opportunity for creatives
The power of video marketing
Do Your Homework
A quick look at different video channels
Basic rules for video creators: TikTok
How to create emotion in a very short clip?
Basic rules for video creators: YouTube
Basic rules for video creators: Snapchat
Basic rules for every video creator
Examples of successful use of video
Some Ideas for a social media video post
When the ideas are missing
Opinions, quotes and comments
Recommended reading
SOCIAL MEDIA TREND 2024/3 Social Media Goes Green: How brands focus on sustainability in their marketing strategies
Different approaches
The advantages of a sustainable social media strategy
Do your homework first
What the heck is sustainability anyway?
What different terms do many people associate with "sustainability
Companies that are perceived as particularly sustainable
List of sustainability prizes and awards in Germany
NoGo Greenwashing
What can lead to being accused of greenwashing?
10 examples of greenwashing
Trend Booster Sustainability Report
What should be in the CSR report?
Best practice - examples of excellent sustainability reports
Sustainable Social Media Marketing - Some ideas
Why now and not later?
Opinions, quotes and comments
Book tips and reading recommendations about sustainability
SOCIAL MEDIA TREND 2024/4 Social selling: from scrolling to shopping. How direct selling on social media platforms is booming
Behind Success
First: do your homework
Examples of small social selling businesses
Advantages and disadvantages of social selling
Advantages of social selling compared to shopping in stores
Disadvantages of social selling compared to shopping in stores
Social selling in employer branding
The trend points strongly upwards
Opinions, quotes and comments
Social selling for small businesses
Example: jam manufactory
Example: Erziehungsbox by Claudia von Stromberg
Book tips and reading recommendations
SOCIAL MEDIA TREND 2024/5 Mind Your Language: How AI-driven voice assistance systems are changing the social media experience
Actually too old for just being trendy
The current status
New opportunities for marketing
Do your homework before using AI-powered voice assistants
Challenges when companies use voice assistants
German companies increasingly rely on AI voice assistants
How does AI think about using AI-powered voice assistants?
Advantages of using AI-driven voice assistance.
Application examples
AI Revolution in Speech Synthesis
What TTS generators and speech AIs are available?
Oh Word, you often so empty shell....
Here are some recommended readings on the topic of voice assistants
SOCIAL MEDIA TRENDS 2024/6 The Rise of Chatbots: How AI is transforming customer service on social media
How long have chatbots been around?
Advantages and challenges
The advantages and disadvantages
Fields of application
But beware!
Ethical concerns
The danger of discrimination
Who is responsible in case of errors?
Some AI tools for social media use that might help
Disruptive impact on professions
Forecasts and developments
Chatbots and AI in pop culture
In dialogue with GPT
Quotes about AI
Recommended reading
SOCIAL MEDIA TRENDS 2024/7 Staying curious: How brands gain an edge, when they keep trying out new social media channels
Do you remember them?
Head hidden in the sand
Relevance, credibility and success
Relevance, relevance, relevance
Questions about relevance
Before it gets going on social media
Know your target group - exactly!
Alternatives to personas
Changes in consumer and media consumption behavior
The difference between target group and demand group
Which social media platform is my target audience on?
Some Best Cases
Why customer communication via social media?
Social Media Trend 2024 - Social Media as a Sales Booster
Quotes and thoughts about social media
Social media is not kids' stuff
Why different minimum ages on social media
Social media for adults
Social media and children
Attention children!
How has communication changed? Current studies.
Good Old Times?
Recommended reading
SOCIAL MEDIA TRENDS 2024/8 The Power of Nano- and Micro-Influencers: How small accounts make a big impact
What types of influencers are there?
Nano and Micro Influencers - An opportunity for smaller companies
What makes an influencer authentic?
How much does a micro-influencer cost?
Different influencers for different channels
Advantages of the company-micro-influencer tandem
What challenges or drawbacks might there be?
In dialogue with the influencer
Successful German influencers
Some examples of nano- and micro-influencers
Influencer - the new dream job?
Potential dangers for children and adolescents
Don't! Kids for clicks
Share kids' pictures on social media?
Quotes and Thoughts
Micro-influencers as chance for small and individual businesses
For which industries are nano- and micro-influencers an opportunity?
With the right agency to the right influencer
Influencers with the largest global reach
Social Media Influencer and Corporate Influencer
Recommended reading
SOCIAL MEDIA TRENDS 2024/9 Privacy Please: How privacy in social media is becoming a priority
I want to show you all the nothing
Data Protection in Germany
The key points of the DSGVO
DSGVO vs. corporate communication on social media
Homework and questions
Opportunities and benefits for companies
Why data protection is becoming increasingly important
The psychological contradiction
Children and teenagers
Idea theft
Stolen data? Some examples
Data? Protection!
What's part of an effective password policy?
