Telepathy for Advanced Learners - Harry Eilenstein - E-Book

Telepathy for Advanced Learners E-Book

Harry Eilenstein



In "Telepathy for Beginners" telepathy itself has been described - how to prove its existence and how it works. "Telepathy for Advanced" is about how to gain a higher degree of reliability in telepathic perceptions and how to use them consciously in one's own life. While in "Telepathy for Beginners" only general experiments have been presented, with which one can prove telepathy and understand its functioning, in this volume there are more extensive considerations as well as experiments and meditations, which make it possible to further develop one's own telepathic abilities and to see them in larger contexts.

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Table of Contents

Resolution and Help

Advanced telepathy

The request for help

The Telepathy Model

The model from "Telepathy for Beginners"

One's own model

The "Language" of Telepathy

The "atoms" and "molecules" of telepathy

One's own "language of the moon"

The "Telepathy L eve l"

Structure and dynamics

One's own mythology

Contact and Analogy

The "telepathic environment"

One's own "telepathic environment"

Conscious and Unconscious Telepathy


Trust and responsibility

The Freely Available Information

Models of the "big picture"

A dream journey on the Cabbalistic Tree of Life

A step-by-step meditation

Consciousness and matter

The Use of the "Telepathy Level"

The use of telepathy on a large scale

One's own way of life

The History of Telepathy

From the Stone Age until today

One's own development

Forms of Telepathy



Perception an d Ac tion


Sorcerer's apprentice

The First Step

The step-way

One's own way

The Original Disere

The resolution ritual

The actual wish

Book List

1. Resolution and Help

1. a) Advanced telepathy

In "Telepathy for Beginners" telepathy itself has been described – how to prove its existence and how it works.

"Telepathy for Advanced" is about how to gain a higher degree of reliability in telepathic perceptions and how to use them consciously in one's own life.

While in "Telepathy for Beginners" only general experiments were presented, with which one can prove telepathy and understand its functioning, in this volume individual experiments and exercises are found, which make it possible to develop one's own telepathic abilities.

1. b) The request for help

Every change begins with the decision to make that change. A solid decision usually has a high degree of clarity: one knows why one decides to do something. This does not mean that one knows many details about the motivation and the planned course of action, but it does mean that the resolution has roots in one's own truth, that it is an expression of who one is at one's core.

The motivation for this resolution need not be a lofty goal such as the redemption of the world from all evil – a lively curiosity about one's own possibilities is quite sufficient.

It is also beneficial if one has an idea of what one wants to do for the achievement of the goal to which the resolution refers – in this case, what one wants to do for the further development of one's own telepathic abilities. Even these ideas do not have to be worked out in detail, but a certain clarity is helpful.

The considerations in "Telepathy for Beginners" have shown that a single telepathic perception is one thread in a large, interconnected "telepathic web" that links all things together.

It is therefore seems natuaral to use this "telepathic fabric" for the further development of one's own telepathic abilities. The procedure for this is quite simple: one telepathically sends out an invitation to all conducive circumstances.

Such an invitation is most effective when it is made within the framework of a simple ritual. Of course, this does not mean that one has to build a temple or erect a stone circle and wear long robes. A ritual can be very simple and is simply an effective way to send a telepathic message.

Such a ritual contains several elements:

Is there a time that particularly suits one's intention? If so, the ritual should be performed at that time.

Another good date is full moon, because on this day there is a greater tension than usual – which you can use as an impetus for your own intention.

However, the success of the resolution does not depend on choosing a "right time". The right time can also simply be "Now!".

Is there a place that fits particularly well to your own project? For example, I have a round flokati rug on which I meditate and which I place first on the sweat lodge frame for all the sweat lodges I lead, and which I also use for family constellations and the like. This is my "proper place" in most cases.

The right place can also be a clearing in the forest, a small chapel or simply one's own living room.

Which words express your intention best? They don't have to be perfect, they don't have to be pre-determined, but a little reflection on one's motivation will promote accuracy and thus effectiveness of the words in one's resolution ritual.

Are there gestures that can describe the intention? This can be a raising of the arms (contact with the gods), a gesture of receiving (generally very helpful …), a determined stamping of the feet (will), a pouring of water (letting go), eating a fruit (being nourished) and many other things – the gestures possibly used depend on what one wants to achieve.

Is there a certain clothing that fits to it? This is not an important point, but if there is something suitable, you can wear it at this time.

Is the motivation clear? Sometimes one desires something as a substitute for something else or as a tool to achieve something else.

One sometimes eats a piece of cake because one is lonely – one is lonely because one has separated – one has separated because one has been angry – one has been angry because another person has hurt one – the other person has been able to hurt one because one has not yet healed an old wound … Wishing for a piece of cake is not the most effective resolution in this case …

You might also wish for a car, because it would be faster to get to your girlfriend who lives three towns away. In such a case, it might be helpful to ask yourself why your girlfriend lives so far away and how it would feel if she lived only three houses away.

A clear motivation is the most important thing in a ritual, because the effect of the ritually expressed wish will reflect the motivation – including its clarity or ambiguity.

Only the fulfillment of a wish that is close to one's heart, that is, close to one's truth, makes one really happy. What does the piece of cake help, if one is actually already full? And what good is a car when your girlfriend moves to America three days later? It is important to look for the root of the desires.

This root does not have to be deep and earth-shattering, but simply honest. If you would like to have an ice cream right now, but you don't have any money with you, you can go ahead and wish for an ice cream – see what happens …

Finally, there is another important aspect of ritual wishing: a witness. If you only think something, it remains inside you; if you say it aloud, it is already a little more outside; if you say it in front of a witness, you cannot take it back and it is anchored in the world.

If it suits the resolution, one can perform such a resolution ritual – simply because such a ritual is effective. However, this does not at all mean that only such ritually expressed wishes are effective: If a wish has ripened and one inwardly wishes something all at once on a ride in the subway without any restrictions and without any "ifs and buts", this wish will have a great effect.

The ritual form of wishing is ultimately only a concentration aid … but one that can be quite useful.

If one has come to the conclusion that one wants to learn telepathy, one can consider making such a ritual resolution.

The effect of such a ritual decision cannot be predicted – you may meet someone who also wants to explore telepathy; you may find a book that helps you; you may often find yourself in situations where you need telepathy; you may simply experience telepathy all the time …

You can also look at what you want to do yourself to develop your own telepathic abilities: Doing dream journeys, doing chakra meditations, searching for lost things in a telepathic way … there are many possibilities …

2. The Telepathy Model

2. a) The model from "Telepathy for Beginners

In the first volume telepathy has been described as a single thread in a big whole.

The "place" from which telepathy emanates is the astral body, the substance of which can be called "life force" – simply to have a practical term with which to describe telepathic processes and the like.

This "place" is usually unconscious, so a monitor (pendulum, tarot cards, etc.) can be helpful. Learning telepathy consists essentially of becoming aware of telepathic perceptions (which are already there all the time).

Telepathy is closely related to telekinesis, i.e. "moving by thought", and also to homeopathy and magic.

One can call the level on which the astral body is located and on which telepathy and also telekinesis take place, "astral level" or also "life force level". "Collective subconsciousness" is also a suitable term.

One's own part in this plane is the astral body, which is the part of one's being that "sees telepathically" and that "acts telekinetically".

2. b) One's own model

It is helpful to look at other people's experiments, findings and formulations, but it is equally helpful to then look for one's own description that corresponds to one's own language and world view and expresses one's own experiences and findings.