What else could a company do?
Self-protection measures take precedence
I want your data! What social media channels can access
Quotes and thoughts
Let the children come
Where is the data stored and processed?
Hackers Paradise
Recommended reading
SOCIAL MEDIA TRENDS 2024/10 Social Media for Good: How social media can be used to drive social and political change
How can social media make a difference?
The Example of the Arab Spring
What is left of the Arab Spring?
The example of Black Lives Matter
The Fridays For Future example
Other examples of social social media in Germany
You do not build here!
Acceptance communication and citizen dialog VS social media
The same rules apply
Dangers, disadvantages and risks for companies
Prepare for the storm - even if it fails to come
Opportunities and benefits of social media
Ideas for Social Social Media
There is a lot to do – start now!
Money, yes, but not only
If we do nothing...
Social Disruption
How might political rulers exploit such circumstances?
AI with a conscience (?)
Recommended reading
Further trends and developments
Trend: As of GenZ, TikTok is the #1 social media platform
Trend: Customer service via social media increasingly important
Trend: Crisis prevention and crisis management as a necessity
Trend: Advertising budgets in social media continue rising
Trend: Trust and authenticity crucial on social media selling
Trend: Social media giants continue to dabble in audio options
Trend: Shorter attention spans lead to shorter content
Trend: Growing use of user-generated content
Megatrend: Kumbaya - or the human factor
Conspiracy of social media channels: I knew it!
A few warning thoughts at the end
At what point does using social media channels become an addiction?
Social media abandonment
The GPT4 Social Media Poem
The GPT4 social media prayer
GPT4 says goodbye in cerilian
About the Author: Daniel Elger de Castro Luís
Book recommendation: Corporate Psychopathy
Book recommendation: The adventure to be parents – Your journey to loving parenting (German)
About the author - Claudia von Stromberg
Dear reader,
this book has been published in German in November 2023. As you know, the world of social media, AI and www is extremely fast-paced. As a result, some of the data may no longer be completely up to date. During the correction and translation phase into English, some changes and updates were also made compared to the German book. I apologize if there is something wrong. Please see this book as what it is: a source of inspiration and ideas. If any of the quotes are wrong or incorrect, please let me know. The quotes in the English book are translated from German. You are welcome to write to me if you notice a gross error or if you have more up-to-date information. In this case, please write to [email protected].
In any case, I hope you enjoy the book
Love, Daniel
Over the past 20 years, the way we communicate has fundamentally changed through the use of social media. We have entered a new era of communication that gives us unprecedented reach, connectivity, diversity, and speed. We are more closely connected through social media than ever before in human history. At the same time, it feels as if we have never been so lonely, insecure, and divided.
Before the era of social media, there were comparably few ways to connect with others and communicate beyond the boundaries of our own community. We could make phone calls, write emails, postcards or letters, send a fax or talk to others in person. However, the development of the Internet, and especially the rise of all the social media channels, has completely removed these limitations and brought us a large variety of new ways to communicate with each other.
Messenger: One of the biggest disruptors to direct networking was the introduction of real time communication within the respective social media channels. In the past, we often waited hours or even days for a call or even a written response by letter or fax. Even e-mails were originally invented as asynchronous communication channel which we normally do not actually answer in real time.
Today, however, we can respond instantly to messages and notifications and communicate directly with our friends, families and colleagues. We can even tell by dots and check marks if the message has been received, read and is being replied to. Isn't that great and terrible at the same time? The pandemic that we all somehow had to go through between 2020 and 2022 has pushed the asynchronous communication variants to the background and pushed the synchronous communication channels like WhatsApp, Telegram, Teams, Zoom, DMs and many others. This shift has fundamentally changed the way we interact, the way we communicate in our personal and professional lives.
Communities: Another significant change in recent years is the emergence of online communities. I used to have to be physically in one place to get in touch with like-minded people. The regulars' table in the pub, the countless associations and interest groups, all the sports, cultural and political initiatives, needed the presence and exchange of real people. Here, too, the pandemic has forced a development that had already been foreshadowed, but which can now no longer be reversed. Today, we can network online with people all over the world who share our interests - no matter how specific, strange or bizarre they may be. In the process, social media in particular has enabled us to make new digital friends, like-minded people and allies we would never have met otherwise, and expanded our opportunities for social interaction. On the one hand, that's wonderful, too. On the other hand, we increasingly move only within our own world of ideas and thoughts and maybe without noticing it, end up in one or the other idea, opinion or conspiracy bubble.
Opinion multipliers: Social media has changed the way we express our opinions and views. Before the Internet, I had no choice but to go to an event, write a letter to the editor or express my opinion in a conversation to be heard. Today, we can share our thoughts and ideas on a minute-by-minute basis through social media platforms such as X (Twitter), Threads or WhatsApp, reaching a wide audience. This has led to people today being much more open and confident in expressing their opinions and having their voices heard. A lot of positive things have come out of this. But of course the darker sides have also been able to emerge, such as radicalization, cyberbullying and the brutalization of manners in all their facets. The fact that many liberal and cosmopolitan democracies are currently tottering also has a lot to do with the way social media is handled in these societies. Democratic, modern and liberal governments, which depend on social, positive, humanistic and mutually supportive interaction, frighteningly underestimate social media as an opinion-forming and influential form of communication. Surprisingly stupid and naïve, they continue to neglect these changes in modern communication, thereby indirectly ensuring the rise of populists, extremists and radicals who play the keyboard of social media better and don't give a damn about ethical or moral boundaries. Radical populists and fascists win because they are better at using social media tools. It's as simple as that.
Moving image: Another important factor is the expansion of visual communication. In my youth, we had to limit ourselves to written words or verbal communication to express ourselves. Today, we can create and use photos, videos, and GIFs to express our thoughts and feelings with just a few clicks. In seconds, artificial intelligence tools create visuals to match our ideas. Emojis can be customized to fit my persona and integrated into communications, and typography is a breeze to animate in an emotional and exciting way. Visual communication is now an integral part of the way we communicate and at the same time the dopamine booster that makes channels like YouTube, TikTok or Instagram so successful. Just to give you a number: In the 150 years since the invention of the camera until 1970, 14 billion photos were taken by all the humans living on earth. This is the same number as the number of images generated only by AI in the last 15 months, since the release of DALL-E.
External communication: Social media has changed the way companies communicate with their customers, employees and partners. They can now interact directly with their customers on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Xing and Facebook, providing a more personalized customer experience and creating emotional touchpoints at all stages of the user experience. Social media has had an extreme impact on how companies plan and execute their marketing campaigns over the past 15 years. Social media marketing is now an important part of any sales strategy in successful companies. However, it is always surprising to me to see how many companies, especially small and medium-sized ones, still ignore the topic of social media marketing and thus let long-term sales successes fizzle out. I'll be deliberately provocative: any company, large or small, that doesn't have a social media strategy and doesn't rely on social media for customer communication is becoming irrelevant and putting its own existence at risk.
Internal communication: The use of social media, especially in the form of countless intranets, has simply revolutionized internal communication in companies. Where once bulletin boards, employee journals, memos and meetings were used, today digital platforms such as Teams or digital solution providers like haiilo or Staffbase offer a direct, interactive and timely form of communication. These often enable a dynamic dialog where employees can openly share their thoughts and ideas. Through these social media applications, companies can directly disseminate company updates, announcements, and important information, often enhanced with visual and multi-media elements that increase employee engagement. They can respond directly and ask feedback and questions, fostering a transparent and inclusive communication climate. In addition, the use of social media in internal communications promotes the development of a company's own culture and thus strengthens togetherness. Employees of different genders can form virtual teams, work on projects together, and even organize social events, which contributes to overall satisfaction and community. In short, social media has fundamentally improved the way companies communicate internally while creating numerous benefits for the work environment.
The future of communication is currently being shaped by new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IOT). But trends and hypes such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are also influencing communication topics. One thing is certain: social media plays a significant role in all these developments. Take, for example, the integration of artificial intelligence into communication. Chatbots and automated responses to queries on social media channels can already offer a great deal of relief for companies, and we will certainly see some exciting developments here in the future. We will go into this point in more detail later in this book.
In addition to technological developments, however, it is also important for us as a society to be aware of the impact our communication style on social media channels can have. The Internet does not forget anything and our statements and actions can have far-reaching consequences - in private as well as in professional contexts. Appreciative and respectful communication on social media can help us feel safer and more comfortable online. If we don't, tendencies arise that can be dangerous for any society: from the distorted self-perception of the individual, to radicalization, fake news, troll campaigns and shitstorms against companies, to online addiction and the loss of humanistic and positive value structures in our society. That's why, despite all the enthusiasm for new trends, there are always words of warning in this book.
Overall, over the last 20 years we have experienced impressive development and very big changes in all areas of communication due to the extremely large influence of social media. The world has moved closer together through social networking and sharing on social media, and we can connect with people around the world more easily than ever before. However, even though communication on social media is very positive in many areas, it is the responsibility of each individual to always remember that we are dealing with real people on social media as well and that our words and actions always have consequences. No, social media is not a lawless space where everyone can do whatever they want. Yes, everyone has the right to their opinion, but not everyone has the right to their own facts. If we are aware of this responsibility and communicate respectfully with each other, we can shape successful and positive communication on social media in the future, both as people and as a company.
Ranking of the most popular social networks and messengers by share of users among Internet users in Germany in 2022
Source: WeAreSocial, HootSuite and others
As a lecturer in social media and online marketing, I am constantly involved with the topics of social media, AI, communication and looking out for the newest trends in these areas. Compared to my colleagues who teach graphic design, typography or writing, I get to adapt, change or completely revise my lecture materials at least twice a year. Even though this is exhausting, I enjoy it immensely. I try to learn something new every single day and go through life with great curiosity and a love of learning. This attitude plays into my cards. AI for example was always one of the topics in my lectures that interested me a lot, but I really didn't use it a lot. I'm not a tech nerd and that's why I had a more theoretical, almost philosophical approach to the topic. This changed when I took a closer look at the AIs that social media channels like Facebook or Instagram use and what impact they have on our different levels of consciousness. This was further reinforced when I tested for myself how quickly AIs learn and adapt to me as a user. I was therefore one of those who tested chatGPT with childlike enthusiasm at the end of 2022 and immediately was hooked. Since then, I regularly use different AIs, especially in the areas of text processing, image generation, code and data analysis in a marketing context.
A few months ago, I was looking for the Social Media Trends 2024 in an exchange with some AI-tools. As a source for future topics, however, virtual colleagues are rather unreliable. The problem with AIs like chatGPT is that, on the one hand, you don't know what they've been trained with, and on the other hand, on the other hand, they are not really the most trustworthy sources. If they think they have to, they will invent content and everything must be checked carefully for accuracy before it is used. So I worked out the trends as I should: analysis of various social media marketing tools, institutes and agencies that have been involved in future research for many years, numerous current trend studies, social media monitoring tools, experience and my own expertise. When I finally defined the Social Media Trends 2024 for myself, however, the exchange of content with the AI was in part so entertaining that at one point I caught myself thinking "let's write the book together". And that's how it started.
However, it was immediately clear to me that I wanted to be open and transparent about it. The text passages created by chatGPT are clearly recognizable as such. But even in these passages there is no sentence that I didn't have to check and revise in 99% of the cases. There are some exceptions. These I find so good, funny, wrong, quirky or just worth mentioning that I have included them 1:1 in the book. These are also made clearly recognizable and should be easy for you to find.
Me: How would you explain to a child what chatGPT is and why the child should not be afraid of you. You are welcome to argue humorously.
GPT-4: Sure, imagine I'm like a giant, friendly book dragon living in a library full of books, stories, jokes and information. You can ask me a question and I will dive into this huge library to find the best answer for you. I can even tell you a story, write a poem or help you with your homework. But don't worry, I'm not a real dragon and I can't get out of my computer screen. I'm just a tool created by smart scientists and engineers to help people find information and answer questions. And here is the most important thing: I am a very peaceful dragon. I don't want to scare or harm anyone. You can always turn me off or click away if you don't want to talk to me. But I hope we can have fun together while we learn and discover!
Isn't that droll? :)
We had such and similar "conversations" for hours. Not only with GPT, but also with other text AIs. Unfortunately, not yet with Google's Bard, because this, as of today (May 18, 2023), is not yet available in Germany. Yes, I know that would be via VPN to bypass. But as I said, I'm not a tech nerd and have no desire to do so. I'll wait. Bard will take a bigger part in the next edition of this book in case of success.
You'll find dialogues like those in the book. I hope that they serve for entertainment or to make one or the other topic more vivid. The text passages from chatGPT are also meant to illustrate and serve as an impulse for how to work with this AI. After countless conversations with experts from top agencies, the consumption of endless studies, whitepapers and best cases and crawling through countless websites, I had at some point defined for myself the social media trend topics 2024. In a first draft, it looked like this on my computer:
Augmented reality is becoming an important part of the social media shopping experience.
Short videos are becoming increasingly important in the customer engagement, changing consumer behavior and user attention spans in the process.
Sustainability is becoming a very important topic in social media marketing and one that is crucial to corporate success.
Direct selling of goods and services on social media platforms is becoming mainstream.
Voice-driven interactions are becoming the new normal also on social media.
Chatbots and artificial intelligence significantly improve customer service on social media platforms.
Communication continues to move toward social media: How social media platforms offer opportunities for brands to stand out from the competition.
Micro influencers and corporate influencers are becoming important factors in influencer marketing strategies.
Data protection and privacy remain important issues in social media marketing.
Social and political change is fostered by social media.
The content was what I wanted, but the tone wasn't really exciting. So I asked my digital co-authors how I could reword the chapters to make them sound more exciting. The result were these suggestions, which I found to be very successful with very little revision:
"Trend chasers in your sights: how AR is revolutionizing the social media shopping experience"
"The TikTok Effect: How Short Videos Change Our Attention Spans."
"Social Media Goes Green: How Brands and Businesses Need to Integrate Sustainability into Their Marketing Strategy."
"Social Selling: From Scrolling to Shopping - How Direct Selling is Booming on Social Media Platforms."
"Mind Your Language: How voice-driven interactions and tools are transforming the social media experience."
"The Rise of Chatbots: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Customer Service on Social Media."
"Do You Speak Social Media? How Modern Brands Gain an Edge by Communicating on Social Media Platforms".
"The Power of Micro-Influencers: How Small Accounts can Make a Big Impact."
"Privacy Please: How privacy becomes a priority on social media"
"Social Media for Good: How Platforms and Users Engage for Social and Political Change."
Not bad, isn't it? With a few changes, I have taken these suggestions and implemented them in the book. It is very important to me that you, the reader, find added value for you and your company in this book. That is why you will always find checklists, practical examples, recommendations, questions, homework and further links. In the best case, this is a workbook that you will return to again and again. Feel free to write your thoughts into this book. Make your own notes. Cross things out. Feel free to give me feedback via the mail address [email protected].
With all my effort and commitment, I am aware that this book is only a snapshot. The trends mentioned here are not the only ones that will exist in 2024. Depending on the company, it may be that the trends mentioned here are not so important or that they have already been lived in the company for a long time. These are the trends that I see for the coming years after 25 years of experience in the communications industry. I do not claim to be truthful or complete, but I firmly believe that this is the direction modern communication will take.
I would also like to mention that this is not a scientific book. I would be happy if this book gives you one or two ideas to start or change. If you find one or the other thought-provoking impulse that you can implement in your company or in your dealings with social media. I deliberately do not go into great depth on many topics. Everyone is welcome to do that for themselves in the areas that are important to him or her. With this book, I want to open up topics for you, touch on them and throw them into the room for consideration. Practicality, overview and setting impulses, that's what this book is about. No less, but also no more.
But in any case, I wish you a lot of fun and inspiration while reading.
Augmented reality combined with social media will be one of the trends in 2024! Why? Because this innovative and creative combination offers companies numerous opportunities that will help them survive in a highly competitive market. But what is augmented reality anyway? A quick inquiry to the GPT co-author leads to the following insight:
Me: Explain from a marketing expert's perspective what augmented reality is and what is the difference between augmented reality and virtual reality?
GPT4: Augmented Reality (AR) adds digital elements to our real world by embedding computer graphics or information into our natural environment. In contrast, Virtual Reality (VR) creates fully digital, immersive environments in which the user is immersed. So while AR is an overlay of virtual elements onto the real world, VR completely replaces physical reality with a digital one. Both technologies offer great opportunities for marketing, as they create unique and interactive experiences that can capture consumer attention and drive brand loyalty.
First of all, augmented reality takes the shopping experience to a whole new level. Imagine you go into a store and want to buy a new pair of shoes. With augmented reality, you have the ability to try on the product virtually without actually having to try it on. That means less time in the store and more time to do other things, and no friendly exchange of athlete's foot spores with others.
But it's not just about saving time. Augmented reality can also help you make purchasing decisions. For example, if you want to buy a new pair of sunglasses, augmented reality lets you try on different models virtually on your face and see how they look. This means you can be sure you're buying the right product and not making a bad purchase.
Another advantage of AR in conjunction with social media is that it creates a highly personalized experience. Companies can use the technology to create personalized offers and advertisements. For example, if you're looking for a new pair of jeans, a brand could create a personalized ad that shows you how the jeans would look on your body. This creates a unique and personalized experience that builds customer loyalty.
However, not only customer loyalty, but also brand loyalty is an advantage of augmented reality in combination with social media. By using augmented reality, businesses can create a unique brand perception. For example, if you create an advertising campaign with augmented reality, your company will be perceived and remembered as innovative because of its modern and unique campaign.
And don't forget: Augmented reality combined with social media is also a great way to attract attention. In a world where everyone is trying to get attention, augmented reality can help you stand out from the crowd. If you create a campaign with augmented reality that gets people talking about it and sharing the experience, your brand will become known faster and may spread like wildfire.
Overall, there are numerous benefits of augmented reality in conjunction with social media for businesses. It enhances the shopping experience, helps with purchasing decisions, creates personalized experiences, promotes customer and brand loyalty, and can help attract attention. If businesses use this technology properly, they will be able to survive in the competitive market and outperform their competitors.
Instagram: Instagram has many features that make it a great channel for using augmented reality. The platform has built-in AR technology that allows companies to present their products in an interactive and engaging way. The different filter functions enhance the effect and can be used brilliantly in a suitable marketing campaign.
Snapchat: Snapchat was one of the first social media channels to use augmented reality, setting the stage for other platforms to use the technology. The platform offers a wide range of AR filters and lenses that can be used by users and brands alike.
Facebook: Facebook has invested more heavily in augmented reality in recent years and now offers a variety of AR features, including AR effects, AR games, and AR ads. These features are well integrated on the platform and offer brands the opportunity to reach their target audience in a unique and engaging way. To what extent the Metaverse will become an additional booster in future remains to be seen.
TikTok: TikTok is one of the fastest growing social media platforms in the SM universe. The platform has a wide range of AR filters and effects that can be used by users and brands. Many businesses, brands, artists, and influencers are using this AR pioneer among social media channels for good reason. TikTok is especially popular with young users and therefore offers a large target group for brands that want to interact with this target group. Especially when it comes to employer branding and social media recruiting, this is the channel of the hour.
Pinterest: Pinterest is a visual social network used by many brands to showcase their ideas. The platform also offers AR features that allow users to view and test products in their environment before buying them.
Each of these channels offer different tools and are suitable for the use of augmented reality in different ways. Companies should therefore consider their goals and their target group in order to select the most suitable channel. Success is achieved when the content that is generated is relevant and attractive to the target group.
Virtual try on: AR offers a great way for customers to virtually try on clothing and accessories before making a purchase. By simply using the camera on their smartphone or tablet, customers can have an item of clothing projected onto them and see how it looks in real time. Not only is this convenient for the customer, but it can also help reduce returns because the customer has already seen the product virtually.
360 degree product views: By using AR, companies can also offer 360-degree views of their products. This means that customers can view the product from any angle before they buy it. This feature is especially useful for complex products like furniture or electronics. It also works perfectly for toys, decor, and event formats.
Interactive advertising: AR can be used for interactive advertising. Companies can add an AR component to their advertising campaigns that allows customers to try out the product or see it in a virtual environment. This increases interaction with the brand and strengthens the brand image.
Exploration of places and landmarks: AR can also be used to explore places and sights. Companies can link their products to virtual places to guide customers to a specific location or landmark. You can show your customers things in their environment that may not exist yet. A highway on Mars? A car made of chocolate? A chair on the moon? A pair of pants? Only your imagination sets the limits here on what you can show your customer via AR. Using augmented reality can help increase awareness of your brand or business and encourage customers to follow you on social media.
AR in internal communication: Companies can distribute info points, processes within the company or even a conversation with the board of directors in the virtual space within their operating sites. This would be a creative way, for example, to engage in conversation with or reach employees from production sites as well.
Whether you choose AR or VR. It's important for your success that you do some homework beforehand. What would that be?
Determine what type of AR experience best fits your organization (corporate identity, values, resources) and your customers.
Develop an AR strategy that integrates with your existing social media marketing strategy.
Make sure the AR experience you offer your customers is user-friendly and easy to use.
Test your AR offering thoroughly and extensively to make sure it works properly on different devices.
Promote your AR offerings through your social media channels to increase visibility and attract customers.
IKEA Place: IKEA developed the IKEA Place app several years ago, which allows users to place virtual furniture in their own homes to see how it would look before actually buying it. This AR feature provides customers with a better shopping experience and increases the likelihood of a purchase. The "regular" IKEA app also features the 3D Room Planner, which offers a similar experience. Here is the link to the explanatory video from IKEA:
L'Oreal: L'Oreal offers the AR app "MakeUp Genius," which allows customers to apply and try virtual makeup before buying products. This feature offers customers a personalized experience and increases purchase readiness. Here is the link to the MakeUp Genius Case Study from McCann Paris:
Converse: Converse had already developed the AR app "The Sampler" in 2010, which allowed users to virtually try on different shoe models. This app enhanced the shopping experience and offered customers a better idea of how the shoes would actually look and fit. Unfortunately, as far as I know, the app is no longer available. Here is the link to one of the sample user videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBQzXi04JpE
Sephora: Sephora developed the AR app "Virtual Artist" in 2016, which allows customers to try out virtual makeup. The app scans the user's face and allows them to try different makeup looks before buying products. This personalized experience, which is instantly shareable via social media, increases purchase intent and customer experience. Here is the link to one of the sample videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFApcSocFDM
Adidas: Adidas has integrated an AR function into its app that allows customers to try on and fit shoes virtually. The app scans the user's foot and allows them to try on different shoe models and colors. This feature enhances the shopping experience and increases the propensity to buy. Here is the link to one of the many sample videos for the app:
Pepsi Max: Pepsi Max launched an AR campaign called "Unbelievable", where passers-by were confronted with unbelievable, bizarre and pretty cool events on the street through AR technology. This campaign was a great success and generated a lot of attention for Pepsi Max. Here is the link to one of the campaign videos on YouTube:
BMW: BMW has integrated an AR function into its app that allows customers to virtually try out the interior and exterior of cars. This function enables customers to have a personalized experience and increases their willingness to buy. In addition, the carmaker uses AR in its vehicles themselves as an additional assistance for the driver.
Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola launched an AR campaign called "Share a Coke" where customers could find their names on personalized bottles. This campaign was enhanced by AR technology, allowing customers to scan the bottles and unlock virtual content on their phones.
Ray-Ban: Ray-Ban has integrated an AR function into its app that allows customers to virtually try out different sunglasses. The app scans the user's face and allows them to try different models and colors. This personalized experience enhances the shopping experience and increases purchase propensity.
Jaguar Land Rover: The automaker has developed an AR app that allows customers to see and personalize their dream cars in 3D. Customers can also share the app on social media to showcase their personal designs.
Timberland: The brand has developed an AR app that allows customers to try out different shoes in AR. The app also offers an interactive map that guides customers to the nearest store.
Lush Cosmetics: The brand has developed an AR app that allows customers to explore products in a virtual environment. Customers can also get information about the products' ingredients and purchase the products through the app.
M&M's: The brand has developed an AR app that allows customers to create a virtual M&M character and share it with others on social media. The app also offers games and activities with the characters.
LEGO: The toy manufacturer has developed an AR app that allows customers to see finished LEGO models in a virtual environment. Customers can also build their own models and present them in the app.
Estée Lauder: The cosmetics brand has developed an AR app that allows customers to try out different lipstick colors. Customers can also share the virtual looks on social media and purchase the products directly through the intuitive designed app.
Nike: The sporting goods manufacturer has developed an AR app that allows customers to personalize their shoes and try out different color combinations. The app also offers a virtual running analysis.
Lufthansa Innovation Hub: The company has developed an augmented reality app that allows travelers to visualize their future seating position on the plane and measure the distance to other passengers and objects.
Snocks: German startup Snocks, which sells socks and underwear, has integrated an AR feature into its mobile app that allows users to determine the size of their socks by pointing their smartphone at their feet.
Assembrix: Assembrix is a German company that develops AR technology for the manufacturing industry. The AR software allows users to visualize and manipulate 3D models of products in the real world to find defects and make improvements.
These and many other companies recognized years ago how augmented reality works and the benefits its use can bring to them and their customers. In conjunction with your own social media channels and the target group-relevant social media strategy, AR can be used to retain customers and reach new target groups in a very creative way. These examples show that AR is not just a gimmick, but can be a powerful tool to improve the shopping experience for your customers and intensify the brand experience. This trend, which has actually been around for years, will become more prevalent over the next few years, especially on social media channels. Additional developments like gamification, more stable data highways and interactive devices will give AR the boost it's been waiting for. Although the use of augmented reality in conjunction with social media can offer many benefits to businesses, there are also some risks that should be considered.
Privacy: When using augmented reality in conjunction with social media, personal data may be collected, such as location data, images, and videos. Companies must ensure that they comply with all privacy policies and that users are informed about what data is collected and how it is used.
Technical issues: Augmented reality apps can have technical issues, such as problems with object recognition or how the app works. Companies need to ensure that their apps are reliable and user-friendly to ensure user interest and satisfaction.
Cost: Augmented reality apps can be expensive to develop, especially when used in conjunction with social media. Companies need to ensure that the cost of developing and maintaining the app is commensurate with the benefits they provide.
Security: Augmented reality apps can also pose security risks for users. Companies need to ensure that their apps are secure and that they do not put users at risk, e.g. by causing unwanted distractions while driving or by exposing location data.
Legal aspects: Companies must ensure that they comply with all legal requirements when using augmented reality in conjunction with social media, such as copyright, trademark, and patent compliance.
User experience: Using augmented reality in conjunction with social media can lead to an overly heavy visual experience unless it is well designed. Companies need to ensure that their apps are intuitive and user-friendly to ensure a positive experience for users.
Audience: Companies need to ensure that their augmented reality apps are relevant to their target audience and that they reach a sufficient number of users to be profitable.
Technological barriers: Using augmented reality in conjunction with social media requires specialized technology skills and devices. Companies must ensure that their apps work on a variety of devices and platforms to reach the largest possible audience.
What questions should you ask yourself before you get started with AR? What homework needs to be done so that investing in augmented reality is not just a financial adventure?
GPT4 gave the following answer to this question:
What is our goal in using augmented reality?
Which target group do we want to reach with our augmented reality application?
What budget do we have available and what resources and manpower do we need to devote to it?
How can we ensure that users can easily and intuitively use our augmented reality application?
How can we ensure that our augmented reality application provides a seamless experience and isn't too slow or buggy?
How can we ensure that our augmented reality application is privacy compliant?
How can we ensure the measurability and success of our augmented reality application?
How can we ensure that our augmented reality application adds value to the user?
How can we ensure that our augmented reality application fits our company's brand image and brand personality?
How can we ensure that we can maintain and update technology over the long term to ensure the best experience for our users?
Augmented reality has to fit you, your company and the target group so that it can be used as a successful marketing tool in the long term. Thinking about this beforehand and answering the questions openly and honestly in the relevant teams can save time and a lot of money. But if there's a chance to try AR, do it!
GPT-4: Here are some steps companies should consider when planning and implementing a successful augmented reality campaign:
Define goals: Identify what you want to achieve with the AR campaign, such as brand awareness, engagement, conversion, or customer experience.
Know your target audience: Understand who your target audience is and what type of AR experience appeals to them.
Create concept: Design a unique and creative concept that fits your brand and the defined goal.
Technology selection: Select the appropriate AR tools and platforms for your campaign.
Prototyping and Testing: Design a prototype of your AR experience and test it thoroughly to identify and fix any bugs.
Integration with overall strategy: Make sure your AR campaign is seamlessly integrated with your overall marketing strategy and brand communications.
Launch the campaign: Start the campaign, actively promote it on your social media channels and motivate to interact.
Community Management: Be prepared to respond to feedback, answer questions, and assist users with technical issues.
Measurement and analytics: Track your campaign's performance, collect and analyze data to measure success.
Optimization and learning: Use the collected insights to optimize and continuously improve your future AR campaigns.
Augmented reality is the future of advertising. It's the next frontier. Michael Kassan, CEO of MediaLink
The quote from Michael Kassan highlights the importance of augmented reality (AR) as the future of advertising and the next pioneering area. It is important for companies to recognize this potential, as AR creates new opportunities for interactive and more immersive brand experiences. By integrating AR into their advertising strategies, companies can capture the attention of their target audience, strengthen brand loyalty, and find innovative ways to showcase products and services. In an ever-evolving digital world, AR can provide a competitive advantage and help companies stand out from the crowd and effectively communicate their messages.
AR will change the way we communicate, work, and play. It will bring digital experiences into the physical world and make the impossible possible. Ori Inbar, co-founder of AWE (Augmented World Expo)
Ori Inbar's quote shows that augmented reality (AR) has the potential to change the way we communicate, work and play. Although AR has already made progress, it is still largely in the development phase. However, we are already seeing some exciting applications of AR in various fields. With further technological advances and wider adoption, AR will undoubtedly have an even greater impact on our daily lives, making the impossible possible. It is both an exciting vision of the future and a steadily growing area that still holds a lot of potential for innovation.
AR is not just a technology, it's a way of thinking. Helen Papagiannis, the world's leading AR expert and author of "Augmented Human: How Technology Is Shaping the New Reality"
Helen Papagiannis' statement emphasizes that AR is more than just a technology, but a way of thinking. The danger is that we focus too much on the technology itself, neglecting the ethical and social implications. A comprehensive AR mindset requires critical reflection on data protection, privacy, social implications, and potential misuse. It is important that we act responsibly in the development and application of AR technologies and ensure that they are used for the benefit of society and not to its detriment.
Here are some book and reading recommendations if you would like to delve further into this topic.
HBR's 10 Must Reads on AI, Analytics, and the New Machine Age (with bonus article "Why Every Company Needs an Augmented Reality Strategy") by Michael E. Porter and James E. Heppelmann, 15. January 2019.
The Ethics of Virtual and Augmented Reality: Building Worlds (Routledge Research in Applied Ethics) by Erick Jose Ramirez, 24. January 2024.
Hello Avatar: Rise of the Networked Generation byB. Coleman und Clay Shirky, 13. January 2024.
Virtual Natives: How a New Generation is Revolutionizing the Future of Work, Play, and Culture (English Edition) by Catherine D. Henry und Leslie Shannon, 6. September 2023.
Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR): Foundations and Methods of Extended Realities (XR) by Ralf Doerner, Wolfgang Broll, 13. January, 2022.
Imagine you're sitting on your sofa, about to watch a movie, and you start scrolling through your phone, bored. Suddenly, your finger gets stuck on a video. You see a dog riding a skateboard to sassy beats while wearing sunglasses. You click on the approving heart, swipe to get to the next clip, and the next, and the next, and before you know it, you're two hours into a world of short, entertaining videos about dogs, skateboards, or other fun snapshots - welcome to the infinitely scrollable world of TikTok!
What is it about these short vertical clips that captivates us so much? What effect do TikToks, clips, and reels have on our media consumption patterns? In this chapter, we'll explore how short videos like those found on TikTok and other social media are changing our attention spans and the impact that has on us and our society. But we will also shed light on what opportunities and possibilities this presents for companies and how they might need to rethink their current ideas about image, product and advertising videos.
Short videos on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram are so successful for several reasons. First, they fit perfectly with today's content consumption patterns, which are increasingly focused on quick, entertaining, and visually appealing posts. By limiting the length to about 60 seconds or less, users can be informed, picked up, and entertained quickly and effectively without having to invest too much time.